BmiinlliliiB Vnry Hootlilnif. ,ti .11. i BIHO 01 OV. tlllUUUtl JU lur uw uuiu JUIIII1I. It HOOtllOH tllO IKlltl, It M. . . -.1 I ...... I ....... II... 10 It HtrOIIKWIlins mm runiiirun mu norvon to n iintiiral condition, it mil tit mill Hiiro. ;io inrifcet wonum in mu . i.. it.. Alniv Mnuluiio, colorutl. tiled ru- V lit I.lttIB HOOK, 2VK. "Si - . . . . . I .-I. .. I ftrl w .. . . t i. a ir..u Hilitv. tun mu) vvuiuiiuu duo. J I ffrue greatness h Medicine proved by the health f the people who have Skenit. More people have Been made well, more cases f disease and sickness have been cured by Mood's arsaparilla than by any ther medicine in the Xrorlcl. The peculiar com- ination, proportion and rocess in its preparation make Hood's Sarsaparilla eculiar to itself and un- nualled by any other. IMtll'T HU(ll), Jnllota of Dtono woro imod na Into na mm. 3reoclioii ninons tho Grooka woro it RjfrT of alnvory. Clio ton. wna tlio aucond mono In iKaflirt'UHt of tho Ilebtow high jirletttH. Jhicoiin, from which qiiinino la SBao, wh cnllod "Joaiilta' uurk" by HimnlnrilN. If nil tlio tnnnolH of tho worlil wore Seed end to oiul thuy would rcncli n utneo of Gil tniloa. Thoy iiumbor Kit I, US. dio )iirk't'Ht colli coin in oslatcnco la Vpltli about fillo. it ih too iiikoi or TV , . . ..I A . .....I tin ..hIiiu tu jlOOl Ul llllimil, HUH 111 lliuuin mton tho coin with India ink. THY AM.KN'H 1'OOT-KAHK, IBIpowdvr to bo shaken Into tlio alioca. rflr.iu .Mum vmir turt feci nwollfii. ncr- Ivgua and unconifortnblc. If you bavo feXiSBe." Itmtal.donri'orunakea rwnikinicasv. cures swollen nniiBwoniinir Ifeef. blistcra and callous snots. Itcllcves cdriis and bunions of nil pain nnd la n cer tain euro for Chilblains, Hwrntlng, damp orftoatcd feet. Wo lmvo over thirty thou sand testimonials. Try It today. Sold by aU'dniKglls nnd shoo store-, for 25c. Trlnl psajweo FKEK. Address, Allen S. Olm- t'lirlosltln of I,Ur. Inkoa lmvo no overflow to tho sen wntor nlwnya becomoa anlty, pur ilntly if thoio la smnll rainfall and Jch evaporation. Tho Caspian acn is Bporly a salt lako. ho is the Uimd There are aovornl lukoa ol con- Arable sI.o In Canada which liavo no Iblo inlota, boing foil entirely from jterrnnonn aourcua. Chicago Chron- Amono Tin: AI.MOM-KVKI. Dio Jananeao are said to bo tho iQlSnneat pooplo in tho world. Reciuits for tho Uhinoac army aru 10 nccepted unleea thoy can jump a ditch aix feet wido. poll to Cliinanmn conaidora it a brCacli ol etiquette to weur spuciaciea Iriicoinimny. 3nuIMnking originated in Knglaiid ffrSin tho capture of vast quuntitlcs of iifr by Sir Goorgo Kooko'a expcdl- ran to Viogo in 1781. 8 The National Inventors' Association. (IKCOM'OIUTKD.) liioaKCllcrHl I'ATKNT ItUHINICSS. We hire, introiluco anil noil vntcnta. Our rcKls 1 attorney enn (tut you mtunt direct from ii.l lli .in . .till.. In.muii'.iilnil ) k'overmut'iit ivltlioiuiloliiy. AKOiUBwniileil evorv town to noil nntcnteil nrllolen. Further very town to noil imienteii nrilolo. Further formation f iiriilx heel on renuest. Hoom Ola JfAMIIKIt OV C'OMMKIICB UllILDlNO, PORTLAND, BEUON. KEETH WITHOUT PLATES I llooU Crowned. IlrlilRos Miulo. I 1 mule Ulllntr mill oxtriiotlnn. r. T. H. White, 3,Wn' ftllRF Fnn PIIFQ 'B9lTiN(iT'IIe pruUnco niol.turinmloan.o ItolHnjr. Thla form, wall Wind, Ulsvillnir or I'rutruillna II' 1m nru cured by Dr. Dosnnko's Plla Remedy top Itchlna and tilemtlnir. A r at il riiKKiiU or lent lj mall ko's Pile Remedy bantu tumor,. Alio h. ir mall. Truatlm f roa. Wrlto sauoutjourcaia, 1IU UOHANKO, l'lillaja., I'a, R?r vPSPtr1". H'1 alyf ?' Tabrt'i Oltay Bpeclflo. II I. it IIIUUIL-IIIO WJ11CII will cure each and every NO I1AHK known It Im. r.lll in urn. nu Itciult pm iu UN will Ailonun yc K ft At i i ,10w lony Bianmnffi u It U olnoliitcly Mf, i tAkcn without Incontif ln.. ltll.., 4,. td Vii. n and detention from builnvM. riiK'B. tJ.0, i'OT and caii bo tAkon without inconvu- Wlirall rollable dniKirlnU, or aent prepaid bjr eiproaa, lnly wrapped, on ret'eliit of jirlre, by Inla. 5S CUEMICAC CO., Claioago. IU. - HWIVI4 VH tvuvellr licit Couah UUKtS WHIHt All USE FAILS i Syrup. Tastci Qaod. Dm iu iluie. Hold by dninaUta. I I YESTERDAY AND TOHORROW flEET IN UNCLE SAiTS DOHAIN. mm M v 1 1 Jfc r .io. . ggS , TODAY ISTOMORROW IN MANILA. rnrndoz of Time I.enilit to All Corta of Oncer CotiMcqiicnccit. Tlio wnr with Spain hns been full of mirprlKi'H, but perhnjm Hh oddest out come I that Uncle Ham now Iiiib nil IiIh holldayH not to mention other dayn In dupllcnte. Kor this we lmvo to thank Admiral Dewey. Territorial ex imiiHlon Iiiih Involved uh In time cxpnn islon n!no. It la a curloualy literal fill II 1 1 in en t of the Spnnlnrd'H il renin of "mannnn." Today la nlwaya to-morrow In the Philippines. This pnrndox of time leada to all norta of queer con Hcquencea. The cablegrams received to-dny nre dated to-morrow. Only the breaking of the cable at Manila pre vented our hearing of Dcwey'a victory the day before the battle was fought! If you should stnrt nt noon to-day nnd travel westward nt the rate of about a thousand miles an hour, It would still bo noon In every region you passed through all the way around the world. You would catch no Kll.n8c of nlRbt; you would boo no huhuci nun no uu rlt?. Vet when you reached home again, twenty-four hours later, It wduld be to-morrow. Proceeding In the op posite direction, you would, of course, get Just the opposite result. You would gain a day, apparently. The day of the mouth Is a purely ar bitrary arrangement. Nature does not define It. One dny slides Into another Just as yarn goes round the reel. Yet It Is necessary to mnke the chango somewhere. So we draw an arbitrary line from north to south, on the one side of which It Is to-day and on the other to-morrow, even In plnces not a mllo apart. Theoretically there nre points where n single step would carry you from Sunday noon Into the middle of Monday. This Is the so-called date lino. Here nil ships as they cross drop : or repeat a day, throwing your diary 1 sadly out of gear. Sailing eastward you go to bed Sunday evening, nnd j when you rise In the morning It Is still Sunday. Sailing toward the west, you And that you have slept till Tuesday, , though you got only your usual rest. The true date lino Is rarely shown ou maps. The accompanying chart is therefore worth preserving. Roughly, tho course of tho lino Is as follows: Starting nt the north polo It passes through llehrlng strait, then slants to tho westward to clear the long horn formed by the Aleutian chain of Islands and give them the Bnme dny Ins tho United States, to which they ' belong. This accomplished, It returns ' to tlio one hundredth nnd eightieth meridian nnd drops southward Into tho tropics, keeping far to the east of the Japanese group anil tne I'lunppines, until It approaches the latltudo of tho FIJI Islands. As these and some neigh boring groups belong lo Great Britain and do business chiefly with her Aus tralian colonies, tho date lino hero makes a sudden swerve eastward, so as not to cnibnrrnss the local commerco with n change of day. When wo pur chased Alaska wo annexed the Siberian dotf which nt that time cut Into tho Amcrlcnn continent, though occupying a remote nnd dosolato region. Wo quickly revised tho date lino, however, to suit our own convenience. Tho cnoo of tho Philippines Is singu lar. For n long time they eujoyed tho American day, though tho Asiatic cal endnr prevailed nil around them, thus dragging tho dato Hue far out of its natural course. Somo who ought to know hotter seem to sur.poso thnt this absurd practice Is etlll maintained. A Btntcmont to that effect appeared In a well-known mngazlno not many years ngo. But In 1844 tho much-needed chango was inndo by Nnrclso Olaverla, then Governor General and Arch- bishop, the 31st of December of that year being dropped from tho calendar, AN, EAST INUVN PtNITENT. Carries About with Illm Six Hundred Hevciity-two I'ounila of Cliainn. Hindoo fakirs subject themselves to all sorts of flesh mortification. One of them llnds Joy In weighing his body down with Iron chains. He carries 072 pounds of metal In this way, and looks as If he would bayc a hard time running for a cable car or dodging an electric cab. Tho wearer of these chains Ih Abdul bin Ahdulla. a mystic of llombay. A Mohammedan fakir I.0API5D DOWN years ago taught him that to obtain occult power ho should mortify the flesh nnd ho begun by wearing nn Iron ring around his neck. To this from time to tlmo he attached chains until he nc cumulated his present collection. Mo Is CO yenrs old. Tho chains nre worn night and day nnd thoy nre firmly welded to tho neck, nrms nnd nnkles. He expects to carry 1,500 pounds before ho dies, CRETE'S NEW FLAG. The Powers Decide on a Deslcn for a rsntioiim Jwisiirn. The powers have now decided on tho dnslrm tho Cretan floe shall tnke. The ground of tho flag will bo blue, quar tcred by a white cross. Tho upper A FI.AO FOH OltKTK. ouartcr next tho staff will, however, bo rod. bearing a flvc-polntcd star. The ting Is a pretty one, but It caunot bo said to havo given entire satisfaction to all over whom It will float. A sec tion of tho Cretans grumble that tho flag docs not sufllclently recognize tho Ottoman suzerainty. It Is snfo to wngor thnt n man who wears kid gloves on tho streets every day la either In love or a vreacucr. WITH UtOK. Thoio la a man in Nowton, Knn., N. I Murray by name, who linn married tho Hiiino woman (our times. Each mar-1 lingo, oxcept tlio last, was followed by 1 n divorce, t lion by reconciliation, thon by remarriage, then by n row. Tho (ourt mnrringo acema to hnvo been tho . charm, for tho couple lmvo lived to gether aovernl year a na happily as a pair of doves. (Nut of NlriiriiBiiu OmiihI. Tim MtlrnntMi n If, tin; (.(wt ul Minntnirtlnir (lie Mciiniuiifi Cmin: vnry from !11S.(WO.(jO0 tu IW),W),M). How different arc the emlmiilwi ol till! iiKOtiP; h to tlie VBllie (it Iloitctter'n Htom- ncli Jllltfru fur ntotnnnh, liver, blood nnd kid ney ifcii(!. Il I ntfri'eil everywhere thnt thin remedy Is imorniwl for lnillnostlon, IjIIIokh hum, cotmtiifttlon, nervoiimi'M and MeepleM liena. It la Mich an agreeAble Irioillclno to take. It tAkteK good hi well as doe (fowl. Tlio Dntcliuaa d'Ulzea la, among other things, a ficulptor of conaidorable talent. No liounrdiold la complete without a bot tle of the funious Jesse Mooro Whiskey. It ia n tin re nnd wholesome Btitmilant rec- onimended by nil ifiysicians. Don't ne glect this necessity. A Wnlkden, England, mechanic lias succeeded in breaking his legs 24 times in tho Inat G2 years. The Manchester doctors look on him na a maevl. Htrlkna In. Tho chill of frost strikes in nnd car ries with it adieu nnd pains. St. Jacobs Oil will follow cloao behind nnd drive thorn out of tho system. It will search nnd enro. By tlio elcctrio hemoHtnt of Lawson Tait bleeding is arrested without tho uso of a litnguro. We will forfeit SI. 000 if nnv of our nub- llshcd testimonials nre proven to be not genuine. The J'iho Co., Warren, i'u. Ono of tlio richest women in the Klondiko is Miss Mulrooney, a young woman from Peniiaylavnia. If vou want the best wind mill, pumps. tanks, plows, wagons, bells of all sizes boilers, endues, or ceneral machinery, aeo or wrlto JOHN POOLE, foot of Morrison street, X'ortlanu, Oregon. Bavaria has 28 poncil factories, em ploying 10,000 peoplo nnd producing 4,000,000 black and 300,000 colored pencils per week. The Tin Tags taken from Horseshoe, "J. T.," Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of this list of desirable and useful things and you have your good chewing tobacco besides. Every man, woman and child in America can find something on this list that they would like to have and can have FKEE 1 Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you can get to us mentioning the number of the present you want. Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above will be accepted as follows: 1 Match Box, quaint design, im ported from Japan 23 2 Knife, one blade, good steel 25 3 Sciiso-s, s&.inch, good steel .... 23 4 ChiU's Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon 23 0 Salt and Pepper, one each, quad ruple pUte on white metal .... SO 0 Razor, hollow ground, fine English sleel 60 7 Butter Knife, triple plate, best quaL CO 8 SugarSheli,triplepIate,bestqua!ity CO 9 Stamp Ron, sterling suver 70 10 Knife, "Keen Kutter," two blades 70 11 liutcher Knife, "Keen Kutter," 8-inch blade 73 12 Shears, " Keen Kutter," 8-inch, nickel 75 13 NutSet.C'rackerandG Picks.silver 80 11 Nail Kile, sterling silver, amethyst set, C-inch 100 15 Tooth Brush, sterling silver, ame thyst set, 6-inch 100 IS Paper Cutter, sterling silver, ame thyst set, 7-inch 100 17 Base Hall, "Association," best qual. 100 IS Watch, stem wind and set, guaran teed good time keeper 200 This offer expires November 30, 1899. Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to DRUMMOND BRANCH, St. Louis, Mo. Women, Why Suffer Wlien you can buy for ono dollar a positive ana quick cure lor diseases peculiar to your sex? moore's revealed remedy Will euro you threo doses will give relief. It contains no alcohol, or other spirits, no qui nine or poisonous drugs easy anil pleasant to take. Ouo dollar per bottlo at your druggist's. HAYFORD'S Improved Lifting Jack A COMPLETE INVENTION LARGE FR0FITS. A Good investment! This Improved device Is adapted to all classes of lifting to which a Jack Is commonly appllca bio, nnd Is particularly handy in tho outtlt of railway section lianas, car shop, machine Bhops, cto. It has been patented by Messrs. Kngono and Arthur G, llayford, of Spokane, Wash., and Is being manufactured and Intro duced to tho publio by thorn. Therefore, In order to procuro means to assist in manufac turing, wo offer to tho publio an inducement for somo fortunate ono to secure. By sending 25 conts to our address, entitles you to a num ber securing you a chanco to draw a contract from tho company, which will glvo tho holder a Sorcontago of tho profits of tho enterprise, nly 25 conts and a chanco of entering a profit ablo ontorprlso. Postago stamps not accepted. Address should bo plainly written. Address HAYFQRD LIFTIKC JACK MANUFACTURING CO., P. O, Box 600. SPOKANE, WASH. "THE TRESTLK TtnAnn.1' il PER gear : weekly, 5 cents ; monthly, 10 cents, old by all newsdealers. OfUce, 408 Call- 9 fornla St., San Francisco, Cal, AIDED BY MRS. PINKHAM. Mrs. W E. Paxtos. Youngtown, North Dakota, writes about ncr strug gle to regain health after the olrtb of her little girl: " Df.aii Mna. PrxKiiAii: It Is with pleasure that J add my testimony to your list, hoping that it may induco others to avail themselves of your val uable medicine. " After the birth of my little girl, three yenrs ngo, my health was very poor. 1 had leucorrhcea badly, and a terrible bearing-down pain which gradually grew worse, until 1 could do to work. Also had headache nearly till the time, and dizzy feelings. Men struations were very profuse, appear ing every two weeks " I took medicine from a good doctor, but it seemed to do no good. I was becoming alarmed over my condition, when I read your advertisement in a paper. I sent at once for a bottle of LydVa E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com ponnd. and after taking two-thirds of the bottle I felt so much better that I cend for two more After using three bottles I felt as strong and well as any one. " I think It is the best medicine for female weakness ever advertised, and recommend It to every Jady I meet suf fering from this trouble " Maternity is a wonderful experience nnd many women approach it wholly unprepared. Childbirth under right conditions need not terrify women. The advice of Mr3. Pinkham Is freely offered to all expectant mothers, and ber advice i3 beyond question the most valuable to be obtained. If Mrs. Pax ton had written to Mrs P:ckham be fore confinement she would have beea taved much suffering Mrs. P;ckham'a address Is Lynn,-Mas3. Human beings havo six musclea to each eye, that they may move it on either side. When coming to San Francisco go to Brooklyn Hotel, 208-212 Bush street. American or European plan. Boom and board $1.00 to $1.50 per day ; rooms 50 cents to $1.00 per day; single meals 2o cents. Free coach. Chas. Montgomery. everybody you know to save their tin tags for you TACS 19 Alarm Clock, nickel, warranted . . 200 20 Carvers, buckhorn handle, good steel 200 21 Six Rogers' Teaspoons, best qual. 225 22 Knives and Forks, six each, buck- horn handles 250 23 Clock, 8-day, Clt-ndar, '1 hcrmom- cter. Barometer COO 21 Stove, Wilson Heater, sue No. 30 or No. 40 COO 23 Tool Set, not playthings, but real tools 6C0 28 Toil:t Set, decorated porcelain, very handsome 00 27 Watch, solid silver, full jeweled 1000 28 Sewing Machine, first class, with all attachments 100 29 Revolver, Colt's, best quality 1500 SO Rifle, Winchester. 16-shot, 22-cal.lC00 31 Shot Gun, double barrel, hammer- less, stub twist 2000 32 Guitar Washburn), roiewocd, in- bid with mother-of-pearl . . . 2000 33 Bicycle, standard nuke, ladies' or cents' 2500 BOOKS 30 choice selections same as last year's list, 40 tags each. I nU.DtTC llff MQD(lff LUll 1111 1 L LI I L IHUUIIHllUE. 40 Saved. Agents Wanted. Largest natural premium company In th world. Your own life insurance frco by being our agent. MARK T KADV, manager, 601 ana COo Oregonian building, Portland, Or. In TjOTlnc senla "fpnnniiiv ih rxlrnv wnf cnltiTKttan war.tod on Inferior orfcinai coat of tho hit emlt to be had. The beat ia alwaja tho c be peat. Pay a trifle more for sails aiw&ra i&rnuiv eiceeua lite and alwsTi get jour monsj's worm. riTa oems pr paper everywhere. Always mu ueMl. neeaAnnaii iree. ij.ji. r r.uus .v iu.. jreiroiu Jiiva. Relief at Last Praised by thousands of satisfied ladles aa safe, al D? MARTEL'S FemaIlp ways reliable and without aa equal, Ask druggist for Dr. Mattel's French Female l'llls In metal box with Frnnnti li'tnir nil tnn In Rlua. IPiLLS1 White and Red. Insist ou having the genuine. 'Relict lor Women," mailed FREE In plain pealed letter with testimonials anil particulars. Ad J re", FRENCH DRUQ CO,, 301 ana 383 Pearl St., N.Y. N. I. N. U. NO. O-'OO. w 11 BN vrltlnir to advertisers pleasi lnentlou tills jmpor. I