Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 03, 1899, Image 2

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    St. Jacobs Oil cures Rheumatism.
St. Jnooba Oil curea Neuralgia.
Bt. Jacobs Oil cures Lumbago.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Sciatica.
8t. Jacobs Oil euros Sprains.
St. Jacobs Oil cures UruUes.
St. Jacobs Oil euros Soreness.
St. Jacobs Oil cuius Stillness.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Uackaelie.
St. Jacobs Oil cures Muscular aches.
Dickens Wnitu Mt.
Among novelists the palm for tlio
gieateat quantity of writing, eo (ar as
mote amount is concerned, is generally
conceded to Charles Dickens.
! Labor i
t Buys the
1 Sweetest Sleep
But for insomnia or sleep
lessness, and that unnat
ural weakness and weari
ness of mind, body, nerve
and muscle, a reliable tonic
is needed, like Hood's Sar
saparilla, which gives
sweet, refreshing sleep and
overcomes that tired feel
ing. It has the endorse
ment of millions as the
best medicine money can
buy. Take only Hood's.
A woman would never think of sing
ing in a street car, but men apparently
have no hesitation in giving vent to
their feelings in merry whistling in
such a public place.
With local applications, as tbey cannot reach
the seat ol the disease. Catarrh is a blood or
constitutional dlseaEC.and in order to cure it
yon must take Internal remedies. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is taken internally, and actsdirectly
on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was
prescribed by one of the best physicians in this
country (or years, and is a regular prescription.
It is composed o( the best tonics known, com
bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di
rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect
combination of the two ingredients H what pro
duces snch wonderful results in curing catarrh.
Send for testimonials free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Proprs., Toledo, 0.
Sold by druirgists, price 75c.
Halls Family Pills are the best.
A West African king is the owner of
an umbrella which measures six yaids
in diameter and affords shade for a
table with 30 diners.
A battery of modern German artil
lery, using the new quick-firing guns
recently supplied to them, can fire CO
shots a minute at a range of over five
For Mills, Mines. Shops and Farms;6teel Log
ging and Hoisting Engines; Hoe Chisel
Tooth Saws, Albany Grease, etc.
27 to 35 First Street Portland, Or.
Zl-X Fremont Street, Sail Francisco.
Relief at Last
Praised by thousands or
satisfied ladles as safe, al
ways reliable and without
au equal. Ask druggist for
Dr. Martel's French Female
Pills in metal box with
nnnnn (nn In Ttlnm
White and Red. Insist on baring the genuine.
f n 1 1 1 EI I u r rr urn c ii. mui icu nu.i.uinum .'uu
letter with testimonials and particulars. Address.
FRENCH DRUG CO.. 381 and 383 Peatl St., N.Y.
Take the impurity out of your blood. Make
new, rich blood with
Contains no alcohol or spirits of any kind; no
mineral. It's easy and pleasant to take, 1
per bottle at your druggist's.
We guarantee to fit every case we undertake.
Doc"t put It off; wrlto for particulars at once.
J. II. WOODAKI) Ss CO., Expert Truss
fitters, 103 Second Street, Portland, Or.
Ouf flem Calendar Wateh
FOR 1899.
Gives the time, day, date, month and changes
of the moon. llancUome, accurate, durable.
If you are a good agent wrlto us immediately
for particulars and our specinl bicycle premium
Temple Court, Spokane, Wash,
ttTiiTi N( il'llei brodace moisture and esue turning.
This form, as well as Blind, Illevdiu- or Protruding
Plies are curea w ur. uosmnKos r-no rcomcay
Htopa itching and blwrtlng. Abort tumors. JMjo
Jar at druggisU orient hmall. Treatise free. Write
me about jour ease.
rH. uu An ivu, ruuaaa., ia.
n no to UUllit All flkt fAflft.
I Host Couch Syrup. Tiwtea Good. Use
Tustes uoou. uso Tj
I by druggists gl
in lime, coia i
THE WIDOW: : : : :
u jr' thut's you, Klvlra." said the
widow McClnne. "don't stand
there with the screen door wide
open. Come on in. Do you B'pose I
want to be shooln' tiles out of the house
nit the rest of the summer?"
Elvira hurriedly shut the Rcrcen
door, but she was too late. A tly had
llown lu.
The widow laid down her sewing
and, advancing cautiously, flapped her
blue-cheeked npron. The tly. retreat
tug, lighted on the screen, where ho
buzzed defiantly. With her left hnnd
the widow opened the door nn Inch or
so, and with her right she made covert
passes at the fly. Her outstretched fin
gers traveled stealthily across the
screen and up nnd down, whllo her
large mouth sympathetically worked
Itself open and shut, from the street
she appeared to be affected with n sort
of mild Insanity; but when n tly was
in question the widow' McClano cared
little enough for the opinion of the peo
ple on the street
After further effort she succeeded In
corralling the tly, flung wide the screen
door, spread out her lingers and let him
go. Dazed by his sudden releitse from
imprisonment, he remained suspended
In midair for a drunken moment, then
winged his way straight Into the sun
light. The widow fastened the hook with a
vicious clamp.
"There!" she exclaimed, returning to
her chair by the window nnd tnklng up
her sewing, "If there Is one thing in the
world I. hate above another, It's tiles."
"I'm sorry 1 made so much trouble,"
said Elvira, wistfully, twisting the cor
ner of her apron.
"'Twasn't no trouble." responded
the widow. "Leastwise not much. Set
down. You make me nervous enough
to fly to the moon, stundin' there fldget
ln" Thus admonished, Elvira timidly en
sconced herself In the nearest rocker,
from which vantage ground she fur
tively watched the widow, whose grim,
weather-beaten face now bent over her
work. Iler needle moved unevenly
back and forth until the thread short
ened Itself to a finger's length. Taking
two or three decisive stitches one above
the other, she drew out the needle and
bit off the remaining thread.
Then she spoke.
"Well, what Is St, Elvira?" she In
quired. A faint flush rose to Elvira's eyes,
creeping thence to the roots of her hair.
"It's about Joe," she answered.
"So he's asked you to marry him,
has he?"
"Yes," assented Elvira, the flush
growing more vivid under the sharp
scrutiny of the old woman's eyes.
"If you've come to ask my advice,"
said the widow McClane, "I say, marry
"He ain't much ncount, nccordln' to
what people tell me," ventured Elvira
"He's as much account as the ones
that's talkln' about him, I reckon," re
torted the widow. "They ain't any of
'em worth shucks as far as I can see;
but that ain't here nor there, ne's a
niau, an' any sort of man Js a protec
tion to a woman, If he ain't any better
than Just a scarecrow, hung up to keep
away the hawks. The world's full of
hawks on the lookout for wldder wom
en, waltln to peck 'em to death the
first chance they get. I've been a wld
der nigh on to twenty years, an' 1
"My old man was like Joe," she said,
returning to the subject In hand. "Ho
wa'n't much account, kinder projee'ln'
around at first one thlug au' then an
other an' not doln' much of anything
after all, but ho kept off tho hawks.
Pore feller, ho had asthma. You could
hear blm most u nillo off a-whcczln an'
a-whcezln'. Sometimes I thought it
would set me plumb crazy tho noise ho
made, but raauy's tho day since I'd bin
glad enough to hear him wheezlu' agin.
That there asthma kept him from doln'
pretty much everything ho oughter
done. He couldn t chop wood lor it or
bring In the klnd'.ln' or make tho tiros.
I had to do nil that. Ho gut nftur
a whllo he couldn't do nothln' but sot
. ...
In the chimney corner an uou; urn
s'long ns you've got to work anyway
It's kinder good to know you've got
somebody scttlu' lu tho chimney corner
a-noddln'. to sort of keep you company
while you're at It."
She did not allow her reminiscences
to Interfere with her work. The move
ment of her needle kept tlmo with tho
movement of her lips.
"I've bin watchln you. Elvira," she
went on, looking over her glasses at
the younger woman, "ever since you've
bin n wldder, an' It seemed to me yon
were goln over the same old roml I
went over. It's a mighty hard road.
There ain't no soft places In It. I've
seen you tryln' to get along, llvln' with
your sister. 1 know what that Is. I've
bin nil through It. An' there's one
thing I can tell you from experience."
She paused for an Impressive moment
nnd stabbed the air with her needle by
way of emphasis. The needle pointed
straight at Elvira.
""What Is It?" she risked, dodging In
voluntarily. "If you want to And hard hearts In
the time of trouble," answered the
widow McClane, "you don't never need
to go outside of your own family; spe
cially If you're pore."
Her mouth, snapping shut with the
last word, settled Itself Into hard, firm
lines. Elvira, catching n glimpse of her
own red mouth in the narrow mirror
over the mantel, fell to wondering If It
would look like that twenty years later.
"If you've got a little money," the
widow continued, "If you're Independ
ent of 'em, you're nil right; but the good
Lord help a wldder woman that'B pore.
There ain't a forlorner crenture on top
of the earth. Yes, I've lived with my
relations. I've worked like a. nigger
day In and day out, acourln', clennln'
un' scrubbln', an' then had the cost of
my keep thrown In my teeth from
mornln' till night. If I had It to do over
ngln I'd go nn' hire out to strangers be
fore I'd work for my kinfolks. A ser
vant Is welcome to what she can cat
un drink an' wages besides every
where Jn the world except with her
own kin.
"I've watched you slavln' over there
at Sarah Ann's, Elvira, cookln' nn
washln' an' Ironln', un' when you was
through, Instead of vestin', like auy
other servant would er done, tendln' to
the baby. I'd ruther break rock on n
turnpike any day In the year than tend
toa baby while Snrnh Ann run around
to the neighbors a-telllu' 'em how she
was bein' Imposed on, liavlii' to tako
care of her pore relations."
Elvira gave a little sigh. She opened
her mouth to speak, but tho widow
was beforn her.
"I was mighty glad when I seo .Too
a-shylu' round after you," sho said.
"Mighty glad. Tako him. Tlint's my
advice. It don't make any dlffercnco
how trlflin' he Is; take him. A woman
has a hard time alone In tho world. It
takes a good strong woman to fight her
way through. As I said before, tho
intnute her husband dies she's common
plcklu' for everybody. Did you ever
hear of a bank that failed but what U
had some wldder woman's savin's lu
It? Did a storm ever blow over this
ToTThiit It (Hdii'i lnr "low" ih!'
Tr Jomnu'u fon.TH .... U've J I J.
u stand.,.' rtrrl Au taw
yors! Thryro ainn w
ilor woman's uioli,.v. iillunl
-T 1 1 twim of ,"'lo,,B,n 10 ";
, on. "lh..l'H worm
1 ..I. 'I Mill K'lll II
nf It. ' 0 I IK you iim'" ,
, l-f r nothing man to not down by
"uh or nn cvuiilu nn' talk to yon. When
wrong, ir you've got noinelKdy In in
plain to It tukos away half the trouble
..n . i. ... ii nn' hurt
of It. mipposo you urn "" -
vniiisolf. Where
i-iiiir miouuier i"
... .. ,iii vuiir nn
- .1..
(111? Nir.lIMin ii f"" ,
.... . ... . ii ,in fur vou an
HOT. tt IIU n i i."i
1(. ends of the two th .'.... ". snyli.
Horry for you. eve.. If . T
oh'ii tho world gel blacker n
tie thi'
bo's Horr
1, j.u'tl
.tlllilitin ii , . .
usual, ho black you enn't m-n u lK
dav broakln' nowhere, an you mi iu
Hobbln' about It. Who's to put his an,,
around you. an' say. 'There, t l.oro? N
body. Nobody in tho world! I toll yo i.
It'H a mighty lonesome life; u mighty
lonesome life!"
As Elvira mil silently listening a sud
den fear sprang !" I"'r ''l'M- NN 1,1,1
If. Milieu Hho had Mtnrtod out over the
same road the widow McClane had
traveled, she should bo forced to travel
It to the end? What If there awaited
her. too. twenty years of that lonesome
life. A sickening thrill of nppreheu
hIoii shook her. She looked away from
the woman before her. who. old and
wrinkled and careworn, sitting there
stitching, stitching for tho solo piirtKiHO
of keeping body nnd soul together,
seemed the liienrnatloit of desolate wid
owhood, to the window. The fear In
her eyes gave place to u smile.
"There's Joe!" she cried. "I do 1k-, im Ih eomln' hero. He must or
neon me nn' followed mo. Yes. there he
Is. waltln' for mo. Uood-by. I must bo
coin' right nway."
And she was all In n flutter of happi
ness as she rose and went out to hltu.
The widow McCIhiio followed her.
She carefully elownl the screen door,
again fastened the hook and looked out
nt the two as they nodded gsyly over
their shoulders nt her and walked arm
lu nrm around the corner.
"He ain't half good eunuch tor her."
she said aloud. "He's knock-kneed an'
pigeon-toed, an' cross-eyed In one eye.
but he's better'n nothln'. He'll kinder
do for a prop. He'll stand up for her
nglu tho world Hint's sue ha hard place
for a pore wldder woinnn."
NwIhi CourtHlilp Tuotlos.
Swiss maidens have wide and deep
courtship license; but In many of the
cantons they are allowed but a nar
row choice of bridegrooms, It being a
rigorously enforced, If unwritten, Inw
that they must marry a youth of their
own neighborhood. In many villages
every marriageable youth belongs to a
society whose sole object Is to prevent
any und every youth from outsldo from
coming a-courtlng the maidens of the
society's vlllngo.
The society has a password, fre
quently changed almost never di
vulged. A lover of the village, if chal
lenged, gives tho password, and It lu
nn "open sesame" through tho on-guard
ranks of tho protective society.
Ho may climb and woo uninterrupt
ed, undisturbed. Hut tho lover from
nfnr must fight his way pnst tho chal
lenging Bominc; or uso tho shrewdest
und most successful stealth.
Jtpancso DoittlHtfl.
Tho Japarioso dentists perform all
their operations In tooth drawing with
tho thumb and forefinger of ono hand.
Tho skill necessary to do this Is nc
qulred only after long practice, but
when onco It is obtained tho operator
Is ahlo to extract half a dozen teeth
In about thirty seconds without onco
removing his fingers from tho patient's
An lnovltnblo Bullish.
"Well, Kitty, where is all your par
lor brlc-a-hrac?"
"Oh, Bobby got a football Christmas
and It was too cold for him to plaj
A HUM of
flmlliiU fur n (, i,f.,cv
lln mini wllll.,. ,i
slot, at lean
"V "ute i K
Joys a proai'
I bono mo tho link... ,f v 1
i i ...i... i " " .
mini, wiiii intvn inn Iu,ita
iiliuiwiin .Hint III ill
NIuIioIiih. Thin Villlll, tel.,
lllHt lOMtlllg plum . t,HL.
iiioiiihI nn riTtmiu lia mv,
till, .llltllltllM III I .. I. ,1
" II H fc.
tflalnr fit llui iim..... "
5' .KrtiVTsJ.sir-a
M urn II11U MX,'i WSSr
lilt rifiT n
tho that JZlM$$l"
you lust nlKht. 1. i, .rc" 'IPM ,
Mrs.'ll,..r ,,.,. Mln0
until In tliH rttiKut n 'llhiai
.... . ....i '..... . ."'
iittniii tiiinwi, nut liilli, ;
You know, Iih pln ) vtiihti,,,
ii ll o nisi iHmmui. - ( 'i,ir.. ,1
New.. h,imm
hutnitn i
1 1,0 oiuerit v-imsi , ,, ,,, , crjrMfiP
laiiil is n reiniirku) i tuiM .
ui'illij mi; mii-irni, mil ;,r
Willi pMMHIfOVll, lit ILiikIij,
Kerry. It Is niuiirir i,,,,,,,
"Uratory ol Uiilloni. " vV,o(,(
was liintory noon n..i arty (M
oratory lm rIikmI irn tually tit
lor inoro man i.unu ytt,
prolHibly oi.o of ii
vriir Itulilirr l iiin.t rinj
TIlU plil.Clpill rtllitKl.r.'.
region In the valley of tin. AibmI
groatm portion ol Uu rnib, ij
uierco coining (ruin linmi. t, tliH tint Unltixl sidirs ,(i.
Much, howtivur. cmiiii'
Centriit America mi l Mi'iiy, !
tiriHluet ol Afrlm IS SIC J IiiT
ing, itiwl tlm planting -.f u,tn
sands of rublmr tiia u Ii.'
goveriiinulit umiv....i v
pluco tlml country i im.j;
list ot ruhlMir-ttroH ing hi t
Mitel IIhvk llnnn Had.
Hicks Mure. tic u,. 3cil
Wicks What for?
1 licks Take it. 1 nt ' TU--I
go buy yoiiifttli m lotior . Kfiul
you're nioklii!" sjiiifrv,,uJ
I'ollpwnisn Mr. inari.e, Ii
some Wd iimws for yuu V.
whs burglarl! tnA. ::
i cttirled oil ovntytl ing.
1 Hmarlle Is Hint .' How
, am. It wms only vi sii-r ay
i marktsl down my goods 25 ki
"She runt n.e it I'lttholio p
said a woman whoso (nonl h
her a photoginph o( it ltnpMt. 1
donna andClilld" for On Istinu-!
York Coiniiierciiil Advei titer
Men ri)ulrlnr unsurl irrj
run.un M-riinii7 or uj imirr "I iff '
l'i jomt n i oiii riciu.iTr m. 'i i .
1 study of llfV-tlinft. I nforiurei't nt
LIlllMl HlMf i.T iiiu
suouin imint.iinnycommuii'f.1. w a i
tit Vlv.rvll, litf rtilirl lvr.l 1
s-nt Krrtfihnt In smlril imckKfrt ' ' I
rl.ln rnrrlon't. 'oicr.tnji.ii- .-iir -';
. Huri.-lrl, M ml I nil mill Klrtrlcl
lulopisd. IMurlnsjluc ! n, 'ii I""
uoiii-o, Avoiannus i i.
ttiorliwl atnl wll-nlxlnl ii - : ls i
towns. Kw (riiullin iC'! .14 1 '
Nrw York or In ttuia c ; ti
vl.nn.irsrel. imV"'! ir: :
i1Im-p fl'I Mraknrwis if t!,r I
husuel. llrnriHlucMvi- bii I Nt rvi ' H "i
pi-illinrnts i inriliiKV rrin vr ! Sin
I'xIllVPly lurlnr tlm blubil, c ri i i
I remuvnall wtuu ulcrre In llirui(ru
ix-r culorixl sixite mi t. lv mi l rr:; I M
I.iicnlarrh nd rtiruuinl'tm. " Incurs!
.... iiiwi.ii.mi iniuin ..ll . .i.Th '
vigor in vimi orifsne mm n rvi . 1 1
curiiKrli. II rr tiiittlv. 0 Kr j, Ti
i uu it rmipily. iir:ci-
The ablegate military ex
of tlio lirltlnli empire Jinn ni
dining Hie lust 30 veins froa
26,200,000 to olon) upon ITjO.OnM
Suffcrcdfour years with fcinn'f
bles. Sho now writes to Mrs IIH
of her complete recovery. Kci 1
publish what Lydla E I'lnW
Vegetable Compound, Sanatire '
and l.trer
have oix
I K"
for fourw
with n
trouble. 1
doctor i
1. n 141.
tllW " "
-u . ...... f..n urn ra
i n. ii. .1...... i 1...,.- nii.i nu'n
tlUU Ul IIIU llUIti Ir, llVltllllf -
not sinnu nut a lew iniiuuen
.... - . . I 1 ..Ml,
nun i cuimiieiireii iuimn j -Iclno
I could not sil un half a 'IT;
beforo I Imd used half a botti1
I lmvn In in lliron liotl CS i
n. rinitiiams verretao coin '-.-
lisi'il nun rtnrlnifrn ni .llllliiu"
. .1... VI
ununm cured or an my irouu". -
Hint ii niitv wnmnn. I enil IIO uu r
oi nousoworlt and leei sirum,1-' - .
cvor fllil 111 inv lifn I noW WClgH"
: " . .riit:
nniiiulu llofni-o nsinir vour iut-
Wnlriliiwl milt, Will nniltllls
Surely It is the grandest mediclce
wonlf wnmnn Hint ever WttS. 8B,
mlv in In nil w in nrc llIU'i'"b
any female trouble Is to try It l
and bo well. Vour roC0,yM,t
praise itenough,-Mrs. Lucv000
Holly, W. Va.