COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • NOVEMBER 21, 2018 • 9A PARENTS from A1 cision from the district to either close the school or maintain the school because it’s an investment. So we’re just making sure the staff and the community, in this case the Latham community, have a voice.” On Nov. 30, the school board will receive a packet that includes information about what it would look like if the school remained open, taking into account the year or will keep it open for at least the next fi ve years. Th e fate of the school will be discussed at the Dec. 3 school board meeting with a decision expected to come at the Jan. 7 meeting. “Th e goal is to make sure that everybody is heard,” said Sullivan aft er the meet- ing. “Th is is a very hard de- HUMANE SOCIETY OF COTTAGE GROVE Th anks our sponsors for sponsoring our successful Jamboree that was held in Cottage Grove on October 20th. what the parents said in ad- dition to maintenance costs, technology upgrades and class sizes; or if the school were to close, looking at where students would go next year, what would be done with the Latham prop- erty and what would happen to the current Latham staff . Bridgens noted that the document that has the re- port will be made public. Th e parents were instruct- ed to go around the room off ering up their hopes and fears with the future of the school. Th e idea that con- tinued to come up was the small size of the school and how they see it is advanta- geous for their students. “I hope we can still keep a small school option in town. Class size is a big factor but another factor, I think, is overall school size,” said Latham parent and school board member Taylor Wil- hour. “Diff erence if you’ve got three classes of each grade level you get into a situation where the kids are less likely to know the kids walking down the hall. If there’s one of each, even if we get to the district aver- age of class size or close to it, there’s an advantage to being a small school.” Currently, Bohemia El- ementary School has 486 students while Harrison Elementary has 447. Dore- na (pre-school through 8th grade) has 95 students while London (kindergar- ten through 8th grade) has 90 students; both schools are over 10 miles outside of KNND Radio Cottage Grove Sentinel JIM DOWNING REALTY PRT USA Growing Services Banner Bank of Cottage Grove adding: “Being able to be a part of their life and school is amazing as a parent. I don’t feel disconnected; I know what’s going on. Or I can message the teacher if something is going on with my kid.” Napier is in regular com- munication with the school throughout the week Whether getting an up- date on an incident in school, sending the teacher a message or learning that her son got stung by a bee, she feels connected to what is happening as her and her husband both work full- time. Napier feels that these immediate one-to-one con- nections would be lost in the shuffl e of a bigger school. “It’s not even about the class size,” she said. “It’s just the bigger school requires way too much for something that big to function. You lose that personal, individualized attention.” DENTAL Insurance Jonathan Backer, DDS Wall to Wall Carpet Cleaning Gayle Downing Avon Cottage Grove Lions Club Humane Society of Cottage Grove. Parents also brought up that if the school was to stay open that they have hopes for upgrades all around the school that ran the gamut: bathroom sinks, additional staff support, exterior paint, interior paint, security mea- sures, cooling devices and technology upgrades. Th e district has $2 million in de- ferred maintenance projects for the entire district. For parent Danielle Na- pier, who has a student in kindergarten and in second grade, this is her fi rst year as a Latham parent. Since mov- ing out of the Springfi eld school district, Napier has seen her son go from feign- ing illness in an attempt to not have to attend school to now wanting to go to school despite being sick. “It’s been a dramatic dif- ference for my kids, myself and the way I feel about their education,” she said, Physicians Mutual Insurance Company A less expensive way to help get the dental care you deserve If you’re over 50, you can get coverage for about $1 a day* Keep your own dentist! NO networks to worry about NO annual or lifetime cap o n the cash benefi ts Cottage Grove Members Donald P. Williams Sandra & Charles Smith Mark Mootz Construction Dehart Family Construction Entertainers: David “Elvis” Lomond Cameron Reiten cleanings, exams, fi llings, crowns…even dentures you can receive FREE Information Kit As we countour blessings this Th anksgiving, we can’t help but remember how much folks like you have done to make our year special. 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