8B COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL JANUARY 23, 2019 Posting Date January 21, 2019 1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the number of the U.S. highway that runs along the West Coast? 2. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What is the fastest bird in the world? 3. LITERATURE: What is the name of the wood carver in “The Adventures of Pinocchio”? 4. MOVIES: Which 1980s movie fea- tured the tagline, “One man’s struggle to take it easy”? 5. ASTRONOMY: How long is a year on the planet Mercury? 6. BUSINESS: Which automaker sold a line of cars called the Fairlane? 7. ANATOMY: How many times does the average human heart beat each day? 8. TELEVISION: Which 1960s tele- vision drama featured the catchphrase, “Book ‘em, Danno!”? 9. ARCHITECTURE: Who designed the famous home called “Fallingwater”? 10. COMICS: What is the name of the dog in the “Dennis the Menace” comic strip? © 2018 King Features Synd., Inc. Trivia Test Answers 1. U.S. Route 101 2. The peregrine falcon, which can exceed 200 mph in a dive. 3. Geppetto 4. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” 5. 88 days 6. Ford Motor Co. 7. More than 100,000 times 8. “Hawaii 5-0” 9. Frank Lloyd Wright 10. Ruff