Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, December 19, 2018, Page 3A, Image 3

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Grant will fund narrative for Historic Downtown Walking Tour
A grant from the Lane
County Cultural Coalition
will fund the completion of
a narrative that aims to help
locals and visitors navigate
Cottage Grove’s Historic
Downtown Walking Tour.
Local writer Jon Stinnett,
who served as editor of Th e
Sentinel from 2006-2016, ac-
cepted the $2,500 grant from
the Coalition at an awards
ceremony held Wednesday,
Dec. 12 at Oregon Con-
temporary Th eatre in Eu-
gene. Other Cottage Grove
winners included Bohemia
Mining Days which earned
$1,321.50 for the themed-
play “Diamonds in the
Rough” and Th e Opal Center
which received $850 for “Got
Rhythm,” a senior project.
During remarks that eve-
ning, Stinnett explained
that he had recently been
approached by offi cials with
the City of Cottage Grove
and the Cottage Grove
Main Street Program, who
lament-ed that the Historic
Downtown Walking Tour
was not reaching its po-
tential to engage locals and
downtown visitors and off er
details about the 26 build-
ings described in the tour.
“Th e tour basically con-
sists of signs on each of the
buildings,” Stinnett said,
“and the signs aren’t widely
read. Th e City thought that
a narrative that guides par-
ticipants through the tour
could be a nice attraction
downtown, one that could
also promote tourism and
educate participants about
Cottage Grove writer Jon Stinnett is currently
writing the narrative that will be used for the
walking tour in downtown’s Historic District.
key aspects and
fi gures in Cottage
Grove’s history.”
Stinnett began
narrative, which
tells the story
of Joseph May-
weather, a fi ction-
al character who
some of Cottage
Grove’s very real
historical fi gures.
As the story goes,
Mayweather was
ilton Wallace, a
Presbyterian preacher and
the mason responsible for
many downtown buildings,
and later to John Hunzicker,
famed local architect and de-
signer of several downtown
structures including the Cot-
tage Grove Armory.
'In the narrative, May-
weather returns to Cottage
Grove in the late 1920s aft er
a long absence and notes the
many changes that have since
transformed the downtown
“Th e narrative will detail
two key periods in Cottage
Grove’s history, and it should
serve as a welcome attraction
for downtown visitors and a
fun, engaging way to learn
about why many downtown
buildings are a special part of
that history,” Stinnett said.
Th e Joseph Mayweather
Project has received the fi -
nancial support of Cottage
Grove’s Historic Landmarks
Commission and the Cottage
Grove Community Founda-
Stinnett said he hopes to
have the narrative complet-
ed by the summer of 2019,
in time for the arrival of
warm-weather visitors to the
To learn more about the
Joseph Mayweather Project,
contact Stinnett at 541-731-
Nominations being sought for Oregon’s Regional Teacher of the Year 2020
Th e Oregon Department
of Education, in partnership
with the Oregon Lottery, has
announced the continuation
of Oregon Regional Teacher
of the Year to honor exem- 2019.
Teachers will then submit
plary educators in every re-
their applications by March
gion of the state.
Nominations are open 29, 2019.
Oregon Education Service
statewide through Jan. 31,
Districts will select a winner
from their region and will
honor Regional Teachers of
the Year across the state in
May 2019.
Finally, in September
2019, one of the Region-
al Teachers of the Year will
be named the 2020 Oregon
Teacher of the Year.
Regional Teachers of the
Year will receive a cash prize
of $500 and will be celebrated
across the state.
Th e 2020 Oregon Teach-
er of the Year will receive
a $5,000 cash prize (with a
matching $5,000 going to
their school) and serve as a
spokesperson and represen-
tative for all Oregon teachers.
Anyone can nominate a
teacher. All Oregonians are
encouraged to nominate
their favorite teacher today at
the morning.
Elementary school will be
released at 11:50 a.m. and
CM/HS at noon with no af-
ternoon art classes.
• School is out for break
from Friday until Monday,
Jan. 7, 2019.
• Crow Middle School AG
Mechanic's class has made
fun art from horse shoes at
a reasonable price.
If interested, call the of-
fi ce.
• As you wind up your
shopping, please remember
those less fortunate.
Th ere is still time to help
and food boxes are in sever-
al organizations, plus Fami-
ly Store and Grange.
Beginning on Th ursday,
food boxes will be put to-
gether for delivery.
• Wishing everyone a very
Merry Christmas to all.
Enjoy the holidays and
please drive safely.
• Th ursday, Dec. 20, the
CAL School Board meets
at Lorane Grange at 7 p.m.
Executive session is prior to
the morning meeting.
• Th is Friday, Dec. 21 is
half day prior to the begin-
ning of winter break. Th ere
will be parties in the ele-
mentary grades at the end of
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S entinel
C ottage G rove
700 Village Drive, Cottage Grove 541-942-8001
116 N. 6th Street, PO Box 35
Cottage Grove, OR 97424
541-942-3325 •
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