2A • COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • DECEMBER 12, 2018 RECORDS POLICE LOG DEATH NOTICE Dec. 4 Dec. 5 • Two teenagers were re- ported in the middle of road near Harvey Lane breaking bottles in the street. • Report received of an unknown object hung up on a tree branch. Offi cers discovered it was Styrofoam that had fl oated upriver. • Scooter stolen from the high school reported as seen on Craigslist. • Adult male, approxi- mately age 30, seen threat- ening children near the baseball fi eld near South R Street. • Restrooms at All Amer- ica Park full of clothing, stuff ed in toilets, “causing a mess.” • Individuals reported a transient sleeping in front of a building on Washington. He said he was not “causing any trouble” but was wor- ried about him due to the cold weather. CRANMER —Roger Dean Cranmer, 62, of Cot- tage Grove, died Dec. 9, 2018. A celebration of life will be at noon on Saturday, suspicious, parked with its headlights on. • Graffi ti reported on pic- nic tables in Veterans’ Me- morial Park. Dec. 6 • Medication stolen from an address on S. Eighth Street. • Window broken off a vehicle overnight on Main Street. • Vehicle reported as Dec. 8 An older woman with no teeth was reported scream- ing at passersby and kicking her car. Appeared to be in- toxicated. Dec. 15, at the City Life Church, 33133 Row River Rd., in Cottage Grove. Arrangements by Smith- Lund-Mills Funeral Chapel in Cottage Grove. z å CITY UPDATE • Plastic roundup: Th e Cottage Grove Gar- bage Service, City of Cot- tage Grove and Lane Coun- ty Solid Waste announce a local Plastic Roundup that began Dec. 10 and contin- ues through the fi rst week in April, 2019. Recyclable #2 bottles, #2 tubs and lids, #4 bottles, tubs and lids and #5 bottles, tubs and lids will be accepted at the Cottage Grove Garbage Service offi ces from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Monday through Th ursday. All materials must be clean, paper labels removed and sorted. Lane County has arranged for the materi- als to be hauled to a recycler in the state that will only ac- cept the items properly col- lected. • House dedication: Habitat for Humanity of Central Lane is excited to announce the completion of the third house this year with the dedication of the home on Saturday, Dec. 15 at 10 a.m. Th e home is lo- cated at 1505 Harvey Lane and everyone is invited to come to the ceremony and celebrate this great project. • Swinging Bridge: Th e city’s legal counsel, with the assistance of en- gineering staff , prepared and released a Request for Proposals (RFP) last Friday (Dec. 7) for bids to design and make repairs to the Swinging Bridge through a Design-Build contracting process. Th e bids are to be submit- ted by Jan. 4, 2019, at 4 p.m. Engineering staff will pres- ent city council the bid re- sults at the Jan. 14, 2019 city council meeting for coun- cil consideration. Th e city council will also be holding a public hearing in regards to approve an exemption to the project bidding pro- cedure to allow for the De- sign-Build RFP. Engineering staff has set a starting date for Swing- ing Bridge repairs of July 2019. Legal counsel and COTTAGE GROVE BIBLE CHURCH 1200 East Quincy Ave Christmas Eve 10:30am • Christmas Drama & Music Candlelight service: 6pm COTTAGE GROVE FAITH CENTER 33761 Row River Rd Christmas Eve Service: 10am Candlelight service: 5pm DELIGHT VALLEY CHURCH OF CHRIST 33087 Saginaw Rd East Christmas Eve breakfast: 9am Service: 10:30am Candlelight service: 7pm FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 3rd & Adams St Christmas Eve Service: 7am Candlelight Service: 7pm City Public Works & Devel- opment staff believe the De- sign-Build services will help accommodate the July 2019 construction starting date. Virtual reference: Did you know that you can go online and have your library reference questions answered by a real live li- brarian? Th e Oregon State Library coordinates and administers “Answerland,” online help from the library 24/7. To learn how to use this amazing service, simply visit www.answerland.org and follow the directions that explain how you can chat live or email in your reference questions. Coff ee with a cop: On Dec. 4, members of the Police Department were invited by McDonald’s Restaurant to take part in Coff ee with a Cop. Th is gave community members the opportunity to come by and enjoy a cup of coff ee and vis- it with a police offi cer. Th e event was in conjunction with the grand re-opening of the newly remodeled Mc- Donald’s on Gateway Blvd. Th e event was well received and the Cottage Grove Po- lice Department would like to hold this event quarterly. Funeral & Memorial Planning e Funeral & Memorial Planning e Cremation Options e Cremation Options e Monuments & Memorials & e Memorials Cemetery Options e Monuments Cemetery Options Please Celebrate the 4th of July Safely! 123 South 7th, Cottage Grove, Oregon th 123 South 7 , Cottage Grove, Oregon 541-942-0185 •www.smithlundmills.com z www.smithlundmills.com S entinel C ottage G rove www.cgsentinel.com @ cgsentinel @cgsentinel #cgsentinel Cottage-Grove-Sentinel BUY TICKETS NOW! LIVING FAITH ASSEMBLY 467 10th St Christmas Eve Candlelight Services: 9am & 11am OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP 1025 N. 19th St Cottage Grove Christmas Eve, December 24th – Mass 6:30 PM & 12 Midnight Christmas Day December 25th – Mass at 10:30 am ST. PHILIP BENIZI MISSION 552 Holbrook Ln, Creswell Christmas Day – December 25th, 8:30 am UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 334 Washington St Christmas Eve Candlelight Service: 5pm November 23 - December 23 Open Most Dates 500,000 LIGHTS, VENDORS & MUSIC LIVE REINDEER ON DEC. 8 Bring the whole family, even the pets! Visit VILLAGEGREENCHRISTMAS.COM for schedule & pricing Stay overnight at The Village Green, with our special Christmas package starting at just $119 VillageGreenChristmas.com 725 Row River Road Cottage Grove, OR 541-942-2491 å