COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL from A1 Brown particularly in our under- served communities.” The governor cited the need to use science, data and health community expertise in taking steps toward reopening. In par- ticular, Brown noted plans for more testing and trac- ing of the virus throughout Oregon and outlined three goals of the state’s testing strategy, namely: testing should be available for any Oregonian showing symp- toms; testing must be avail- able for those in vulnerable group environments (such as prisons, nursing homes and farm worker housing); and ongoing randomized testing should take place throughout the state. Regarding the last goal, Brown announced the im- plementation of “Be the Key,” a statewide plan in partnership with Oregon Health and Science Univer- sity which will ask 100,000 random residents to volun- tarily participate in a year- long study to better track the extent of the SARS- CoV-2 virus. “This program is a g a m e - c h a n g e r,” s a i d Brown. Letter invitations to join the program will be sent out to Oregonians on May 11. While officials at the press conference pointed to a hopeful reopening path- way, Oregon’s state epide- miologist Dean Sidelinger issued a note of caution. “I want to underscore that the strategy is not without risk,” he said. “Our projections show that the disease will increase in Or- egon as we open up — that more people will be hospi- talized and possibly even die. So, we need these mea- sures in place to mitigate that.” The announcement of the strategies follows the governor’s April 20 release of the state’s framework for relaxing restrictions, “Re- opening Oregon: A Pub- lic Health Framework for Restarting Public Life and Business.” The framework includes specific gating criteria and preparedness strategies that must be met prior to moving through a three-phase strategy of lift- ing restrictions. Lane County Blueprint Based upon this frame- work, Lane County has recently created its own “Blueprint for Opening Lane County.” Coun- ty commissioners voted unanimously on May 5 to send a request to Gov. Brown that Lane County begin the first phase of re- opening based on content within the blueprint. With the same vote, commis- sioners also certified that the county’s first respond- ers had sufficient PPE, a requirement from Oregon counties as part of the gov- ernor’s framework for re- opening. Lane County’s blueprint identifies a pathway for re- laxing restrictions in such a way as to limit the re- surgence of disease while addressing the significant economic toll of the con- tinued stay-at-home policy. Seven areas of consider- ation are listed for the grad- ual progress of reopening: • Falling COVID-19 cas- es over 14 days: The virus’s incubation period lasts 14 days and a phased reopen- ing would take this into ac- count, allowing for a total of two incubation periods before moving to the next phase. Lane County has not re- corded a significant growth of cases in weeks, with data showing that an overall flattening of the curve was achieved around April 15. As of press time, the county has recorded 55 to- tal positive cases and two deaths related to the virus. • Availability of local testing: The county’s min- imal target is 500 tests per day on average, though op- timally 1,000. While testing capacity has increased, the county has yet to break the 200 per-day mark. Lane County Public Health has proposed to partner with two local hos- pital labs to increase test- ing. • Sufficient contact trac- ing resources: Though the county is currently meeting worker demand to conduct contact tracing according to the caseload, the un- certainty of actual cases throughout the county has prompted health officials to plan for an increase in contact tracing teams. • Plans for a rapid scale- up in case of a second wave: Lane County reports that it currently is prepared for a 20 percent increase in hospital bed capacity and is well-stocked on ventilators. • Sufficient supply of per- sonal protective equipment (PPE): While the county reports sufficient on-hand and 30-day stocks of PPE such as masks, N95 res- pirators and gloves, there is an admitted shortage of gowns and face shields. • A blueprint for easing restrictions: The county’s recently-created blueprint along with the governor’s framework are intended to serve as a guide to reopen- ing. • Oregon Health Author- ity support for restriction relaxation: Because coun- ty lines are meaningless to the virus, Lane County is deferring to the state’s guidance for a reopening roadmap. With these criteria in mind, reopening would take place in three phases, gradually easing up on restrictions which affect business practices, social gathering limits and access to public institutions. While this framework will largely follow state guidelines, Lane County commissioners also ac- knowledged in their May 5 meeting that some con- siderations may need to be made on a local level. To this point, commis- sioners also voted unan- imously to send a letter to Gov. Brown asking for | MAY 7, 2020 | flexibility to review specif- ic situations on a case-by- case basis and be granted some exceptions based on data and adequate risk as- sessment. Though County Admin- istrator Steve Mokrohisky offered a note of caution about the practicality of this flexibility and some commissioners expressed reservations about the county’s liability, the no- tion that some degree of lo- cal control would ultimate- ly be beneficial carried the vote forward. Cottage Grove, for its part, will likely rely on county and state health authorities for reopening guidance. “If they say we can open, we’ll say, ‘Okay how can we reopen and know that we’re safe?’” said City Manager Richard Meyers. “It will be relying on the health offi- cials’ professional view and not political bodies trying to decide it.”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Birch Avenue Dental ฀ 1325 Birch Ave. ฀ 541-942-2471 ฀฀฀฀฀฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ • General Dentistry • Implants • Sedation • Financing 1325 Birch Ave. Cottage Grove 541-942-2471 Tammy L. McClung DDS • Park W. McClung DD We are grateful for those who have our back in this important time. The list is long, but we want to thank our first responders and front-line workers. Especially in critical times, newspapers have your back. Don’t Forget Mother’s Day! Sunday, May 10 at Shady Oaks Plants & Produce It’s the Place to Be!!! We have a beautiful selection of flowers • perennials annuals • baskets and more! located at 77380 Hwy, 99 S >?F/=== >>D/>== @?E/?== = = C/=== = A=/>== 41/(2// ) ) *+ , $&#.($#!#($&&$&" $&(()#($&%&$&" A??/D=B A=E/?A= C?=/A== "$&($)!'& '7&($#'(&( ? ? ? " " " " " " $(!!$(($&#.($#!#($&&$&" 211(5/3 2/6(12/ 41/(2// "&#'$ !&% 1 1 1 "& Dentistry is our profession, people are our focus. ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ 7A COVID-19 is a national story that is impacting you at home and at work. 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