COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL | APRIL 29, 2021 | 5B April Students of the Month BOHEMIA ELEMENTARY ACADEMY FOR CHARACTER EDUCATION (ACE) – KADIN WILLIAMS Baylee Robinson is a 5th grade student in Mrs. Shi- pley’s classroom. Her teacher says that she is a SUPER KID in the class- room! She works hard to make sure that her work is accurate and is willing to put in the extra time outside of school to make sure that it hap- pens! Awesome job!! The Academy for Charac- ter Education recognizes Kadin Williams for student of the month. Kadin has not only turned in quality work this year, but also stepped up and turned in all of the optional assignments. He has a cheerful attitude and likes to share fun pictures from his enrichment activities at home. Kadin works very hard to understand the curriculum and is always kind to others. Thank you, Kadin, for being such a wonderful team player in class. BAYLEE ROBINSON STARFIRE 541-746-1583 COTTAGE GROVE HIGH SCHOOL 2795 MOSBY CREEK RD, COTTAGE GROVE (541) 942-0168 WWW.STARFIRELUMBER.COM DORENA ELEMENTARY Virginia has been such a dedicated student this semes- ter. Attending class regularly, communicating frequently, asking questions, having a great attitude and engaging in class discussions. In this virtual world, it has meant so much to be able to hear students and be as “real” as we can be to one another. Keep the momentum going, Vir- ginia! Our student of the month for April is Audrey Ward in 3rd grade Cottage Grove Sentinel South Lane County Fire & Rescue 233 Harrison Ave • 541-942-4439 southlanefi LONDON SCHOOL AARAHBELLA CHAPMAN The Student of The Month for April is 4th grader Aarah- bella Chapman in Mr. Alkire’s 4th/5th Grade class. Aarah- bella’s family moved to Cot- tage Grove this year. Bella has been a wonderful addition to London School! She has already displayed the quali- ties of a London Knight--she is safe, respectful, respon- sible, and considerate. Bella has such a bright outlook and kind demeanor as well. I also appreciate Bella’s sense of humor and her ability to get along well with others and her positive interactions with her classmates. We are glad to have her as part of our little school family. 541-746-1583 116 N. 6th . PO Box 35, Cottage Grove, OR 541-942-3325 • LINCOLN MIDDLE NORTH DOUGLAS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOOL JENIFER PABLO HERRERA Jenifer Pablo Herrera is a stand-out student. Her work ethic has impressed all of her teachers. Jenifer is an academic risk taker who, un- afraid to make mistakes, bravely puts her all toward learning new material. When she does make a mistake, she uses it to further her learn- ing by asking questions and examining her work to fi gure out how to improve it. In ad- dition to her excellent attitude about learning and growing, Jenifer is kind. She treats all of her classmates and teach- ers with respect and takes the time to listen to other people’s thoughts and ideas. SIERRA STRYKER North Douglas Fire & Rescue 531 South Cedar St. Drain, OR 97435 SOPHIA SIROTA The North Douglas Elemen- tary School would like to nominate 4th grade, Sophia Sirota, for Student of the Month. Sophia is a kind and positive student who works hard, turns her schoolwork in on time, and does her best on any task she is given. Sophia can always be counted on to help a friend in need and free- ly offers encouragement and a bright smile to her peers (and her teacher!) in the friendly way that she has. Sophia is an outstanding student! 2775 Row River Rd • 541-942-4415 NORTH DOUGLAS YONCALLA HIGH SCHOOL MIDDLE SCHOOL The North Douglas High School would like to nomi- nate Senior, Sierra Stryker, for Student of the Month. Sierra puts her best effort into everything that she does and always has a positive attitude. Sierra has a strong work ethic that is evidenced by her achieving high honor roll and the high-quality work that she produces. The teacher she aides for consid- ers a helpful asset. Sierra is a kind and helpful peer and an all-around great student. Our student of the Month for March is Jacob Moss. Jacob has worked hard this semester, staying focused and on top of his work. He has been putting in the extra effort and it has been paying off. JACOB MOSS AUDREY WARD VIRGINIA MARTINEZ ELKTON HIGH SCHOOL Delila has been a consistent presence in classes setting a good example and showcas- ing excellent work ethic. She shows up every day with a great attitude and fun demeanor. Future Goals: Be rich, do something that she loves, have a family of her own. Hobbies: Sports basket- ball and volleyball watching TikTok DELILA PERALTA JACK SPRATS 510 E MAIN ST, COTTAGE GROVE Stacy’s Covered Bridge 942-8408 401 Main St, WWW.JACKSPRATSBRATS.COM CG (541) 541-767-0320 YONCALLA HIGH SCHOOL Gavin Forthman Gavin has been exceptional dur- ing this challenging school year and has demonstrated a dedica- tion to attendance and engage- ment, as well as a profound curiosity towards a variety of academic pursuits. This year in his Earth and Space Science Topics class, Gavin has driven the discussions and discourses, especially in those lessons where historical perspectives, cultural connections, and development of technology has been the focus.Gavin has steadily grown, developed, and matured into a courteous and respectful young person and an engaged life-long learner. Future Goals: Electrician Apprenticeship/Profession. De- veloping and understanding and appreciation of history of earth, climate, and culture, perhaps as a hobby or profession. Hobbies: Hiking North Douglas Fire & Rescue 531 South Cedar St. Drain, OR 97435