10A • COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • JANUARY 9, 2019 CHAMBER NEWSLETTER Our Mission: The Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce promotes economic vitality through advocacy and collaboration with its members and the larger community. Why do so many businesses become members of the Chamber of Commerce? T h r o u g h the Chamber of Commerce, businesses are choosing to invest Travis Palmer, in the continued Executive Director prosperity of Cottage Grove. They are joining a membership of other businesses who understand that there is an organization (the Chamber) who is working to improve the economic conditions of the community in countless ways that result in a more conducive environment for local businesses to thrive. We produce events that bring travelers to town who spend money in our shops, gas stations and restaurants. We advocate for the rights of small businesses through our connections with local, county and state government. We provide educational opportunities for business owners and managers to become better at what they do and we provide networking opportunities so our members can promote their businesses. We also offer exclusive, free, or discounted opportunities for our members to advertise and market their companies. To join the Chamber, most businesses pay annual membership dues starting at only $250 per year! There isn’t an ad you can buy that lasts an entire year and puts you in as many publications, both online and in print for $250. The listing in our directory and community profile book alone is worth the annual investment and since we ourselves are a non-profit organization, most of our members are able to write off a portion of their dues as a qualified business expense.* (Consult your tax adviser). It is difficult for Chambers of Commerce to quantify the value of their memberships because nobody ever walks into a store and says, “I’m shopping here today because the Chamber of Commerce...” I can assure you though; the Chamber of Commerce refers people to local businesses every single day. To put it simply, we bring people to town and we help them find places to spend their money. Below is a list of just some of the benefits that we offer to our member businesses: Alphabetical and Categorical listings in our annual printed directory and on the Chamber’s online directory at www.cgchamber.com Space to display your business card or brochures at the Cottage Grove Visitor Information Center A membership plaque and/or window decal to show the public that you invest in the community Opportunities to host an open house or ribbon cutting ceremony for a grand opening, anniversary, etc. Weekly emails from the Chamber keep you up to date on local news, events and important information Recognition as a new and/or renewing member Chamber Awards Banquet in the newspaper and weekly email What else does chamber membership provide for our business members? • Visibility • Credibility • Advocacy • Networking Opportunities • Leadership and Professional Development Experience • Education and Training Opportunities • The ability to stay informed about Community News and Events • Referrals to your business through the visitor center • Sponsorship and Advertising Opportunities • Chamber Gift Certificate Program! (This actually brings people into your store to spend money!) Your membership dues make all of this possible. If you own or manage a business, consider the value of membership and invest in your community. Join the Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce today! VWDQFHV%XWQRRQHZLOOEHWXUQHGDZD\EHFDXVH RILQDELOLW\WRSD\ ´,W·VRXUKRSHWKDWWKH+HDUWIHOW+RXVHZLOOSUR- YLGHDSODFHZKHUHIDPLOLHVLQRXUUHJLRQFDQEH ORYHG DQG UHFHLYH WKH VXSSRUW WKDW WKH\ GHVSHU- DWHO\QHHGGXULQJWKHLUPRVWFKDOOHQJLQJWLPHVµ 1HXPDQQVDLG Thanks to our members for casting your vote! Your vote has determined the winners of Non- 3URÀWRIWKHq^\nmbo^=bk^\mhk ;^maFZkmbg%H_Û\^FZgZ`^k FZobl;kZ]l[r%;hhdd^^i^k Lane Community College Cottage Grove Center Lane Electric Cooperative Northwest Natural PeaceHealth Cottage Grove Community Medical Center Cottage Grove Area Chamber of Commerce 700 E. Gibbs • Cottage Grove, OR P. (541) 942-2411 info@cgchamber.com • www.cgchamber.com South Lane County Fire & Rescue South Lane School District Weyerhaeuser