Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 10, 1899, Image 4

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    Your Last Chance!
NUGGET. ? OamrtJiSmu Togic as mnYmg
lin bin
hat ii iMnniT Iadiaa war
reienas tae ncc
jTae bill aa passed Ae seaate
j twice. !
. - .1
tn. w, rrt. i
Fz:av. Feb 10.-119$:
: -. yr:
ied nt tec V;Taitaare wegaiacd
by this Sekeximg aW bkkeriag
ipofiey. whidilMS btea tolerated at
jtae.eaae? Tae bas bsea. o ,
fcvac of Uk
ttlv other faaad
Tmfee HaifHoB of tbl jadfchl ,u.. w rted k tki-
district is oat ia a ktterto tbe .' 0t"!ja rofs of ow boicst
goataa apsag SwHor "9; J uj
dali'5 b, is&arg or aa awwwt
jadge far the mcoW jadkkl dis
trict. Wkb all doe respect U
Senator Kaykeadafl. we are m
cttaed to saspeU that Jadge Haail
toaisaboat riebt. Tadee HaaiH-
; o Uvuimr but be is aa ex-
1"'t r 11.. t :n:.,. TI W
To tbe door of Senator Hoar aad
a few more of bis swap caa be laid j
tbeaMtrder of twenty-fire or per
baps aMre aad tbe woaodiag of
scarry 209 of oar braTest soldiers ut !
tbe recent coaSict at Maaila. Had j
r i ir r 4- wvv Tin 11 1 luri 111 1 1 11 Bit: if ii 1 vniiiifi
mm r a a a a. aw m. ja- a w - r
offer of SILVER WAKJb.
at aw , m 11 Ct nin 1 1 1 -11 it 11 1 11 ill a. J m w aa a. a-aa.. ar a :
ivins in all kinds of WINTER G0OJ)ai' j
l: lurch.
ceBdoaalfy brillknt oae. He bas tber doaetbetr doty, w aa proo-
proved to be a first ckas judge, aad I abtbty tbe battSe recently fbagbt
bo oae deates ms zmt as j woeia htc txx3i ctcu.
a lawyer, and bis remarks oa tbe
subject matter ofSeaator Kaykea-
dall's bill deserve carefalatteatjoa.
Aa exchange says Colorado bas
grown a potato that weighed 86
1 rviifrulc a rwl mc iR-r T 1 laraes
Judge Hamiltoa is a worker la bts
official capacity, and be savs be
can do all tbe work tbrast
diameter. That don't cut any ice.
VTiv oat bre in Oreroa we know :
apoB, - . . .,!
. . . , . . . - . h .1. Of OQC EUB lilUl n uw wwantitu
the point exactly. If the several l0'05 J!
ct..!cold snap. Its a coH day
x . . . . , I Oregon gets left, even on a potato
to district judges would give more 6 6
attention to the faithful and ex- yarn rz
peaientpenormanceoi ujarocraai Goveraor Geer has been asked!
Sm FraaekcA HUtiM awl JMwmh i
Keee fer ywtr f IJA.
St IaW titotr-Diamwrwt aad IW-
Kvenr ptrfm tctntiw- m in ave ins-ir
nkrilm to tle M'fmU Xisget at
I Mr jtsar will rx-emve a rtwtt for
mm; yr' HiWripioi U ttie BoiMaikt
Net or Wfklr Ort-oiiB, fnfe.
duties and pay less attention to tbe
drawing of their salaries and the in.
creasing of the same, the taxpayers
would be eventually much relieved
to appoint a student to tbe Oread
institute at Worcester, Mass. as
each state and territory is entitled !
j-t,- pointee must be a ycuag woman
up me same ikk ia, uc between the age of i8 and 35. of
good health, possessing a good
education and desirous of obtaining (
a thorough knowledge of house
hold science and all that pertains to
it. Tuition, board and room will 1
be given free, and at tbe close of;
her course of study she will be
aided -in obtaining a position as
teacher ol domestic science.
out with in the last term of court he
is a pretty good pattern to draw
from, even if he is a democrat.
It bas never been quite plain to
newspaper men why. so many
physicians.tefrain .frqm-.presenting
their business to the public through
the advertising process. Jnst what
barm is attached to it is hard -to
see especially when you .discover
that there are just as many quacks
who do not advertise as there are
who do. It strikes us. that the
man who is not ashamed of his
profession and his work in his pro
fession can find little commendable
excuse for not advertising. How
ever if "John Somesick is seriously
ill and the case is a critical one,
and Dr. Mabecure is called, and by
mistake pulls ..John Somesick
through and said Somesick realizes
his fondest (?) hope of being able
to get down to the bank, and pays
Dr. Mabecure his bill, said
doctor, is not adverse to the poor
struggling country newspaper man
mentioning that had it not been
for tbe "timely arrival" of Dr.
Mabecure, bomesick would cer
tainly have climbed tbe golden
Through the kindness of Mr.
Henry Landess Co C, 2d Oregon, ;
Manila, Bohemia Nugget 'S in ,
receipt of The American Soldier,
an enterprising journal published i
there. Tbe name speaks for itself
and the matter published therein !
proves its devotion to the boys in j
blue. In tbe advertising columns i
of the American Soldier we find a
two column ad beaded "Grand
Benefit, for a Monument in Memory
of the American Hero Soldiers;"
the benefit being a theatrical pro
duction, to be given by the Kigh'th
army corps, at Fillipino Theater,
Jan 8. Among the names of the
managers of the theatrical club we
find that of Sergt. C. d. Kauffman
of Co C. Mr.TCauffraan's home is
in Eugene and he is one of Lane
county's popular young men.
Claude Branton tbe henious
murderer of John A.' Linn, the cir
cumstances ot whicn every man,
woman and child in Lane county is
familiar has been baptised, Rev.
Patterson of the Divinity school
officiating assisted by Revs. Rose
and Matlock. Does this signify that
Claude Branton, whose bands are
deeply stained with the crimson
blood of a fellow man, is cleansed
from his sins, sins of the mightiest
magnitude that the Great Father
will reach out and down to him,
and lift this reptile, this human
snake, this monster, whose very
soul, if be be soul-possessed has
been saturated in vice and crime
from boyhood, trembling with
brutish cowardice, up into ever
lasting life and seat him within the
holy circle of the throne?
Tbe PilgarJIc minstrels of this city
left on Wednewlay MoriingM local for
CreUvrM where they preentfJ their
grand rtation of ininvtieliM c
vwwlen to the Cr$weli people that
Clearance Sale!
In order to dispose of my stock
I will, during the month of
January, sell all good in my
line at greatly reduced prices.
I have also a nice assort
ment of ribbons, ornaments,'1
etc. Call and get our prices.
RUjre one door Bouth of the New York
Racket Store.
CvTTAan Gbovk, - - Oub.
S'rriore Things.
Get ia oat of tbe wot.
Hang up yvmr tkalw It's all all"
orUiM wi .Her.
All the blest fazs In vaNMttiuoa.
fleason Dt ig Co.
t dairy sale 46. lOOtl. stock alt
We. F. ii. i'nillii. ;
Remember tlie tlnnee oh tlte evening
of the HUi-St Weatiaea.
Freh euMMtfi-, uweet potatoes, oranges
aad teutons at F. Ii. 1'hilllp? . .
Erery effort vrill be madeU make tht
St Valentine) dunce a snxtt. Bohemia Xgget and the gr t
San Fraticiiseo liulatin for l-'.OQ pe
Valentine day will eoon be here. We
are heal quarters for vafentineif. Ben
son Drag Co. '
It has leen a Ion? time inee Lane
county people have experienced hh oold
weather an that of hct nek. .
Things will begin to move here'.ln a
ehort time. Cottage Grove haj' the
backing now to make 'em move.
Notice the change of 'ads in thin
week's isue Head Kakin's&'Hristow'ti
alsoL Lurch's. . '
. ....
Cabinet Thqfos $1.60 per doz. for a few
days. Come now -rave money. J.N.
Boyd, i.'ftoiographer.
The Denver Times-Sun and the Bo-
j hernia Nugget, both papers sent to any
j address for $1.60 cash in. advance.
I Note this: You can procure the Bo
! hernia Nugget, your home paper nnd the
St Louis Globe-Democrae for $1.75 per
year, cash in advance.
Paper hanging and painting'.'ls my
gjKicial line of business, If I put the
paper on your wall I will guarantee
that the paper will not crack. Head
quarters next door went of Attorney
Young's law oflice. Geo. G. Anderson.
Subscriptions to the Nugget keep a-
rollin' in. Get on the list and be one of
us. If you don't like the Nugget in
particular, subscribe anyway just to get
one of the excellent paperu offered in our
clubbing list. Some of them will be
sure to please you , If we don't.
Wi live Closing Out Our K lit ire IjIiic o
nans Clothing at VhoicfrfuI I'rlces.
We rrfalMOfl'rib--
Jtoom far Onr Large Stork of Hpr in y Uoaa.
Call and get Our Prices.
The Fashion Stables,
Y. . I litl.iAnf X in.,,ffprltr.
, Proprietors of the Bohemia
I ,. .and-
j6 Black Butte Stage Lines.
Rcaspnadle. Prices.
Firit-Ciss Turnouts, Double or Single.
Cottage Grovcj Oregon.
Centrally Located. .
- Meet All Train.
And 11 y The Week.
Tl Weekly Oregonian and Bohemia
Nugget for $2 In advance. Profit by
tlii offer.
Mr. F. K. Touchette of Wildwood
who has been suffering for several
months with cancer of the liver, died nt
his home Monday Feb. 0, 1809, aged 30
yers. Mr. Touchette, was a member of
the Maccabee lodge, holding afuneial
policy and a $1000 insurance policy.
During the gentleman's illness he has
been fathfully cared for by the order,
every effort being made to promote his
AfrKugene Feb. 7 1899, Justice Winter
meierofllciatingMr. ItuffKowlins and
Miss Palmer, of Mosby creek. Con
gratulations. M. Ki CllUJtCIf,
Subject for Feb. I2th morning "Su
premacy ofJLove;" evening, "The Judg
mental Christ."
r , M. 0. lilll.NK.
Bohemia Hotel,
. - . -. . L'lnrf i.lttfn
Jlaten Front $ $2. ' ' '" Street,
: .. m wi fj HAfa. rirr.
AVI JS it H ' - S : ' r ' " w ' r
A Complete and Well Selected Line of the
.a II I . a a r. n y a a a a a a f
INew Line of Trusses just in
Bnon Drug Company. Cottagr- OfovJ, Qr.
P. W. RHODES, Prop.
Is the place to go to buy your fresh and smoked
meats, lard, etc. Everything in the shop is fust class.
Bee, Tlieiu,
When you want fino cabinet work
done, furniture repairing, or first cIabs
painting and graining, see Mr. Bidwell
& Son at "Cy" Miller's blacksmith
shop. They guarantee their work to be
first class and their prises are reasonable.
Last week I. D. Applegato sold
head of mutton sheep to- Louis Ger.bff
at 3 conts, and parties from Lnkevi
State he sold this week 1000 head of
stock sheep to Sol Chandler at $3 I'
head. Klamath Falls Express,
Wot Oresonian
Bohemia Niict
The Two Papers
$2 for One Year.