COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL | OCTOBER 29, 2020 | 7B Posting Date October 26, 2020 1. MEASUREMENTS: What does a hygrometer measure? 2. TELEVISION: What was the post- man's name on the sitcom "Cheers"? 3. LITERATURE: Which 20th-centu- ry novel begins with the line, "For many days, we had been tempest-tossed"? 4. GEOGRAPHY: The Adriatic Sea lies east of which country? 5. HISTORY: Who was the first woman appointed to a U.S. president's cabinet? 6. ADVERTISING: Which company's mascot was named Poppin' Fresh? 7. LANGUAGE: What is a monde- green? 8. GAMES: How much is the Luxury Tax in the board game Monopoly? 9. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was the only president to attend Oxford Univer- sity in England as a Rhodes Scholar? 10. U.S. STATES: What does the name Nevada mean in Spanish? © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc. Answers 1. Humidity 2. Cliff Clavin 3. "The Swiss Family Robinson" 4. Italy 5. Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, 1933-45 6. Pillsbury 7. A misheard word, phrase or song lyric 8. $75 9. Bill Clinton 10. Snow-covered