COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • JANUARY 30, 2019 • 9A UCC to host fi rst-ever National Career, Technical Education Day Together with other leading schools from across the nation, Umpqua Community College (UCC) is hosting its fi rst-ever National Career and Technical Education (CTE) Signing Day on Th ursday, Feb. 21, from 5 to 7 p.m. New students who sign a let- ter of intent to attend UCC for the 2019-20 school year will be showcased during the live- streamed, nationwide signing event. Th is event is designed to honor students who are en- tering a technical fi eld and to emphasize the College’s com- mitment to help them gain the skills necessary to compete in high-demand occupations. “Technical education train- ing prepares students for strong careers,” Jason Aase, UCC’s Dean of Career and Technical Education (CTE), said. “Th ese careers pay very well, and are oft en not possible to enter di- rectly out of high school with- out some level of college educa- tion or training. By signing our incoming students to Letters of Intent, we are telling them that UCC has reserved a place for them and we want them here.” Sponsored by the National Coalition of Certifi cation Cen- ters (NC3), this event mirrors the NCAA’s National Signing Day for athletes who commit to play sports in college. More than 60 institutions across the country are partic- ipating. UCC, who is locally from A1 vice when that was available.” Mark Johnson, Assistant General Manager for LTD at- tended the City Council meet- ing to address questions and concerns. City Councilor Greg Er- vin questioned Johnson on how subsidies for the program might be impacted as ridership grows. “We’re committed to work- ing with the city and with Ruth at South Lane Wheels to make sure that we respond accord- ingly and appropriately to bet- ter serve people and make sure they get where they want to go when they want to go there,” said Johnson. Johnson also presented data showing that, out of 201 trips so far, the MOD service had an average wait time of eight to 12 minutes and median ride times were fi ve to 10 minutes. More information about the MOD service can be found at route_MOD/ and more infor- mation about the changes to the Route 98 loop can be found at route_98/. LTD In addition to this, the com- pany still provides its own ser- vices. “We have always off ered door-to-door service and that concerns local destinations as well as up to the Eugene/ Springfi eld metro area,” said South Lane Wheels Execu- tive Director Ruth Linoz. “So if what’s off ered through the Mobility on Demand service doesn’t fi t people’s needs, they have that option on weekdays.” As of the Jan. 14 launch of the MOD Pilot Program, South Lane Wheels also suspended its Route Around Town service. “Th e logic there is, the Mo- bility on Demand is cheap- er, more fl exible, more hours of service and people have a chance to use LTD’s fare sys- tem,” said Linoz. “It just didn’t make sense to continue our ser- HIT THAT LIKE BUTTON! F ACEBOOK . COM /CGS ENTINEL Worship Directory DRAIN: HOPE U.M.C. 131 W “A” St. Drain, OR 541-315-1617 Pastor: Lura Kidner-Miesen Fellowship & Song: 11:30am Potluck Lunch: 12:00pm Worship: 12:30pm COTTAGE GROVE: 6th & Gibbs Church of Christ 195 N. 6th St. • 541-942-3822 10:00am Christian Education: Pre-K through 5th Calvary Baptist Church 77873 S 6th St • 541-942-4290 Pastor: Riley Hendricks Sunday School: 9:45am Worship: 11:00am The Journey: Sunday 5:00pm Praying Thru Life: Wednesday 6:00pm Church of Christ 420 Monroe St • 541-942-8565 Sunday Service: 10:30am Cottage Grove Bible Church 1200 East Quincy Avenue 541-942-4771 Pastor:Bob Singer Worship 11am Sunday School:9:45am AWANA age 3-8th Grade, Wednesdays Sept-May, 6:30pm Cottage Grove Faith Center 33761 Row River Rd. 541-942-4851 Lead Pastor: Kevin Pruett Full Childrenʼs Ministry available Services: 9:00am & 10:45am Delight Valley Church of Christ 33087 Saginaw Rd. East 541-942-7711 • Pastor: Bob Friend Two Services: 9am - Classic in the Chapel 10:30am - Contemporary in the Auditorium First Baptist Church 301 S. 6th st • 541-942-8242 Interim Pastor: Reed Webster Sunday School 9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Youth Wednesday 6:30pm cgfi Other items at the meeting included: Cottage Grove Housing Needs Analysis First Presbyterian Church 3rd and Adams St 541-942-4479 Rev.: Karen Hill Worship: 10:00am Sunday School: 10:00am Seventh-day Adventist Church 820 South 10th Street 541-942-5213 Pastor: Kevin Miller Bible Study: Saturday, 9:15 am Worship Service: Saturday, 10:40 Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 1:00 Hope Fellowship United Pentecostal Church 100 S. Gateway Blvd. 541-942-2061 Pastor: Dave Bragg Worship: 11:00am Sunday Bible Study: 7:00pm Wednesday “FINDING HOPE IN YOUR LIFE” Trinity Lutheran Church 6th & Quincy • 541-942-2373 Pastor: James L. Markus Sunday School & Adult Education 9:15am Sunday Worship 10:30 am Comm. Kitchen Free Meal Tue & Thur 5:00pm TLC Groups Living Faith Assembly 467 S. 10th St. • 541-942-2612 Worship Services Sundays: 9a & 11a Youth Worship Sundays: 11a (all ages welcome) Mondays: 5:30p (6th-12th grades) United Methodist Church 334 Washington • 541-942-3033 Pastor:Lura Kidner-Miesen Worship: 10:30am Non-Denominational Church of Christ 1041 Pennoyer Ave 541-942-8928 Preacher: Tony Martin Sunday Bible Study:10:00am Sunday Worship:10:50am & 5:30pm Old Time Gospel Fellowship 103 S. 5th St. • 541-942-4999 Pastor: Jim Edwards Sunday Service: 10:00am Join in Traditional Christian Worship Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Philip Benizi Catholic Churches 1025. N. 19th St. 541-942-3420 Father John J. Boyle Holy Mass: Saturday Vigil – 5:30 PM Sunday – 10:30 PM For weekday and Holy Day of Obligation schedule see website Confession: 4 PM to 5 PM Saturdays or by appointment St. Philip Benizi, Creswell 552 Holbrook Lane Sunday 8:30 AM “VICTORY” Country Church 913 S. 6th Street • 541-942-5913 Pastor: Barbara Dockery Worship Service: 10:00am Message: “WE BELIEVE IN MIRACLES” partnering with Douglas Edu- cation Service District, is one of four colleges in Oregon that will be hosting signing day events. In addition to the signings, students and family members will have opportunities to in- teract with potential future em- ployers and learn more about high-demand jobs in indus- tries including transportation, apprenticeships, engineering, manufacturing, welding and more. Recruits will begin signing their intent letters at 5:30 p.m. Th e event will be held in the Danny Lang Teaching, Learn- ing and Event Center on the main UCC campus. DAMIEN SHERWOOD/COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL Executive Director of South Lane Wheels Ruth Linoz addresses the City Council regarding the MOD Pilot Program in Cottage Grove. ECONorthwest, a Eu- gene-based economic con- sulting fi rm, presented a plan for 20 years of future growth in Cottage Grove. In identi- fying land with development capacity, 391 acres of vacant or partially vacant unconstrained buildable land was found. Th e plan suggested the city would have to build, on average, 69 new dwelling units per year to meet the demands of the area’s projected growth. Th e analysis recommended updating housing policies by monitoring land availability, creating development oppor- tunities particular to the city’s needs, supporting aff ordable housing for low- and mid- dle-income households, coor- dinating infrastructure plan- ning and identifying funding opportunities. Th e council voted to adopt the housing policies into the city’s comprehensive plan. Emerald Ash Borer Presentation An informational presenta- tion was given by Urban For- estry Committee Chair Reilly Newman on the Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive pest which consumes and eventually kills ash trees. Th e insect has report- edly reached parts of Western Colorado and is moving north- west, threatening various habi- tat types and potentially caus- ing local extinction of Oregon’s native ash species. Water Treatment Plant Expansion Quality Local Care... • Sports Training: Golf, Running, Tennis and More... • Orthopedic • Sports Rehabilition • Rapid Acess for Urgent Issues • Lunch and Evening Appointments 75 Gateway Blvd. Suite A Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-942-6482 W. Stu Hogg PT, OCS, COMT Visit us on Facebook Marie Williamson PTA Th e City Council autho- rized an engineering contract for expansion of the Row Riv- er Water Treatment Plant. Th e project, contracted with con- struction engineering compa- ny West Yost, will increase the plant’s gallon-per-day capacity from 4 million to 6 million and is estimated to cost $245,000. Another dental visit? Turns out, you have better things to do with your time. CRESWELL: Creswell Presbyterian Church 75 S 4th S • 541-895-3419 Rev. Seth Wheeler Adult Sunday School 9:15am Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am website Worship With Us! St. Andrews Episcopal Church 1301 W. Main • 541-767-9050 Rev. Lawrence Crumb “Church with the fl ags.” Worship: Sunday 10:30am All Welcome We know your time is valuable. That's why we've invested in CEREC Our Worship Directory is a weekly feature in the newspaper. If your congregation would like to be a part of this directory, contact us today! technology that allows for a faster experience when you need crowns, fillings or veneers. With CEREC, there's usually no need for a temporary and return visit. Everything is done in one visit, in about an hour - leaving more time for whatever is important to you. Implants •Teeth Whitening • Extractions • Lumineers (no prep veneers as seen on TV) S entinel C ottage G rove 541-942-3325 116 N. 6th Street Cottage Grove, OR Cottage Grove Dental Dr. Brent Bitner, DDS 350 Washington, Cottage Grove (behind Better Bodies) 942-7934 CEREC® is a registered trademark of Sirona Dental Systems.