6A • COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL • AUGUST 15, 2018 Grant to help Cottage Theatre to expand seating Cottage Th eatre has been awarded a grant of $40,075 from the Oregon Cultural Trust in support of a planned remodeling project to ex- pand auditorium seating, improve audience sight- lines, and upgrade technical and safety features. Th e 36-year-old com- munity theatre in Cottage Grove was one of 87 grant- ees in this year’s Cultural Development Grants, and one of only six organiza- tions to be awarded more than $40,000. Other major grants were given to Portland’s August Wilson Red Door Project, Medford’s Butte Creek Mill Foundation, the Eugene Ballet, Eugene’s Shedd In- stititute for the Arts, and the Oregon Shakespeare Festi- val in Ashland. “We are absolutely thrilled to receive this signifi cant support and vote of con- fi dence from the Oregon Cultural Trust,” said exec- utive director Susan Goes. “Cottage Th eatre has had many sold-out shows in re- cent years, and we are eager Th e planned remodel will add 50 new seats and allow the theatre to increase pa- tron visits to Cottage Grove by 4,000 each year. “A remodeling project of “Receiving this Oregon Cultural Trust award is a huge confi dence builder.” -Mark Allen, Cottage Th eatre board treasurer to add additional seats and update our facility so that it is even more comfortable for our growing number of patrons.” Cottage Th eatre’s current annual attendance is ap- proximately 11,000 people, with just 30 percent coming from Cottage Grove and 70 percent coming from else- where in Oregon and be- yond. this magnitude is a big chal- lenge for a small nonprofi t organization like Cottage Th eatre,” said board trea- surer Mark Allen, “and will require strong support from many donors to accomplish. Receiving this Oregon Cul- tural Trust award is a huge confi dence builder as we get ready to launch further fundraising eff orts.” Th e Oregon Cultural Trust was established by the state legislature in 2001 as a way to provide ongoing funding for arts and cultural institutions across Oregon. Th e Trust is funded by in- dividual Oregonians, who total their gift s to qualify- ing cultural organizations, make a matching gift to the Cultural Trust, and receive 100 percent of that match back as a state tax credit. In 2017, Oregonians gave a record $4.9 million to the Cultural Trust. Sixty percent of that amount was redis- tributed immediately; to fi ve statewide partner organiza- tions, 45 county and tribal coalitions, and to individual organizations through the competitive Cultural Devel- opment grants. Th e remaining 40 percent is invested in the Trust’s per- manent fund, to provide for future generations. OUT WITH CABLE. IN WITH SAVINGS. 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Everything from the form of the food to the frequency of which you eat certain foods can make a big difference. Here are some other factors to consider when choosing foods, provided by the American Dental Association, that can determine the overall level of your oral health: the nutritional makeup of the food; the combination of the foods you eat and the order in which you eat them; and medical conditions you may have, such as gastrointestinal refl ux and eating disorders, which can increase risk of cavities and weaken teeth. Ready-to-eat cereals ........................................................................... 3.8% Sugars and honey ............................................................................... 3.5% Tea (sweetened) .................................................................................. 3.5% Yeast breads ........................................................................................ 2.1% All other foods....................................................................................15.4% Foods such as lollipops, mints, taffy, caramel, cookies, cakes and muffi ns are the enemies of your teeth. Not only do they offer no nutritional value, but the type of sugars in them can adhere Sources of Added Sugar to your teeth. Everyone knows sugar is bad for your teeth. You should limit added sugars According to the CDC, the bacteria in your in your diet by reading food labels. mouth feed off these sugars and release acids, causing teeth to decay. The top sources of added sugar in the diet are as follows, If sugary foods are a large part of your diet, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: it’s time to rethink what you’re putting into your Soft drinks, energy drinks, sports drinks............................................35.7% body. Start by cutting back slowly and eventually Grain-based desserts (cakes, pies) ................................................... 12.9% eliminating them as you train yourself to opt for Fruit drinks ......................................................................................... 10.5% healthier snacks instead. This is a process, but Dairy-based desserts (ice cream)........................................................6.5% one you can execute if you stay committed to Candy .................................................................................................. 6.1% dental care excellence. This message is brought to you by these local sponsors: Dentistry with Family in Mind Brent Bitner, DDS C ALL U S T ODAY ! 541.942.7934 350 E. W ASHINGTON A VENUE • C OTTAGE G ROVE WWW.CGSMILES.COM