Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, January 20, 1899, Image 1

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. rLjgc- SU .
- - mP" - - --
Lumber nud Ifnrming Interests of this community, to good government, and hustling for a living.
Cottage Q-rove, O.Lggn,"' -UTi'iclay,
Joa. 2Q, 1899.
Devoted to the MTg,
j? Eakin & Bristow's i
Griffin &
For All
Stoves, Tinware; Ropes, Pumps, Pipes, and
Plumbing Gools; Plain and Uarbed Wire;
Coal, Iron and Sjeel; Garden Tools, Plows,
Axes and Amuuition.
Mining Supplies,
.A. JJhall Stock of AVaoroii Material.
. Wc Meet Eugene Prices.
Griffin & Vctcl flui'dw'are Goutpuny, ,
3 ' Q.jr.rJ.lNJ)ENJWllG;MaiMer..
' H'olliigc Grove. Oregon.
One of the finest farms near Cot-
. a. r
J wye UIOVC,
It contains about 200 acres, 160
of which is in cultivation.
The Price is DIRT GJtEdP,
and the TERMS are all that a
purchaser could ask.
For information, inquire at this
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Art features peculiar to ITood'a rilU, Small in
Uf tasteleit, efficient, tborougih. As one nun
Hldiroa nerer Jtuotr you
Mra bken a pill till t: U all Fm ZWg
fcrcr.",sc,ai.nood&Ca, 1 1 1 2
Proprttow. Iwell, Mint. n
Xbonpiib to U&o wfth Hood'4 8ars&varll,
And so do the bargains we arc offering you in
8ry Goods, Drcsu GUmmLs, lui'iiBNhiBii
Good, Clothing Boots, Shoes ana Huh
ber Goods, make your money
Go Farther Than Ever Before.
TO . mr 2?x
Kinds Of
Acflvc Solltiiors Wanlcil Everywhere
For "TI10 Story of llTe I'liilipplneH" ly
Murnt Ilalbtusul, commiHriionotl y the
Governmoiit iih Ollohil IllHtoriiin to thu
War Department. The book was writ
ten in army eampfl at San KranulHuo, on
the J'aeillu with Uen. Mcrritt. in the
lioHpital at Ifonoliiln, in Iloiig Kong, in
the American treiieliCH at Manila, in the
iiiHiirgent eamp with AgninuMo, on the
deuk of tho Ulympia with Dpwoy, and
in the roar of the battle at the fall of
Manila, Bonanza for aeiitH. Brimful
of original pietiin'H taken by. govern
ment photographers on the mint, barue
book ; low prieeH. Ilitr'tirolllH. Kipiglit
jiaiil. Credt given. Prop ail trashy
nnoflioial war books. Outfit free. Au
tlrefiH. F. T. Uurbor, See'y,, Star Inaur
anco BI(lu'.,-Cliicngo.
Tutliu I'ulillc.
Wo nro authorized to giiaranteo every
bottle of nhamborlain'H Cough Remedy
and if not satisfactory to refund the
money to tho purchaser. Thero is no
hotter iiiedlcino mado fpr In grippe, cqlds
and whooping oougli. Price ' 25 and tfOq
perbottlo. Try It', For salo-by thb
BoiiHon Drug Co;, cJnttoge (atovo and JoO(
Lyons of Drain,
Old papers for sale at this office.
Lanii County Lomum tho Mohnwk
and TribuUtries for 1)0 Years.
Ah Htalejl in last we)-k's Messenger
thu llooth-Kelley Lumber- Co., a corpo
ration, leased for 11 period of 1)0 years
Lane county's -right Iin.d interests in
tlui .Mj)hayk river, Mill reek and
tributaries tbereo', tu said Lane
This lease goes into effect 00 days
from date, Jan., 10, 1300.
Tiie above is a nreltv L-ood Indication
that something of a gigantic nature will
develop in thu mill business of Luuu
comity at 110 far distant day.
Tiie following order lias been made by
the commissioners court :
"In tho matter of tho contract be
tween Ijiiio Co., and Tho llooth-Kelley
Lumber Company : Now at this time,
The Hootli-Kellev Lumber Company
(lies tho approved bond in the sum of
$10,000, wltlj S. H. Friendly and 8.11.
Fakin suiotles." Tho bond provides
for tlui fulfillment of the contract.
it has. been reported that the llooth
Kelley Lumber Company will lay out
o0,000 on tho proposition this season.
Success to them.
Received to Into forlast week's issue.
Snow has gone agfifu and rain lias
come in its place.
IJMr, und Mrs. C. 8. Whitlock visjted
wTth'his, brother II. I). Whitlock and
faniilylast week.
Arthur Chandler is working for
Lawrence Moxloy of Anion.
Arthur Whitlock went to Cottago
Grove last week.
Mrs W, L. ICdwardH left for Nowborg
011 a short visit with friends and rela
tives. Mr. J. K. Cljnndloj and son, Arthur,
mado u trip to tho (Jroyo recently.
A, A. Kelloy madu'iii trip" to tho Grove
i Jew days ago,
A, first juliiHjtlireujoatod linok for
salt.' cheap;- 'QaUat'tliH.ofllco,
' The EugenenPlorence stage was
dplaye'd Monday,, last week; Jy a'
slide. at TiltonjtQck.,
'DlTclfaW povercning and Relating
to 'Mining Claims.
(Tlio (olIiiwIiiK lfif tioncnt ami Itilorcut to
milling 111011. (hviiK l 10k of "piico (ho
Niiugot ouiil'l not ii1ilimijl,ii full Dili week,
li'it will (f()in:liii!(i lliu article ItMioxt tmuo.)
Relating to mining claims, tinm!'11'11' Ji',e--
!" .c!'."1"" XI.". f Wi.zJESaa5,5
code of civil and criminal
cedurc in justice's courts,
sections 3827, 3K28, 3830, 3831,
3832, 3833, 3834, 3835 and 3836 of
chapter L-X, Hill's Annotated
Laws of Oiegon.
He it enacted by the legislative
assembly of the vState of Oregon:
Section r. Any person, a citi
zen of the United States, or one
who has declared his intention to
ltrfmiir uilnli u.lin llirnifir n
rock in place upon the unappro
priated public domain - of the
United States within this state,
may locate a claim upon such vein
or lode so discovered by posting
thereon a notice of such discovery
and location, which said notice
shall contain: first the name of
lode or claim; second, the name or
names of the locator or locators;
third, the date of the location;
fourth, the number of linear iect
claimed along the vein or lode
each way from the point of dis
covery, with the width on each
side .of the said vein or lode; fifth,
the general course or strike of the
vein or lode as nearly as may be;
and by defining the boundaries
upon the surface ol each claim so
that the same may be readily
traced; such boundaries shall be
marked within three days after
posting of such notice by six sub
stantial posts, projecting not less
than three feet above the surface
of the ground, and not less than
four inches square or in diameter;
or by substantial mounds of stone
or earth and stone at least two feet
in hcighth, to wit: one such post or
mound of rock at each corner and
at the. center ends of such claim.
Section 2. Such locator shall
file for record with the recorder of
conveyances, if there be one, who
shall be the custodian of mining
records and miners' liens, other
wise with the clerk, of the county
wherein the said claim is- situated,
a copy of the notice so posted by
him upon the lode or claim within
thirty days after the date .of post
ing the same upon the claim, and
shall pay a fee of one dollar fqr
such record thereof, which said sum
the said recorder or clerk .shall
immediately pay over to the
treasurer of such county and shall
take his receipt therefor as in case
of other county funds coming into
his possession as such officer.
Such officer shall immediately re
cord such notice,
Section 3. Before the expiration
of ninety days from the date of
posting the said notice o
covery upon, his claim as afor
the locator must sink a disc
shaft upon the clftim locatedcvu
depth of at Uast ten feet frqpi the
lowest part of the rim of inch shaft
at the surface, or deeper if ueces?
safy toshow by such, workup, lode
or vein of mine.ral-dep.qsit jn.pjace,
matter with Cottago Gqv'p?
She's ul
41V. ' ';
.... - . . . . . cia
tile following ofllrorai James Hemcir
wiiy, N. (.; J. I. Thomas? V. 0.;
Robert Griffin, It. 8. : James O.mcnt,.
I'. H.; Calvin Stovemioii, Trans.; Win.
Oiiinmfiig, W.; . N. tint tun, Con.; J.
ft. Weeks, I. (1.; L.UIavcrVL 0.
K1 McGibbon, ILL. tf.'&k-.Wm Lunc,
L. 8. N. fl.j James Vlifj5gflV..;
J. I. Taylor, L. H. Vs.rxSfT Thomas
Allen, I, 8. 8.
1110 v. .. lAxtyuui mistily on.
Saturday evening tlio 7Ui Inst dcclcd
peculiar fbartV.ojit? Mm jHciiry
U'njoiujr. M r WMOMctiHtiinS that ,
hum narK is useu ny . mo 'iwlcs 01
tho Islands in making dress skirts. lt
Ih of a very Inc nature. , -
, ' , - ,,,'
I Iloy(I( tho operator at Sugi-
iiinv, 11 daughter,
To Mr. mid 'Mrs. Thougis,ilisu, i
son. .
st. K.idnoitcit.
Sunday school at 10 A. M. .Preaching:
at II A. M., suject "The Macedonian
Call." In evening Kpworth Lenguo at
(I I. M. Preaching at7 I. M. subject
The Witness . of the Spirit."
M. O. HaisK, Pastor.
OlllllSTUN council.
Prenehiiig tiirirniilg and evening, net
Sunday at tho Chrfstiau Church. Sub
ject evening service "IJibio Doctrine ol
Hell." All welcome. "
ItoiiT, Coi'Pi,B, Supply.
A 3 lb. package of soda .unS jxlinr of
soap, all for -'0 cts. at' Kukut Bristow's
If you want a Plow, Harrow or Wag
on, get pricey ot F. It. Phillips before
Uuy your winter Hoots and Shoes of
Kaklu & iiristow. Heat makes and low
est cash pi Ices, .
Don't foiget Jack Knowltomyhen you
want (muling done as ho'does it cheaply
and witli dispatch.
Jluy your Collars, lirldiea, Harness,
Saddles and Whips at Long & Son's up-to-date
Harness Shop.
For-Toys, Toilet Articles and all kind
of Holiday goods, go to -J. &'vCurrfiis(
where yoiiijvill tind a largo stock ut
reasonable prices. p.ums: The Mksskngvh
olllcu lias just received a nice lino of vin
iting cards and they are cheap.
Tho New York ltackutf(Storo is tho
placu to buy your Christmas presents,
Host selected stock in town.
All persons interested in a public
library are invited to meet Jn thu read
ing room over S. It. Piper's store on
Monday evening January '23 at halt
past seven for tho pu'rposo of organiz
ing 11 library association.
l'or Salo.
Oho half interest in tlio I lore 0 Shoe
spine in tho Hoheinia gold mining diat
trict. For terms and particulars call on,
or address, p, II. Wlaud,
Cottago Grove, Or,
l'or Hiilu or Tmtlti.
120 acres of' land; farm house, barn,
and other out buildingB, pitiuUed Id
mllos west of Hugene. Good out ranget
Will trade for property in Cottnh GrovQ.
For further particulars, uddr
rom tho Orei
anunry 10, and is n concise.
Btiitoiiicpt of the products of. Oregon for.
tho your 308.
Whoat, bushels. . . .t ', 2?,poo,0O0,
Wool, pounds ayxlO.OOQ,
Iimuor, fotit (Ip0.jyio0,000,
Jarlov i)nd. rye, bushels.
Po'tatoSa, bushels .
Qats, bushels . .
TiTr.inliitrnf .1
.,. t w - ij