8hw People- ! Ivory clover oiitortinnmi'iit wmh ItiHt Siitunliiy evening by it iniin- Bf Cnttugo Grovo llltlit boyn tit the JTothpiiou null. Tlio entertainment luted of Hpenklng, singing, dancing liitorcNtluir Joke which wore loudly Taudod. Tliu houso wan well fllli'd, I iite room ImiIiik nt u premium mid lllttlo (olkM did themselves great JSMjt, and doscrvo the compliments mmtcd upon them, iim they woro the mtmnnUnH of tho eiitortalumoiiL tholn- bh. Tim cnterlnlnorH wore: Masters Iflu ThonitiHoii. llortlo Orrall, Fred llrickttoii, Harold AIIIhoii, and Wron yMford. Wrary tfssocivtion, . ant Monday night another meeting wnslheld nt tho freo rending nn.iii witn I view of perfecting it library iihhh on. The roiniuitteo on bylawH mid Baftuultutlon reported, nud u confine mid Byjmpleto draft of constitution and yf twA, which woro adopted by the mom- Mti. presented. A committee wmh then Onowrrwl to cj-nviifH tho town for tabors, tho constitution adopting II HtTerimindni from each ono mm a member- ft fee. At tho hint report from tho trommlttec. they were meeting with BaSSl Htiecuxn and it if now a foregone Tnciuslon that Cottage, Grove will havo ySlllhrnry association. mJanciny Party. Emit Saturday evening tho young jjicoplo of Cottage Grove gave a dancing party nt tho Manonic hall, in honor of ImTh I lumen way who depurted tho jfhUowlnK Monday morning (or Nonttht, ASVihIi., whero she will inako iiUe an 8xwtmi visit, lno lloor wan in goixi pjunditloii tho mudi: fair and the dancers Enter to do honor to the little lady in EqftW honor they had gathuro I, mi l the Antrs sped swiftly by. Jriot before tho lilptir hand jMilnted to I'.' o'clock, tho njjiticing rcaccd and thofo present on- red a del icioiih lunch prepared for the eiiiton. after widen all departed for jiffnie loud in their praliio of the event of we week. Favor of the. Citu. IL'hief Justice Moore of tlie Orogen Hgnprcme ocncli I inn liauuen down tile lUa'Mon in the cam; of S. A. lluddleioti RfT Oity of Kugene, aMIrming the Rtmnion of the lower court. Thin ends ntie mutter as to who fhnll pay the fn?K-nmeiit work done on certain ftreetx Eugene. The cuihi wan coiiimmu-cd lis H!I.". in Juduc I'ullerton'ti court. EQidgo I'lillcrton's decision was favorahle lio tho city. The vnn wan then carried tf the miprcine court, and the opinion of (hut IkkIv jitxt wcurco. Ktectioi of Officers !Nio following oiluwr have heeu ectLiI and inrtullcd in (Jut time Grove Helicka Lodge No. -M : Llnnie Violutte, (!.; Mary liawlev, 1. O.; Ilattiu homiiHoii. Hw.i Lilllo roiihe, main.; Martha Mount, War.; Ollio Willard, Ion.; mUa Thompson, I. (!.; T. illen, 0. Ci.: Anna tiowdy, Chaiilaiu; Blara Taylor, It. S. N. (?.; Kdith IteveiiH, L. 8. N, G.; Hva Ileiuenway, Bt. K. V. G.: J. V Gowdy, I.. S. V. G. : A. Uickathier of Drain was in town Monday on huMlucpM. fut iii a System The Oregon Telephone and Telephone i'Oinpany has had a rcprciuuitntive here the laat week working up a local HVHtem, xnd Iniforo many iiiooiih tho huitiueiH fiouNea of Cottage Grove will he con nected by "phone." Sixteen havo ill- ready mibHurilMid for the phone and the I'oiiMtruction crew will bo hero next ieek. To Appraise. W. II. Lincoln left last Saturday to iappraiHe the dauiagcri done to Mr. jtihortridge, on account of the county (ordering that the coiiHt fork road bo ichnnged from the old bridge to tho lo- cation of the now bridge ncroxH the river. Mr. Lincoln huh appointed oh nppralFerhy the county court, and Mr. Bhortridge will iiIho nuleut an appraiser. Big Sfa'anient. The Illack Ilutte iiuick ullvcr minop made their tlrat Hliipmentof quick nll ver Wednesday morning. It wan con nigncd to n New York houso and the shipment contained thirty flanks the combined weight of which was 2700 pounilH. Dr. Pilzvarlic It in announced that I). I'ilgarlic and his famoiiH band of urtintH will make thelrgrand dobutattho bpera houso in thlH city next Sattli'day night- .lamiary 2 UenldeH' an almost endless nuinhor of Bpociulties, Hox and Cox, a laughable farce will be an important feature. New A ds. - Hovernl now ads are to ho found in I the columns of tho. tfuggot U-hj ' yeok. ifjvx inon1 oytrs For Ifis Old Home. G. W, Uean, who has been a resident hero for the last three years, left on Saturday morning's local for Portland, from which place ho will rolnrn to his family at his old homo In Ashland, Nebraska, over the 0. It. k N. route. Mr. DiMiu contemplates returning here In the spring, and ho has many friends here who will bo pleased to see him and his family permanently located hero, Hkalim Jlink. 1), McLaughlin, formerly of the Sheridan Spii, having recently sold that paper, assisted by It. N. Neeley arrived in Coltago Grovo Wednesday, and Thursday night o;umed up a skating rluk in tho Masonic hall Mr. Mc Laughlin lias a lino line of skates, and will no doubt do a good busluenH lieie. Fa stern Orcf01. Geo. Hilton nud Chas. Thornton left on Monday morning's local for I'ortland from which place thev will go to Ante lope whero they will reside for the present. Kd. Collin expects to go to Antelope in (lie course of a few weeks, Very Low.-- Grandma Hall, who had the mis fortune lo fall and dislocate her hip come few weeks ago is lying very low at her home in this city. Mrs. Hall Is Ml years of ago and It is thought doubtful if she recovers. Good Attendance. Itev. Moitou L. Itosc of the First Chrisfiaii church Kugonc, writes from Creswell, where ho Is holdi ng revival meetings, that his efforts are met with largo crowds and that much interest is taken. AH About you. Dick Jennings made a trip to the mines this week. George long was a passenger to I'ort I'liid Monday morning. Mrs. Win. Churchill returned from Koaelmrg Saturday last. Mrs. .lull" Murk ley and little daughter was an arrival on Tuesday's local. Mr. Allison and son Vance returned Wednesday from Comstock. Miss Ollio Willard was a passenger to Ji.netiou City Saturday morning. Memos. Holderman and Chas. Ktitnii are in from the Champion mine. Mr. John Harris and wife returned fiom l-'ugcuo on Saturday'N local. Will Lively returned from Oakland Wednesday. Geo. Spurr left Tuesday for Salt Lake city on business. H. M. Damcwood of Itoyal was a wel come visitor at the Nugget ollice Tues day. (5eo. N Spurr nnd family, who have been living at Medford have returned to this city. Mrs. .1. M. Cook was a passenger on the northbound local Monday morning to Salem. Sheriir W. W. Withers of Kugene was slinking hands with his friends here last Satuiday. Casper Lea was n piiEsengerto Kugene Monday morning, returning on the afternoon local. Surveyor C. M. Collier and It. K. Smith of Kugene were registered at the Shei wood Monday. We aro glad to announce that Mrs. Goodman who lias been very sick is very much improved, C. II. Maker who ha a been home on a furlough for several months left Wednes day morning for Vaucouvur, Wash. Mr. J. N. Iioyd, the enterprising photographer of this city, waH a visitor to Saginaw Saturday. .1. D. Fletcher paid a visit to the Bo hemia mines this week in the interest of the Montana mining Co. Itev Itobt. Copplo returned to Kugouo on Monday's local. Ho will hold ser vices hero again next Sunday. Al Holdeu, tho hop man, who halls all tho way from Kugono town Hpont Monday night in Cottage Grove. Traveling Passongor Agent J. I'. Jones was an arrival on the local Saturday afternoon, and remained over night. Jesso Howns of Kugene was n .passen ger on Tuesday's local to Oakland. Ho will probably stop oil' in this city Fri day. Messrs. Martin and Cochran aro push ing their building rapidly along and it will bo all closed in by tho end Of tho w.eek. Mrs. Nancy Pitchor left for Crcawcll on Thursday mornings local to visit somo of her relatives who aro sick. Mr. Albert Wnllaco and family who havo been visiting relatives and friends at thlti placo returned homo on Tne ttuy's. ioci!. In Brier. Muddy. Spring weather. How's this for wealher7 Davi dsoii does good watch work. Babbitts fioap at dimming &. Huh ton's. Syrup at 05 els, per pull at I'akin & Ilristow's. Salt Cheap at Gumming & Huston's. Carload Just received. Soon ho time to get a move on you and dig up that tutor bed. For tho choicest Juicest meats call on the City Meat Market. A nice line of canned goods ana prices rignt at F. J!. Phillips. llacon and Lard at tho City Meat Mar ket. We keep only tho iikmt. The stone steps arc being placed in position at tho new court house. Hem ember Dr. I. L. Scofhdd, Dentist when yotj want dental work done. I full lino of Ladies and Gents Fur nishing Goods at the Itacket Store. The regular, nearly-evcry-day-occur-rance-dog-light, Wednesday morning. A it lb, package of soda and a bar of soap, all for 20 cts. at Kakiu d Hristow's If yon want any farm machinery go and cee F. H. I'hillipps, The Grocery man. If you want a Plow, Harrow or Wag on, get prices ot F. 13. Phillips before buying. Iluy your winter Hoots and Shoes of Kakiu ti ISristow. Ilest makes and low est cash pi ices. Don't forget .lock Knowlton when you want hauling done as he does it cheaply and with dispatch. The niinistreis they nie dandies be sure and sen them at tho Davis hall Saturday night. Dr. Pilgarlic and all his angels will entertain you at Davis hail Saturday night. Prices, 15, 25 and 35 cents. For Toys, Toilet Articles and all kind of Holiday goods, go to J. P. Currins, where you will find a largo stock at reasonable prices. The New York Itacket Store is the place to buy your Christmas presentH liest selected stock in town. New line of Outing Flannels just re. ceived at the New York Itacket Store. Golden Gate Ilaking Powder at Kakiu &. Itriutow's for -10 cents per lb., cash. Iluy your Ingredients for Mince Meats of Kakin & ltristow. They keep the best. GKNUINK Oliver Chill and Steel Plows and Kxtras nt Kakin A Hristow's. When you want job work, call nt the Nugget job rooms. Wo will do you good. Cranberries, Oranges, Lemons, Sweet Potatoes and Hulk Pickles at Cuminings it Huston. New faces aro to be seen upon the business streets of Cottage Grove, and scarcely a train pulls in that new comers do not get oil'. Let them come. They are welcome. Como and get your Photo, Medium largo or small Artist J N Hoyd will Surely please you all. Artisto Platlno Photo, oh I Who may compare With those in the gallery. Of Handsome Maidens fair. The transcript on appeal in tho Claude Hrauton murder case has been tiled with tho county clerk. It is a very lengthy document, tilling 537 closely typo-written pages. Owing to tho ex peiino which would bo incurred by pre paring printed briefs, tho caso will probably go to the supremo court witli typewritten briofs, in which event the attorneys think it will bo argued during tin month of February. Guard. Additional personals. Mies Ollio Willard returned from Junction City, Wednesday. Wnltor Griflin of tho Griffin Hnrdwnro Co, Kugonc, canio up on Thursday's local. Tom Roberts of Ashland arrived Wednesday morning and Is visiting his brother 1! ml. Attorney L. L. Stevons of Kugene is always up in tho latest fad bo's got tho measles, just now. Mrs. S. S. Solgel and two children of Portland, arrived Thursday afternoon on a visit with her sister Mrs. Thos. Aw biey. Air. Solgel will arrive in a day or two. J.-Il. O'Neilof thoO. R. & N. rail road apd Frank O'Noil of tho Northern Pacille, did business in Cottago Grovo thlH weejti Tliey aro both clever geritle m'uo )Ud able raUrad Gumming & Huston. A LONG NEEDED WAIT NOW SUPPLIED, By W. W. TREAT, Dealer in 'General IFlth the attrchment of a. $hcct Iron, Tin and. All kinds of Sheet Iron work done to order, light or heavy; Hydraulic pipe for placer mines; smoke stacks for engines, and all kinds of repairs; Copper and Tin Smith work a specialty; I will save my customers freight on all heavy goods, es pecially on Hydraulic Pipe and Smoke Stacks, either from Port land or San Francisco. A large and well selected stock of Mining goods, including Picks, Shovels, Axes, Gass and Water Pipe; Steam Fittings, for mills and hoisting works; Iron and Steel Nails, Bar Iron, Wagon tires, House Furnishing Hardware, Farm Implements, Wagon Trimmings, Wooden Ware, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Clothes, Lines, Wire and Rope, Churns and Dairy Outfits. STOVES AND RANGES Tin and Granite Ware in an endless variety; Mill Brooms, especially heavy, for mill work only; Candles and Mining Candle Sticks. "W. "W. Treat, - Cottage G-rove, Or. DIVIDE ITEMS. Mr. E. F. Smith has finished moving into the houso recently owned by Mr. Warner. Tho Ilriggs placo owned by Jim Halley has been boug lit by Air. Alda it for somo time. baugh who has rented Tho side track at with cars loaded with is a lot more laying awaiting the begiuing Divide is filled spiling and there along tho track of operations at Lathnm. Tho pussy willows have been in bloom somo time and this is n sign of spring. Tho railroad company is preparing to build a branch track, starting about half way between Comstock and Divide running southwest from tho main track. It will be used to haul out wood and lumber on. Tho last of tho court houso tower clock arrived horo today, including tho strik ing boll, which weighs about 800 lbs. Mr. Dutterfleld writes thai; he will bo hero in a fow days to plftco tho. clock in position and running ordor. Tho bell was cast at Cincinnati, Ohio. On the bell is cast the following words : "I am rung by time's faithful gear, calling men to work and 1110:1 to cheer." "Erected by' Lapo county, Oregon, January, A. D. 1000." Guard. An informal gathering of old and young folks 'was hold at. tho residenio of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Chrisman Thurs day evening. An enjoyable time was It is reserved for H . Hardware Coppci' Smith's Mannf actor y Great Clearance $aiei In order to dispose of my stock. JVKUttiery Goods, I will, during the month of January, sell all good in my line at greatly reduced prices. I have also a nice assort ment of ribbons, ornaments, etc. Call and get our prices. Store ono door south of tho Now York; Racket Store. Cottage Ghove, -1 - Ons. Wanted 1 Reliable man for Manager of Branch Officii wish to open $n this vicinity, record isQ. K.. here is a gpod opening. Kindly, mention this paper, .wherjiyjiting,, A. TV Morris, Cincinnati, O. Illustrated catalogue 4cta postaie,