Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 03, 1899, Image 7

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mipt to Break Through
American Linos.
Threatened to Ontti plli Their
of llealriiiilliiii lit Manila
)onrnl OtU' Oritur.
, Foil, ao. nun tiayiigm
inarnliiu tint unuiiiy comniuncod
witg tactics ut various purls of tliu,
rican linn, apparently wr ino pur
5f withdrawing attention from
jLln tlm nlty. An attempt wiih
riiHh through our extreme left
jjalociin, hut It wiih promptly
chocked liy n lift mid ulTootivo niiiHkutry
otjUMtlllury lint.
aiSltliu meantime hiiiiiII bod ion o(
owtovidontly boiiio ol those engaged
fcjntSfHIglit in tlio cowardly work at
frdnilo? spread out hotweon tlio olty
frn3UMl outpontH. Every available
WM Hunt to drivo tliinii away, with
result that there wan desultory
all tlio morning.
groin H until JU:iU A. M., tlio
rnoniior itioridanooK joined ino engage-
cnfV huiling 10-inch hIiuIIh ovor tlio
rATali7jonn linos into hodleH of tlio on
!ctriyjag indloatud liy tlio signal oorpH.
11 o clock tlioro wuro Hliiup on-
pgbiiiontB at tlio Chinese cemetery
rzffeiTC't is.... li. ..I... f .1 ..I...,.-. .1.
uiiiikuii mill uiiiii iunuiiiif iiimwnb ni-
muTtaiiL'oiiHly, hut tlio artillery II ro
Jm both poHitioiin drovo tlio uuoiny
torn tbo high towers of tlio cltr,
flrotxan bo seen burning at diflururit
IfiOima outside, boino or thosu ato
rabsbly duo to tlio Monduiioek's
ItlJI currently reported tbat tlio nn
sTlinvo threatened to bum tlio Ea-
aw ml tlio walled oltv tonight.
:0I0S of robots liavo been arrested
Toii'lo district. A baud of 00
Binning two carloads of anna and
uTromcnta was captured In a house.
n08i s toinporarily suspended.
oral OiiH today issued a general
directing all tlio liiliabitaiitH of
n, until otherwise ordered, to
no tllCIUHOlVL'H tO tllUil llOllieH III-
Tjro'olock In tbo evening, when tbo
fltrcota will ho clou red by tlio polico.
KBpMgenoral also warns incendiaries
:andMeayH they will bo severely dealt
Extraordinary precautions bavo been
akonj for tbo suppression of further
rouble, which is threatened to take
ncojlii tbo city tonight.
ro lniH burned in tbo Tondo (lis
SriEtrnll ly.
iTlio robola between tbo city and tlio
outposts aro being Hinoked out this nf-
tcrnoon. and driven toward tbo beach.
Sharpshooters at various partH of tbo
lineTaro veiy annoying, but other wiso
.tiietoihas been no further excitement
fllnoojtlio frustration of tbo morning's
eutonnnt Eugcno 8. French, com-
pflnWL, I-irHt Montana volunteers, and
Jito Oecar Folton. South Dakota
untccrs, wuro killed, and two other
axotuns wuro wounded
to IIb From tlio
tUeumer 1'nllcMii.
Brt Townaond. Wash., Feb. 25.
iffifiut ifl tbniiL'lit to bo wreokiiL-e from
steamship Pelican, which Bailed
ttlo October 12, 1807, for
North China, laden with rail-
lumber and ties, and of which
jjm&iiik' has been Hiuco heard, hag boon
reported to tlio local hydrographio olllco
liyiyaptain A. V. Brown, of tho Brit
Sjunbark Collingrovo, which arrived at
ghWHlinl. .lanuary 8, Captain Drown
wgQln latitutdo 20 degrees 80 miiiutoa
gonn, longitudo 127 degrees -10 min
Kits! oast, ha passed throueli a latwn
or or railroad Bleopora of Oregon
which had tho appearance of not
B boon in tbo waturnitioat lonuth
imo. 'Iho outoins bouso records
that all vobhoIh laden with rail
lumber and tloa for tho Orient for
past 18 months huvo arrived at
Flfo Whii Not Acillilltrd.
Bp Franoisco, Fob. 25. Thostcamor
of I'okiiiB, which arrived today
tho Orlont briii(8 tho followiiiR
to tlio proaa from Manila, datod
nuary 20:.
bo flndinBS of tlio court-martini
latt triod L onntonant.Colnnul Fifn.
Sjm Waahington rcBimont, hnvo been
Mnfluncod. Ho was convictod ol
WiOgloctof duty and conduct projif
'jrahl to good ordor and military dia
ilmliio,M In Ivolation of tho OSdui tiolo
jpgar. Tho aontonco is ono month's
ygponslon from rank, in addition to
Wj confinement inflictod duriiiB bia
UJm wooke of arroat and losa of ono
mfloth'a nay. &260. Tb
liiat ljim was dobauohory on tho i!OV-
OTniont tranaport Valoncla in Manila
por oa ThankBgivlng ovouing.
floinuz Itoiiuhvi nriirhiiiii.
larlanu, Provinco of Havana, Fob.
-vaonoiai Maximo Gomoz loft
jnoa nt 2:80 this aftornoon, and ia
at juarlana. Thia ovoning ho
I at n banquot tondorod by tho town
?o last, oaoopt that to bo uivon in
yana, of a long sorloa of auch ontor-
Jnltml Htntim Hnniltn I'miiii ths Jtlrnr
mid lliirlior Jllll.
WaMhlngton. Feb. 27. After a bos.
ilon of nearly oiubt bourn today, tbo
lenato, this ovenini;, nt fl:!i0 o'clock,
paNHod tho river and harbor bill by tbo
duulslvo vote of CO to 1). The meuHiin,
was under consideration throughout tallied tho point of order raised against
tho day, and on several of tho commit- , tho amendment offered by Underwood
too amendments u determined fight wiih to appropriato f 1,000,000 (or tho con
made, hut In every instance tho oppnsi- struction of a govornmont armor plant,
tion availed nothing. Tbo sharpest This proposed amendment was the oc
contest arose ovor tbo Nicaragua canal oasion of a long debate. I'lnallv an
bill amondmont. A point of order
was made against It that it was general
legislation, but tbo tmualo, to which
tho vice-president submitted the point,
overruled it.
Among tbo bills punned by tbo senate
todar woro the following: Authoriz
ing tho legislative assembly of the ter
ritory of Now Mexico to create an ad
ditional IndobtodnoHK for the comple
tion and furnishing of the territorial
capitol; authorizing a rosurwoy of cer
tain lands in Chuyouno county, Ne
braska. In tlm llouan.
Tbo army appropriation bill today
was lost Bight of in Iho general discus
bIoii of tho policy of tho government
relative to tho Philippines, and sev
eral notable speeches woro made, es
pecially that of Buttle. General debate
mi tho hill closed today, and tomorrow
tho bill will bo taken up for amend
ment under tho flve-miuuto rule.
A sensational feature of tho day was
tho speech of Johnson, of Indiana,
who a fortnight ago made sovora! nota
ble speeches violently attacking tbo
policy of the administration during tbo
consideration of tbo army reorganiza
tion bill, returned to tho assault, and
delivered against tbo president ami
louio of his advisers the most scathing
philippic beard in tbo house fur
months. Ho sneered at tbo president
and tbo influences which bo alleged
controlled him. impugned his motives,
questioned his sincerity and likened
him to Dickons' most contomptiolc
character, charged tbo secretary of war
with incompetency, and predicted tbat
the president would in tbo end bo en
gulfed by adverse public sentiment.
Iho discussion of tills me.aeuro occu
plod nearly tbo entire day.
The Cullilll Ominrul Itrcnlved With Mil
tury llonora.
Havana. Fob. 27. Tbo festivities
today in honor of tho fourth anniver
sary of tbo beginning of tlio Cuban
Btrugglo for independence wcro moat
spontaneous ami wildly enthusiastic
Uunoral Gomez arrived on tbo edip
of tbo town from Mariana at 12:3012".
Al., uscortrd by tbo h'econd lllijuitii
band and three battalion. These bat
talions then relumed to thuir camp
and did not ontor tbo city.
Wlion Ooiuez passed, the crowd wont
wild with vivas, hats woro flung in
tho air and wmuon eboworod (lowers
on all sides. Tho procession stopped
frequently, ovontually filing into tho
main strecti of the city, passing Con
tral Park and arriving at 2:80 o'olock
at tho palaco.
Thore wero many floats expressing
tho friendship between tho United
States and Cuba. A bandsomo car
riago, containing ladles, and decoratod
with largu Spanish, Amorican and Cu
ban flags, draped together with whito
ribbons and bearing tbo legend,
Unity, Peace and Concord," waa vo
oiferously cheered. Still another (loat
represented a Cuban woman holding an
American flag, with tho shattered
crown of Spain at her feet.
No fewer than 25,000 people woro in
line, requiring three hours to pass
given point. Tho horaoa of tbo Cuban
cavalry aro norawny and ill-fed, and
the cavalrymen aro clad in vaguo Cu
ban uuifoims. All curried Beniington
carbines, with nondescript bundles of
clothing and bedding, Tboy marched
in lines of twos. Tho infantry occa
sionally kopt atop, and na they passed
tho palaco, proseutod arms. MoBt of
them carried Cuban (lags stuck In their
ri lies.
AlTnln in Smiinn.
Vanconvor, B. 0., Fob. 27. Accord
fug to Samoan advices in Sydnoy nows
papers brought by tho steamer Mlo
wera, an interview waa had with Ma-
tiafa in Jt is camp aftor tho battle by
n roporter, who learned that Mataafa
waa onually avorso with Maliotoa to
seeing tho islands undor Gorman con
trol. Mataafa in his attack on Malio
ton's forces was anxious not to hurt tho
bodies or injure tho foollnga of any
white persons. Tho intoiviewor adds
that it apnoarod to him that Mataafa
was holng urgod on against his por
Bonal wishes to fight.
Downy Wnnta the Orncon.
Washington, Feb. 27. Tho follow-
iuc dispatch has beon received at tho
nnvy dopartmont from Dowovs
Maniln. Jtob. 27. For political roa-
Bona the Oregon should bo sent hero at
onco. Tlio xorKtown lias arrivou. mo
Charleston and Petrol aro oruising
around tho Philipplno Islands. Allaire
oio quiot.
Tho navy dopartmont oxpocts tlio
Oregon to arrive at Manila March 10.
llolnforooinoiita Arrive nt Mnulln.
Manila, Fob. 27. Tho transport
Gcandia. with tlio Twentieth infantry
on board, has arrived hero from San
Francisco, and tho troops aro boing
Iloiiin Ornrroiln Mm Uommlttoo
VVaBhlngton, Fob. 25. At 1:45 P.
M. tho houHo went Into committee of
tho whole, and resumed tho considera
tion of tbo naval appropriation bill.
Hborman, who was in tbo chair, huh-
amendment was adopted fixing tbo
price of armor plato at f 1 15 per ton.
Tbo bill was then roported to tbo
bouso. Reparato voton were demanded
by lioutollo upon the naval academy
and armorplato amendments, both of
which woro carried, tho former by 81
to 70, tho latter by 180 to 68.
In tlm Hnnntn.
In tho senate a bill permitting vol
unteer regiments to retain their colors,
and to deposit them in state capitals,
was passed. A senate bill was passed j
providing lor erection ol fences and
buildings al Tongue river Indian
agency. Then tbo river and harbor
bill was taken up. At 5:15 P. M. tbo
ricr and harbor bill was laid aside, 88
pages having been completed.
After a brief executive session tho
reading of tbo Alaska bill was resumed
in open Reesiou, an agreement being
reached tbat no other busiensa should
bo transacted.
ISnttlnahl;, Itnnclipil tho lalnnda I'd)
rimrr 0-Hinilo Itnpiilra to lie Miulo.
Han Francisco, Feb. 25. Tbo steam
er City of Peking arrived today from
tbo Orient via Honolulu and brings
tbo following advices, tinder dato of
February 10:
Warships and transports of tho Unit
ed States bavo been well represented
at tho port during tbo past 10 days.
At this time both tho Oregon and tho
Phildelphia aro here, besides tho ten
dors Iris and Seindia. Tbo transports
Morgan City, Ohio and Senator all ar
lived pafcly, and, aftor taking on coal
and supplies, tbo three left again for
the voyage to Manila.
Tbo battle-ship Oregon arrived on
the fith from Callao with all well on
board. On tho way over she stopped
two days at Galapagos island for coal.
Tho big vessel is anchored in tho road
stead hero, and will not come inside of
tho harbor. Tho Oregon is likoly to
romain hero two or three weeks. Tbo
Honolulu iron works is engaged in
some repairs for her, which will tako
at least 10 days to complote.
The colliers Sciudia and Iris rcacliodi
boro on tho 11th inst. Tbo Soindirr
will probably return to San Franoisco
from horn to niako repairs instead of
going to Manila with the Oregon. Tho
Iris has takon on 1,000 tons of coal and
will bo both collier and water distilling
consort to tbo Oregon from boro to
Tlier Woro No DUturbnnoei, n Win
PoriB, Feb. 25. Tho remains of tho
lato President Fame woro laid to test
in tho cemetery of Pore la Chaiso with
military honors. President Loubet,
army and government olllcials, mem
bora of all foreign missions, tbo papal
nuncio and other distinguished per
sons took part in the procession to
Notro Damo cathedral, where tho cere
monies took place.
Tho stroots along the route to tbo
church woro lined with soldiers, back
of whom surgod many thousands of
spectators. At times tliero woie shouts
of "Vivo la armio," but nothing was
said to Lou bet.
At tho conclusion of tbo ceremonies
at tho cathedral, tho pro';ossion, with
tho remains, proceoded to tho como-
tery. Tbo wbolo way was traversed
without unpleasant incident. Th
military and polico nrraugomout wor
A Compromlin Mraaitr llua limn
Acreml Upon.
Washington, Fob. 25. Tho admint
istratiou and its representatives in coiw
gross have readied agroomom with tbo
minority in congress respecting tho
army reorganization bill, which, it ia
beliovod, wilt bo satiafactoiy to all
interests. It ia piobablo that the for
mal ratification of the agreement bo
twoon tho majority and minority will
bo had today.
Tho compromise is hasod on an army
of 100,000 of which 35,000 will be
known as tho provisional army, and
will bo onlistod to sorvo until 1001.
Tho presidont this morning had a
conference with Senators Allison, Haw-
loy, Piatt (Conn.), Hanua, Spoonor
and Cartor on tho compromise. It is
boliovod that the agreement roacbed re
moves nearly all dungur of au extra
Swopt by llllzznrda.
Omaha, Nob., Fob. 25. A furious
snow storm is raging throughout Ne
braska. In Omaha u tcrritlu wind nc
companlos tho snow, but in tho stato
thero is not so much wind, and tho in
dications aro that the fall will bo quito
bononcial to stoak and wintor wbont.
Several inches of snow have fallen.
Reports from various towns in Kansas
show that a blizzard is raging iu that
it la Hnld Mm lliirlliiRlnii Will KxtoriU
It J. I no Witwnr: Till
According to tbo Phlllipsburg,
Mont., Mall, tbo Uurllngton road will
be among the first to commence extend
ing its lino to a Pacific coast port. Tho
Turlington will extend Its lino further
westward this summer, and report has
it that operations will bo commenced
in tho Hpring by tbo Burlington Com
pany to extend its line from Billings to
Butto and Anaconda by way of Liv
ingston, and from Anaconda tbo pro
posed routo will touch Philipaburg and
tbo Bitter Boot Valloy, and will ter
minate at Portland.
Now Or.inlto DlicoTorr.
A large quantity of granito excollont
for monumental purposes waa located
recently in the Niles & Vinson marblo
mines near Joseph, Or. Sorno threo
acres are exposed to view, containing
fine salt and pepper gray color cranitc.
clear from rust and blemishes, and sus
ceptible of a high polish. Consider
ing high freights and that nearly all
the monumental granito ia shipped to
tins coast from Boston and row York
tbo impotranco of this discovory means
much lor Oregon, Washington and
Ornion Itodwooil Poreat.
A. J. Johnson, tho forestry man ot
Oregon, has recently returned from a
month's trip along tho Oregon coast
inspecting tho forestry conditions of
that locality. In addition to other dis
coveries, bo Bays bo found a nurnbe
of (ino redwood forests in Oregon, at
least 10 miles this Bido of tho Galifor
nia line. For a long time it has been
claimed tbat no redwood could bo
found in Oregon. Mr. Johnson's dis
covety puts uu end to all doubt along
this hue.
Diuieeroiia Subatltuto for a Knlfo.
Bocently a daughter of Thomas
Payne, residing across tho Willamette
from Albany, Or., wont up in bo garrot
of tbo bouso with a lamp after a ropo
tbat she wanted. So having a knife
alio burned tbo ropo off with tho lamp
and took it down stairs, but tlio end of
tbo rope left did not stop burning, and
spread into tbo roof. A neighbor dis
covered tho lire, and it was oxtin
guisbed after some work, but not until
it bud burned quite a hole in the roof,
Trice of Hay.
Washington hay now bringa from $5
to $0 per ton, tbo low prico being duo
to tbo largo arii6uut of hay on band
Last year many commission men specu
lated, believing thero would bo an im
mouse demand for hay in Alaska dur
inu tho construction of the Stickeen
river railroad, purchased all of this pro
duct they could mid. ino road was
not built, and consequently no demand
for tbo bay oocurred.
PrunegroTTnra Consolidate.
Tho proposed Pacific Coast Fruit Aa
sooiation was made an actual fact at a
lecent meeting held at San Jose, when
orcbardists representing 8,431 acres of
fruit signed the roll and agreed to turn
the handling of their crop ovor to tho
association. Each takes one share in
tbo aassooiation, which ia capitalized
at $1,000,000, divided into 100,000
shares of tho par valuo of $10 each.
I.oit Firty Head or Shexp.
Tho Johnson Bros., of John Day, Or.
lost about 50 head of sheep below Day
vine recently. Iho sheep vfore on a
bar between two channels of the rivor,
and when tbo ice broke up, causing
the water to rise, the bar was over
flowed and 8,200 sheop woro in danger
of drowning. By heroic efforts all of
tbo sheep, with tho exception of about
50 head, wore safely piloted across.
Muat Sitrve Out Bentnnee,
A. J. Symes, convicted of man
slaughter for the killing of Louis Con
leo, in Adnma county. Wash., in 1804,
will soon return to tho penitontiary at
Walla Walla, to servo out bis Ben
tenco of 18 years, less credits. Tho
remittitur has arrivod in Colfax from
tho supremo court, and it directs tho
carrying out of the sentence of the bu
perior court.
l'lirchiiaed n M'reck.
The Portland roller mills, reprosent
cd by N. Edward Ayres, baa purchased
the remainder of tbo wrecked ship
Glonmorag, purposing to ship tho steel
and iron to Portland and work it up
into burs of various sizoa and shapes.
It is estimated that thero is from 750
to 1,000 tons of old iron still ou the
Klllnd a Hear With an Axe.
Sol Labrandt, noar Nooksaok,Vash.,
killed a largo beat with un ax during
tho -cold woatbor. Tho bear was in a
hollow stump, and Mr. Labrandt took
good caro to keep it from coming out,
hitting tho bear on tbo head evory
timo it stuck its head out until ho
killed it.
Jury llroke tho Iteoord.
Tho record for faat jury work wo
broken In tho superior court, in Colfax,
laat wook, when a jury heard two caaoa
and rendered verdiots in less than 20
uiinutoa. Both woro civil cases.
Married Sixty Year.
The OOtli wedding anniversary of
Mr, and Mrs. Abraham P. McGrow
waa colobratod at Weston, Ox., with a
largo publlo gnthoriuc In Mnsouio hall.
Ooocl rrlco for t'nttlfi.
Johhn Tait, ono of tho farmors of
t!roswell precinct, In Lano county. Or.,
has sold 40 head of cattle, which ho
had been stall feeding. Tho cattle
avoraged 1,180 pounds, and would bavo
touched tbo 1,200 mark except for
ono 2-year-old Jersey in tho liunch.
They wero sold for 4 cents n pound
fioss, netting Mr. Tait $1,002.40, an
average of $47.50 a head.
An Ori'E"" (Ink.
A mammoth oak tree was recently
cut down on Mr. J. Christie's farm,
fix miles below Grants Pass, Or. Tbo
treo was seven feet fonr inches in
diameter, and cut up into 55 tiers of
stove wood. The first ten cuts ofT thia
tree made a tier each. At tbo present
price being paid for wood, this singlo
tree would bring in $82.50.
linrlxd In it Cave-In.
By the cave in of a ditch at tbo Lion
ranch, neat Gilroy, Oa!., recenly,
Patrick Daly was buried alivo and in
trying to rescuo him, James Fitzgerald
and Georgo Bentloy wero caught in a
second landslide and woro buried be
neath 17 feet of earth. It will take
10 hours' work to recover tho bodies.
Itr.ult or Hard Ilrlnklnc.
Dan McDonald, a longshoreman, 00
years old, was found dead in his cabin
in Old Tacoma. He had been a hard
drinker, and for tho last few weeks
bad been sick. Ho went to sleep as
usual with his partner, in a bed in tho
same room. The next morning tbo
old man was found lifelesa.
Illchbliidnr Murder.
As a result of the war of tho tongs,
Pong Hung was shot and killed on Du
pont street, San Franoisco, a few days
ago, by Way Yung Hung, a Chinese
tailor, after six shots had been ex
changed. Hung, tbo survivor, was
shot iu both hands.
1'ortlaiKl Market.
Wheat Walla Walla, 50c: Valley,
00c; Bluestem, Glc por bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham,
$2.05; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choico white, 4l42c; choice
gray, 39 40c per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $2122; brow
ing, $23.00 per ton.
MillatufTs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $10.00
por ton.
Hay Timothy. $8fl; clover. $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $0 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 50 55c;
sccondB, 4550c; dairy. 4045c store,
26 30c.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 12c;
Young America, 15c; new cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $34
per dozen; liens, $4. 00 5. 00; springs,
$1.253; geese, $0.007.00 for old.
$4.505 for young; ducks. $5.00
5.50 per dozen; turkeys, live, 15
10c per pound.
Potatoes 75 85c per Back; sweets,
2c per pound. ,
Vegetables Beets, 00c; turnips, 75c
per sack; garlic, 7o por pound; cab
bage, $1 1.25 per 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75c per dozen; parsnips, 75c
per sack; beans, 3c per pound; celery
70 75c per dozen; cucumbers, 60c per
box; peas, 33c per pound.
Onions Oregon, 75c $1 por Back.
Hops 1518o; 1807 crop, 40c.
Wool Valley, 1012o per pound;
Eastern Oregon, 812c; mohair.
20c per pound.
Mutton Gross, best aheep, wethers
and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton, 7c;
spring lambs, 7Kc per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.26;
light and feeders, $2.503.00; dressed,
$5.005.50 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 8.50$3.75;
cows, $2. 50 3. 00; dressed beof,
60c per pound.
Veal Largo, 0f7c; small, 89c
per pound.
Seattle Market!.
Onions, 80o$1.10 per 100 pounds.
Potatoes, $1820.
Beets, per saok, 75c.
Turnips, per sack, 50 75c.
Carrots, per sack, 45 65c.
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Cauliflower, 75$1.00o por doz.
Celery, 3540o.
Cabbage, native and California
$1.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, S550c per box.
Pears, 60c$1.50 por box.
Prunes, 60c per box.
Buttor Creamory, 20o per pound;
dairy and ranch, 1520o per pound.
Eggs, 18 10c
Cheese Native, 1212c.
Poultry Old liens, 14a per pound;
pring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 10c.
Fresh moats Choico dreased beef
steers, primo, 8c; cows, prime,
7c; mutton, 8Jc; pork, 7o; veal, 08o.
Wheat Feed wheat. $20.
Oats Choice, per ton, $28.
Hay Puget Sound mixed, $7.60
9; choico Eastern Washington tim
othy, $12.6018.
Corn Whole, $23.50; cracked, $24;
food meal, $23.50.
Barley Itollod or ground, per ton,,
f$2520; whole, $23.
Flour Patont, per barrel, $3.50;
straights, $3.25; California brnnds,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham,
per barrel, $3.00; whole wheat flour.
$8.76; ryo flour, $4.60.
MillBtufTa Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, por ton, $15.
Feed Cboppod loed, $20 33 per
ton; middlings, por ton, $17; oil cako
meal, uer ton, $35.