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At Cottage Grove Sentinel, 116 N. 6th St. found), Monday 11 PACKING PAPER a.m.; Display ads, PACKING PAPER AVAILABLE at the Cottage Grove Sentinel. $3 per bundle. Friday 12 p.m.; Service Directory - Friday, 12:00 p.m. Boxed, Classified Ads & Ve- hicle/Boat Promos, Friday 12 p.m. ADJUST- MENTS: If your advertise- ment appears incorrectly, us STATEWIDE Display notify immediately. We will not be re- sponsible for more than one incorrect MISCELLANEOUS: DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION! Your donation helps education, prevention & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RE- SPONSE - TAX DEDUCTION. 1-855-252-2579. DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3 Day Vacation, Tax Deductible, Free Towing, All Paperwork Taken Care Of. CALL 1-844- 533-9173. DVR. FREE Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! 1-866- 373-9175. DIRECTV - Watch your favorite live sports, news and enter- tainment anywhere. More top premium channels than DISH. Restrictions apply. 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All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings in this estate may obtain information from the records of the court, the personal representative, or the attor- ney for the personal representative, MILTON E. GIFFORD. Dated and first published April 22, 2021. Attorney for Personal Representative: Milton E. Gifford, OSB #860391, P.O. Box 247, 751 N. River Rd., Cottage Grove, OR 97424. (541) 942-7914. _____________________________ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to ORS 93.285, James A. Baker, as purchaser, wishes to enforce the contractual requirement for delivery of a deed of conveyance from seller for real property in Lane County, Oregon. Pursuant to ORS 93.285(8) the following information is given: 1. Seller of Record: The name of the seller, as shown of record is Andrew Lehto and Lillian Frances Lehto. 2. Instrument Creating Original Contract of Sale: The instrument creating the original contract of sale is referred to as the “Land Sale Contract and Escrow Agreement” dated February 3, 1967 (“Contract”) between Andrew Lehto and Lillian PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES Frances Lehto, as sellers, and James A. Baker and Judith C. Baker, as purchasers. 3. Assignment of Contract of Sale: The Contract was assigned to the Thurston Christian Church of Springfield, Oregon by Lillian F. Williams (f/k/a Lillian Frances Lehto) via her Last Will and Testament dated April 24, 1984. 4. Location of Recorded Contract of Sale: The Contract is recorded in the Official Records of Lane County, Oregon at 2020-075174. 5. Description of Property: The prop- erty is described as approximately 63.49 acres, more or less, in size, is located near the unincorporated community of Blue River, Oregon northwest of the McKenzie Hwy (Hwy 126) and is commonly known as Map 16-45-30-00, Tax Lot 00100 and legally described as: All that part of the following described property that lies Westerly of Elk Creek and Northerly of the McKenzie Highway; the East half of the Northeast quarter of section 30 and the West half of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, all being in Township 16 south, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian, in Lane county, Oregon; EXCEPT that certain tract conveyed to the state of Oregon by and through its State Highway Commission from T.A. Gilbert and Ella Gilbert, wife, and Don C. Meyer and Florence K. Meyer, wife, dated December 13, 1938, recorded December 31, 1938, in Book 195, Page 623, Lane County Oregon Deed Records; ALSO EXCEPT the following: Beginning at a point on the Westerly right of way line of the McKenzie Highway, said point being 5.63 feet south and 139.27 feet West of the 1/4 section corner between Sections 29 and 30, Township 16 south, Range 4 East of the Willamette Meridian; thence south 87° 41’ 00” West 1173.21 feet, More or less, along the East and West 1/4 line of Section 30 to a point on the North and South 1/4 line of said section 30; thence North 5° 10° 00” East 251.02 feet along the North and South 1/4 line of said Section 30 to a point: thence North 87° 41’ 00” East 1212.11 feet, more or less, to a point on the Westerly right of way line of the said McKenzie Highway; thence along the arc of a 24° curve to the left having a radius of 268.8 feet, the long chord of which bears south 20° 22’ West 162.97 feet to a point; thence South 2° 45’ 00” West. 98.90 feet to a point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO EXCEPT that tract conveyed to Roger R. Crist and Lespith A. Crist, husband and wife, by deed recorded July 2, 1964., Clerk’s File No. 61595, Lane County Oregon Deed Records. 6. Name and Address of Person Giving Notice: James A. Baker, c/o Aaron J. Noteboom, Attorney in Fact, 375 W 4th Ave, Ste 204 Eugene, OR 97401. 7. Date of First Publication of Notice. April 22, 2021 8. Date by Which Objections Due: Seller or seller’s successors in interest or assignees must submit any objec- tion to the purchaser on or before June 30, 2021 in accordance with the requirements of ORS 93.285 or the seller’s interest in the property may be conveyed to the purchaser. 9. Where to Send Objection: The seller or seller’s successors in inter- est or assignees must submit any objection to: James A. Baker, c/o Aaron J. Noteboom, Attorney in Fact. 375 W 4th Ave, Ste 204, Eugene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