Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, August 01, 2018, Page 11A, Image 11

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ODF upgrades fire danger to ‘extreme’ as high temps continue
Due to prolonged extreme
heat and dry conditions, the
Oregon Department of For-
estry (ODF) has raised the
fi re danger level in western
Lane County and parts of
northwest Douglas County
that it protects to “extreme”
(red), which began July 25.
Th e parts of eastern Lane
County and southern Linn
County that ODF protects
are already at the extreme
fi re danger level.
Th e use of gas-powered
equipment for general public
use is prohibited at all times,
with the exception of mow-
ing well-irrigated green grass
Campfi res are also prohib-
ited throughout the district,
even in areas where they
were previously allowed.
“We are well aware that we
all have projects or mainte-
nance to do on our proper-
ties, but now is the time to
take a break and enjoy the
summer without the risk of
starting a fi re by burning
backyard debris or building
a campfi re,” said Dave Kjos-
ness of the Western Lane
District. “We encourage the
public to continue to think
about safety fi rst. We’d rath-
er see you at the lake than at
the perimeter of a fi re.”
For updates on fi re season
and the fi re danger levels
in the Western Lane Dis-
trict, the public may call
the district’s Veneta offi ce at
541-935-2222 or check the
district’s Facebook page at
Fire reftrictionf increafe among Lane County area parkf
Due to the high risk of fire
in our area, as well as recent-
ly issued emergency orders
from several fire districts,
Lane County Parks will be
enforcing these restrictions
at several parks:
• No open flames are
allowed in Lane County
parks, including no camp-
fires, warming fires, cooking
fires or ceremonial fires.
• Gas-powered barbeques
and cooking stoves using
liquid or bottled fuels are
allowed, but are restricted to
use for cooking purposes
• Open flames are prohib-
ited at day use areas in Lane
County parks.
• Tobacco use and vaping
are already prohibited in
Lane County parks.
• Any other spark-emit-
ting operation not specifi-
cally mentioned is prohibit-
ed. Not included in these
ictions are coastal Lane
County parks located west
of milepost 18 on Highway
126, including Archie
Knowles Campground and
Harbor Vista Campground.
Lane County will contin-
from A1
him or dump him on the side
of the road,” she asked, and
off ered her telephone number
where she can be reached by
ue to monitor weather con-
ditions, especially humidity
and wind, to determine if
further restrictions become
necessary, including poten-
tial park and trail closures.
While these restrictions
may cause some inconve-
nience to park visitors, Lane
calling or texting.
She hopes whoever whoever
has the ashes or know where
they are will provide her with
a location to recover her son's
Renfro can be reached at
County appreciates the
understanding of the com-
munity as we work together
to protect our highly valued
public parks and the safety
of park users.
“Christopher deserves better
than to be stolen away at night
and kept from his mother,” said