Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 03, 1899, Image 3

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    3t. Jnoolis
Bt. JiiooIih
it. JimobH
3t, JllcOIIH
t. JncnliH
U. IiicoIih
St. JiicuIih
31. JncoliH
fit. Jacobs
6t. JiicoIjh
Oil euros
Oil ctiron
Oil en run
Oil eurtm
Oil mired
Oil unruH
Oil cumih
Oil onroH
Oil curoH
Oil ouruM
liiHcnlnr nohon.
Murslimiilliiw I'llllnir.
Souk n tiiblwipooniiil o( powdoiod
111 to uutn arable In two tnbloHpoon.
TIh of warm water for linlf nn hour;
Tnncl It ovor liot wnlor mid carefully
Fir until dlMolvcd. lioll n cupful ol
t;ar ami half a cupful of water to
iler until tlioy pln n thread; pour,
71 1 1 1 o hot. ovor liui winter) or two won
lUoatcn cku'M. Iinatliig contliiuoiiMly; thun
fffld tlio kiiiii arablo anil beat until still
Still uold. LaditiH Homo Journal.
IThat Pimple
I your Fnoo lo Thoro to Worn
You of Impuro DIoocJ.
alitlul roimcqliciicca may follow n
neglect of tills warning. 'J'ako llood'n Snr
Efrmrlllit ami It will purify yourblood.oiii.
Sfl humor and eruption, mid niaSeyoii
better In every wnv. It will warm,
lDiirlnii, trciiKiiu,n ami inviKonuo youi
fliolo body and prevent aerloiiN (lines,
Hood's Sarsaoarilla
IT America' (Ircatcit Medicine, l'rlco ft.
lood'a Plllo cure all I.horllls. 26 ccnti
A Mxtliomiitlrul Doiiiiinitriitloii.
tliolilnfon You don't coiiHldcr it un-
IjFcky to luivo 1!) people nt table?
IJcnkiiiH Not at nil) Suppose Rome
BllHfortunnto did happen to ono of tlio
niiom wouldn't tlio other 13 bo dead'
icky to ononpo? l'uck.
Btjtc or Own, rmr or toiwo, I
Ii i.rMiuovNTr.
FmNK J. I'iikkky makes ontli that ho Is tho
senior imrlrr of llm firm ol K. J. Ciikhey A Co.,
1001 II K UtUIIICM III IIIO 1 11? Ol 10ICO.O, loumy
ml hlato Aforonlil, ami flint mid firm will par
tb'a sum ol ON K II UN llltKI) HOI.I.A IIH for each
nil every m ol Catarrh that cannot bo cured
br tlio uo ol Hall's Catimkii Ct'ne.
H j-ka.nk J, Clir.nKY.
Sworn to before mo mul uljorltd 111 inr
Rireseiico, llils6lli day ol December, A. V. lWtd.
El A. W. UlJvABON,
I Xolary labile
Sail's Catarrh Cure Ii taken Internally and act
ICircciiy on ino moon aim mticons stinnces oi
U)0 (711011. Kcnil for testimonials, Iree.
Bold hjr ilrUKRUK. 7&C.
Jill raiaiiy mis arc iuo ucsu
lluicn Worklioimn III Liverpool.
Tho Inruegt workhnnso in tho world
fif ut LlvuiKol, nml it him ncooiumodn-
Wn . . . i k Ann f ........ ....
toil mi no luwur iiiiiu u,uuu iiiiiiiuub.
lit Is not, however, often filled.
rWheii coiidmr to Ran Francisco co to
I Brooklyn Hoiul, iMti-'.'l'.! liush utrcct.
'AiiutUiiii or Kurojieaii plan. Itoom and
lionrd $1.(0 lo $ I.W icr day; rooms Mcenti
to $1.(0 per day; tduirla meals 23 cents.
Itco coacn. cims. Jioiiigomcry.
A iieek of gold woi(liing lens than
no-mllliontli part of n ernlu can bo
en with the nuked eye.
Elf vou want tho 1km t wind mill, numns.
rUtnlta, plowa, wogoim, bells ot all tlzes
Ibollcrs, encliii-K, or general machinery, sea
(or writo JOHN I'OOI.K, foot of Morrison
ttrtct, rortlund, Oregon.
Hit Iiiih been ascertained that ono of
pho mountains in tho moon is 80,000
feet hiuh, white suvural nro upward of
0,000 feet.
! Since tho pitpslm; of tho first vaccina-
Ion act in Kuli;and, in 1841. tho death
pnto fioiu Hiiinllpox him fallen from 570
per million to SO per million.
ItctrulDrlty Is a mutter of importance
in every woinan'H life. Much pain is,
however, endured In tlio belief that it
is necessary and not nlurmln, when
In truth it In all wronir and Indicates
utcrancmcnt that may cuuso serious
Excessive monthly pain Itself will
unsettle the nerves and make women
Did before their timo.
The foundation of woman's health Is
In perfectly normal arid regular per
formance of nature's function. I ho
statement wo print from Miss Gun-
muni: Simts, of Eldrcd, l'a., is echoed
in every city, town and hamlet in this
country. Hand what she says:
" Deaii Mim I'lNKiiAii: I feci Hue &
I new person since following your ad
vice, and think it Is my duty to let tho
public Know the good your remedies
I have done me. My troubles were pain
ful menstruation and leucorrhoca I
was nervous and had spoils of being
confused. Dcforc us)ng your remedies
1 never had any faith In patent mcdi-
clncs. I now wish to say that I never
fhnd anything do me bo much good for
painful menstruation as Lydla 15. l'lnk
ham's Vego table Compound; also would
say that your Sanutlvo Wash has cured
' ino of leucorrhcoa. I hope these few
words may help suffering women."
Tho present Mrs. IMnkham's experi
ence in treating female ills Is unparal
leled, for years sho worked sido by
Bide with Mrs. Lydla 13. PlnUham, and
for sometime past has had sole charge
of tho correspondence department of
her great business, treating by lotter
as many as a hundred thousand ailing
Vfomen during a single yoar
au sutrorlng womon are Invited to
write freely toPdrs. PlnUham, at Lynn,
Mass., for advice about their health.
Aorta LVtOB? . ......
tmoe wtrtf wooueo. iff u o n
djr MiNoono , sea
I to r I
The nrea of the 1'blllpplne, 1W.3B0 mmare miles, In njual to New York, Penn
sylvania and New Jersey, with a total population less than that of New York
0,500,000. The survey of the Mauds, made In 1882, shows fifty-one differentia
tlvo tribes, speaking over thirty IfuiKUiigcfl. These are divided Into the aborljiinal
population, mixed with Malays; the pure agricultural Malays, and the piratical
Malays. The blank spares In the map are the regions still occupied by the vari
ous aboriginal and senil-alMirlginal tribes. In Central Mindanao these tribes are
still naked heathen. In North Luzon, with the Aroyoas and Igorrotcs, these tribes
have passed out of the savage state. The various tribes occupying the bare
places, from thirty to forty In numlwr, nre all Individually small. The Tagales ir,
Booth Luzon, the Vicols on the east, nnd the Visayas In the central and southcrr,
Islands are made up of peaceful and partially Christianized Malays. The piratical
Malays In the Sooloo archipelago und the edges of the adjacent Islands, are a
savage and bloodthirsty race, carrying Ore, sword and rapine to all the surround
ing Islands.
Discovery In Wyoming of Dinosaur
Hint Van ltlU Feet l.onK.
Wyoming Is writing n strange chap
ter In tho world'H geological history.
Tho big sagebrush Commonwealth Is
scoring a record-breaker In fossil for
mations by unearthing tho petrified
tones of the most colossal nnlmnl ever
taken from tho earth'ri Btratn. This
Btono monster was a dweller In tho
Jurassic ago a dinosaur, measuring
nearly 130 feet in length and being per
haps 35 feet in height at the hips ami
25 feet at the shoulders an nnlmnl bo
tcniblo In size that its pctrltled skele
ton alono Is believed to weigh more
than 40,000 pounds.
Assistant Professor W. II. Keed, of
tho department of geology In Wyo
ming Stnto University, Is Its discov
erer. Ho mado tho great find while
prospecting for fossils ninety miles
northwest of I.nramlo last August; nnd
Blnco that tlmo tho geological depart
ment of tho university has been secret
ly at work in its restoration. So vast
la tho skeleton of tho animal that Its
Bnmllcst bono yet found Is more than a
man enn lift, nnd, with men In tho Held
constantly nt work, It Is believed that
many months may bo required beforo
tho monster can bo placed on tho cam
pus at Laramie.
Conjecturing ns to tho probablo np
pcaranco In life of tho crenture, Prof.
Itecd Bays:
"An accurato idea of a living dino
Baur Is practically out of tho question.
According to my opinion, I should say
that tho animal now being brought to
light would weigh in llfo about CO
tons, thnt ho had a neck SO foot In
length, nnd a tail perhaps 00 feet In
length. His ribs are nbout 0 feet In
length, and tho cavity of his body,
with lungs nnd ontralla out, would
mako a hall 31 foot in length, 10 foot In
width, and, arched ovor, probably 12
feet In height. Such a space, if proper
ly arranged, would scat at least 40 peo
ple A round steak taken from a hnm
of tho nnlmnl would havo been nt least
12 foot In diameter, or moro than 85
feet In circumference, nnd would hnve
n solid bone In the middle, 12x14 Inch
es, Tt-lth no hollow for marrow. A set
of fours In cavnlry could easily have
ridden abreast between his front nnd
hind legB, provided he had not object
ed. Every time he put his foot down
it covered more than a square yard of
ground, nnd must hnve fairly shaken
the earth. The smnllncss of the head
of this nnlmnl is n peculiar thing. I
should say that the head of this mighty
dinosaur was probably not larger than
a ten-gallon keg. He must hnve been
n very sluggish creature, as the brain
cavity would certainly not warrant the
belief that his brain weighed to exceed
four or live pounds."
I'craonnllty of tho Wife of the New
Governor of New York,
Mrs. Theodore Itooscrvlt will not
consent to be Interviewed, neither will
she give her photograph to the newspa
pers for publication. She Is not haughty,
nor excessively modest, but she dislikes
this form of publicity, nnd Mrs. Roose
velt is very much like her husband in
ono respect firm when her mind Is
made up. However, tho snap shot fiend
has caught her unawares, and the
newspapers are publishing the result.
It does not do her Justice, though the
likeness 1b almost perfect. It Is Just
how Mrs. Rosevelt looks on the street
In winter dress.
The mistress of the executive mnn
alon nt Albany was a Miss Carow when
Bho married Itoosevelt ten years ago.
Sho was an Intimate friend of the first
Mrs. Itoosevelt. Sho Is In the early 30s,
of medium height, with fair complex
ion, dark eyos and hair, and possesses
a remarkable charm of manner. Tho
Governor hns no moro fervent cham
pion than his accomplished wife, who
Is a firm believer In her husband's tal
ents and unlimited ability. In no senso
a woman of fashion, Mrs. Itoosevelt
dresses simply, always In perfect taste.
Some mon can't understand why tho
fool-killer doesn't call noxt door.
To Cum i Cold In Ono Pity
Titkr Luxatlvo Ilromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund money If It falls to
cure. aic.
It has boon proved, as tho result of
expurimouts, that tho circulation of tho
blood Is alTeeted by music.
No liotiKcluild is romjileto without a bot
tle of tlio famous Jesse Mooro Whiskey. It
is a pure mid wholenomo stimulant rcc
oiitiiieiidtxl by rill physicians. Don't ne
glect this iiecessitv.
Tho latest use of glaes is instead of
gold us n material for stopping decayed
My doctor wild.I would die, but I'lso's
Cure for Consiimptloii cured rue. Amos
Kelner, Cherry Valley, III., Nov. 23, 1805,
CaHlimcro shawiB mo mado of the hair
of a diminutivu goat found in Little
FITS 'maijitly Cured. Ho nuu,r nervoumes
V .alU'r "f,t ,Hyn u" of KU"-' Ureal
ru'rveltelrir. rtend tor JfUKK M4.o trial
bottle and trrbtlso. nn. It. 1U Kldlitj. 1UL. (i
ArcU rttttt, xtillodelplilo. 1'aT ' '
A French statistician hns calculated
that the human cyo travels over 2,000
yards in reading an ordinary sized
novel. Tho averago human being is
supposed to get through 2,500 miles of
reading in a life timo.
Itnirnril of 830,000 OrtrnT.
A wealthy lady recently lot ft satchel con.
talnlug Jewels worth It.'iO.COO, nnd now nffera n
reward of jai.000 cash to the finder. Tho lo
of hcUtli In Mr mrno erlmm than tho imrttt
Je'vclx, nnd yet It can bo recovered without
paying nig rewards. A lime money mvcnte'1
In I'.cntetter's Stomach Dlttom will restore
strcnKth to tho weak, purify the blood, estab
lish regularity of the bowels nnd help tho
Mninnch to properly digest the food tnken
into It.
Tho most costly piece of railway lino
in tlio world is thnt between tlio Man
sion House nnd Aldgato stations, in
Loudon, which required tho cxpondi
turo of oloso upon $10,000,000 a milo.
A mothod ot producing iodofoim by
tlio aid of electricity has just been in
vented, nnd it is said to yield satis
factory results.
A 8udiln Turn.
By a sudden turn wo may give r
twist and bring on lumbago. By a
prompt use of fit. Jacobs Oil tlio twist
lets go nnd the rnusclo c-ecome straight
and strong.
Fish witli white flesh nro moro easily
digested than fish with reddish fleali.
Af an auction of old coins in Frank
fort a go'd piece on which was tlio por
trait and inscription of King Ptolemy
IV, brought $500.
Af tor-
f th
Grip is & treacherous You thin K it
is cured and the slightest cold brings on a.
Its victims are always left in a weakened
condition blood impure and impoverished;,
nerves shattered. Pneumonia, heart disease
and nervous prostration are often the
Or. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People will
drive every trace of the poisonous derms from
the system, build up and enrich the blood
and strengthen the nerves. A trial will
prove this. Read the evidencet
When the crip last visited this section Herman H.Eveler,
oIKll W. ilaln L, Jerlerson, Jlo., n well kuownconlructor nod
bullder.wa ono of the victims, und he baa since been troubled
with tho after-effects of the dlseune. A year ugo his health be-
f an to fall, and he was obliged to discontinue work. Tbut ho
Ives to-day Is nlmosta miracle. He soyt:
"1 was troubled with shortness of breath, palpitation ofthn
heart and n general debility. My back also pained mo severely.
"I tried one doctor after another and numerous remedies
suggested wy my friends, bat without apparent benefit, and
began to give up bone. Then I saw Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla
for Palo Pooplo extolled in a 8U Louis paper, and after Inves
tigation deefded to give them a trial.
"After using tho first box I felt wonderfully relieved and
was satisfied that the pills were putting me on the road to re
covery. I bought two more boxes and continued taklngthem.
"After taking four boxesof I)r. Williams' Pink Pills forPale
People I am restored to good health. 1 feel like a new man, and
having tho will and energy of my former days returned, 1 am
capable of transacting mv buslneoswlth Increased ambition.
"Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People ore a wonderful
medlclno and nny ono suffering from the after-effects of tho
grip will nnd that these pills are the specific." II. II. Evklp.u.
Mr. Eveler will gladly answer any inquiry regarding this If
stamp Is enclosed. Vom Cole Cu. Democrat, Jtfferion City, Ho.
Look for the full mme on the package. At druggists ot
direct from the Dr.Wllliams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N.Y.
sue per box. 6 boxes $20.
everybody you know to
save their tin tags for you
The Tin Tags taken fronf Horseshoe, "J. T.,"
Cross Bow, Good Luck and Drummond
Natural Leaf will pay for any one or all of
this list of desirable and useful things and
you have your good chewing tobacco besides.
Every man, woman and child in America can find something
on this list that they would like to have and can have FKEE 1
Write your name and address plainly and send every tag you
can get to is mentioning the number of the present you want.
Any assortment of the different kinds of tags mentioned above
will be accepted as follows:
1 Match Cox, quaint design, im
ported from Japan 25
2 Knife, one blade, good steel 25
3 Scissors, IH-inch, good steel ... 25
i Chita's Set, Knife, Fork and Spoon 25
0 salt and 1'epper, one eacn, quad
ruple plate on white metal ... .
S Razor, hollow cround, fine English
Sleel , 50
7 nutlerKnue.lripleplate.bestqual. CO
6 SugarShtll,tripIe)Utc, bcstqualily CO
0 Sump ftox, sterling silver 70
10 Knife, "Keen Kutler," two blades 70
11 Hutcher Knife, "Keen Kulter,"
8-inch blade 75
12 Shear., "Keen Kutter," 8-inch,
nickel , 75
13 Nut Set, Cracker and 0 Picks, silver 60
11 Nail Kile, sterling silver, amethyst
set, C-inch 100
15 Tooth Urush, ttcthng silver, anir
thvst set. C-inch
10 Paper Cutter, sterling silver, ame
thyst set, 7-inch juu
IT Uase Hall, "Association," best qual. 100
18 Watch, stem wind and set, guaran
teed good time keeper 200
19 Alarm Clock, nickil, warranted . . 200
20 Carvers, buckhorn handle, good
steel 200
21 Six Roger' Teaspoon", best qual. 225
22 Knives and Forks, six each, buck
horn handles 250
23 Clock, 8-day, Calendar, '1 hcrmom.
eter, Barometer J 00
21 Stove, Wilson Heater, sue No. 30
or No. 40 500
25 Tool Set, not playthings, but real
tools. .'. C50
23 Toilet Set, decorated porcelain,
very handsome 800
27 Watch, solid tiher, full jeweled 1000
23 Sewing Machine, first class, with
all attachments lr0O
29 Revolver, Colt's, best quality 1500
10 Rifle, Winchester, 10-shot, 22-cot 1600
31 Shot Gun, double barrel, hammer-
lets, stub twist , . .2000
32 Guitar (Washburn), rosewood, in-
hid with mother-of-pearl .... 2000
33 Bicycle, standard make, ladies' or
cents' 2500
BOOKS 30 choice selections same
as last year's list, 40 tags each.
This offer expires November 30, 1899.
Address all your Tags and the correspondence about them to
n-nB nl so tinoturt.
i"flrTeoU eoQUflOD.
WK U.8.A. JEf
U-tt III? (J for minntiirnl
cllmiinw. lullaunuatluns.
Irritations or ulcerations
of in u co us inemlirnues.
rainless, and not antrlu-
-THlEvANSCHEMIMlCO. k"u or Poisonous.
kCI1CINNATI,0.I51n3 "'"eels.,
or sent in risin wrappor.
i.iv, or a uoiiiea, -'..:.
uircumr uvui on rvqueBt.
Wo cnarantee to lit every caso we undertake
Don't put It off write for particular at once.
S. JI. WOOIIAItll Ss CO., Kxvovt Truss
letters, 103 Second Streot, Portland, Or.
Ha Baa B
Wll Om
Ask druggists for Dr. Martel b'nmnlA Plllfl til Hiatal llOX
with French Flair outonlnlilue.Wblto
and Red. Insist on rmvlnit tlie aeiiuliiu.
"l,All..r rni.WMiiMn,'mnlldFnEI:lll Dlatll
i..Aiu i.i(.iih ,..tlmnnlHl.amlnartleuIara.
FRENCH DRUG CO.,301 1303 Pearl St., Now York.
N. r. N. V.
NO. B-'OD.
WHEN wrltlnc to advertisers pleaie
mention this imper.