Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 20, 1899, Image 7

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But Nevertheless tho Situa
tion Is Critical.
Rjaoil Ruaiilli Arn I!xiimleil I'nini llin
Jconfnrniimi llnlireeli OIU' mill AeuI-
I mil do' Itcpf vi'.
Innila, Jim. 10. TlioHitiiiitlon lioio
undoubtedly critical, but Major-
uuml OtlH Iiiih It woll In liimil, mill
ri) is no Mioli certainty of tioublo ns
ny buliuvti. iho rultolH nro ooiicon-
tod on tho oulsluita of tlio town,
their lenders Intvu IhhiioiI Htriut or-
h tlmt they nIiiiII act only on tho do-
JcHhIvo. An accident might precipitin"
TtSublo, but tbu idea of a rebel attack
fiw)ii Manila In lidloulotiH, na.tho
KTrierieaiiH control tho position.
guiiiuldo lias lepuhllshed tlio sco-
(1 manifesto In reply to tlio proulnmu-
n of Uonoral Otis, wliicli wax io
oalluil on ItH flrt appearance, but it
n proved inuiruotiiiil.
.On WudiicMlny, ii fiiiHo alarm, duo
MO trivial iiicitioiiia occurring hiiiiui-
foounly In opposite parts of tlio city,
to a general (all to llio U ill tod
ton forces. In 15 mlniitua tho on
i city wiih covered. Tlio prompt!-
Mmlo of tlio American, while it created
I'iaro for tho iiiotiiout, effectually ro-
rod confidence throughout .Matiiln,
id (licpollcd tlio uxoltoinent duo to a
oHlng fear on tho part of tin) citizen
at an outbreak wait luiiiiluuiit. It lit
kmii.Io Hint tbu Filipinos, after thu
piouialio conferences that liavo boon
Id between the representatives of
ucral OtlH and Agtilunldo, huvo
illy couio to tiiidurntaiid that tho
tioiin and comoi vatlvo policy of tho
iJKlori'nnij in not duo to four, and they
niront thu inevitable with gooil
i. It in evident that at prcHont
aro unable to approoiato tho full
ipsantntf ol tlio nuiopuiitieiico iioinaiiii-
aittumi'i wncn tuey no uiuiorMnnii nn
nit, tho American proposition will
iota lllidiKri Dm IJnrilluii of Open
i:rrlltln Hra.lun.
Evuhlnylon, Jan. 10. Tho liouso
i) paHfon inu iiipiumniio aim conau-
ippropilatton lull witiiout an
'tuaeiiluieiit, During the uuneral do-
:) two eet npeecheii were mado
nan i ne imperinllKUi by Cnruinck and
DytniM rif 1'i.itiu.iifcftit. Tim illiilntimtln
IflTTd ciUHiilar bill in the nlxtli of tho
ivrisK.ii... ..h...n...i..ttnH i.iiiUii ii...
lOtue. Huveti bmlL'etH yet remain to
CoTiictet upon. Thu bill no pafevd car
ries 11,701,033.
IftVaHliiiiKtoiii Jan. 10. I.lttlo bimi-
n wai tnuiHiicted by the st'imto in
n teiHion today. Sixteen billH on
pivnto nuiiftlou calendar woro
-)!. nnd a joint resolution extending
ihiiiikH of conh'reiM to iM Clara
rtn and other oIIIoihIh of tho Itod
)M buoioty for their benelicent woik
Armenia and Cuba wiih :uliit iI.
.'(ifiell entered a motion to recall
i bll which passed yoeterday, author
ng'lio president to appoint llriga
r (x-iieral T. II. Stanton a inajor
ler.i, mid place him on tlio retired
twib that tank. At 0 o'clock tho
mte ndjjurned.
HfImiIk III OlU'll Siuiimii.
pnaliuton, Jan. 10. Tho support-
auc oppoueutH ol tlio pence treaty
tlio Koiiutu hud their first content
er tint document today in executive
iWliilt the debate technically wan
on Siuator Uerry'H motion providiiir
the loiiHiduration In open (esHiou.
EI cntfco quoHtiuu at Ihhuo was gone
Yrt to iicoiiHiderable dogreo. Tliodia
fsion toiitiiiuod from n few miiiutea
Wfit 1 Tin til fi tvllim lint uiifiill.i ml.
Ji i ii ed in tho day without reaching
oou) iiwn tno uerry motion.
ennui llriioUn Hit DucIiIimI to llnv
r u i- Civil HiKirolurlim.
I Ila'ma, Jan. 10. Gen. Drooko hna
tuoitly coiiNidered thu formation of
Icablu of civil advlfcora. nnd hns do-
Uled Uiavo four seurelurieH lbn Hist
it BtaUiid governmonti the second of
Annncem i, n 0f lUHtlcu and nu d o
instruct,. llIK Hiu fouith of agricul-
try, comniuicu and public
i.v iirmnlium t riiHtiliinln nf
tho iHl
ill bo Invited to join tho
i .r'or-Konornl has received
ixolovi" ,01U two. whoso names nro
vnuni-vnill. . ...
"'- i nil lour can Do an
nounce;.; of t)lQ otn(JI twouiny
I, I though it is probablo
j. though It is probal
ill bo Unbans,
Will OlIIIIH lloiuo.
ui in uo Cuban
i tivo Tongue, .,,' H,w.r.
tary Molklo . .
rocont t'uiio.,, m.iii.
" u" l . "...;Aretained in thoso
ZZ il V originally in
1 violormed that tlio
Ulliuivm"" " ., 1,.., .I.....
jnent'a plan, 11 " "?"""
&on would bo m"" DUUU" v'u'
iln,i t rf imhlB a Boon na xo
liuibu M --o l
Oregon ,etlliilimi "Will dloniilj' Con-
liliir A priiirlntiMi Jill l.
Saloin, Or., .Tan. M, Tlio first week
I of tlio legislative pcddIoh closes with
01 tl I Ih Introduced and mail In tlio hoii
ujo, and 1 8-1 In thu Iioiipo. Tho Jioufo
jiaHhod tho hill to add two judgoH to
thu miprumo court, and thoro Ih II t tlu
doubt that thu uioiiHiiro will pass thu
miiiato In duo tluiu. Two notahlo ro
forniH havo boon provided for to limit
tho number of eominlttco clerks and to
keep appropriation!) of doubtful merit
out of tho general npproprlatlon bill.
A bill to correct tho committee elork
Nblp nhiiRO further for future legirda
ttiros in buforu tlio senate, and Ih likely
to piiHH both hoiiiioH. Tho wayH and
means coauiinittuu will report not only
a general approiuiatlou bill and a spo
elal appropriation bill, but will rofuxo
to yoke with appropriation!) of un
doubted mot it tlioio Hint aro question
nblo, milking tho latter bills Htand in
dividually on their merits bofuio tho
lotjiulittur and tlio governor.
Miuitz, Wlman flent I Cnnteateil, Auk
III lie Taken OfT Committee.
Olympin, Jan. M. Senator Mnntz
today nuked to bo oxetiHcd from serving
on tho committee of election and elec
tion content!), inasmuch iib IiIh neat wan
to bo contented, and Hint, in nil proba
bility, tho matter would bo referred to
that committee.
Tlio chair Htated that it wan expected
that tho content In Mantz' district
would bo rofeired to n special commit
tee. Ho did not know but that a Apo
dal committee would yet bo named.
Mantz viih iniido chairman of tlio com
mittee on Henato employes other than
regular, and Paul, of that coinmltteo,
I wiih inndo ehalrtnnn of tho election con
, toHt coinuiitteu. Keith was transferred
from thu committee on flub to tho com
' nilltt'O on printing, exchanging plauea
: with Senator Biggs.
Eight hundred and forty-two citizens
of Walla Walla petitioned for nu as-
fcciubly hall in the Walla Wallu etnto
ponttentiniy. Thu request wiih rniulo
I on tno ground of public morals, a 8 it
wiih claimed an assembly hall for tho
iiiiuntuH of tho penitentiary would
tend to Improve their morals.
I'or it Hliitn ICimil.
Ii tho hoiiBo a bill was introduced by
Mooie, cfltabliidiiuK a statu road down
thu Columbia river from Lylu, Klicki
tat county, to WanhotiKal, Clark coun
ty, and appropriating $25,000 therefor.
A concurrent resolution relating to
tho wealth of Wnohington coal mineo,
nnd requesting the uecrotary of tho
navy to ueo WaNhin.nton coal in prefer
enco to Uritinh Columbia coal, and cnll-
I ing upon said secretary of tho navy to
j notify the legielaturo if any reason cx-
letH why tn ih cannot uo none, wua
offered by Calvert, and adopted.
IIouho bill No. 78, offered by liol
foid, wlio moved itH advancement to
third reading after tlio title luid been
read. It Ih an appropriation bill, car
rying $1,600 for tbu transportation of
prisoners, 000 for transput ting juve
nile oiTendorH, and ftiOO to pay travel-
ing oxpciiPOM of Dtipuiior court judges,
j On final piiNiagu it received by one neg
ative vote nun ill iiiiirinauvo.
Henato concurrent resolution No. 2,
authorizing thu purchase of a suitablo
Hag for the capitol, wiih taken up and
piiHed under Biispension of tbu rules.
Tbu Honuto concuireiit resolution for
tho pt iiitiug and publication of '.',000
copies of Governor Itogor'a niossugo
was jiasaed.
Knport Tlmt Orvitt Northern nml North;
urn I'liclllu lliivn Ciiinliliiml.
New York, Jan. 10. ThoTimos aaya:
The announcement of tho settlement of
recent disagreements betweon thuGtcnt
Not them nnd thu Northern Pucifio
railroads proved to be one of tho most
interesting statements Wall strcot lias
lately bad to consider and entlmeo over.
In Northern Pacific common slook
thoro is reason to bollevo that n pool
lias been formed, including in its mem
bership tho strongest financieia of Wall
slrout, among others, friends of J. P.
Morgan, Governor Flower and John
D. Kockefeller.
Thla pool, crcditod with n capacity
boyond any such recent combinations,
is buliuvud to liavo as tho basis for ita
organization knowledgo of plans which
will practically make tho Nortboin Pa
cific and thu lialtimoro & Ohio one
pioporty. Somo reportH, probably dis
totted, hnvo it oven that Northern Pa
cillo piopoity would uotually absorb
tho U, & O. Under, any circumstances,
it is declared thoro will be direct man
agement and personal supervision of
policy by Juntos J. Hill.
Kliimllke ut IIiiiiih.
Ilillsboro, Jan. 10. Whilo ditching
on hia boavordam at Farmington, flvo
miles southeast of this city, Goorgo
Robinson, struck a gold-bearing quaitz
ledge which assays $43 to tho ton. Tho
lodgo is . Iiotwocn two nnd thioo
foot in width, Tho load runs north
nnd Bouth, pitching east. Nonr it aro
two othor ledges, tho rook from which
has not yot boon nBsnycd.
Tho lodgo was discovorod aovornl
days ago, but tho matter was kept very
quiot until today, nnd tho only troublo
to bo oncountorod ia in gottlng water.
No gold had ovor boforo beon found at
FariuniRtou, but old miuora considorod
tho ludientionB thoro very ;oo&.
Oorornor llognrn Hmnln tlio M'niilcd
f lif!ii mi'li t to llin Hi'iintn.
Olympla, WiihIi., Jan. 1U, Imrnc
diatoly after tho reading of tho ttiiutues
in thu fionato, Liuiitenaiit-Uovuruor
Dauiols aunoiiticed tho standing com
triitteoff, Pluiiirnor called for a coinmltteo ol
flvo to group tho committees and recom
mend tho number of clerks. Curried.
High presented n memorial from
Clark county settlors. Uu asked that
tho memorial bo referred to tho com
mittee on memorials, but that, Iiiiih
much ns a similar document had boon
introduced in the house, ho did not do
siro tho state put to tho expense of
printing tho memorial,
On motion of Ycund, W. O. Grny, of
Stevens county, who in contesting tho
sent of Henator C. A. Mantz, was al
lowed tho privilege of the floor of the
The cornmlttoo on tho compensation
of senate employes roorted as follows:
Secretary, $5i assistant sccretnry,
f 1.00; Horgefliit-at-arma, $6; npsistnut
fiorgeant-at-arms, $1; minute, journal
and enrolling, engrossing and assistant
engroKNing, bill and docket olorks and
stenographer, $4 each; judiciary clork,
$4,00; pages, $2; nil other employes,
including cotntnitteo clerks, $3.00.
Tho vetoes of Governor Rogers on
bills acted upon since tho adjournment
of tho last legislature woro presented,
togothor with tho names of tho ap
pointees of tho governor. Tho confir
mation of appointees wna made a spe
cial order for January 20, at 11 A. M.
On motion of Meglor, the vetoes were
mado a special onlor for January 17.
Tho votes cover, among others, tho gen
eral appropriation bill. Tlio excep
tions are: "The appropriation of $25,
000 for tiio Cheney normal school,
$17,000 for tine maintenance of the
Whatcom normal school, and $20,000
for tho equipment nnd improving the
grounds of tlio said Whatcom normal
school aro lieieby objected to and dis
approved, thu reason for such disap
proval being sueli appropriations are
opposed to a just public policy at the
present time. With these exceptions
tho bill is hereby npproved."
Senate bill 200 appropriated $1,740
for the iolief of Georgo W. Babcock.
Tho governor's objections uro: "From
information and belief, I consider tliie
claim unjust. Tho claimant hns hit
remedy in tho courts."
Senate bill 104, relating to tidclands,
the chief executive considers unconsti
tutional. Tho coinmltteo on gtouping commit
tees was named as follows: Plummer,
Wilatilro, Paul, Meglcr and Curper.
Clprk' Hnlurlr l lxr.l.
Tho first business of tho day in tho
houso after invocation by Ilev. Ilenty
L. llndger, rector of St. Jolm'n. win
upon tho special order involving the
adoption of tlio committee leport
scheduling salaries of employes.
Mr. Hollows submitted an amend
ment horizon tally reducing tho schedule
00 cunts on each employe, but allowing
the proposed $3 extra comneusntion to
thu speaker to stand. Roll-call on tho
proposed amendment on snlnry of chief
clerk showed tho rolntivo strength to
stand about 47 to 23 in favor of sus
taining tho committee. Afterono tnoro
tot ot stieugth, tho amendment was
withdrawn by Mr. Iielluw?, and tho
committee report wna adopted.
Tlio speaker was authorized, on mo
tion of Smith of King, to employ a sec
retary at n salary of $4 per day.
Heals presented a petition from en
gineers nnd steam users of Skagit and
Snohomish counties for n law compell
ing inspection of boilers.
A resolution prevailed, oflored by
Gupdoraon, calling upon tho atato
land commissioner's ofllco for informa
tion concerning valuo of tlio state's
granted capitol lands." Tho speaker ap
pointed Guudorson, Minatd and Bed
ford as such committee.
A memorial wna oflored by Daniels,
praying for tho pensioning of Indian
war vetorana.
Governor fleer' University Itoceut
Salem, Jan. 13. Governor Geer
aont to tho senate this morning tho ap
pointment of Dolpli, Bean and Senator
William Smith, of Bukor, as mem
bers of tho board of regents of tho stato
university, nnd Holt aa truatoo of tho
Soldiers' Home, tho sumo ns Govornor
Lord had nninod.nucl which woro with
drawn yesterday oxcopt Smith in
plnco of Kincaid. Tho nomination of
Smith "took tho wind out of tho sails"
of tho opposition to thu govornor, na
Soiling expressed it, nnd instead of a
fight all woro confirmed immediately.
Two Aililltlmiiil Juatlcui.
Upon tlio iiBsonibling of tho house
tho comniittoo on resolutions roportod
back n resolution providing for un ex
amination of tho booka of tho Btnto
board of school land comniiasiouors,
with nn tun on dm out that tho commit
too bo allowed only ono clerk, nt a sal
ary of $3 per dny. Tho resolution wna
adopted ns nmoni'ed.
Aftor tho first loading of tho bill by
Bench of Multnomah to rogulnto
building nnd loan associations, Moody
naked tho consent of tho houso to tnko
up nnd plnco on ita third rending tlio
bill providing for rellof nt tho aupromo
oourt, and nn increnso of tho iiumbor
of juaticos of tho supremo court to flvo.
Tho bill pnsao,l by a voto of 87 to 17,
I'ortliinil Miirknt.
Wheat WJIn Walla, 00c; Valloy,
C2c; UlucHtem, 03o per bushel.
Flour Best grades, $3.20; graham,
$2.00; superfine, $2.10 per barrel.
Oats Choico white, J041c; choice
gray, UDQi lOc per bushel.
Barley Feed barley, $2224j brow
ing, $23.00 per ton.
Millsttiffs Bran, $17 per ton; mid
dlings, $22; shorts, $18; chop, $10.00
per ton.
Hay Timothy, $0(210; clovor. $7
8; Oregon wild hay, $0 per ton.
Butter Fancy creamery, 0005o;
focoikIh, 400"0c; duiry, 40 lOo store,
Cheese Oregon full cream, 12Jc;
Young America, 10c; now cheese,
10c per pound.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $2.203'
per dozen; hens, $3.00 J.00; springs,
$1.203; geeso, $0.007.00 for old,
$4.00&0 for young; ducks, $0.00
0.00 per dozen; turkeys, live, 10
l(!u per pound.
Potutoea 7080c per suck; sweets,
2c pur ound.
Vegetables Beets, 00c; turnips, 70c
por sack; garlic, 7o per pound; cab
bage, $1 1.20 por 100 pounds; cauli
flower, 70o per dozen; paranips, 70c
per sack; beans, 8c per pound; celery
70 70c per dozen; cucumbers, 00c per
box; peas, 33c per pound.
Onions Oregon, 70c$l poraack.
Hops 1017c; 1807 crop, 40o.
Wool Valley, 1012o per pound;
Knstcrn Oregon, 8 12c; mohair,
2 (Jo per pound.
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wetliera
and ewes, 4c; dressed mutton. 7MCI
spring lambs, 7)c per lb.
Hogs Gross, choice heavy, $4.20;
light and feeders, $3.0004.00; dressed,
$0.000.00 per 100 pounds.
Beef Gross, top steers, 3.00$3.70;
cows, $2.003.00; dressed beef,
0Gc per pound.
Veal Large, 00c; small, 78e
per pound.
Hentlln .Miirkctn.
Onions, 8090c per 100 pounda.
Potatoes, 20$ 20.
Beete, per eack, 70c.
Turnips, per sack, 00 75c.
Carrots, per sack, 40G0c.
Parsnips, per sack, $1.
Cauliflower, G000o per doz.
Celery, 3040o.
Cabbage, nativo and California
$1.00 1.00 per 100 pounds.
Apples, 30 00c pur box.
Pears, 00c$1.00 per box.
Prunes, 00c per box.
Butter Creamery, 27c per pound;
dairy and ranch, 1822c per pound.
Eggs, 27c.
Cheese Nativo. 1212Jc.
Poultry Old hens, 14c per pound;
spring chickens, 14c; turkeys, 10c.
Fresli meats Choico dressed beef
steers, prime, 0ja7c; cows, prime,
OJc; mutton, 7)jc; pork, 07c; veal,
Wheat Feed wheat, $22.
Oata Choice, per ton, $24.
Hay Pugot Sound mixed, $9.00
11; choico Eastern Washington tim
othy, $10.
Corn Whole. $23.50; cracked, $24;
feed meal, $23.50.
Barley Rolled or ground, per ton,
$25"20; whole, $22.
Flour Patent, per barrel, $3.00;
etraiuhta, $3.25: California brrnds,
$3.25; buckwheat flour, $3.75; graham,
per barrel, $3.00; wholo wheat flour,
$3.75; ryo flour, $4.
MillBtuffs Bran, per ton, $14;
shorts, per ton, $10.
Feed Chopped feed, $20 23 per
ton; middlings, per ton, $17; oil cake
meal, por ton, $35.
Sun Prnnciico Market.
Wool Spring Nevada, 10 12c per
pound; Oregon, Eastern, 1012o; Val
ley, 1017c; Noithorn, 9llc.
Millstuffs Middlings, $1821.00;
bran, $15.50 10.50 per ton.
Onions Silvorekin,50 75c por sack.
Butter Fancy creamery, 28o;
flo seconds, 2520c; fancy dairy, 20c;
do seconds, 2023c per pound.
Eggs Store, 2530o; fancy ranch,
34 37o.
Citrua Fruit Orangos. Valencia, $2
2.50; Moxican limoa, $(i0.C0; Cali
fornia lomona, $2.00. 300; do cboico,
$3.504.50; per box.
The Seven DevlU.
It ia currently believed that tho
Noithorn Paoific ia making strenuous
elTorts to establish n line to connect
with tho Seven Devils railroad, and
thus tap a rich copper region. The
Northwestern Railway Company baa
also three crows of surveyors in tho
fluid, and ia preparing tho way for
gradors from Huntington to tho Ox
bond of Snako river, and from thoro
to tho Peacock mine. Thoro nro now
28 O. R. & N. surveyors working from
Keating, on Lower Powdor rivor, to
Eaglo vnlloy, nrranging for tlio con
struction work from Baker City to
Sovon Dovila.
A Good ShiMviiiK.
Tho Whatcom croaniory liaa tumod
out 32,340 pounda of butter, or over
lb tons sinco May 1, 1808. Patrons de
li vor their oream nnd recoivo 24 centa
por pound for tho butter yioldod. Tho
Bum ot $0,802 hna thus boon paid out to
Whatcom county roaldenta since May.
Tho oroamoiy will continuo in opera
tion nil wintor.
It la said that tho oleotiio caba In
Now York olty did a rocoid buaineaa
during tho blizzard and provod their
entire eflicionoy.
Itorni nf fir im nil Intercut fllenned
I'rom the Thriving I'liclfln
A tflient I'roilurer.
Unionlown, Wash., claims for tho
southeastern comer of tho Palouse
country tho distinction of being tho
t'rcntfHt u'lwmt-nmiliif'iitt' nontlnn (if
I tho world. Within n radius of six
' rnilns nf Hint tlirlvlm' tou-n tlmrn
raised thia year upwards of 1,500,000
bushels of wheat, with good crops of
barley, oats, hay, vogotablos, otc. Fall
wheat averaged from 42 to 02 bushels
to tho acre and spring wheat 23 to 30
bushels. If any othor ambitious cor
nor of tho world desires to contest
honors for supremacy in grain-raising
the opportunity is offered.
Telephone Kxtennlon.
The Rocky Mountain Boll Telephone
Company will soon connect Hailey,
Idaho, with all prominent places by
long distarico telephone. A lino will
bo constructed from Boiso to Camas
Prairie, thence to Hnlloy by tho Gold
Bolt, and then to Blackfoot. Hailey
will bo tho headquarters of tho 300
mile lino between tho Utah & North
ern and Boiso. Telophono lines aro bo
ing extended ovor tho principal parte
of Burns, Or., and tho Prineville Tele
phono Company ia making extenaivo
A contraot to sell 12,000 pounds of
the 1800 hops at 10 cents per pound
has been mado by Daniel Uavanaugli
to Faber & Neis, of Albany. Pros
pects for fair pricca for this year's crop
aro very flattering. Hop men in Ore
gon who held their crops and thus ob
tained better prices aro now out of debt
for the first time in several years.
Horst Bros, bought several lots at
North Ynklrna within 10 days at 12
and 13 cents.
AdTance in Keg.
Egga ate worth 00 centa a dozen at
Colfax, Whitmnn county. It would
seem policy for tho Whitman farmers
to raiso a million or two bushels less
wheal and put in a few acres of hens.
It is much cheaper to raise a dozen
eggs than n bushel of wheat, yet Whit
man and other Eastern Washington
counties, which produced nearly 15, -000,000
bushels of wheat Inst year,
import thousands of dollais' worth of
daily and hog products and eggs every
Can yoliTllle Industrie.
Tho growing and shipping of fruit
in the vicinity ot Canyonvillo is now
eo far advanced as to bring in consider
able of a revenue. Prunes to tho
amount of 1,000,000 pounds havo been
aold at tho avorago rato of over three
cents per pound, bringing in over $48,
000. Shippors are now getting ready
large consignments of winter apples,
and the prevailing price for turkeys ia
from 9 to 104 centa grosa. Lime, sul
phur and salt for spraying purposes aro
now iii demand.
llromlne-Chlorlne Plant.
An innovation in mining that will
bo of tho greatest valuo io the people
uf Eastern Oregon ia tlio establishment
at Baker City of a bromine-chlorine
plant, for the working of refactory
ores, which have hitherto been con
sidered as worthless. Tho Golconda
plant, being erected by J. G. English
and others, and which ia oxnectod to
be in operation very soon,
will increaso to a gnsat extent the busi
ness of the Baker City merchants.
1. 1 in Shipment.
Tho Taconia & Rocho Harbor 'Lime
Company, which is Hie chief lime
works in tho Northwest, shipped 100,
000 barrels last year, against 90,000 in
1897. Tho increaso was botli foreign
and local, and the presidont, J. S. Mc
Millin, says he expects an increuas thia
year of at least 50 per cent, baaing hia
ostiinatea on trade conditions and or
ders now on hand. This business is
a fair indicator of tho demand for
building material.
lllc Curco to the Orient.
The N. Y. K. steamship Riojun
Maru sailed from Seattle last week for
tho Orient, with ono of tho heaviest
cargoes over taken from that port. Tho
froiuht inoludod 4,000 bales of cotton,
13 carloads of pig lead, 14 cars of wood
pulp, bosidea a great quantity of flour
and miscellaneous goods. Another
cargo soon to bo shipped to the eamo
port will contain 700 tons of salted
salmon, brought over from tho Frasor
ltlda for lounty Jtontls.
Tho county coinniissionora of Gal
latin county, Mont., roceived bids last
Monday for tho purchase of funding
bonds to tho amount of $137,000.
Thoso bonds aro made payablo in 20
yeais, and uro to bear interest nt tlio
rato ot 5 poi cent per annum, payablo
Bomi-annually in tho city of Bozoinan.
Tho county reserves tho right to redooui
any of tho bonda nfter 10 yeara, by
giving 00 daya' notice
Flux Industry Growlnc.
A result of recent agitation through
out Orogon for the cultivation of flax,
aa n commercial commodity, is tho
sowing of a considerable noreago thia
fall to flaxseed. Tho Portland Linseed
Oil worka is furnishing aeed to farmers
on application, agreeing to tako their
pay from prooeeda of crops raised, for
which crop tlioy will contraot at pricea
that mean handsome returns