IE M flk' hi fif HEART OF THE. WORLD. BY H. RIDER HAGGARD A String Story. Taken From . Mexican Indian to His Englishman lhadotr. Xotr we erept forward a kkti Ute telr. Attbctootof italktlloor. which, ai we bad hipeal. atood ajar. For a moment we eooMitcd togrrtber then we eranrhsd forward lhrxmifli tbt gloora towanl the rlmr of Heat "boat the altar. Kow Jose had the heated ftword In hfe hand. 'fxjok up, ny dear, look up," he said to the pirl. patting her on the cheek. "I am a boat to baptise yor exeelleat father acsortfar to the ritea of the Christian rcHjrioa by marking- him with a eroas n pan the forehead," and he ad vanced the point of the sword toward the Indian's face. At that instance Molas pinned Mm from behind htm to drop uk- j weapon, while I did the same oGtx by Don Pedro.holdfc:- ttha so tint, straggle as he raUrht. be codd not stir. i "Maile a orand cither of yon and job arc dead," raid the acnor. pmcing ap the maehctc and placing the hot point OI 11 Scainsi jaws ureauti, wmns ml rfowly turned ita way throagh his of it strainst Joke's lireaat, w tie re clothes. "What are we to do with these men?" he nuked. "Kill them as they wonld have killed uk," answered Molas; "or, if yon fear the task, cnt loose the okl man yondci and let him avenge his and his daugh ter's wrongs." "What say yon. Ignatio?" "I seek no man's blood, bat for our own safety it is well that these wretehes should die. Away with them!" Now Don i'edro began to Meat inar ticulately in bis terror, and that hero, Jose, burst into tears and pleaded for his life, writhing- with pain the while, for the point of the sword scorched him. "Yon are an English gentleman," he groaned; "yon cannot butcher a help less man as though he were an ox." "An you tried to butcher us in the chamber yonder, us, who sared your life," answered the senor. "You are right. I cannot do it, because, as yon say, I am a gentlemen, Molas, loose this dog, and if he tries to run pot a knife through him. Jose Moreno, yon have a sword by rour side, and I have one in my hand; 1 will not murder yon, but we bare a quarrel and we will set tle it here now. "You are mad, senor," I said, "to risk your life thus. I myself will kill bim rather than it should be so." "Will you fight if I . loose you, Jose Moreno?" he said, making me no an swer, "or will you be killed where yon stand?" "I will fight," he replied. "Good. Let him free, Molas, and be ready ;vrith your knife." "I command you," I began, but al ready the man was loose and the senor stood waiting for him, his back to the door and the Indian machete handled with the golden woman in his hand. From the moment that I saw them fronting each other, my fears for the issue vanished. Victory was' written on the calm features of the senor, while the face of Jose told only of baffled fury struggling with bottomless despair. Still it was be who struck first, for, stepping forward, he aimed a desperate blow at the senor's head, who, spring ing aside, avoided it, and in return ran him through the left arm. With a cry of pain, the Mexican sprang back, fol lowed by the senor. at whom he cnt from time to time, but tvithout result, for every blow was parried. Now they were within the altar rails, and now his back was against one of the carved pillars of sapote wood, that to which the girl was tied. Then the end came, for the senor, who was watching his chance, drew suddenly within reach, only to step back so that the furious blow aimed at his head struck with a ringing sound upon the marble floor. IJefore Don Jose could lift the sword again, the senor thrust with all his strength and his machete pierced the Mexican through the heart. And now I must tell of my own folly that went near to bringing us all to death. You will remember that I wan holding Don Pedro, nnd in my joy and agitation I slacked my grip, so that with a sudden twist he was able to tear himself from my hands, and in the twinkling of an eye was gone. I bounded after him, but too late, for as I readied the door it slammed In my face, nor could I open it, for on the shancl side was neither key nor handle. "Fly," I cried, rushing back to the altar; "he lias escaped, and will pres ently bo here with the rest." The senor had seen, and already was engaged in severing with his sword the rope that bound tho girl, while Molas zut loose her father. Now I leaped upon the altar, and springing at the ifonework of tho broken window, made Shift to pull myself up with the help of Molas pushing from below. Seated upon tho window ledgo I leaned down, and, catching tho Indian Zibalbay by the wrists, with great efforts l.dragged him to mo and bade him drop without fear to the ground, which was not more than ten feet below us. Next camo his daughter, then tho senor, and last of all Molas, so that within three minutes from the escapo of Don I'edro wo stood unhurt on the outside the chapel among the bushes of n garden. "Where to now?" I said, for Lho place was strange to inc. The girl-Maya looked round her, then lho glanced up at the heavens. "Follow me," sho said, "I know a way," and started down tho gardeu at run. Presently wo camo to a wall tho height of a man, beyond which was n djlckhedpe of alqca which we forced Manuscript Bathed by an Old Friend and Comrade, an Named Jones. ourselves m a mifna, or cornfield. Hero the girl .topped, aad agate aearebed the ttars. imi at that bmuhhiI w heard ton ml of thoatiaff. aad. looking back, mw lights uoring to and fro in the hacienda. "We Hiast go forward or perish," I aid; "Don I'edro has anmad lite men." Then the dashed into the mil pa. and .re followed her. till at length we were dear of the cultivated land aad stand tag- on the borders of the forest. "Halt!" 1 said; "where do we ran to? rhe road ran to the right, aad by fol lowlog it we may reach a town." -To be arrested as murderer," broke is the seoor. -Yon forget that Jose Moreno K dead at my hands, and hfe father will swear oar lives away, or that at the beat we shall be thrown into priMW. Xo, no, we most hide in the Sirs." said the old Indian, speaking for the first time, "l know a eeret place in the forest, an ancient and ra ined banding, where we may lae rex- , . rawhjle -y-reaeh it. Vat You should know me. Zibalbar,' said Mol&x, "seeing that I am th mes senger whom yon hen t to search for him that 3' oh desired to find, the lord and keeper of the heart," and he pointed to me. "Are yon thatmnaH?" aked the In dian. . 'I am," I answered, "and I have suf fered much to find you, bat now is no time to talk; guide" us to this hiding place of yours, for our danger is great." Then once more the girl took the lead, and wj plunged forward into the forest, often stumbling and falling in the darkness, till the dawn broke in the east and the shoutings of our pursuers died away. CII AFTER X. now MOU MED. For some few minutes we rested to recover our breath, then we started forward again. In front went the girl. Maya, our guide, whom the senor led by the liand, while behind followed Zibalbay, supported by Molas and my self. At first these two had run as quickly as the rest of us, but now all the fatigues and terrors that they had undergone took hold of them, so that from time to time they were forced to stop and rest, which is little to lc wondered at, seeing that for five days they had eaten no solid food, for it was Don Podrojs purpose -to starve their se cret out of them. Slowly and with much toil we -forced a path through the tropical forests. This forest that seemed so destitute of life was peopled by millions of in sects, all of them venomous. Uarrapat as, tiny gray flics, wood wasps, and ants black and red, tormented us with their bites and stings, till we groaned aloud in onr misery, then remembering our danger pushed on again. Now the old 'Indian, Zibalbay, who was crouched upon the ground beside us, spoke for the first time, saying: "Friends, why do you not fly? Doubt less you' can find a path down the further side of the pyramid, and in the forest yon may hide from these men." "It is too late to talk of fight, "said Molas, "for look; they are coming up the stair, the eight of them, with Don I'edro and the Americano at their head." I looked; it was true. Already they had climbed half the steps of the first flight. "Oh, for some rifles!" groaned the senor. "It is useless to cry for what we have not," I answered. "God can help us if lie wishes, and if He does not we.must bow to His will." Then' there was a silence, broken only by tho voice of Zibalbay, who, standing behind us, lifted his hands to heaven and prayed aloud to his gods to bring a vengeance upon our foes. Now we could sec through the trees and bushes that the men were begin ning to climb the second flight. "Come, let us do omethincr."said the senor, and, running to the pile of stones which we had prepared, he called to us to roll the heaviest upon tho enemy. This we did, but without effect, for tho tree trunks turned the stones; more over, those against whom they were di rected, taking cover at the sides of tho stairway, opened so sharp a fire on us with tneir rilles that In a few minutes we were driven from the piles of stones and forced to retreat behind the shelter of the arch. Now they came on again, till present ly they reached the foot of the third flight and paused to take breath. Then it was that Molas, seizing one of tho Indian blowpipes, ran out onto tho ter race followed by, the senor though why the senor went I do not know, for lie could not use the weapon. Before the men below were aware of their presence Molas had sot tho blowpipe to his lips and discharged tho poisoned dart among them. It struck Don Smith, the American, full in the throat. Watch ing around tho corner of tho arch I saw him lift his hand to null it out, then of a sudden ho fell to tho ground, and at that Instant a storm of bullets swept through the archway aimed at Molas and tho senor as they fled back to shelter. I saw Molas fall and tho senor stop to lift him to his feet, and as ho was in tho very act a patch of red ap ipeared upon his face. Another moment sLticy vcro u.icic umier cover. S '"Arc you hurt?" I asked tho scnon K -"No. no." hn nnnworprl. "mtf Innn grazed 'by a bullet, that was alU Look to Molasj he is shot In tho sldo." "Leave me," said Molasj "it is ing.' noth- wd were silent, onlv "Kit vet fcoulied n little as bhc btrovo to stanch PRKSS CLIPPINGS. About the Bohemia Nugget and its Proprietors.- C. J. Howard, or Kugcnc, has purchased the Cottage Grove ! Messenger, of Horace Mann, ami will couduct the same. Mr. Howard is a thorough newspaper man, and will doubtless give the people of Cottage Grove a good paper. Santiam News. This week a new paper will le issued at Cottage Otovc. It will !be known as the Bohemia Nugget. The editor in his prospectus, claims to be good natured, peaceful and impervious to insult. These ac complishments show the ear marks ;of experience as a country edi tor. Drain Watchman. The Cottage Grove Messenger has changed hands, Horace Mann retiring and C. J. Howard becom ing proprietor and editor. An nouncements indicate that the' name is to be changed to the Ho . hernia Nugget. . We wish the ' Nugget prosperity. Monitor Miner. 1 J Horace Mann has sold the Cot Jtage Grove Messenger to C. J. j Howard, of Eugene. Jack is a j first class newspaper man a j practical printer, and an able ! writer. The Guard again wel comes him to the active newspaper field, and we assure the people of South Lane that he will le an able representative of their rights. When he takes active control of j the paper, next week, he intends obliterating the present name of the paper and will call it the Bo hemia Nugget. He is entitled to a ,good patronage, and will render jgood service for icvery dollar re ; reived. This isi& of his first litem's; "The editor oi the new ! paper has taken up bis abode with his mother and sister in the Hus j ton house, and now all the neigh bors ar& talking about locking- up , their chicken houses and wood- sheds."' j Mr. C. J. Howard, of this city, has purchased the Cottage Grove j Messenger from Horace W. Mann, I and will take charge of the paper j in time to get out the next issue. air. iiowara nas oeen in the em ploy of the Register for the past year, serving first as compositor and for several mouths past as re porter and solicitor. He is a good 1 1 , au-arouua newspaper man and a good rustler, and will give the people of Cottage Grove a live re publican newspaper, which is what they have wanted and needed for some time. Cottage Grove is one of the most prosperous towns in -1. f me vauey anu nas great possi bilities for future development and growth. We wish Mr. Howard all success in his undertaking, and congratulate the people of Cottage Grove on securing a good republi can newspaper, the Messenger here tofore been of democratic principle. Miss Ethel Cottle, of this city, who lias been employed almost con stantly in this office for the past three or four years, as compositor, will accompany her brother to Cottage Grove and assist in the mechanical work of the paper. Eugene Register. We are in receipt of volume 1. No. 1, of the Bohemia Nugget, published at Cottage Grove. It is an ably edited and newsy sheet and will be appreciated by the people of Cottage Grove and vicinity. Here's success to vou. Nugget Drain Watchman. 40 CASH For the BEST WHEEL Ever Buijt.. Tins Jfoxl to thcJtAMiLE.R PITTED WITH R M mm c. & 1. tires. iuLftL m .FreclT. Mei-rill 105. 107, 109 Bkancuiw: SPOKANK, - - TACOMA, Ralph Whipple, BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL J. S. JIEIII.EV, Attorney At Law, OMrc On MitnH4iet, j Cottayc flrove, Oreyoit. J. E. Young, INKY AT LAW, OfflreOn Mln Mreel, tt HMe, Cottayr. (trove, Oretjon. L. L. Stevens, Special attention given to Mining Business and Collections. Huob-ve - - - - . - - Oiircms. Eakiq & Bestow, BANKERS. ' Traisacra Gcicrcial DaniUno Business In all lis Branches. Cillco (Irnvr, Oregon. E LITE. SHAVING PARLOR. Votings Grove .... Orefo G. K. OrlJltlt, 1'rop. GO TO OSTMXDER & CULP, . . TOMSORAL PARLORS, For Hair Cuttintr, Shaving nnd Hot ilatliH. CoTTAoi) Giiovk, On Main Stukkt. Cy. Hiller, General Blacksmithing. Two Doors North of Kakin & Ilrltow'H, Cottayc Grove, Orciot. r. G. V. Snapp, Physician & Surgeon, Cottage Grove, - - Oregon. GO TO Mrs. Pet Ssmfoi'd's, -FOU- Faslilonablo Dressmaking. Mnin Street, CottagoGrovo, Or. SEE-n- S-A. H. NICHOLS- Wlien you want fine Cabi net World done or Furni ture repaired. Lenvo orders nt riillllpe' Grocery or W, r 1 W. Treat's. - 4. .1 up Pitted with fiptti. q. & j. Tim in Quality and J' rice is tht $20. $25 HP Cjcle Co., and in Sixth St., Portland, Oregon,! SKATYI.K. Ag't, Ccttagh Gkovk, Or. J'lfMMOXH. i. I. Cnrrbi. PUIatltr. I Jure. K. Thorn. Mhtl M. Thorp w J. W. flHwilr. '1mlHltrTnr o(lhertUter K. I'. Ttirt.4yeller'anU. I TttJHirK. Ihiirj'. Minnie M Thorp b4;. 11 inimiT. fimiaiiatur in 'pc rim us r. t Thorn. Jctm). ilrfomfanti l 11 i. nl Ih lb NaHtv lit Ibe l Uirirvlr, run betety le-iulrfl In mh( ami tr tul mini4lnl file 1 atraln.t Ilia In Ih aburr rl I tlilfl .oil lr ihe flut lr f ibct fit 1 m rfl ib alre tiil' M Mtrt flot the HfaltitM f lh kmc Tefll III thr ,''J''tJ (MiMM-am i.r mi mmin., wnirn nrtt aiii nlUUon thrsih ilajr ( March. IV9 nl 91 rnn fall In wi ar at I IHI, (of ttt hwof. jiLIMirr llli-lr l a M timrtfetl nn raie fipinaiHioi In ui. rnitaiii. in xjl . a 1'nr thv rit.',wtirr f a ntrfaln monirart tti -ilflaiKl ilelltefertbr K. f Thun.IuJ ' m ibe ll'h daf ( April. Iwi to war, h armetit l a rerulu f.rHnltiirr item tixtn Wr M K. I' 1bufi IiimMJ W (jt.4ji 'nrlWi.'o. ,1, c Ai.rll 11. Ifcr.. wnh liilcmru be r enf 10irrnt r annnm from roaimUf ' mil ll. Mhl h hM Mi1rif n rncjrij u HJ l.owilf fr that tari the h ilt 'nK'tcwrll! real mirtr. twl ltla&4)! he coat half of o 2 In tllnrk 3 In Unr M ' Aililitiufl to ria (irnrc In Uot, 'mHir. Oinfn, h(rh lit mftrtcare aM note nrra nn I he 1Mb ' of January, im. oilrncl in ibla platutlrT. Ami for a tferm! barrtHV ami fiireWMlnjc jrna anil earh f jnm from anr ami all lUhl.llHeur Imemt. hrin ! at law f aahl K. 1- 1hur. In anil In hM Ifai irort)r anil errnr trt Ihffni'. Thli lum-i Miilia la liiiMlihr.1 br iiriler f tha lion J W l Hamilton, Jtnltr nf the alxire eniliJ Cutirr, mac January lyio, IIW. , J. K. YciVno. Attr. fur Itaintiir. NOTIOKOF KOHFKITUKK. ColUtgeGrove, Iativ County, Orrgun. January II, W.V. To Ai.kjc CosTXicn: You are li.'reliy notilied that ho have exM)niUtl nt lennt in work and lnl;or on onvh of the two lulninj cIhIiiih known nnd in lh, .Mining HeconN of (lie Ilohemln Miiilnf I Diotriut in Italic raunty, Oregon, at t lie ' "Drtun I.iiiiioikI" nml "Opwrtunlty" j uiiniiig clitlmc, n wilt appear ljr j eertllicate (lied January 13, 181D ii the office of the County Clerk in nhl lane county, in order to hold oaiil nroiiiim- umier the proviiionn of vectlon IEM He- htatutes of tint United Htnlt-, In-inn lho amount required to hold the wild two rlulmH for tho years 1807 anil IMS, reupccllveiy, nml If within iilnciy dnyn after the completion of tho piibli cation of thin notice, you fail, inf lect or reftiHO to contribute your portion of Hitld oxpeilditure iih a Ro.owner, your intercHt in tho niild oliiltriH will Ik-couio tho property of the miloril)urn, umier mild necttoii 2824. J. II. White. A. M. White. Active Solicitors Wanted Bverynrliew For" The Story of tliePhlllpplnci'by Mu rat HalHteml, coiiunlNHloiutl hy tho fiiivnriiiiinnf nn ninInl lllutnrtnn In tho War Department. Tho Ijook w written In army camps nt Han Fruncieco, on tho Pacific with Cienend ileritt. In the hospital nt Honolulu, ju I lone lvnnp. in tlin A itwirl.f IrotinlinH nt - ' I ... ...IS II (III I II ll hi V lll'IIV" " . " Manila, in tho iriditrent caijiii w;itii Aciilniililo, on the deck of the Olynipia with Dowey, and in tlio roar of the brit tle nt tho fall of Manila. Uonantii for iHrcntH. JJriniful of orklnul nlctnrc taken hy government photogrnphort (Jn till) HDOt. Lnrtrn linnlc; low nrlc-ffl. 11 1 IT profits. Freight paid. Crotlit- Blveh.i. Drop nil trimliv uiiofflcinl war., bookr'. n..nll I. i .i.i 1 m Tl..v. "i"v nee, AiiureHH, A. jirm;i,. Scc'y., Star IiiHiiranco JIUIr., Chjcnpo, Vur Hule. Olio half IntoreHt in tho Ilorao Shoo inlno in tho Holiomia gold .mining dis trict. For torma and partfciilarscallon, or address, 0. ir.ViLUnn, CottafoGrovtf.Or. For Sale or Trade. 120 acres of land: farm hotifio. bnrn and othor out bulldingg, . nitimtetl 1- union west of .Kugeno. Good out range. Will trado for nronortv in Cotfaco GroVO' For further particulars, addrcsa H, It, Jkhkikh, Kiijjciio, OrtS