S ERVING THE COMMUNITIES OF C OTTAGE G ROVE , C RESWELL , D ORENA , D RAIN , E LKTON , L ORANE AND Y ONCALLA C ottage G rove THURSDAY EDITION | NOVEMBER 18, 2021 | $1.00 S entinel VOL. 132, NO. 46 • Est. 1889 Your Local News Delivered Your Way: In Print. Online. On the Go! Holiday Pop-up Art Sale comes to Opal Center (A6) Get an insurance plan —not just a policy. (541) 942-0555 WEATHER PM showers with a high of 57 and a low tonight of 47 Full forecast on A5 COLUMNIST PHOTOS BY DAMIEN SHERWOOD/COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL From top left, clockwise: District 13 VFW Commander Bob Beck conducts his keynote speech; a vet stands in recognition of his branch’s song; a 21-gun salute kicked off the event; vets stand in honor of the National Anthem; and the Armory was once again the site of Cottage Grove’s Veterans Day ceremonies. CG honors, thanks vets Betty Kaiser Cook’s Corner A5 SPORTS & REC By Damien Sherwood dsherwood@cgsentinel.com The community took time to honor veter- ans on Thursday, Nov. 11 in a Veterans Day ceremony held at the Cottage Grove Armory. With ample space for attendees to space out during the ceremony, Cottage Grove VFW Post 3473 and American Legion Post 32 helped organize and conduct the event. The ceremony started off with a 21-gun salute in front of the Armory. Inside, VFW Post Commander Kenn Hunt emceed and commended the improvements to the Ar- mory, which once hosted local National Guardsmen. “I remember the first time I came here to do one of these was about eight or nine years ago, and it was pretty shoddy. It’s not shoddy anymore,” he said. “It looks really great.” Hunt recalled when Veterans Day was known as Armistice Day and noted that “they changed it to recognize all the people that are serving and have served. And I can’t emphasize that enough that it’s about them. Not just about the ones that fell in combat. There are an awful lot of vets that sometimes people forget are even there. They sort of See HONOR A9 BMD leaders step down Harrison vaccine clinic canceled Warriors volleyball makes history B1 By Damien Sherwood dsherwood@ cgsentinel.com • RECORDS for the first time its “Youth Warming Project,” a do- nation program targeting at-risk youth in the com- munity. Through Nov. 30, the grocery store is partner- ing with Cottage Grove’s Looking Glass Rural Program to provide much-needed items to youth in need. The nonprofit Look- ing Glass program assists homeless youth from 11 to 21 years of age and helps them create long-term solutions to improve the A Lane County Pub- lic Health (LCPH) free COVID-19 vaccine clinic scheduled at Harrison Ele- mentary School this Tues- day was canceled just the night prior to the event, which has prompted some to point the finger at lo- cal protests for shutting it down. The cancellation came on the heels of a boisterous Saturday vaccine clinic at the Cottage Grove Cham- ber of Commerce during which protesters appeared and some attendees have reported feeling uncom- fortable as they went in for a jab. A worker at LCPH told The Sentinel early on Tues- day that the vaccine clinic was canceled due to con- cerns around protests and that no further vaccine clinics were yet planned in Cottage Grove. Interim Public Infor- See GIVING 10 See CLINIC A7 Obituaries Official releases A2 DAMIEN SHERWOOD/COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • LORANE NEWS Looking Glass received socks for at-risk youth fol- lowing a friendly money-raising challenge among community members. A5 • CLASSIFIEDS Listings and public notices B5-B6 COURTESY PHOTO Scott Borgioli dressed as the deputy marshal for BMD 2021. follow us for the latest news: /CGSentinel @CGSentinel By Damien Sherwood dsherwood@ cgsentinel.com 541- 942-3325 ph • 541-942-3328 fax P.O. Box 35, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 At its Nov. 11 meeting, the Bohemia Mining Days (BMD) Board of Directors voted unanimously to hire Scott Borgioli as its new festival coordinator on Monday (Nov. 15), replac- ing Cindy Weeldreyer, who is stepping down from a position she has held since 2015. Borgioli said he was thankful for the opportuni- ty to become the newest fes- tival coordinator and looks forward to working closely with board members, spon- sors and volunteers to con- tinue BMD in 2022. “I want to thank the BMD Board of Directors for selecting me serve as its new festival coordi- nator,” he said. “My wife, Gilda, and I have lived in Cottage Grove for several years now and we’re com- mitted to growing deep roots in the community. We share a strong spirit of volunteerism and believe in giving back. Volunteers are See BMD A11 Free Appraisals I’ll Come to You! BUY & SELL Gold, Silver, Scrap, Men’s Jewelry, Costume Jewelry, Pieces & Parts. Even Junk! The Jewelry Girl, LLC L ISA R USSELL • (541)556-9598 25+ Years Experience 2001 Franklin #3 Eugene, Oregon In the spirit of giving By Damien Sherwood dsherwood@ cgsentinel.com The spirt of charity has begun its seasonal satura- tion in Cottage Grove as organizations, businesses and community members ramp up their volunteer recruitment and find ways to give back to the com- munity. This holiday season will see a new option for Gro- vers to contribute to area youths as well. Starting this week, Gro- cery Outlet is launching Emerald Valley Armory, LLC Handguns • Long Rifles Concealed Carry Classes Tues. - Sat. 10-6 147 E. Oregon Ave. Creswell, OR 97426 541-895-2666