Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 10, 1899, Image 7

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    IIIK : 1 --.
t wnsiiiiigion, j.-oii. o. 'in uio sotinto
Paris Treaty Ratlflcd by
tho Sonato.
Tjrlleil Ilubntn I'rnonilnil Mm Vnln,
ftyjilch Wan ThUiiii hi hi in in um
gtteriionn Klliwt of Filipino Itevolt.
Ellington, Fob. 8. Holoici tho
o convened toiluy ttio leailoro on
nidus manifested Kront iinxloty,
II Hooniud to Ihi very much in
iih to tho llinil romilt, ratification
(ictlon seeming to dupend upon
I doubtful votOH. It wim known
uy that tlio treaty could miiHtor
votOH. LoadoiM of tliu opposl-
o tlio troaty woro standing ax firm
or tlio sonnto wont Into executive
ii it was reported tluit MoLnurlii
ItiKuoiy Inn count over for tlio
giving tlio necessary two-thirds.
tho conclusion of tlio discussion
o subject, Davis movod an exocu-
TOcHHion, ami at 13:16 1. M. tlio hoii-
StoTwont into oxocutivo session ioi ijiiiu
Bonalilorntlon o( tho puaco troaty.
olvnoiy offered a resolution dcclar-
jnauliat hy ratification of tlio troaty It
not liitnudod to make citizens of too
ntialltantH of tho Philippines nor to
ex too islands iiurinauuntly, but to
jthom until tho inlands aro pro
Ami for HOlI-govorniiiont.
at 11:05 tho bolla rung for a vbto on
DoamiioiKinicnt to tnu treaty, mo
diiioiit was to iniiko tlio Philippine
grtieio or uio troaty iiko tnai rt-Kitiny
Jflguba. Tho niiioudinont was defeat-
mind tho voto waa then takon on tho
treaty. Tho voto in dotail follows:
oas Aldrteh,Allon.AllIsori, linker,
mown, uullor, unrtor, uiianuior,
l?rk, Clay, Cullnm, Davis, Doboo,
ElKina. Fairbanks, Faulkner, Frvo,
Ingor, Gear, Gray, liauna, linns-
ukIi( JIarria. Ilawloy. Jones (Nov-
, Kor.ny, Kylo, Llndiiay, Lodge,
rido, MoEnory, McLnurln, McMil-
M initio, Mneon, Morgan, Nelson,
roue, rerkliiH, rottus, l'lntt (Uon-
kut). IMatt (Now York), Fritchnrd,
tey, icoflH, Howell, bnoup, Himon,
nor, Stownrt, fltillivnn, Toiler,
iiurston, Wnrron, Wellington, Wol-
a vh Bacon. Unto. Borrv. Cnfforv.
ilton, Cockroll, Dnnlol, Gorman,
Ilale, Hoitfelt, Honr, Jones (Arkansas),
ha a r . I I I I . lfli i II
wanory, .martin, ;uiiir, iuiicnon,
Money, Murphy, Pasco, Pcttigiow,
flaw I Inn, Itonoh, Smith, Tllluian. Tur-
ley, Tumor, Vest 27.
Absent, pairod, Cannon and Wilson
lor, with Whlto against, and Proctor
ou Wotmoro for, with Turplo against.
EUt of tho Killed III tho Manila En.
ilanlla. Fob. 8. Tho casualties of
urday night and Sunday woro as
lows: Fourtoonth Infantry, Cor
als 13. Sodon and Ilonry F. Thorn p-
, Privates Jesso A. Halo, Maurico
freeman. Louis V. Diotz. Jainoa
ivuvuiight, Charloa W. DoukIob.
nnk II. IssIiighuiiBon, Charles A.
tz, AlphoriBO Bonner and Potor N.
rinent, killed.
Ixth artillery Prlvnto W. A. Good'
j'irst Idaho Mnior Ed McConvlllo.
irporal Frank Ii. Calworol. Privuto
mcs Eraser.
'irst California Privntoa .7. J. Do-
ar, Tom Bryan and Joseph Mahor.
Wrat WaBhington Corporal Georgo
.McGowan, Privates Itnltih Him-
bnds, Gcoruo U. lioichart. Frank
tiitli, Mattlaa Ghorrv. Shorinan
nrdiiiK, Kdwnrd II. Porrv. Walter N.
liiiHon and Arnold II. iMoyokol.
I'irst South Dakota Privatoa Hor-
MuCrakon, killod; Fiod E.
killod; William Z. Lowla,
I First
Montana Cornnrnl IInvnn'.
SUBing, probably killed; Private John
pronsoii, bead wounded, tirobab v
First Colorado Ed. Whlto. mlsslm.
apposed to bo drowned: Elninr If.
Dora n, killed.
! Died ol wounds: Lioutonant Jomos
Mitchell. Knurtnnntli infiuitrv!
Jrivato Georcn W. Hull. Virst M
Igolonol William O. Smith, First Ton
EjosBoe, diod of appoploxy at tho head
MI HIS COmiiinnil nn Mm r ,n 1 l.w.
- - t
WO J. Iinuaitttfl ttul.,l .....i nn i
ifvuii nun jtiuir it uilllll
u(l at MuiiIIh.
Mnniln, Fob. 8. dwo fill natttnntnn
AAA .1 1 . 4i . .
uvfu tumii: ii.iini ivniim r nm r (inn
The VnUlniii Volmitoori.
iacoma, Wash., Fob. 8. A North
akliun Bpooinl to tho Ledgor aaye:
iirnn nf iiw v..
w ,.,u j.,, n1Ui uuya aro umuilK
, . n, nil,, umib unuify la
- u, nuii-niiuwil lllliuer OI BO-
'hiiui. viuiiruii iininiiiivc in nr n
eriiinn f(i.ii.. in..i...i i .1 tv, ii
--" iiiiij' luuiuuu on rnou tiiu,
n,,i,, jH lov Known locauv. no
.uuijr was onustcu m Taooma.
Walln Wnlln
"in aiiiiin tvna
of company I, of
ItDHIlllltlllM Altllhlixl by llm
lliMlan il ,'illiuri'.
WimhlnKton, Fob. 0. In tho nonato
tho pniHldmil pio tomporo pruiioiitod a
memorial from tho Chainho' of Com
merce of Wow York, uiln ratification
of tho poaco troaty. Halo, oliafimau
of tho naval alTairH committee, favora
bly reported tlio following Joint resolu
tion, and it watt adopted:
"Tim Nonrotary of tho navy Ih Jiorohy
authorl.od to havu crcotod in Colon
cemetery at Havana, Cuba, a Miltablo
unuilto liioiiuinent to tlio memory of
tho Hiillorn and iiiarimm who lost their
IIvoh hy tho destruction of tho Maine,
and whom) rouialiiH aro burled in that
cemetery, and to suitably Inscribe ami
enclose hiioIi moiiiimeiit, and the sum
of $10,000 Ih appropriated for that pur
pose." HarriH offered tho following resolu
tion, which he asked nilyht lie on tho
"That tho United fit at oh hereby dis
claims any Intention oi purpose to ex
oioIho periuiineiit sovereignty, jurisdic
tion or control over tho PliilinpmeH
and assert their determination when a
stable arid Independent novornmcnt
shall have been erected therein, en
titled to recognition as su'h, to trans
fer to hucIi government upon terms
which shall bo reasonable and just all
rlghtc seouied under tho cession by
Hpain, and to therupon leave the gov
ernment and control of tho islands to
tlinir people."
In accordance with previous notico,
Money began tho discission of expan
sion, speaking in opposition to taking
the Philippines. Money concluded at
2 o'olbck, and Daniel then addressed
the senate on tho same subject.
Opponltloii III 7t Vuln.
Wahinton, Fob. 0. Tho contro
versy in tlio senate ovoi the voto upon
tho various resolutions Interpretative
of tho peace treaty took an aouto turn
late today. Tho opposition to a voto
first came from the friends of the
treaty, who held to tlio theory that it
could bo ratified without compromise.
Tlioso who apparently wore then will
ing that a voto should bo taken today
held an opposite view, and absolutely
refuse to agree to a time foi taking a
Tho contost occurred in tho execu
tive session, which did not occur until
n quarter after C o'clock. The next
hour and n qiiator was spent in a vain
endeavor on one side to got an agree
ment to a dato for a voto upon the
resolutions, and on tho other in a muro
successful effort to bring the day's ses
sion to n oloeo without allowing any
thing to bo accomplished iti that di
rection. After a general dehato on tho subject
tho sonnto adjourned.
Titer May lie Cmleit to the Dominion ol
CHtinitn hy Treutjr.
Washington, Feb. 0. If tho report
of their Btibcommittco is ndopted, ns
seems jiossihlo If not probable, n slico
of Alaska territory, embracing tho en
tmnco to tlio Klondike, may bo ceded
to Groat Hritain in trenty to bn adopt
ml by tho Anglo-Air.orlcan commission.
Tho subcommittee's roport, it is
said, comes dangerously near to putting
fjkngway and Dyon uudor Utitish con
trol, leaving to tho Americans, how
over, the control of tho headwaters of
tho Lynn canal, hy which both of
thoBO supply towna aro reached.
Tit Kill All l'nrnlcni-ri.
San Fiancisco, Feb. 0. In tho sto
ries of the minders of missionaries and
foreign residents rocontiy in China, do
taila of a particularly barbarous affair
at Ohongan Chiang, involving tho lifo
of an Englishman named Fleming, and .
Evangelist Pan, havo been wanting.
J. It. Adams, of tho Cliinoso inland
mission, visited the scene of tlin miir.
dors, and tells of n shocking condition
ot niTnirs, In tlio Worth Uliina Daily
News. Ho nsoprtnlnod that tlio peoplo
of Cliougan had dotormiued to tako tho
life of every foreigner in tho plnco, and
when' Mr. Flomlng sot foot in tho town
ho was a doomed man. At least 200
people witnessed tlio mutdor from tho
oppoaito side of tho river. Evangelist
Pan was suddenly and quickly out
down. Mr. Fleming dismounted from
hlsmulotogo to liis assistance, hut
ho, too, was attacked aud slain after a
desperuto conflict.
A Court nf Inquiry 1'rolinlilr,
Washington, Fob. 0. Indications
aro that a court of Inquiry will bo or
dnrod to investigate and roport upon
tho truth or falsity of statomonta al
leged to havo boon mad a by General
Milos, in which tho quality of beet
furnished tho troopa during tho
wnr wna brought in question.
I) ii ii illy Work or a Train.
Pittsburg, Feb. 0. A two-horw
wagon on which flvo men and a young
woman woro riding, was struck today
hy a Daltimoro & Ohio freight train
at IHvorton station. Four men woro
killed and tho othor man and tho young
woman so badly injured that they will
probably dlOj
llflibiirii'i Oimiil Hill.
Washington, Fob. 0. Tho 'houso
oominittoo on intorstato and foroigu
commorco today dircotod a fnvorublo
roport on tho Hopburn Nicaragua canal
bill, with nuiondmeuta, as n aqbstituto
for tho Morgan bill, pasaod by tho sonato.
Addison G. Foster tho Choioo
for Sonator.
Wit. on Witliilrntr In III. I'nvor, and
tho Ankmiy-lf lime Fitrmia Jlultnd
tlie Cituciin rtr' Cureor.
Addison G. Foster, of Tncomn, who
received 68 votes in tho ltopublicari
caucus held Tuesday evening, was at
12 o'clock Wednesday elected to repre
sent tho stato of Washington at the na
tional capital.
The nomination of Foster in tho call
ous Tuesday night was brought about
by the Wilson following coming over
to Foster Into in tho uitornoon, Thoy
signed an agreement to suppoit him in
tlio caucus. To his intimate friends,
Wilson stated that ho had expected
support from various sections of tho
stato that did not come to him, and
that although ho had prom i red from
day to dny that ho would make a bet
ter showing, ho had to admit that ho
could not bring to him support that ho
had counted upon. It was then ngre-id
that his men should bo released. There
upon tho Foster managers opened ne
gotiations to tako Wilson's men into
camp, which they did veiy gracefully.
Whon Speaker Gnio, of tho house of
representatives, called tho caucus to
ordor, Senator Wilshiro, of Scattlo,
ropioaonting tho united King county
and Ankeny forces, stated that tho ob
ject of tho caucus call, under which
they were operating was signed with
tho understanding that the caucus, as a
whole, was to solcct a man for senator,
and that it was unfair for any part of
tho members to organizo within tho
caucus nnd decido upon tho man to bo
solected. Tills statement waB received
with indulgent smiles by tho Fostor
men. At tho conclusion of tho Wil
shiro statement, tho Ankeny men, with
tlio exception of Gobo, of Walla Walla,
Ankeny's homo bolted.
Wednesday waa tho anniversary of
tho elcotion of John L Wilson.
The New Senator.
Addison G. Foster waa born in
Delohortown, Mass., 01 yoara ago.
Early in lifo hia parents removed to
Illinois, and when a young man, Mr.
Fostor'a father located in Central Wis
consin. There young Fostor had his
first oxporionco in lumbering. He as
sisted his fatlior in clearing a farm in
tho Wisconsin forests, and later moved
co Wabasha, Minn. At that p'aco ho
was olectod, whilo a young man, coun
ty survoror, and Inter county auditor.
Theso woro tho only public ofllccs ho
over accepted. Whilo at Wabash, ho
engaged in tlio grain, fuel nnd real cs
tato business. In 1873 ho moved to
St. Paul to ougago in tho luuibor and
fuel business with Colonel O. W.
Griggs, now at Taooma. At St. Paul
ho formed tho acquaintance and friend
ship of Sonator C. K. Davis, Senator
Knuto Nolson and other prominont Re
publicans of tlio Middlo West. Ho has
always beon successful in business nnd
equally successful whonovor hoongaged
in politics.
Mr. Fostor movod to Tacoma in 1887,
to ongago with Colonol Griggs mid
others in tho manufactuio of lumber.
Ilia priuolpal company is known as
tho St. Paul Us Tacoma Lumbor Com
pany, and opnratcs ono of tho largest
sawmills on Pugot sound. Ho is an
oxtousivo ownor of conl and ooko
mines, and of timbor lands in tho stato
of Washington. Ilia company is uIbo
ongagod in tlio shipping business, send
ing cargoes, principally of lumber, to
all parts of tho world.
Foitftr on Nutlonul laiues.
Regarding li is position on national
issuos, Mr. Foster says:
"I favor what is commonly torniod
tho expansion policy. Under a busi-noss-llko
arrangement I favor tlio build
ing of tho Nicaragua canal. I am for
sound monoy nnd n thorough business
man's administration of our publio
affairs. I favor an opon river polioy
for tho Columbia and aa n conernl
I pioposition favor river and harbor im
Iprovomonts of all kinds. In a word, I
doslro to soo tho possibilities of tho
Pnoiflo const, pnrtioulnrly of my own
stnto, realized, nnd I shall do nil in my
powor to ndvnnoo tho material wolfaro
of Washington."
JS'mr Itiillrmiil In Chlnn.
A. W. IJash, who was formorly col
loctoi of customs on Pugot sound, waa
tho original promoter in China, of what
gives promifo of being a very important
enterprise. Tho moving spirit now be
hind tho scheme is Stewart M. Drico.
The matter includes valuable conces
sions for tho American-China Develop
ment Company in tho name of tho
China Uailroad Company. Tho sur
vey of tho road is already in progross.
Tho ofllco of the new company is at To
coma. Niitr rortlnml-Koiinil T.lne.
"W.H. Llewellyn and Georgo Tiffany
two New York capiBtaiists aro ot San
Francisco. Thoy aro said to havo corns
west on nn important railroad deal.
They havo in view tho buildini: of a
railroad from Portland to Tacoma and
Seattle, a distance of 140 miles. Borida
have already been placod in Now York
to raise tho necessary monoy for tho
construction of tills road. It is com
mon gossip that Llewellyn and Tiffany
tro agents for tho Varidcrbilts.
CuttliiK th n Time.
Tho tirno between Chicago and
Omaha has been reduced to 12 houis
3ti tho Chicago & .North westorn rial
tvay. This is part of tho overland
limited, which is to reduce the tirno
between Chicago and Portland to threo
Jays. Tho fastest tirno previously
made botweon Chicago and Omaha on
tho Chicago & Northwestern waa 13
tiours and 25 minutes.
A Curloiia Accident.
A curious accident occurred in an
Albina, Or., homo recently by which a
little girl was dangerously wounded by
i revolver. Tho mother found tho re
volver which alio imagined was un
loaded. For somo reason or other sbo
placed it in an old slipper. Tho littlo
jirl came in and gavo this a kick caus
ng tho discharge of tlio revolver.
Seattle Market.
Onions, 8500o per 100 pounds.
Potntoes, $1520.
Beets, per sack, 75c.
Turnips, per sack, 50 75c.
Carrots, per sack, 45 00c.
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Cauliflower, 6090o per doz.
Celery, 35 40c.
Cnbbago, native and California
(1.25 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 85 50c per box.
Pears, 60c$1.50 per box.
Prunes, 50c per box.
Butter Creamery, 26c per pound;
dairy and ranch, 1720c per pound.
Eggs, 30c.
Cheese Native, 1212c.
Poultry Old hens, 14c per pound;
ipring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 10c.
Fresh meats Choice dressed beef
steers, primo, 8c; cows, prime,
7c; mutton. 8c; pork, 8o; veal, 08o.
Wheat Feed wheat, $23.
Oats Choico, per ton, $26.
Hay Pugot Sound mixed, $0.00
11; choice Eastern Washington tim
othy, $15.
Corn Whole. $23.50; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $23.50.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$2520; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.50;
Etraiubts, $3.25; California brands,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.50; graham,
per barrel, $3. GO; wholo wheat flour,
$3.75; ryo flour, $4.50.
Millstuffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, $10.
Feed Chopped food, $2033 per
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake
meal, per ton, $35.
Portland Market.
Whoat Walla Walla, 58c; Valley,
00c; Bluestem, Glo per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham,
f 2. 05; superfine, $2.15 per barrel.
Oats Choico white, 4142c; choice
gray, 3040c per bushel.
Barley Feed barloy, $22 23; brew
ing, $23.50 por ton.
Millstuffs Bran, $17 por ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $16.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $9 10; clover, $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $0 por ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 5056o;
seconds, 4550o; dairy, 4045o storo,
Choeso Oregon full cream, 12)o;
Young America, 15o; now oheeso,
lOo por pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.604
per dozen; hens, $4. 00 5. 00; springs,
$1.253; geoso, $Q.007.00 for old,
$4.505 for young; ducks, $5.00
0.50 per dozen; turkoys, livo, 15
10c per pound.
Potatoes 8000o per sack; sweots,
2c pur pound.
Vegetables Beets, 00c; turnips, 75o
por sack; garlic, 7o por pound; cab
bage, $11.25 por 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 75o por dozen; parsnips, 75o
por saok; beans, So per pound; celery
7075o per dozen; oucumbois, 60c per
box; pens, 88c por pound.
Onions Oregon, 75o$l porsack.
Hops 1518o; 1807 crop, 46o.
Wool Vnlloy, 1012o por pound;
Enstom Oregon, 8 12c; mohair,
20c por pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheop, wethers
nnd oweB, lo; dressed mutton, 7c;
spring lnmbs, 7Jo por lb.
Hoga Gross, ohoico honvy, $4.26;
light and feeders, $3.004.00; dressed,
$5. 00 5. 50 per 100 pounds.
Boof Gross, top steers, 3.60$3.75;
cows, $3.603.00; dressed boof,
60o por pound.
Veal Largo, fl7cj Biuull, 78o
por pound,
Item of Onnnrnl Intel-nut Oleaned
From the Thriving I'ncUlo
liitllroml Kxtftmlnn.
Consldorulo excitement provaiis from
Lakoviow, Lake county, Oregon, all
j along tho lino to Iteno, Nov., owing to
I tho recent nutlionticated roport of tho
j extension of tho Nevada & California
I railroad from Amedu, Cai., north. Tho
I news of tho purchase of ovei 0,000 tons
, of steel rails in Now York by tho own
, ors of this road was sent out last week,
'and tho material will bo shipped im
mediately to Amedu, preparatory to
beginning of extension work in tho
spring. Tins is a nnrrow-guago road
now terminating at Amedu, and it is
concluded that tho next terminus will
bo Van Loans, 05 miles north, and
nearly crossing over the great Mada
lino plains. It will plnco Lakoviow
within 105 miles of rnilroad trnnapor
tation, and will mako a considcrablo
difference in stock shipping, freighting
and passengor travel. Tho objeot of
tho proposed extension is to head off
tho Southern Pacific Company, which
is now extending its lino from Upton
through tho great McOloud timbor bolt
to Fall Iliver.
Speedy Mall Carrier!.
All records of ice travel on tho Yu
kon have been broken by tho recent feat
of the mounted police of the Northwest
tenitory in bringing a big shipment
of mail from Dawson to Skagway in
nino days and 10 hours. The mail
left DawEon on the morning of.January
15 and was in Skagway before noon on
January 31. Tho record was mado by
tho Canadian officials, it is said, to
show that they could greatly reduco
the tirno being mado by tho United
States mail contractors.
Ill Sale or Wheat.
With the sale of about 500,000 bush-
! els of wheat on a basis of 50 cents for
No. 1 club, net, to tho farmers, tho
wheat market has taken on a quieter
tono at Pendleton, Or., and no sales
aro being recorded. Tiio distribution
of $250,000 of ready money in this com
munity lias given considerable impetus
to ietail business, which had becomo
fcomewlmt stagnant fiom the failure of
tho producers to realize either on wheat
or wool.
Schooner Sander Libeled.
The schooner Fred E. Sander, at tho
Tacoma mill loading lumber for Vallojo
Junction, has been libeled by James
Gillespie, formerly a cook on her, for
$318. The suit was brought while tbo
ship was on the lower Sound. Tho
case will be heard in Seattle. Since
coming to Tacoma the captain and all
of tho crow who were in her before,
with the exception of a Mexican, who
speaks no English, havo loft her.
Farinlnc Operation Returned.
Farming operations are in activo
progress in the country south and west
of Colfax, Wash., and last week bun-
.1 t . . , a
I ureuti oi acres woro pioweu ior spring
I 1! T-1 .1 ... 1. n .
eeeuing. xarmers in mo AiKau uac
country aro seeding, and many aro well
along with sowing their spring grain.
Squirrels aro out by hundreda, the
country bears the marks of spring, tho
hills nro becoming green, nnd farmora
are busy with their spring work.
A Girl Attacked.
On Sunday, an unknown man at
tacked tho 14-year-olddaughter of O. I.
Morris, of Tumor, Or., while she was
in a stubble field, rounding up cows.
Tiio man jumped from behind a olump
of brush, threw the girl on the ground,
took off one of her shoes and ordered
her to skip. Mr. Morris heard tho
Ecreams of his daughter, and ran to her
rescue, but the assailant w?s nowhoro
to bo found.
Ko Hlril ItecelTed.
The steamship City of Columbia was
put up for salo at San Francisco at tho
upset prico of $32,000. There was no
purchaser. The police department will
now indorse the petition of the seamen
of the Columbia that tho vessel be put
up for as muoh as she will bring. Tho
sailors of tho vessel are really in a very
bad shape. Most of them have not a
cent, and havo not possessed a dollar
in weeks.
Overhauling n Nail riant.
Tho roport published in tho Port
Townsend Loader a few days ago to
the effect that tho nail works plant
was being wrecked for tho purpose of
shipping tho machinery, olsowhero, was
n mistake. It originated from tho fact
tbnt several workmon woro busily on
gaged in overhauling tho niachinory.
When tho plant will resume work has
not been .dofinitoly settled.
Income From Clams.
Accovding to tho Astorinn, O. N.
Cnmnhnn, as a losult of a personal in
vestigation of tho subject, finds that
tho estimate of valuo of tbo olam prod
uct of Clatsop oounty contained in
Fish Commissioner MoGuiro'a report
ia wrong. Mr. MoGuiro puts tho an
nual valuo of Clatsop county clams at
$000. Mr. Carnahnn states that it ia
very oloao to $10,000.
Hoy IMrittua at Nan Franolioo.
John Ilnlliu nnd Arthur Daught
hnvo boon arrested nt Snn Frnnoisoo
J on a chnrga of Btonling coppor nnd brass
from thoMaro island nnvy.yard. Thoy
woro formorly wreckers, but of lato
hnvo beon voritablo bay pirates, using
' a whalobont nnd a skiff to commit theln