COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL DECEMBER 19, 2018 Elkton fl ips the switch against Mapleton to record victory Elks get second victory of season over Sailors before falling to Lowell during Invitational By Zach Silva A fast start paired with the team turning it on late when it mattered resulted in the Elkton boys beating Mapleton 46-32 last Friday at the North Doug- las Invitational. Aft er having a comfortable double-digit lead from the sec- ond-quarter on, the Sailors cut the defi cit to single digits half- way through the fourth quarter. Th e Elkton off ense had stalled and the team was being out- scored 9-4 on the quarter. Af- ter a timeout, the team fl ipped the switch on both ends of the court and put together an 8-0 run in less than two minutes of play to record their second win of the season. “We’re going to kind of be like that. We’re going to play in spurts like that because that’s the kind of kids we have. Obvi- PHOTO BY BECKY GERRARD Mason Cox controls the ball in a game earlier this season. ously we want to extend those big-play spurts so that’s kind of going to be our m.o.,” said Elkton head coach Gary Trout. “Th e key is just doing what we’re supposed to do. Making sure we’re running the right of- fense, getting ourselves where we need to be on defense and boxing out every time. And getting that consistency. If we can get that consistency, we can be a pretty good team.” Mason Cox led the Elks with 14 points as Austin Luzier add- ed 10 on the night. With Mapleton running a zone defense throughout the night, the Elks got to utilize their zone off ense which had not seen much use on the sea- son. “We haven’t seen a lot of zone so I knew we were going to be kind of herky-jerky against that. So it was good for us to see and work against that. We were starting to get into a pretty de- cent fl ow in spurts,” said Trout. Elkton lost to Lowell 54-36 on Saturday. Luzier had eight points and fi ve assists for the Elks. Th e team will next play at the McKenzie Hoops Classic on Dec. 27. 3B North Douglas offensive lull against Lowell enough for win Warriors win on Friday, fall to Country Christian in overtime on Saturday By Zach Silva Friday’s matchup between North Douglas and Lowell was not an off ensive showcase. Aft er one quarter of play, the Warriors led 4-0 on the way to a 24-12 victory during the fi rst night of the North Douglas Winter Invi- tational. “We’re growing and some- times in our world today we put so much stock in making bas- kets,” said North Douglas head coach Jeff Davis. “So we told the kids at halft ime – we’re not blaming, because no one is try- ing to miss shots – but I think we had six maybe seven layups in the fi rst half and missed some free throws. So in our mind, rather than (up) 10-2… we could have had 22, 23 points and then just won going away. But that’s not yet who we are.” Both teams had balanced scoring across the board as North Douglas had fi ve players fi nish with four points (Sofi a Alcantar, Abby Whipple, Ri- ley Black, Samantha MacDow- ell and Bailey Holcomb) and Lowell had six players with two points. No one on Lowell made multiple fi eld goals in the game. Despite troubles to convert on PHOTO BY BECKY GERRARD Sophomore Natalie Thompson shuffl es her feet on defense against Lowell on Friday. the off ensive end, the Warriors off ense late as they scored 10 were seemingly in control the points in the third quarter to whole game as the Lowell of- take an insurmountable 20-8 fense was unable to get to their lead heading into the fourth. Rilie-Jo Olds led North Doug- spots in the fi rst half. North Douglas fi nished the game with las with fi ve rebounds while 17 steals as the Red Devils had Natalie Th ompson, Alcantar and Black each recorded four 31 turnovers on the night. “We’re going to have to hang boards. Alcantar also had six our hat on defense because we’re steals while Whipple added fi ve. On Saturday night the War- not going to outscore anybody. So there may be a lot of these riors off ense was in full-gear in a kind of games,” said Davis. “I 52-51 overtime loss to Country would prefer having to grind Christian. Sarah Phillips led the through one and learn from it visiting Cougars with 34 points then beat someone by 40 and and 15 rebounds. Th e Warriors had 13 points get a false sense of some kind of from Th ompson and 11 from confi dence there.” Th e Warriors found their both Whipple – including a three-pointer to force overtime – and Black. 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