10A • COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • FEBRUARY 6, 2019 Count Service System Analysis for Lane County last October. Th e study pointed out that the issue requires much broader and deeper atten- tion. “While emergency shelter plays a crucial role in ad- dressing a person’s immedi- ate housing crisis needs,” the report stated, “it is import- ant to note that shelter alone cannot be a community’s singular strategy to ending homelessness.” Th e feasibility study goes on to suggest a need for system-wide coordination among housing and services. Fleck is hopeful PIT counts will highlight the need for such transitions. “I think we’re going to see some big changes,” said Fleck. “Right now we receive from A1 disadvantaged individu- als including St. Vincent de Paul’s food bank and Beds for Freezing Nights. “I would put emphasis on indoor shelter,” Katz said. “A shelter is not a tent outside as far as I’m concerned.” A need to address the kinds of shelters off ered for those who experience home- lessness is a point echoed by recent research in Lane County. Technical Assistance Col- laborative (TAC), a non- profi t out of Boston, Mass. focusing on human services, health care, homelessness and aff ordable housing, re- leased a Public Shelter Fea- sibility Study and Homeless certain types of housing but don’t receive others and the report was suggesting that those be broader and more interconnected. “I’m kind of excited to see how this may potentially change all of the aspects if we can aff ord it.” Fleck cited transitional housing and rapid-rehous- ing as particular needs in Cottage Grove. “Most of the people who apply for housing assistance don’t receive it,” said Fleck. “Because we just don’t have the funds or they don’t qual- ify.” Last year, volunteers of the PIT count reported 1,642 people experiencing home- lessness in Lane County, up from 1,529 the previous year. Indications are that this year HOME PRIDE DON’T WORRY YOUR HOMETOWN IS Painting and Repair LLC Over 30 years of experience Sweetheart’s Special! 10% off labor on interior paint jobs scheduled for February! Now scheduling spring and summer 2019 interior and exterior repaints. STAYING OPEN! Th ank you for shopping locally! LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ service worker from Eugene, volunteered to help organize the Cottage Grove event. “I think it would be helpful to have longer hours next time,” she said. Of the more than 30 peo- ple who were anticipated as needed for the Cottage Grove area count, a total of 13 showed up. Among them was Karen Munsell, who had hoped to meet face-to-face more of the kinds of individuals she’s accustomed to helping in her food drive volunteering. Her three-hour search re- sulted in a single survey par- ticipant. Munsell was hopeful the process would yield “more accurate services off ered to homeless and at-risk people in this community,” she said. Other teams from the morning’s count had more luck fi nding participants. Volunteers from Creswell reported around 15 record- ed surveys in their count. Regardless of numbers, Katz found the experience rewarding. “If you’re an advocate, it’s really important that you’re knowledgeable about what you’re advocating,” he said. “So if I’m advocating for people who are unhoused, I should be out there in the trenches knowing what it is they’re facing and trying to get as much information as I can.” Lane County is to submit the fi nal PIT count data to HUD this April. Winter Heating Tune-Up Only $99* We’ll make sure your system is running eff ectively and effi ciently. Call for details and an appointment today, and beat the winter rush! Complete Heating & Cooling System Service Reasonable Rates • All Work Guaranteed Serving Lane & North Douglas Counties ฀ ฀ will see another increase. Th e Cottage Grove count was conducted between 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. on Th ursday, requiring survey partici- pants to claim they spent the previous night outdoors in order to be counted. Because the numbers re- fl ect only a single given night in the year, a need for thor- oughness becomes quickly evident. From a coordination per- spective, Fleck found it un- charted territory. “It’s a new process with the county taking over the volunteerism and so I think it went well overall, but I think there are some things that could improve,” he said. “You know, minor organiza- tional stuff .” Linda Bravo, a community 541-735-0089 ccb# 217560 ฀ ฀ ฀ * Limited-time off er. Restrictions apply. Call for details. Encourage children to fl oss Children should learn that fl ossing is just as important as brushing. L earning to brush their own teeth is a lesson all children must master. Although parents ultimately PD\KDYHFKLOGUHQZKREHFRPHSURÀFLHQWDW EUXVKLQJWKHLURZQWHHWKJHWWLQJWKHPWRÁRVVLVJHQHUDOO\ PRUHGLIÀFXOW The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that 41 percent of children aged 2 to 11 had tooth GHFD\LQWKHLUÀUVWWHHWK'HQWDOFDULHVDUHFRPPRQDPRQJ FKLOGUHQOLNHO\EHFDXVHWKH\KDYHQRWEHFRPHSURÀFLHQWDW taking care of their teeth. Soft, sticky foods are commonplace in young kids’ diets, and these can promote decay. Even well-intentioned gummy vitamins can be sources of dental decay. Oftentimes, these foods become lodged between the teeth or on the surface of molars. If left in contact with the teeth for too long, food particles become a source of carbohydrates for oral bacteria, and cavities may appear as a result. To remove food particles from between the teeth, children PXVWÁRVVDGYLVHVWKH$PHULFDQ$FDGHP\RI3HGLDWULF Dentists. It is recommended that parents help their FKLOGUHQWRÁRVVDVVRRQDVWZRWHHWKDUHWRXFKLQJDQG continue to do so until the child is around the age of 8, when a child should have enough dexterity to do it on his or her own. Flossing is essential to making sure children do not experience cavities at an early age, and it can establish practices that promote oral health throughout life. Despite being so important, many parents fail to encourage ÁRVVLQJRUDUHDWDORVVDVWRKRZWRPDNHLWHQMR\DEOHDQG effective. $OWKRXJKUHJXODUGHQWDOÁRVVLVRQHRIWKHÀUVWWRROVIRU ÁRVVLQJWKHGH[WHULW\UHTXLUHGWRZLQGWKHÁRVVDURXQG OLWWOHÀQJHUVDQGWKHQWKRURXJKO\FOHDQWKHWHHWKPD\ discourage children. Parents can look into the wide array RIÁRVVLQJKHOSHUVDYDLODEOHDWWKHVWRUH,QIDFWPDQ\ DJHDSSURSULDWHÁRVVHUVDUHQRZDYDLODEOHWKDWIHDWXUH IXQGHVLJQVDQGVPDOOHUSURÀOHVWRÀWLQWRNLGV·PRXWKV more easily. Flossers may be attached to a handle to make back teeth more accessible and promote more effective ÁRVVLQJ0DQXIDFWXUHUVVXFKDV'HQ7HN%XWOHU*80 3ODFNHUV.LGV'U)UHVK2UDO%DQG%UXVK%XGGLHVRIIHU FKLOGUHQ·VÁRVVHUV .LGVZKRVK\DZD\IURPÁRVVLQJPD\EHPRUHOLNHO\WRXVH DFKLOGUHQ·VZDWHUÁRVVHU,QOLHXRIVWULQJÁRVVDZDWHU ÁRVVHUXVHVDSUHVVXUL]HGVWUHDPRIZDWHUWRGLVORGJHIRRG IURPEHWZHHQWHHWK$OWKRXJKDZDWHUÁRVVHUPD\EHPRUH PHVV\FKLOGUHQPD\HQMR\WKHRSSRUWXQLW\WR´SOD\µZLWK water and the cleaning sensation provided. 7RSUHYHQWWKHEXLOGXSRISODTXHDQGWKHGHYHORSPHQW of dental caries, parents should educate children about SURSHUÁRVVLQJWHFKQLTXHV Brent Bitner, DDS Dentistry with Family in Mind C ALL U S T ODAY ! 541.942.7934 350 E. W ASHINGTON A VENUE • C OTTAGE G ROVE WWW.CGSMILES.COM Shane Parsons, DMD Creating Smiles That Last A Lifetime Cosmetic & Family General Dentistry New patients welcome Brush, Floss, and Come See Us! • New Patients Welcome Call Today 605 Jefferson Ave. • Cottage Grove Please call for an appointment. Hours: Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm Emergency appts. available daily www.shaneparsonsdmd.com 541 DR. JONATHAN BACKER 942-9171 1551 E. MAIN ST. ฀COTTAGE ฀ ฀