12A • COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • MARCH 6, 2019 © 2019 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 35, No. 13 How many differences can you find between these two pictures? Being Observant Astronomers make very careful observations. How observant are you? Find and circle each group of pictures below in the large grid beneath them. GROUP A GROUP B GROUP C GROUP D Replace the missing words. Miss Mitchell’s Comet They believed it was a __________ because of the way it moved, which was ________________ from the paths of the stars and planets. On the night of October 1, 1847, Maria Mitchell looked through her rooftop telescope and saw a spot of _________ she had never seen before. She showed her dad and they both believed she had __________ a new comet. Maria tracked this little spot of light’s ________________ and then asked her friend Professor Bond what he thought. He watched it for a couple of nights and __________ that this was a comet. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Use context clues to determine the meaning of words. Whales and Stars A Love of Learning Maria lived on Nantucket island, off the coast of Massachusetts. At that time, whaling was the way people made their living on this island. The sailors who hunted whales used the stars at night to guide their ships. How many stars do you see? Maria never went to school to be an astronomer. Yet she learned how to read the skies and solve math problems that described the movements of stars, planets, comets, moons and asteroids. How did she learn this? Hold this page up to a mirror to read the answer. Harvard Help Maria helped her father with star observations for the United States Coast Survey. From their rooftop, they took measurements to help sailors use the stars to navigate at sea. Through the work for the Coast Survey, Maria became friends with Professor William Bond at Harvard University. In those days, women could not go to Harvard. But Professor Bond helped Maria with her understanding of astronomy on his own. Can you find the two identical telescopes? Constellation Dot-to-Dot A University for Women Family Riddle In 1861, a university for women was formed in Poughkeepsie, New York. Maria Mitchell’s reputation led to her being one of the first professors of astronomy there. While she wasn’t able to go to college for astronomy, now she could teach younger women who shared her curiosity and love of watching the night sky. Maria Mitchell was related to one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. Circle every other letter to find out who. CBAELNSJTACMUIVNYFBRHAPNVKQLSIUN Remembering Maria In addition to a comet, other things have been named after Maria Mitchell. Use the code to find out two of them. An in Nantucket. = A = R = B = S = C = T = E = V = O = Y A on the moon. Standards Link: Follow simple written directions. On one page of the newspaper, find and circle the letters that spell the word constellation. Connect the circled letters to make a design. Decorate your design! Standards Link: Spell grade-level words correctly. MOONS MITCHELL HARVARD ISLAND WHALES GAZER MARIA COMET COAST SHIPS SKIES DAYS LIGHT STAR Find the words in the puzzle. How many of them can you find on this page? T H A R V A R D M W M D E D R A W A I A O A C C S H S C T I O Y N P O G K O C S N S I G I M I A H L S H W H A L E S E A S G H R T Z S T L N B S I L A D E M L D O A T H G I L R E Y Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. Women in the News This week’s word: OBSERVATION The noun observation means the gathering of information by noting facts. Everyday observation of the nest area finally revealed the eggs hatching. Use the word observation in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Woman I Admire For women growing up in the 1800s, life didn’t offer as many opportunities as today. Look through today’s newspaper and make a list of the women mentioned. Next to each woman’s name, write why she is mentioned. ANSWER: A starfish. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. Who is the woman you most admire? Explain why. Thank you to our Newspaper in Education sponsors Want to be a Newspaper in Education sponsor? Contact us today! 541-942-3325