Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, March 03, 1899, Image 1

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    Devoted to lite Mitring, Lumbering and farming Interests of this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living.
Cottage Grove-!, Oregon, Fx-i clay, March 3, 1899.
jSTO; 7
A Telephone Communication!
Everybody Attention:
Our Annual Clearance Sale
Will Only Continue
fflrgains while you can.
Griffin & Veafcch,
For All Kinds Of
Stoves, Tinware; Roi)cs, Pumps, Pipes, and
Plumbing Goods; Plain and Barbed Wire;
Coal, Iron and Steel; Garden Tools, Plows,
Axes and Amtmitiou.
Full Stock of Waa'on Material.
We Meet ftugciic Prices.
GrilTip & Ycntcl) Hardware Qoumr(y3
avo been ufHictcd with rheumatism
fourteen yearn and notlitim buomed
ttyglvo any relief. I wiih able to bo
SraHnd nil the time, but constantly
ISfbrine. I hud tried ovuivthimr I
Sid licar of and nt liiHt was told to try
fiKatnhcrUin'B Pain Unhn, which I did,
KHw was immedlutch' rellm'ed mid in n
Start time cured. I am happy to way
tmU It has not since returned. Johh.
Edoau, German town, Cid. For wile hy
Hknhok, Cottage (J rove. Joi:
IByomh. Drain Druggist.
jgjtake particular pains to keep tho
t and frcfllicat rolled oiitn, Grand mn'H
gush, Germca, morning ini'id, fresh
;n meal and buckwheat flour. F. 11.
pranberrica, Oranges, LemoiiR, Sweet
tatoes nd Bulk Pickles at Cummings
Hub ton.
jpubacrlptlons to tho Nugget keop n
81111' In. Got on tho lint and bo ono of
V. It a,... .1 It II... ll IT
! " juu UUII I, HKO 1110 IMUggOO in
rticidar, subscribe anyway juBt to got
oof the excellont papers offered in our
f"'".B ii8i. tsoine oi tiioui will be
p to please you, if wo don't.
Bring Your
C.JE. VAN DEN BURG, Manager.
Collage Grove. Oregon.
Active Solicitors Wauled Kvcrywhcrc
For "Tho Story of the Philippines" by
Mural Hulstoad, commissioned by the
Government us UHcial Historian to the
War Department. The book was writ
ten in army camps nt Sun Francieco, on
the Pacllle with Gen. Men-it t. in the
hospital at Honolulu, in Hong Kong, in
tho American trenches nt Manila, in tho
insnrgonU'uinp with Aguiimldo, on the
deck of the Olympia witlt Dewoy, and
in tho roar of the battle at the fall of
Manila. Ilonanza for agents, Hrimful
of original pictures taken by govern
ment photographers on tho spot. I. nine
book; low prices. IMgprollts. Freight
paid. Credit given. Drop all trashy
unofllolal war books. Outllt free. Ad
dress, F. T. Harbor, Soo'y., Star Insur
ance Rldg., Chicago.
If Sampson, the so called hero of
naval fame, would pay less atten
tion to prospective naval honors,
and give a little more attention to
his profession, he would be the
better officer and his honors come
less grudgingly.
Tho Donver Times-Sun and tho Bo
hemia Nugget, both papers sent to any
address for $1.1)0 cash in ndvance.
Two Weeks
"Kash" and Get
Will iik hunt hv thu Noiitiikkn Pacific
Railw ay Co., to any adukkhh upon
An annual publication of about 100
pages, gotten up in most attractive stylo
and beautifully illustrated in hnlf-tohe.
The contents nf each number are varied
and diHoiciit from its predacossor. The
Noiitiikkn Pacific has become noted fur
this publication. Tiik Fi.vusr Thinc. in
Kaii.way I.iTKitATi'itK. Send six cunts.
A telief map of Yellowstone Park.
Printed on linn paper, and suitable for
mounting or framing and for use in
schools, class rooms, etc. The best map
of tiie Park that is publicly distributed.
.Mailed in pastboard tube.-. Send lOcts.
A nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip
tive of Mount Uanier, Washington, the
grandest ice-covered peak in the United
States. Send twu cents.
An illustiated folder and relief map of
the Kootenai Region in RritishColnmbia
north of Spokane. Send two cents.
Tells about both the U. 6. and Spanish
armies and navies at beginning of Spanish-American
war. Map of Cuba and
adjacent islands. A vest pocket history
well worth preserving for reference.
Send ten cents.
In sending for these write the address
carefully, and state where advertisement
was seen.
oihh. s. run.
Ren. I'lmni'iiRHr Agent.
Nolloo Is horoliy Klvon Unit tho undersigned
hn boon duly ikimolnted by the County Court
of l.nnot-ounty, Oreirnn, unmlulstrtitor of tho
CltlltO OtHllltS I.IIIIO, (lOl'CHKCll.
All persons having claims nxntnst wild oMnto
nro hereby required to present tho ramo to me,
properly vorllleil, tit my olllee. In CottiiKO
drove. OroKon, within six months fromthodnte
Dated this 22nd day of February, 1SS9.
Have reached a high stnto of perfec
tion. Almost universally adopted in
National monumental building. Bettor
for 2,000 years than granito for 20, lJo
not deceived longer. Ruy
"White Bronze.
For further information write or call
Eugene, Oiegou.
Frank Woodruff's Views Regard
ing the Old Spanish City.
The following letter Hfl(lrcsre1 to Heriry
Macula will be of Interest to tho public:
Manila, Dec. 21, 1898.
Mk. IIknry Lincoln.
Dear Friend: Well I will try
and write a few lines as the mail
will leave most any day. I re
ceived the Christmas box you sent
me it arrived the 16th and you can
bet I received it with open arms,
everything was in good shape ex
cept the apples and prunes. About
half the prunes had moulded and
the large apples wtra spoiled, but
the yellow ones came through per
fect and the medium sized red ones
were nearly as good. There has
only been .1 few boxes come so far
only three or four so far for Co C;
but the St Paul which is due any
day will fetch the last of the boxes
and one of the largest mails com
j ing to Manila. This is a very in
teresting place, all stone houses
with fiat roofs; they are covered
with a kind of crockery roofing.
There are a great many large
churches also a great many old
ruins in the city. Whon an earth
quake tumbled a building down it
was left as the Spaniards seemed to
think it was better to build in a
new place than clear away the ruins.
Manila has a population of 350,000
Spaniards, Philapeanos and Chin
ese men are the principle inhabi
tants and it is comprised of two
places, Old and New Manila; a river
separates the two places. Old Ma
nila is surrounded by a large stone
wall thirty or forty feet thick in
most places. We are quartered iu
Old Manila, and have good quarters.
One company of the Oregons are
at the palace and another at the
custom house. The rest of the
regiment is iu the barracks that
were formerly occupied by the
Spanish army. We do duty inside
the city. The Philapeanos are steal
ing powder all the time and the
guards have been doubled. We
were ordered to fill our belts with
cartridges and have our guns ready
as there was an insurgent . scare,
but nothing came of it. We heard
today that the insurgents had
ordered the Americans to evacuate
a block house and the First Cali
fornia were sent out and the insur
gents consented to withdraw, but we
may have trouble yet.
Charley Lovelace is about to be
appointed corporal and I think he
will get it al right. We have dress
parade three times a week and we
put up as good a one as any regi
ment here. The Oregon baseball
team is holding its own. We re.
emits expect to get paid in a few
days. This is a free silver country;
a half bushel of money here is only
worth a couple of American dollars.
You have heard the pops say that
cheap money makes prosperity,
but it looks to me as if the cheaper
money is the more y-prt; have to
work to get a little, pf The
natives are all glad to work for a
few dollars . Mexican money a
month, and there are plenty of
beggars here to. Well I think
when I get back I will still "be a
republican. The timber is fine
though not very large. The boys
have all got fine canes of the
different timber. I will scud you
one when I can get a good one.
There are lots of saloons her.e . and ,
they do a big business; nearly all
the stores sell whiskey, and. there
are hundreds of natives selling
cigars or ice cream on the streets.
Fruit is cheap and so is tobacco and
wine, but beer is high.
We are only allowed out in the
evening between 6 and half past
nine, if we go out in the day we
have to get a pass and it is only
good for a couple of hours. We
are getting too lazy to live from
lying around so much. We take a
walk around town in the evening
but it gets old as there is nothing
new going on, the same old thing all
the time. We have a pair of box
ing gloves which we keep pretty
busy most of the time. If has
rained a little, but most of the time
it has been pretty warm. The
Spanish soldiers seem to be all
right but I don't like the priests and
I guess nobody else does. Well, I
hear that six regiments of regulars
are on their way to relieve the
Volunteeis so I would not be sur
prised to get back by the Fourth of
July, well I have written all I can
think of so I will close. Thanking
you for the Christmas box, with
best regards to your folks.
Your Friend
Frank Woodruff,
Co C, 2d Oregon Volunteers.
Monthly Report From the Several
Number enrolled 1st month, Room I,
girls 24, boys 29 ; room II, girls 25, boys
27 ; room III, girls 27, boys S3 ; i;oom IV,
girls 23, boys 23; room V, -girls 8, boys
14; total 233, "'A
Number enrolled since, room I, girls 3,
boys 3; room II, girls 1, boys 3; room
III, girls 1, boys 0; room IV, girls 0,
boysO; room V, girls 4, boys 6; total
Number withdrawn, room I, girls 2,
boys 1; room II, girls 0, boysO; room
III, girls 1, hoys 2; room IV, girls 0,
boys 0; room V, girls 0, boys 0; total 6.
Number transferred, room I, girlsO,
boys 1 ; room II, girls 0, boys 0 ; room
III, girls I, boys 2; room IV, girls 3,
boys 7; room V, girls 0, boys 0; totd
Number net enrollment, room I, girls
25, boys SO; room II, girls 20, boys 30;
room III, girls 20. boys 31; room IV,
girls 19, boys 10 ; room V, girls 12, boys
L'U; total -Mo.
Numbor days attendance, room I,
girls 373, boys 490; room II, girls 484,
boys 370; room III, girls 410, boys 516;
room IV, girls 402, boys 309; room V,
girls 200, boys 880.
Number days absence, room I, girls
59, boys 34; room II, girls 20, boys 12;
room III, girls 25, boys 28; room IV,
girls' 15, boys 12; room V, girls d, bovs
5; total 211i.
Numbor averago daily attendance,
room I, girls 19, boys 25; room II, girls'
24, boys 19; room III, girls 21, boys 20;
room IV, girls 20, boy 19; room V, girltf
KVboyslOj total 202.
Number pupils tardy, room I, girls 0;
boys2; room II,girls5, boysO; room III,,
girls 3, boys 2; room IV, girls 5, boys 1,
room V, girls 2, boys 1 ; total 27.
Number roported to parents, room I,
girlPuboys 0; room II, girls 0, boys 0;
rqpm.III, girls 1, boys 0; room IV, girls
Uhoj-s,0;-rooni V, girls 0, boys 0; total
Number of attondan.fjg,.. total 94.
Number of visitor total 20.
Total enrollment room I, girls SO, hoys
32: room II. girls 20. bovs 20 1 rnnm nr
girls .28, boyB 83; room IV, girls '83,
noys u; room V, girls 12, boys 20; total
204. . -r
Tlio following is the roll of honor.' na
por tho sovernl rooms in tho Qottnge'
..... !.....,. .... 1. .