Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 20, 1899, Image 3

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    lCnslly 0tlmi Over,
A ortnnlo from n utirnlii In nno who
nclootH to nno Ht. Jiicolm Oil to euro It.
Prompt iiHO of It lirltiKH prompt cure,
ami tliu troiiblu Ih K"ttoii over ounlly.
Vt'tiiniiii's IVeiipiin mill Tmil llnx.
Keeper Tlioii hIiu plokeil tlio untoli
on Imr luiiidctiirrt, lu tlirouyli n two
foot Willi (if NtOIIO) took Otlt II MIIM (if
pinto nlii hy ruinovliiK tliu putty,
unit tlion opened tliu 1 Ik look on tlio
Uiito. What IooIh liml hIiu?
Matron None wliutovor. Stay.
Good luiioiouri, I forgot to tittio away
her halrpliwl
Keeper -lliun purmilt In ticoIuhh.
WiOHtlll Iiiih them. Stray Storied.
Pains and Aches
Of Rhoumntlom Mnko Countlonn
Thounnncio 8ufTor.
)ilt Mil iUhmIj In cured hy Ilnoil'ii Knr
utnirillii, which iiriitntlixf (hunt-til In tlio
hlnml If you have any h.viii jiUmiih of
rhi'iiiimiixiii I (ike Iiooil'M Wit ri ii mi til In nt
nine mill (In lint WON If llllll' Hint HlOlieV on
iiiikimmi iirfiirittliiiiii. Tim merit of
iiih1'n SuiNparlllii l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tt 1 1 u 1 1 e I mill
IIm ruconi hi cure uueijiiHiieu.
Hood's Sarsanarilla
In America's Orentesl M edict iieforrhetiinatlsm
Hocri'a Pll 8 cute -II liver Ills. Muonti.
No Mystery to Hint,
"Hnvo you piilil utiy nttuntlou to tlio
rnco ptohlein?" naked tlio thoughtful
mini, on ho lull) down It ih potior.
"Ilnvu II" wiMvoiod tliu very fliimll
niiiii with tun niimnivo illaitiund. "I'm
tliu follow who luuejit Tin Sloan how
to riilo." WunliliiKton Star.
Hy local nppllcntlmn, us Itipjr cAinwt reach tlio
rifum.itil iMirtlou of tins fur. There it only una
way to cure deafuvM. awl that U by e-oiutliu-lion
rI ri-iiicl lo. DiMtlnt-H Is caused by u In-
finiiit-i C'liioiiioii (i I me mucous lining cmno
KuiUi'lilAII Till). When tlili lulio gets If).
Usui"! ton have a rumbling sound or luipvr
ie l in-nring. nun whom n i eiiurciy cinei
tit-it ii in i lie iciulr, nnl units, ilielnflsimiia
lion caii ! taken out Mini HiU tub restored lo
ll ti'.f iiu.l ..ii.lit ion, hearing will ! destroyed
loreier; nine ess out il ti ll nrnrnuimf lijr
calnrrli, t hlrli iioililni; Imt alt Ifillatned
coiiillni'iicl tliu intiemi surfaces.
Vt w ill Kite die llumlivd lllars for any
cam of lirmtieMirnnsMl by catarrh) that caii
nut Ik mi. il by Hall's Catarrh Curu. Bend (or
tlrcular.,lre. ,
r. j. turiii a uu., iiwc,u.
Hold by DrueglMs. 7b
Hall's Family l'llli arc Ilia best.
Htiiiihoo ihmih "till retain tlioir Jiold
in Iinllu, wliwo t hoy lntvo heeu in u
tor iihto than 1,000 yoarH.
If yoit want the Iwst wind mill, nuiiitm.
tanks, plows, wagon, bells oi nil size
boiler, enciiicH, or general mnrhluory. o
or writo JolIN l'Ooi.K, foot of MorrUon
Btrt'tt, I'ortluud, uri'son.
A Nntr Imriitliiii I'lxli'C Titp.
Tlio t.ttinl Invontion of ooimhloruhlo
merit ih tint "Flying Top," invoutwl
by a Wtftorn boy. It is so onsy to
opcralo, that n hoy nix yoiirfl of nyo onu
iiiniuiKo it without any illflloulty. The
top Ih roiiNtttiL'ttid on tliu principlo of it
flying iniioliiiio ttml by tlinply pulling
l cord, iikccihIh fiom GO to 1100 foot, or,
in t i t im momoiitum uuiisoh. when it
inidunlly iIohouiiiIh liku it pornohule,
uill H.lnniiiK whun it atrikus thu
l UUJ1U.
BTe I f .-mn-itiy Currrt. ; ntnur nrrrcrtmniHi
rilo n.T Uy ll) or Dr. Klluv'a llrrol rr. Hml for 1'lthK H4.00 niul
Vmtlj ini vrktlm DIU IL IX. itUNli, JLbL, 9W
AtUi Rvkx, i'tUl4l,tila. l'a.
TJ10 rivcm in Northern ltnwln woio
ftozon tli in your buforu thu ond of Oo
toLur. TltV AI.I.KN'H rOOT.lMHi:,
A tMiurder to be Klmkon Into lhn aIiooh.
A tfiln tifiiKoit your fuel fool swollen, ncr
V0i and uneoiiifiirtahlo. If you Imvo
timrttiiK fcot or llnht shoe, try Allen's
l'oa-Ivnxo. ItroAttinml comforU; iimkcs
wallitifr cany. C'tiro.i swollou nud ewtxttitiK
fcct.l.lUi crv nud callous spots. Itollovcn
coriiinud hunimiH of nil p.iin and lit 11 cur
tain uro for C'lillblaiini, Sweating, dump
orfrau-d feet. Wo lmvo ovor thirtv thou
Mnd teAtinioiiIuIs. Try it today, gold by
alld(uuUt8nnd Hliooctore-for i!.'c. Trial
pa :-.uo FJtKK. Adilrow, Allen 8. Oim
tl,o Jtoy, N. Y.
I11J80O tlio hiL'lioat hoiipo in Now
Yorkoity had only llvn titorioH.
No luiiiHliold Im niiiiiiliito without n IkiU
tie of ViofuiiioiiN Jomo Mooro WhlHkoy. It
ii n lllm niul wIiiiIuukiii. uttmiiliitit. nn
oniiniii-d by all piiyBlcluns. Don't no
Klcct His nooemitv.
Titxf on bouula nru loivod in Jnimn-
, . 1
'In (!nrn it O11I1I In (Inn Dnjr
I.uxntlvii llrimin Otiinlnn Tiililpbt.
1 1 .i..... uiu ..riin.i r i r..ii ...
,n,o ...... ...wt.w. .. . ..... m
1'l.oiirlni- tlio OOMIMIIIA AOKNOY
lorli; m. ilny'H ilclnv may result In your
eui'fniiir KOilIng It. o nru tlio only btityelo
0ViiuIokh ili'llvcry tiolnt In tliu North
"'"B'romiit ilellvery ot nil unlor Asureil.
''''"llwl.n I111111II0 tlio 0(11, tlAI IlIA niul
" Aft Mtl 11 110 will have n doulilo ndvnnt-
,B K o'hers who do not. Wo lmvo im
1 r'"''!!!'' i""(y oi our iiroduoiA, whllo our
Ini'i'V (,iiii,nt uuablon ua to reduce our
l",vT,y (nllwi
Coli' , i,iioii IM 00
?.i!!siM0' "-'" - 60 V0
COlun..,..,.,,'J. us imttern. '09 Im-
vv&i,.: :. 4000
ControllUUQOn Wa,hlng,on( Montana and Idaho
,.. M. P.. oi flrnm Vnlley, Or., voluntarily mnko tlio followiuR slntcmcut:
I . . 1 t t. ' 1. n .1 11 ..a ininiMA.Inui liilnpvii irif nhniil til tin mm
Alter 1111
'V0.'1!.!, Sffmo in Van Krnnolsco nnd ono itiBpoknno. With nelthor oflhooliayo I been
bl?it0.S? r'P reioh. On Jiecombor 10, 1898, 1 had my
tiJ.t.Vtv-. tiloYi W Pr Ht ry kor, 1. O. 0. V. 1'otnplo, 1'lrat and Aldor, Port and. Or., and within
yiili.l iVmii the tltiio tlioy woro nut Into my moui r I was ablo to cat a common hard
Slnutiile wlll coXlrlod vonl.o,!, andat tills tlmo, Docomboir istli. havo enten overy
Stf.'fSSon iWcatest comiirt and'wlth no trouble at all. They arc i n porlect ntand
Holder. Short!
liros. Ilanlc. Tho Pallos, Or.: Sherman Co. Bank, Wasco, Or. Win,
t! , :. ur. 1 h Minimis nnd Ilrothor. l'ortlana. Or.
iU to beioro mo tin.
iim'i 1
Otrimmlilii of M'nilillfiir l'riAitni,
A rocoii t (IooIhIoii in Hprliinllcld,
Miirh,, iih to thu owiicmlilp of WOildillK
proMontH In Unit wiiuro stioli prenonlB
nru HOiit lo thu brldo bofoto miirrliiuc,
111 Im thu ciiNtoni, thu prvDontH nru lior
nronorlv. 11ml roinnln mi ni'mi l( u nun.
lUiitloii tiikux jilnco uftor inirrhio,
VIlMf lit II f.lljrtliun,
HniVlmt (lo you reckon Hint jlno
ior tumps inu nil ovor du oluut fur?
.Inko Tryin' to euo how moult ilouh
you liml In your imtiilo poukut, oi
courflu. Olnutnuitti KiKjuiror.
Il Kimw Not All.
IIu You think you know it nil,
don't you?
Illni No I Imvo novor boon nblo to
flKuro out any roiiBon for you buinj,'
nllve.-"liiillitnitpolln Jojirniil.
BnmploH of inoruliitmlitfu oorrlod by u
traveling hiiIohiiiiiii nru hold, in Kiiiihuh
Olty, I. & G. It, company vh. Htato
(Ark,), -11 L. It. A, fillii, nut to Im huj.
KiiKU within a xtatulo rulutinK
uliiuyuH on uxcofM ImfgiiKO.
WoiihoIh nmi HkunkH nru ciioinloo of
thu varclocH poultry koupor. All poul
try gliould ho kupt in imrtorM miulo
Hoeuro nt ni,'ht from tlieuo doprodittorH.
0NiniimH fur vuntilatlou tiliouhl bu
covuffd with wlro nurooiiH.
Gratifying Lottorn to Mrs. Pink
hum From Happy Womon.
"1 Onn You 3!y Ufa.
Mrs. E. Wooi.iiiBiiit,
Mills, Neb., vrrltcs:
"Dbaii Mrts. I'iNKiiAJt : I owe my
llo to your Vegetable Compound. Tlio
doctors ftttid I hud eoiiMimptlou and
nothing could bo done for me. My
luunHtruntlon had slopped and they
said my blood was turning' to w.ater. I
hud Mivornl doctors. They all bnld I
could not live. I botfnn Uto use of Lydlu
K. I 'ink h 11 m's Vogetablo Compound,
and it helped inu right nwny; menses
returned mid I lmvo gained in weight.
I have bettor health than 1 lmvo had for
years. It lit wonderful whatyour Com
pound has done for inc."
"I Trrl I.U n New l'crion."
Mrs. Geo. Lkacii,
10O0 UplloSU, Alton, 111., writes:
' Itoforu I began to take your Vege
table Compound I was a grutttsuiroror
from womb trouble. Mcnes would up-
poar two and tltreu tlmos in 11 tnontli,
emifinu- mo to bu 0 wonlr I -ni.l,i not ,
stand. Icouldnollherslccpiiorcnt.nnd I
looked iO badly my frionds hurdly
knew me. j
" I took doctor's medicine but did not I
derive much benefit from it My drug
gist gave me nnu of your little books,
and after reading it I decided to try
Lydlu 12. rinkhtim's Vegetable Com
pound. I feel lllio a new person. I
would not give your Compo-ind for all
the doctors' medicine in the world. I
can not praUo it enough."
Thu Tibotnns lmvo a week of flvo
days, named after iiou, wood, water,
ftmthois and csttli.
I never ued m quick a cure as IIo's
Curt fr Ciinminiiitlnii. .1. 11. Calmer,
llux 1171, feoitttle. Wunli., Nov. 2T,, 1S03.
No fewer than 2,101 patents have
been taken out oil processes for making
sugar and salU
Hogs uro fattened on oranges in
Puiagiiity, and ornngo-fed pork is, eaid
to bo vory good.
Wiirmtli iiml 8triiii:tli.
The cold of winter certainly aggra
vates rliounritiflin, and at all soasons
St. Jacobs Oil is its mastor uuro. It
impuits warmtli and stiength to tlio
miiNulus, and otiios.
Among tlio industrial novelties aro
aluminum carpets and stool billiard
V'hen coming to San Frauclpco go to
Ilrooklyn Hotel, 203.212 Uusli street.
Amorican or Kuropoaa plan, ltoont nud
board 11.00 to Jl.WI or day; rooms 50 cents
to 1 1.(0 nor day; sluglo meals 25 cents.
Free coach. Clias. Montgomery.
Mrs. IMchnrd King, of Texas, owns
2,000 squnto mi'es of laud in that state.
Oolumhlii Modol tl), t.v
Hnrtforils M 00
Vcdettos, Strictly Up-to-IIntO 00
Wo Job bicycle NUiidrlcn.
Wrltu (or terms nud discounts.
132-34 Sixth St,, PO flland, Of
Vv'n..",' Pl.ll Inr OrTon.
AIr, Olcfiwucr Monro llnidyu Circuit
Clerk lit MUnoiir'.
I The II rut womnii to hold the nuiHcti
, lino iioxltlon of Circuit Clerk of Vernon
County, MlHHotirl, wan recently appoint
ed by Governor Htpphoim. 8ho Im Mr.
OlofiMiior Mooro llrndy, the only dtlld
of .Mr. and Mix. Harry ('. Mooro, ami
iiloeo of ThoimiH 1), Mr-Kay, who wttH
for wi-crnl years general passenger
agent of thu Hurllngton road nt San
Francisco, and Is now representing
A morion 11 railroads and steamship lines
nt Yokohama, Japan. Mrs. Urndy was
horn In Xevnda, Mo., about twonty
11 vo years ago. She was educated In
thu school of her native city and nt
Mary Institute, St. Louis. In 1805 she
ninrrled Henry O. Itrndy, who was then
Circuit Clerk of Vernon County, and
entered his oillce as deputy clerk. The
husband and wlfu were populnr In their
oillce, and last summer, after Mr.
Itrady's health had failed, ho was again
nominated for the position and elected.
Shortly after he died. The following
day the local bar of Nevada adopted
resolutions urging the appointment of
Mrs. llrndy to the oillce Just made va
cant by the death of hor husband. Gov
ernor Stephens, riliiflliflr with the facts
In the case, Issaed a commission to
Mrs. Ilrady, and she was sworn In by
Judge 1). r. Stratton, of ,lie Vernon
Circuit Court, as Circuit Clerk of Vw
11 on County.
No Kvottttlon In I'oriii Durlim Many
Centurion of Its Unc.
Other things may cvolute, but the
pipe that the Irishman loves best Is the
same to-day that his forefathers used
centuries ago. For real, genuine con
solntion niul comfort the average hard
"working son of Krln prefers to do his
smoking In the ordinary clay pipe of
commerce. He usually lireaks off tlio
stem, Just by way of not hnvlng to
draw the soothing smoke too far. While
it Is generally agreed that Italeigh In
trodttced the tobacco habit Into Kng
laud and Ireland from America there
nro writers, who, after research, claim
that long before Columbus sailed on
his voyages smoking was common In
Irelnnd, the material used, however,
being certain dried aromatic leaves. Dr.
Eugene S. Talbot, of Chicago, In a
book he Is publishing gives pictures of
pipes used In Irelnnd in tlio ante-Co-lumbla
era. A glimpse at these older
dayplpes and nt the favorite "dudheen"
of tho Irishman of to-day will show
that time has wrought but little change
In tho passing centuries.
Itcndors of Kul)lls'.
If the works of high-elnss writers nro
upon tho Bhelves of those who make a
practice of reading rubbish, those
works remain unlooked nt, while the
low novel Is sought with keeii anxiety,
nnd time Is occupied In Its perusal al
ways at tho expenso of the Intellect,
ami often to tho neglect of duties of
vast Importance, l'eople pay visits to
libraries, procuro books, nnd spend
hours dnlly In reading, niul often speak
of It with apparent pride, but, as a rule,
they only rend what may bo called
pastimes. Such renders aro consequent
ly novor In any way Improved by their
reading, though well up In tho details
of Imagined murders nnd acts of Im
morality, which uutliors have put be
fore them to amuse and gratify their
shallow minds.
Demoralizing literature does not find
Its patrons In any ono class of society;
on tho contrary, such Is read by tho
lady In tho drawing-room as well as
(tho domestic servant In tho kltcheu; by
tho man of good position down to tho
oillce boy, who has often been Induced
to becomo n thlof or a forger In conse
quenco of examples sot before him lu
works of Action. Westminster Review.
Courwc of Truo I.ovr, I'tc,
Bessie I thought Nolllo Sanderson
was to hnvo been married Inst weok,
Jessie So sho was, but Charlie's rich
aunt, who had been given up, is getting
veil ngnlu, Ilnrlem Life,
Mil. O. f. IlllADV.
linker 'II jr Itcpubllcnn,
Tlioflo who aro disponed to doubt Dr.
Darrln's euros will havo their doubts
Bhnkon on rending thu following card
from .Mr. John Martin, of Cove, Or.
J Mr. Martin is a man well and fuvora
! hly known to all of our renders, and a
man of 20 years' resilience in Union
' . ... r 1 1 .. . , . . . .
county, jiih case win go mr to esiau
UhIi tho skill of Dr. Darrin:
For tho benefit of thu nflliotod as
well as Dr. Dariin, I will state I had
been it fillet ad 10 years with hydrocele
and othor troubles lieforo being' treated
and cured by Dr. Darrin, fivo years
ago, in Portland. I am happy to say
tlio cure was perfect and permanent,
and I am now a well man. I rosido nt
Covo, Or., and will gladly answer any
Inquiries. JOHN MAHTIN.
I)r, Diirrln'it i'liicn of lliialnc..
Dt. Darrin oivrin (rim iixsimiriiittrin In
all, and when necessary gives medi-
cinos in connection with electricity.
Thu poor treatod free from 10 to 11
daily, except medicines. Thoso will
ing to pay, 10 to 0; evening, 7 to 8;
Sundays, 10 to 12.
Deafness, catarrh, oye, nnso and
throat, heart, liver, stomach. Inn"
troubles, errors of vonlli. Iilonil taints.
gleet, impotonoy, varicocele, hydrocele,
stricture, gonorrhea nnd syphiilis a
specialty. Cross eyes and hydrocele
operated on until January 12. All
chronio male and female nud private
diseasos treated at reasonable rates.
No cases published, except by permis
sion of the patient. All business rela
tions with Dr. Darrin strictly confl
dontinl. Lotters of inquiry answered.
Circulars and question blanks sent freo.
Batteries and belts furnished when
necessary. Ofllco, 205 Morrison street,
Four hundred years ago only seven
metals were known. Now there are
01, 80 of which have been discovoted
within tho present century Chicago
Intor Ocean.
k Heroes of the
War with Spfcin
thousa.nd.4 of them, &tc suf
fering From lingering dii
cases induced by life in
poisonous southern camps,
the result of changes of
climate, or of imperfect
nutrition caused by im
proper and badly cooked
food. Sleeping onthegTound
has doubtless developed
rheumatism in hundreds
who vCTe predisposed to
the disease. In such cases
the Boys of '98 mav take
a iicoson nom tlK
ence of the
& 1 A- r . .
cs of. the
Civil W&t,
Hundreds of the Boys
of '63 have testified to the
efficacy of Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills for Pale People
in driving out malaria.,
rheumatism and otheT
diseases contracted during theW days of hardship
and privation (n the cvrmy. These pills are the best
tonic in the world.
Asa Robinson, of Mt. Sttrllnjr. 111., is a veteran of the Civil war, having
served in thehjrd Pennsylvania Volunteers. He went to the warn vigor
ous farmer's boy nud came back broken in henlth, a victim of sciatic rheu
matism. Most of the time he was unfitted for mauunl labor of any kind,
nnd his sufferings were at nil times intense. He says: "Nothing seemed
to give me permanent relief until three venrs ago, when my attention wes
called to some of the wonderful cures effected by Ur. Williams' Pink Pills
for Pale Teople. I hnd not tnken more than half n box when I noticed an
improvement in my condition, and I keep on improving steadily. Tothera
I owe my restoration to health. They are a grand remedy." Mt. Stirling
box. by th Dt. Medicine Co.. B V, Scherctkdv.H.Y.
Cut Rate1?
DrtiR Catalogue
U'onilnnl rinH.o.Pn bEPAUTMKNT E.
VOltTIiANU, on.
la It Wrong?
Get it Right
Keep it Right
Moore's Jtovoalod Komorty Wllldolt. Thrco
doses will unko you feel better. Get it from
your druggist or any wholcsalo drug house, or
Irom Stewart & Holmes .Drug Co., Seattle,
Tn tmvliiir aoeria
lfnn.iiii v In ixtrn.v
of cultivation vr anted on Inferior
aamla nluravsi lartTMlv nRtelH tha
ii it it ii httpftuue lQ coit
orlcinalcortt of tha bratBeedi to
be had, Tho bent U ilwnya tbe
cbeapfit, Tax a truU niuro for
and nJwtys get your money's
I. . I ....... u l.ik
UPKl nevnAiiuuBi xtvv. 1 i-Kid v .u.
IVutor I'ower Aliniiifbnmf.
Tho famous incline railway nt Pros
poet Park, Niagara Falls, is to bo oper
ated electrically according to a recent
decision of tho No York Stnto Park
Commissioners. Heretofore this rail
way lias always boon operated by water
power, but in view of4 tho fact tiiat
during the great ice bridges, when
tourists flock to seo this marvelous
sight, from all over the state, tho rail
way is u'tially inoperative. This has
boon due to tho chocking of the intnko
with ico and very often too low water.
As thero is no other means of access
without a tedious doscent and ascont,
tho tourists lmvo been greatly incon
venienced, nnd tho management havo
lost considerable money. With abun
dant electric power nvailablo from tho
Niagara Falls Power Company the elec
tric operation of tho road appears to bo
most apropos.
Oorrniiny nm A .lit Minor.
It Is Inevitable that Asia Minor shall even
tually pass from the pomiIoii of Moham
medanism, nnd whether (ierrnnny accomplishes
the task or not, the Hultsn must yield to a
Christian nation. It js as Inevitable that
diseases of the dilutive organs mrit yield tr
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. The disorders of
this kind an: usually called dyspepsia, cnntl
tiatlon and biliousness. The Hitters are equally
good for all such complaints, regardleH of tho
On of .11 11 11 y.
Mrs. Weeks Wiiat business is your
husband engaged in?
Mrs. Meeks He operates in stocks.
"Is lie a 'bnll' or a 'bear' ?"
"Uoth. He's a bull at the stock
exchange and a bear at liome." Chi
cago Evening News.
Tho Thine to I)n,
"vvTion tho Sciatic norvo gives it3
worst torment in the shape of Sciatica,
the ono thing to do is to use St. Jacobs
Oil promptly nnd feel sure of a cure.
I'erfectly lliirinless.
Dix I once know a young man who
smoked CO cigarettes daily without
any particular harm resulting there
from. Hix Is it possible?
Dix Yes; and the only noticeable
effect was tho death of the smoker.
Chicago Evening News.
I! cut Wheel on Kitrlli."
U09 Ideals f'J2.M, ;:5, (30. Send for catalogue.
Live agents n anted everywhere.
FltKll T,
With seed of tutse. now Itosei, plants may be had tn
lilooiu In tu aays rroin tlmo or sowing. Plant at any
time. They grow quickly and flowers appear la largo
iluom all summer. In 1
reriuciiy naruy in uio garden, wnere mey
1101a nicy Dloom win aummei
Jul winter, t mm a pa
of various colors wliito. tilnk. crimson, etc no two
I'Ket or seet one win gei iioi
alike, aud very sweat. Send us 10 cents and tha
names ot S or more people whom you know buy seeds
or plants, and we will uiaU you a packet of this IiofJ
Seed with m. great Colored I'lntc Cntnlniruo of
bleeds. IlnlbH, Vlunts uud Hiiro New FruiiM.
N. 1. N. V,
no. a-oo.
I1KN writing to advertisers pleus
mention tuts paper.
9 wssffisssasESt wsr .
(BKBHafflf r