8A • COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • AUGUST 15, 2018 FUNDS from A1 organization is faced with. Portmann, who passed away suddenly in 2012, left $50,000 to the organization specifi cally earmarked for the Cottage Grove program. Local volunteer Carmen Dowell be- gan asking where the money was earlier this summer. “I noticed in June,” she said. “Something wasn’t right. Th ey told us that they were going to do quotas so we kept waiting. Th ey said they would tell us about the plans for the games on Friday and then they would tell us on Monday and then they said Summer Games are cancelled. Th en, the CFO was fi red.” Th e Special Olympics an- nounced in June that it was suspending the summer games—expected to draw ap- proximately 1,500 athletes— citing fi nancial problems. In 2016, the organization took a $325,000 loss on $4.5 million in revenue. “It’s a diff erent story ev- ery day,” Dowell said of her conversations with Oase and other Special Olympics staff members. “On Jan. 31, 2017, EVACUEES from A1 Barrong said. When her family was burned out of their home in the ‘90s, her mother found herself without anything but the clothes she was wearing. “She works at the hospital and she didn’t even have a uniform to go work back at the hospital,” Barrong said. “So now she packs two or three uniforms so at least she has those.” Wildfi res have become an increasing worry on the west coast with several wild- fi res causing evacuations in both California and Oregon last year. Th is year’s wild fi re season has already seen at least 20 fi res between the two states, aff ecting thou- sands of residents. Recently, the aviation mu- seum hosted the Jim Wright Memorial Fly-in, but due the last fi nancial documents on the website, it says we had $50,457.58. We didn’t spend $50,000 in a year.” Repeated attempts by Th e Sentinel to contact Oase were unsuccessful. Th e Sentinel also request- ed an accounting of what the money was spent on between 2012 and 2017. Audited fi g- ures show that the group spent approximately $36,000 but that nearly half of that was spent on lodging, an expense usually reimbursed by the or- ganization. “Th is means we can’t go out and get some more medals or ribbons,” said Loren Good- man, an athlete who has com- peted with the Special Olym- pics for more than 10 years in bocce, bowling and track and fi eld. Goodman joined ap- proximately two dozen other athletes, parents and support- ers on Th ursday, Aug. 9, at a demonstration on Main Street in Cottage Grove that drew both residential and press at- tention. “We’re looking for answers,” Dowell said at the time. “We had a webinar and I kept ask- ing where the money was and they would say they would to the fi res, six pilots had to cancel their trips to Cottage Grove due to smoke or their responsibilities to helping lo- cal fi re departments battle the fi res. Barrong said she put her pilots’ safety fi rst and is glad talk to me tomorrow one-on- one and then they said there was no money from Michele, they said prove it. Th en they said they used it.” Teachers who worked with Portmann also came out to the demonstration, includ- ing Diane Hicks, who noted $50,000 was “a lot” for a pub- lic school teacher to will to an organization and how upset Portmann would be with the situation. Oase’s full statement, which was sent to Th e Sentinel by Special Olympics Oregon’s director of marketing and communications Chad Car- ter, read: “Th e 2012-2016 fi - nancial audits and itemized expenses provided by the independent auditor show expenses incurred by the Cot- tage Grove Local Program were properly used to support their program. Th e year-over- year balances have been pub- licly available through audits since 2012. “In our recent conversa- tions with Local Program Coordinators, in both group webinars and individual calls and meetings, we have found there to be an inconsistent understanding of the Special to be living in Cottage Grove when every fi re season hits but remembers her home- town and the damage the fi res cause. “Th ere’s this lake,” Barrong said. “Northern California perfection with little islands Welding Supplies and Gases Sold Here We do welding repairs LANDSCAPE AND BUILDING MATERIALS Open 7 days a week! 79149 N. River Road 541-942-4664 Another dental visit? Turns out, you have better things to do with your time. Olympics Oregon business model that has been in place, how funds are allocated and how to interpret the internal reports they have received. “Th is appears to be the case with the Local Program in Cottage Grove, which is not their fault. We are working in collaboration with all 30 programs to evolve the system to better refl ect the fi nancial challenges we are faced with and provide the clarity, trans- parency and open communica- tion they need. “We will continue our at- tempts to work with the Cot- tage Grove program, in the same manner we are working with all local programs, to un- derstand their unique circum- stances and provide immediate support operationally and, once we are able to do so, fi nancially. “Most importantly, and never to be lost in the conversation, is our commitment to the athletes and ensuring they are the focus of everything we do.” Oase has been on the job since June. Michili Monroi, LCSW Counseling Services 541-255-8822 1450 Birch Ave Cottage Grove, OR 97424 • Individual and Family Counseling • Insurance and Sliding Scale • Accepting New Clients • Weekend and Weekday Appointments Available The Flower Basket and Gift Boutique “A Flower Shop and so much more” Floral Arrangements Boutique Clothing Accessories Jewelry Balloons Home Décor Fine Gifts Deliveries Locally and Worldwide Locally owned and operated since 1984 Quality and Satisfaction Guaranteed and it’s beautiful. Because of the fi renados that came through, it’s gone. Every- thing is burned.” 119 South 6th Street • 541-942-0505 www.cottagegroveflowerbasket.com Worship Directory DRAIN: HOPE U.M.C. 131 W “A” St. Drain, OR 541-315-1617 Pastor: Lura Kidner-Miesen Fellowship & Song: 11:30am Potluck Lunch: 12:00pm Worship: 12:30pm Delight Valley Church of Christ 33087 Saginaw Rd. East 541-942-7711 Pastor: Bob Friend Two Services: 9am - Classic in the Chapel 10:30am - Contemporary in the Auditorium COTTAGE GROVE: 6th & Gibbs Church of Christ 195 N. 6th St. • 541-942-3822 Pastor: Aaron Earlywine Summer Service: 9:30 am Christian Education: Pre-K through 5th www.6thandgibbs.com First Baptist Church 301 S. 6th st • 541-942-8242 Interim Pastor: Reed Webster Sunday School 9:30am Worship Service 11:00am Youth Wednesday 6:30pm cgfi rstbaptist.com Calvary Baptist Church 77873 S 6th St • 541-942-4290 Pastor: Riley Hendricks Sunday School: 9:45am Worship: 11:00am The Journey: Sunday 5:00pm Praying Thru Life: Wednesday 6:00pm First Presbyterian Church 3rd and Adams St 541-942-4479 Pastor: Karen Hill Worship: 10:00am Sunday School: 10:00am www.cgpresbynews.com Calvary Chapel Cottage Grove 1447 Hwy 99 (Village Plaza) 541-942-6842 Pastor: Jeff Smith Two Services on Sun: 9am & 10:45am Youth Group Bible Study Child Care 10:45am Service Only www.cgcalvary.org Hope In The Grove 700 E. Gibbs • 401-855-5668 Pastor: Wayne Husk Sunday services: Worship: 9am Coffee Fellowship: 10:15am Bible Study: 10:30am Center for Spiritual Living 700 Gibbs Ave. (Community Center) Rev. Bobby Lee Meets Sunday 3:00 p.m. cslcottagegrove@gmail.com Church of Christ 420 Monroe St • 541-942-8565 Sunday Service: 10:30am Cottage Grove Bible Church 1200 East Quincy Avenue 541-942-4771 Pastor:Bob Singer Worship 11am Sunday School:9:45am AWANA age 3-8th Grade, Wednesdays Sept-May, 6:30pm www.cgbible.org Cottage Grove Faith Center 33761 Row River Rd. 541-942-4851 Lead Pastor: Kevin Pruett www.cg4.tv Full Childrenʼs Ministry available Service: 10:00am Hope Fellowship United Pentecostal Church 100 S. Gateway Blvd. 541-942-2061 Pastor: Dave Bragg Worship: 11:00am Sunday Bible Study: 7:00pm Wednesday www.hopefellowshipupc.com “FINDING HOPE IN YOUR LIFE” Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Philip Benizi Catholic Churches 1025 N. 19th St. 541-942-3420 Father: Joseph Hung Nguyen Holy Mass: Tue-Thu: 8:30am; Sat:5:30pm Sun: 10:30am Confession: After daily mass, Sat. 4-5pm or by appointment St. Philip Benizi, Creswell 552 Holbrock Lane 541-895-8686, Sunday: 8:30am St. Andrews Episcopal Church 1301 W. Main • 541-767-9050 Rev. Lawrence Crumb “Church with the fl ags.” Worship: Sunday 10:30am All Welcome Seventh-day Adventist Church 820 South 10th Street 541-942-5213 Pastor: Kevin Miller Bible Study: Saturday, 9:15 am Worship Service: Saturday, 10:40 Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 1:00 Trinity Lutheran Church 6th & Quincy • 541-942-2373 Pastor: James L. Markus Sunday School & Adult Education 9:15am Sunday Worship 10:30 am Comm. Kitchen Free Meal Tue & Thur 5:00pm TLC Groups tlccg.com United Methodist Church 334 Washington • 541-942-3033 Pastor:Lura Kidner-Miesen Worship: 10:30am Comm. Dinner (Adults $5, Kids Free) 1st & 3rd Monday 5-6:00pm umcgrove.org Non-Denominational Church of Christ 1041 Pennoyer Ave 541-942-8928 Preacher: Tony Martin “VICTORY” Country Church Sunday Bible Study:10:00am Sunday Worship:10:50am & 5:30pm 913 S. 6th Street • 541-942-5913 Pastor: Barbara Dockery www.pennoyeravecoc.com Worship Service: 10:00am Message: “WE BELIEVE IN Old Time Gospel Fellowship MIRACLES” 103 S. 5th St. • 541-942-4999 Pastor: Jim Edwards CRESWELL: Sunday Service: 10:00am Join in Traditional Christian Worship Creswell Presbyterian Church 75 S 4th S • 541-895-3419 Rev. Seth Wheeler Adult Sunday School 9:15am Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am website www.creswellpres.org Worship With Us! We know your time is valuable. 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