12A | WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 | COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL © 2019 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 35, No. 41 Have a friend give you each type of word to fill in the blanks. Then read the story aloud! Today’s Kid Scoop page is to start you talking! Read each section and then discuss the questions. Why do kids tease? Some teasing starts out to be fun, but then it goes too far and turns negative and hurtful. Some kids tease because they feel bad about themselves, or they are sad or scared. Some kids tease to go along with the crowd. They think teasing other children will make them look cool. Look at the examples of teasing below. Cross out the examples that you think are hurtful. Circle the ones you think are funny. Not everyone will circle and cross out the same pictures. Why is that? So, how’s it going, Four Eyes? Nice work, Professor Einstein! Lydia is teasing Julie about her messy hair. Circle what Julie is thinking. Why did you choose the thought you selected? It’s okay. Lydia’s only kidding. I’m going to tease her back the next time she has a bad hair day! My friend Lawrence had the hiccups while getting a haircut. I was joking and teasing with him about it and said his haircut made him look like a _________ _____________. It was only a joke, but it made This really hurts my feelings. him pretty angry. To make it up to him, I invited him to see the Good catch today, Freckle Face! How’s the weather down there, Shorty? ________________ with my family. Lawrence cheered up when he saw a ______________ ______________ ___________ on the trapeze. What is something this kid could say that is funny but not hurtful? Funny is not the same for everyone. One person may think getting teased about their hair is funny. Another person might find getting teased about their hair painful. A shiny ____________ drove into the center ring and a dozen crazy ____________ climbed out of it. My dad bought us each a bag of hot _____________ and a balloon shaped like a _______. Standards Link: Health: Students know strategies for solving interpersonal conflicts without harming self or others. When we got home, I apologized again to Lawrence. “It’s okay,” Too much teasing is bullying. When you see bullying, there are safe things you can do to make it stop. Below are a few things you can do to help a person that has been upset by teasing. Which would you try first? With a parent, discuss each of these helpful tips. he said. “I can’t stay mad when I think about the _____________ ___________ we saw today!” Talk to a parent, teacher, or another adult you trust. Adults need to know when bad things happen so they can help. Be kind to the kid being bullied. Sit with them at lunch or on the bus or invite them to do something. Just hanging out with them will help. Not saying anything could make it worse for everyone. The kid who is teasing will think it is ok to keep treating others that way. Bullying is meant to hurt, intimidate, embarrass and threaten. It can happen online, through social media, through texting but also on the playground or after school. It’s important to tell a trusted adult if you are being bullied or if you see another child being bullied. Missing Math Make the sum of this row 15. Make the sum of this row 11. Make the sum of this row 17. Standards Link: Mathematical Reasoning: Use a variety of strategies to solve problems. NEGATIVE FEELINGS THREATEN THINKING TEASING HURTFUL PAINFUL TRUST ADULT KIND TALK HELP STOP BAD SAD Standards Link: Grammar: Understand and use nouns, adjectives and verbs correctly. Make Silly Sentences Go through the print or electronic edition of your newspaper and find three nouns, three verbs and six adjectives. Combine these to make three silly sentences. Standards Link: Grammar: Identify and correctly use nouns, verbs and adjectives. Find the words in the puzzle. How many of them can you find on this page? T H I N K I N G B U H P A I N F U L N F R L L G N I S A E T E D U S T O P E G L This week’s word: A A L F K Y L I A U The verb tease means to make fun of or annoy. T S U R T I N B T D E G M A N R N A I A N U L G S T U D V S T K S O P L E H E P Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. TEASE Dad told Jeremy not to tease his little sister. Try to use the word tease in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Stop Bullying NOW! Talk About the News Choose a print or online newspaper article. List three reasons why it interests you. Ask a buddy to read the article and list reasons he or she finds it interesting. Did you have the same reasons? Talk about it! ANSWER: Because it had a pane. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Read from a variety of expository texts; summarize and answer questions. Complete the grid by using all the letters in the word IGNORE in each vertical and horizontal row. Each letter should only be used once in each row. Some spaces have been filled in for you. Pretend you have been asked to write an ad asking kids not to bully other kids. What would your advertisement say? Thank you to our Newspaper in Education sponsors Want to be a Newspaper in Education sponsor? Contact us today! 541-942-3325