Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, December 19, 2018, Page 2A, Image 2

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Dec. 16
• Illegal camping reported
near Villard Ave. Minivan
parked at location for sever-
al days, littering in the area.
• A man reported loud
music coming from his
neighbor’s house for 45
minutes. He attempted to
knock on the door but they
didn’t answer.
• Gas syphoned out a ve-
hicle on N. J Street.
• Th eft of a debit card and
$10 cash from location on E.
Washington Ave.
• Cleaning staff at Great
Days Education reported
used syringes, pens and oth-
er miscellaneous items in
the garbage dumpster.
• A man reported that
when he was kicked out of
a local bar, the bartender
pushed him multiple times
in the back to get him out
Dec. 15
• Bar fi ght reported re-
sulting in man sitting on the
sidewalk with teeth knocked
• FBI Portland offi ce re-
ported to local police a man
ranting about passport in-
formation being stolen from
his wife. Concern he may
have delusions of being a
“vigilante against someone
he described as the Un-
abomber.” Information was
shared due to the subject’s
proximity to Cottage Grove.
Dec. 14
• Reports of what sounds
like female screaming from
the bike path for 10 minutes.
• A woman reported she
was approached in her ve-
hicle in the Safeway parking
lot by a man who parked
beside her. He exited his ve-
hicle and tried to open her
locked car door. She stated
they made eye contact and
she put her vehicle in gear
to leave when he aggres-
sively yanked on the door
to attempt to open it. Th e
woman drove to her friend’s
house who stated she had
the same thing happen at
• A man was reporting
laying in the parking lot of
a local church swinging his
arms around and talking to
Dec. 12
• A “large amount” of
marijuana was reported
“near the bikes” at Goodwill.
• Gas syphoned out of car
near N. 16th Street.
• Report received of a
woman huffi ng something
out of a green can in front
of small children near Gate-
way Blvd.
• Report received of a man
and a woman digging a hole
in a yard on Main Street. Of-
fi cer contacted and reported
it was a broken water main.
Th e couple was attempting
to fi nd the shut-off valve.
Joanne (Kulm) Moody
Joanne (Kulm) Moody passed away on
December 9 2018, at age 79.
She was born and raised in Cottage
Grove, OR, and moved to Bend in 1962.
Aft er raising three children, Joanne re-
ceived her AS in Health Records Tech-
nology from Central Oregon Community
College in 1986. She worked as a transcriptionist for Th e Center
and administrator for Bend Guest Home prior to her retirement
in 2005.
She is survived by her children and their spouses: Brian (Nan-
cy Gammond) Moody, Bend, OR; Bruce Moody, Eugene, OR;
and Lisa (Cory) Smith, Bend, OR; 4 loving grandchildren and a
great-granddaughter due in February 2019.
Joanne was preceded in death by her parents, Arthur and
Gladys Kulm, and her brother, Kenneth Kulm.
Th ose who so desire may make memorial donations to the
Central Oregon Community College Foundation Scholarship
fund at
aspx or COCC Foundation, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend, Or-
egon 97703.
Motel owners arrested for suspicion of arson
On Th ursday, Nove. 22,
(Th anksgiving Day) at 9:23
p.m, South Lane Fire Depart-
ment (SLFD), Goshen-Pleas-
ant Hill Fire Department,
Inder Singh
Lane County Jail on arson
the owners of the Super 8 time of the fi re.
Motel franchise, Inder Singh
On Sunday, Dec. 16, In- charges.
and Satinder Singh, inten- der and Satinder Singh were
Th e investigation is still
tionally planned and caused arrested and lodged at the on going.
the fi re.
Satinder Singh
Funeral & Memorial Planning
e Funeral & Memorial Planning e Cremation Options e
Cremation Options
e Monuments
& Memorials & e Memorials
Cemetery Options e
Cemetery Options
Please Celebrate the 4th of July Safely!
On Th anksgiving Day,
Dexter Fire Department,
123 South 7th,
Cottage Grove, Oregon
and Eugene-Springfi eld Fire there were six rooms rent-
Grove, Oregon
Department responded to ed and a minimum of seven
541-942-0185 •
the Super 8 Motel located at people in the motel at the
345 Oregon Ave., in Cre-
swell for a fi re.
Upon arrival, the fi re
Roger Dean Cranmer
was discovered and extin-
Two days later on Sat-
Roger Dean Cranmer, age 62, passed
urday, Nov. 24, at 1:42
away on Sunday, December 9, 2018 from
a.m., a fi re was reported
kidney failure. He was born in Eugene,
at the same location. Th e
Oregon on March 26, 1956, to parents
Dean and Mary Cranmer and was the
fi re departments again re-
oldest of three children. Roger was a
sponded and extinguished
resident and a 1974 Cottage Grove High
the fi re.
ones celebrated his life on December
Due to the suspicious
in Cottage Grove.
nature of the fi res, the Or-
Roger worked 14 years at Bohemia Inc., until the company
egon State Police Arson
closed down. This provided the opportunity to enroll in Lane
Unit was requested to as-
Community College’s fi rst dislocated workers program in 1989,
sist in the investigation.
paving the way to an 18-year career in the RV industry. In 1991,
Arson detectives respond-
he joined Marathon Coach and enjoyed the opportunity to travel
ed and led a joint Origin
around the United States and abroad, meeting many wonderful
and Cause Investigation
people along the way.
with the South Lane Fire
On July 13, 2009, he received a second birthday, a wonderful
gift of a kidney from his mother. After recovering, Roger and
Department and Lane
longtime friend Archie Telfer formed Valley Mobile RV Repair
County Sheriff ’s Offi ce.
in 2013. Roger was a lifelong outdoorsman who enjoyed
Th e fi re was deter-
hunting, fi shing and camping with family and friends. He
mined to be incendiary
was also an avid sports fan who enjoyed spending time with
and intentionally set.
his family watching Oregon football, as well as coaching his
Following an investi-
children’s youth sports teams.
gation, detectives learned
Linda Lou Simons
Linda Lou Simons of Cottage Grove passed away from compli-
cations from cancer on November 29, 2018.
Linda was born June 17, 1948 to Hosea Woody and Edna (Al-
len) Woody in Cottage Grove. Linda graduated from Cottage
Grove High School in 1966 and married Wilbert Simons in April
of 1967.
Linda worked for Bauder & Young Insurance, Riverside Medi-
cal and Dunes Family Healthcare.
Linda enjoyed helping others and her grandchildren and
She is survived by her husband Wilbert Simons of Cottage
Grove; son, Jason Simons and daughter in-law, Jodie, of Cottage
Grove; daughter Rebecca Roach of Lawton, OK; brothers Wayne
Woody of Odessa, TX, Harold Woody of Creswell, OR and Merle
Woody of Thorp, WA; sisters Mozell Brua and Ella Walker of
Cottage Grove, Shirley Solebee of Roseburg, OR, Raquel Smith
and Alma Bidegain of Tucson, AZ, Jan Solesbee of Creswell, OR,
Judy Soto of Reedsport, OR, and Betty Leach of Dorena, OR.
Linda was preceded in death by her father Hosea Woody, moth-
er Edna Woody, stepmother Viola Woody, sister Reva Burk and
brothers Clifton (C.L.) Woody, Ralph Woody and Tom Woody.
Memorial contributions can be made to American Cancer Soci-
ety, 2350 Oakway Center, Eugene, OR 97401.
No service is planned. Arrangements handled by Andreasons
Friends of the
invite you to support us this Holiday Season!
Death Notice
Wallace - Margaret Eloise
Wallace, 97, of Pleasant Hill,
formerly of Cottage Grove,
died Dec. 13. A graveside ser-
vice will be at 1 p.m. Th ursday,
Dec. 20, at the Brumbaugh
Cemetery in cottage Grove.
Arrangements by Smith-
Lund-Mills Funeral Chapel in
Cottage Grove.
Roger is survived by his wife, Dianna Cranmer of Cottage
Grove, parents, Dean and Mary Cranmer of Cottage Grove,
son Todd (Jaime) Cranmer of Creswell, daughters, Melinda
Cranmer and Amanda (Jadon) Kuehn, both of Cottage Grove,
brothers Fred (Ronda) and Tim (Cindy) Cranmer of Cottage
Grove and seven grandchildren.
In lieu of fl owers, donations can be made to Legacy Transplant
Services, Legacy Good Samaritan Medical Center, 1040 N.W.
22 nd Ave. Suite 480, Portland, OR 97210. Arrangements in the
care of Smith Lund Mills Funeral Chapel, Cottage Grove, OR.
LAST CHANCE to donate in 2018 for your tax
deductible contribution to The Friend’s of the
Cottage Grove Carousel for restoration!
Amount of Donation:_______________________________
S entinel
C ottage G rove
State, Zip code:____________________________________
Phone Number:___________________________________
We are now a 501 C, 3 organization
Please make your check payable to:
Friends of the Cottage Grove Carousel
P.O. Box 883, Cottage Grove, OR, 97424
For info: Call Don Williams at 541-942-4752
Please send this form in with donation!
Thank you very much!
For details on upcoming activities & events, please visit us online at:
Follow us on
@carousel97424, Go Fund Me: cgcarousel &
friends of the Cottage Grove Carousel