6A • COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 Food insecurity on the rise in Lane County By Caitlyn May cmay@cgsentinel.com When Mike Fleck started his tenure as Community Sharing’s Executive Director a little over seven years ago, the food pantry was distrib- uting an average of 450 to 500 boxes a month packed with staples like bread and other boxed foods. Four years later, distribution soared to 700 boxes, some- times reaching as high as 900. It has nev- er come back down. “It’s not un- usual that we’ll sometimes hit as high as 800, 830 boxes a month,” Fleck said. The box- es are aimed at combating food insecuri- ty—one of the many services offered by community shar- ing including housing assis- tance. The most recent data released earlier this year by the Ford Family Founda- tion, in conjunction with Oregon State University showed food insecurity on the rise in Lane County but defining it can be difficult. “It’s anybody who is strug- gling to keep basic food on their table but I don’t know that there is a metric for that,” Fleck said. Feeding America, a non-profit that works with food banks nationwide to provide support and sup- plies, cites the U.S. De- partment of Agriculture’s (USDA) definition which classifies an individual as being food insecure if they lack consistent access to enough food to maintain an active, healthy lifestyle. While the definition could span a wide spectrum, the Oregon Center for Pub- lic Policy can place a hard number on the growing population of those strug- gling with food insecurity: 527,000 Oregonians in 2017 did not know where their next meal was coming from. as food stamps, for three months in the span of three years if they do not meet certain work requirements that have been in place since the mid-1990s. To receive assistance be- yond that, individuals must work at least 80 hours per month, participate in quali- fying education and training activities for an additional 80 hours per month or com- plete unpaid work through dramatically. That doesn’t necessarily mean there ar- en’t problems because the need can shift between de- mographics,” Fleck said. “It could be that one pop- ulation’s need is increasing while another’s is decreas- ing.” Community Sharing is the only designated food pantry in Cottage Grove but other services also work to com- bat food insecurity in town. Each week there’s a list of communi- ty dinners and earlier this year, the local Gleaners’ pro- gram returned after being shut down by Food for Lane County — a non-profit food bank that serves all of Lane County. The most ob- vious change to the group is the dissolution of several requirements for “box night” when individu- als can receive a box of food. Now, box nights are open to all individuals whose self-declared income meets requirements. Meal sites throughout the week include the first and third Monday of the month at the local Method- ist church for a cost of $5. Tuesdays hosts a meal at the Trinity Lutheran Church and Creswell hosts a friend- ship dinner on Wednesday at the New Hope Baptist Church. On Sunday, the community center in Cot- tage Grove hosts Soup’s On. For more meal sites, check the monthly calendar in ev- ery edition of The Sentinel. “It’s anybody who is struggling to keep basic food on their table but I don’t know that there is a metric for that.” — Mike Fleck Community Sharing Executive Director The study, which was re- leased last year and cites Oregon as one of the states lagging behind in the fight against food insecurity, puts 14.6 percent of Oregon’s households in a state of food insecurity and 6.2 percent of households were labeled as experiencing hunger on a regular basis. And soon, it may get harder to stay full. “Typically, our clients are also on the SNAP program but new legislation, it’s the ABAWD or Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents is what is stands for, they’re taken out of the SNAP pro- gram,” Fleck said. ABAWD individuals, ac- cording to the USDA, can receive SNAP, also known an approved state program. Community Sharing does not have a background check requirement for those experiencing food insecu- rity. According to Fleck, the application process is one of self-declaration and includes a form that states the recipient will not sell or barter the food they receive from the pantry. In the seven-plus years Fleck has been manning the operation, he’s experienced two cases of fraud. And while Communi- ty Sharing’s numbers have gone up over the last four years, it’s hard to tell if they’re pace to becoming a crisis. “Our box numbers have gone up but I wouldn’t say Sheriff ’s office offers school bus safety tips The Sheriff ’s Office would like to remind drivers of their responsibility to stop for school buses displaying red flashing lights. Because buses are large vehicles, the level of difficulty to see around them increases. The outcome of illegally passing a stopped school bus is potentially devastating for children and drivers. Law enforcement agencies continue to receive reports each year from bus driv- ers and other citizens about motorists failing to stop for school buses. With nearly 6,000 school buses operating in the State of Oregon, motorists need to be alert. Oregon law requires mo- torists to stop whenever the red lights on a school bus are flashing, regardless of the direction they are traveling. The law applies to any road- way with two or more lanes of traffic, including multi-lane S entinel C ottage G rove www.cgsentinel.com highways such as Highway 101. The only exception to the law is for divided highways with two roads separated by an unpaved median strip or barrier. In this case, only drivers on the same side of the road as the bus must stop. A painted median strip or a center lane used only for left turns does not create two separate lanes. Where this situation exists, all lanes of traffic must stop. When a bus is flashing am- ber lights, motorists should prepare to stop. When the red lights begin to flash, motorists traveling in both directions must stop before reaching the bus and must remain stopped until the red lights are turned off. The same rules apply to church or worker buses equipped with amber and red flashing lights. Please do your part to make our roads safe. Be aware when following any type of bus, that it may be making frequent stops. Transmissions Plus & AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALTIES PRACTICING THE ART OF TRANSMISSION REPAIR SERVICE SINCE 1991 � Manual & Automatic Transmission Repair � Tune ups � 30-60-90K Services � Brakes, belts, hoses and cooling system services � Muffl ers & Custom Exhaust � All makes and models. MAINTAINING YOUR VEHICLE AFFORDABLY @ cgsentinel @cgsentinel #cgsentinel WE LIVE IN THE SAME TOWN WE WORK IN “WE MAKE SHIFT HAPPEN!” www.automotivespecialties.biz Cottage-Grove-Sentinel DUSTIN TULLAR & RUSS OWENS 541-942-8022 • COTTAGE GROVE Following these tips will help reduce the risk of traffic crashes and pedestrian inju- ries in our community. Stoc k up befo r they e ’re gone ! Clean Burn Wood Pellets WE DELIVER ! LANDSCAPE AND BUILDING MATERIALS Open 7 days a week! 7919 N. 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