Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 23, 1899, Image 1

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    Devoted to the Mining, umbering mid Panning Interests of this Community, to Good Governmelit, and Hustling for a Living.
Cottage Grove, Oregon," Friday, !Feb. 23, 1899.
NO. 6
A Telephone Communication!
Everybody Attention:
Our Annual
JCrg: orit nnivi
Will Only
t'l.KAItAXCH HAl.i: TzT-
Continue Two Weeks
longer. Bring lour "nasn ana wet
bargains while you can.
Griffin & Veatcli,
For All Kinds Of
Stoves, Tinware; Ropes, Pumps, Pipes, and
Plumbing Goods; Plain and tBarbcd Wire;
Coal, Iron and Steel; Garden Tools, Plows,
Axes and Amunition.
Full Stock of W auoii Material.
We Meet Eugene Prices.
Griffin & Veatcli Hardware Gontpaqy,
C. If. VdNDENB UllG, Manager
Codagc Grove. Oregon.
How tm I'rafont I'linnuiitiiln.
ton are perhaps aware that, juiou mo-
Inays results from a cold or f rum an
Unck of la grippe. During the cpiilcm-
i of laftrippe a few yearn ago when ho
many cases resulted in pncuuioiiia, it
rai observed that tlio attack was never
jllowed by that diKM when Clmmber
iln's Cough Remedy waa used. It
counteracts anr tendency of n cold or
grippe to rtiutt in that dangerous dln
It is the lcat remedy in tho
rorld for had colds and In urinno.
!Try bottle warranted. For salo by
lie Benson Drug Co., Cottage Grovo and
lot Lyons of Drain.
I take particular pa in a 'to keep the
pest and freshest rolled oats, Gruudmii'H
lush, Gerniea, morning meal, fresh
i meal and buckwheat Hour. F. 1).
Cranberries. Oranaos. Loiiioiih. Sweot
Potatoes and Hulk Pickles at Cummings
Owing to the non-arrival of tho
patent mail nlato. wo are unable to
rtnt the continued story, by Rider
llaggard this week.
Active Solicitors Wanlcil Everywhere
For "Tho Story of tho Philippines" by
Murat Hulstead, commissioned by tho
Government as Ollbial Historian to tho
War Department. Tho book wuh writ
lun in army camps at Sun Francisco, on
the Pneille with Gen. Merritt, in tho
hospital at Honolulu, in Hook Kong, in
tho American trenches at Manila, in tho
insurgent camp with Aguinuldo, on the
deck of tho Ulympiu with Dewey, and
in tho roar of the battle at tho full of
Manila. Bonanza for agents. Brimful
of original picture taken by govern
ment, photographers on tho Hpot. Largo
book; low prices. Big profits. Freight
paid. Credit given. Drop nil trashy
unollloial war nooks. Outlit free. Ad
dress. F. T. Barber, See'y., Star Insur
ance Bldg., Chicago.
To tho l'ulillo.
Wo aro authorized to gunranteo ovory
bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
and if-not satisfactory to refund tho
money to tho purohasor. There iH no
hotter mediclno made for la grippo, colds
and whooping cough. Price 25 and f0o
por bottle. Try it. For wilo by tho
Bonson Drug Co., Oottago Grovo and Joo
Lyons of Drain.
Old papers for sale at this office,
Devoted to Mines and Miners Nugget's Special Cor
respondent's Weekly Grist.
Mr. Editor: The impression has gone abroad that work in this
camp has been practically shut down for the winter, at least such has
been said by some of your townspeople. But it is far from the truth,
as you will see from the following notes picked up by your corre
spondent in only one day's travel.
Johnson and Byrne Bro's are driving a tunnel on their claim' near the
mouth of Grizzly creek. Thus far thev have drifted about 20 feet
and the face of the ledge shows a body of copper ore about three feet
wide, and high grade, as their last assay gives returns of $60. 'They
have also done considerable work in the way of excavating for the
purpose of building a large ore bin. They have about 10 tons of high
grade ore 011 the dump at present and as soon as the weather permit
they will make a shipment to the Tacoma smelter. They have five
claims in this group, nicely located with an abundance of fine timber
and water. They intend to uiccrnorate in a short time and nush the
ork of developing this property. They are all thorough minine- men
and understand the business in all its details, and we predict success
for them.
Mr. Geo. Thompson has begun the erection of a cabin near Downing
point on the Champion trail, where he has lately discovered a good
looking prospect, and as soon as the cabin is completed he will begin
development work. This will be a desirable location as it is nracticallv
, below the snow line, and it is hoped he may strike it rich.
James Potts and Jesse Griffin did some good work on the "Shot
Gun" claim, above the Champion mill, showing up a large body of
une loOKing quartz.
Jas. Sears has lately located a claim 011 the north slope of Fairview
mountain which he calls the ''Pennsylvania." He has a well defined
ledge six teet wide and every pan shows free gold, both coarse and fine.
Jim is one of of the fixtures in the Bohemia camp and is sure to meet
with the success he so well deserves.
Louis Betters is pushing development work on his claim on Ele
phant mountain. He has lately located some valuable property in the
same vicinity.
The Montana Co. under the efficient management of Mr. J. D.
Fletcher, are working a force of men both clay and night. There are
golden opportunities for many more such enterprising compauies as the
Ed Jeuks, the competent foreman at the Noonday mine, and Wm.
Higgins recently located some valuable property in the vicinity of the
lake, near Elephant mountain, and will shortly do some extensive de
velopment work on the same.
An annual publication of about 100 . . 1 e iaimew iviining ana Milling o. liave struck a large body of
piiKcs. L'oiten til) in most attractive stvlo rich lree nulling ore ana are still pushing on preparing for a steadv rim
and beautifully illustrated in half-tone. ! as soon as spring opens. This company is composed of Messrs Stocks
The contents of each number are varied , Harlow and Brush, and are experienced mining men. During the oast
SSr. they have erected and now have a complete five stamp mil? on
this publication. Tuk ix t their property. They made a short but satisfactory run during the
winter, anu now since tney nave matte this new strike, this will cer
tainly prove to be one of the dividend payers of the camp.
The Noonday company are pushing right along and getting every
thing in first class readiness for a steady run of their 20 stamp mill
early in the spring. They have Jlarge bodies of ore blocked out, and
are now better than ever prepared for a successful run. Then look out
for new life and activity.
Messrs. Teft & Geldmacher have almost finished their 300 foot
contract for J. I. Jones 011 the "Confidence" mine. It is said that they
have found a very large body of rich ore.
Jennings Bros and Bruneau have everything in readiness for the
erection of a large ore bin on their valuable property, the Helena, as
soon as spring opens. A force of men has been pushing development
work all winter.
The Music mine, the oldest dividend payer in the camp, is pre
paring for an early run in the spring. They are now filling ore bins
and blocking out ore bodies. As soon as the snow disappears so that
they can haul in a few pieces of machinery their new ten stamp mill
will be ready for operation.
The Graber Bros, are pushing work on their tunnel on the Hia
watha claim. These gentlemen last fall bonded this property to some
Eastern capitalists who contracted with the Graber Bros, for driving a
tunnel on the property. The boys are doing well and showing up some
nice ore.
Mrs. Edith Stephens has done considerable development work on
her group of claims known as the Holy Smoke, Gold Medal and Onyx.
The ledges in all three of these claims are well defined, carry free gold
and are 3 and 4 feet wide. In connection with this group is a first
class mill site with a great abundance of water and timber. Mrs.
Stephens is the only lady in the camp who owns and works mining
It is a
These Illustratrated
W11.1. hi: sr.NT ijy tiik Xoktiikrk Pacific
Railway Co., to any addukss upon
Railway Litkkatuki:. Send six cents
A relief map of Yellowstone Park.
Printed on linn paper, and suitable for
mounting or framing and for use in
schools, class rooms, etc. Tho best map
of the Park that is publicly distributed.
Mailed in pant board tubes'. Scud lOcts.
A nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip
tive of Mount Ranier, Washington, the
grandest ice-covered peak in the United
States. Send two cents.
An illustrated folder and relief map of
the Kootenai Region in BritisbColumbia
north of Spokane. Send two cents.
Tolls about both the U. S. and Spanish
armies and navies at beginning of Spanish-American
war. Map of Cuba and
adjacent, islands. A vest pocket historv
well worth preserving for reference.
Send ten cents.
In sending for these write tho address
carefully, and state where advertisement
was seen.
UIiiim. S. l'HK,
flm. riixHoiicer Audit.
Notice Is horeby glvon (list the umlerslKned
lins been duly appointed by tho County Court
of Utile County, Oregon, immlnlntmtor of the
natntnnf KIIur t.linn. doPOUUad.
All persons hiivlmcclntms nxulnst satd cstnto
sro hereby required to present the mono to me,
proporly verified, at my otllnj. In Cot time '-.t "f , ' V '
Orovo.oroson, within su months fromthoduto claims, so far as the knowledge of your correspondent goes
norim. .... ... 1 flu. in clift line n t.oinnlilo nrnnfrt-- m fit.2 rrrntin
aUl -..V w.. ... . I, k'.wv, .J ... -.Ilia glUUJJ, tlllli v 11 u
Duted this 22ml duy of Fobruiiry, 18K1.
O. ft. 8NA1T.
In raising the battered hulks of
Moutojo's sunken fleet, Admiral
Dewey has surrounded himself,
with an auxiliary fleet which is
better than the names on the prows.
There are nine reclaimed Spanish
vessels now flying the Stars and
Stripes, maimed by American
officers and men and plying the bay
of Manila in the service of the
United States. They need only
says nay, that she will not meet with all the success imaginable.
American names to complete their
The Asiatic fleet looks like a
regular Spanish Armada with
ships called the Culgoa, Barcello,
Callao, Don Juau de Austria, Isla
de Cuba, lVeyte, Manila, Mindanao,
and one or two "low rakish crafts"
which have no names at all, but
look suspiciously like the ancient
"terrors of the Spanish main."
Then, for good measure, there are
two Chinese names in Dewey's list,
theNanshan and the Zafiro,
In connection with this news
from Manila, a friend at our elbow
says: "This will hardly, do.
There are plenty of good Ameri
can names. The navy department
should instruct Admiral Dewey to
paint some new signs on his
armada." Statesman.
Read tho ads in this weoks Nugget.
In so doing you will got acquainted
with tho biiiiiess houses of tho city.