COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL MAY 23, 2018 3A Aff ordable housing options to be explored Whooping Cough cases reported in Douglas County By Caitlyn May T On Tuesday, May 15 Douglas County health offi cials announced the confi rmation of several cases of whooping cough in county were connected to the recent outbreak in Lane County. Known as pertussis, whooping cough is a respiratory illness that, among its symptoms, includes severe coughing that can be deadly for small children, infants and some seniors. One of the cases recently confi rmed by DCH was within the North Douglas School District late last week. All told, health offi cials say there have been fewer than 10 confi rmed cases in north county but want residents in Douglas County to recognize the symptoms so that potential cases can be identifi ed and treated. "Th e most recognizable symptom is a really, really, really bad cough, said Douglas County Health Offi cer Dr. Bob Dannenhoff er. “It usually starts off like a cold, but this cough progresses to the worst cough you've ever heard.” Offi cials believe the whooping cough outbreak in Douglas County has been contained. However, the SCH wants the public to know that the best way to prevent the illness from spreading is to get vaccinated. For more information on whooping cough or vaccinations, call Douglas County Health at 541-440-3571 or visit www. Annual Free Fishing Weekend is June 2-3 It will be free to fi sh, crab or clam in Oregon on Saturday and Sunday, June 2 and 3. During these two days, no fi shing licenses or tags (including a Combined Angling Tag or Columbia River Basin Endorsement) will be required to fi sh, crab or clam any- where in Oregon for both residents and non-residents. Although no licenses or tags are required, all other fi shing regulations apply including closures, bag limits and size restrictions. “Free Fishing Weekends are a great opportunity for friends and families to get out and enjoy a day or two of fi shing,” said Mike Gauvin, ODFW recreational fi sheries manager. “Trout, warmwater fi sh, ocean fi shing, crabbing and clamming are just some of the great opportunities available.” Oregon State Parks are also free to visit on June 2-3, with day-use parking fees waived both days and free camping on Saturday, June 2 (an $8 reservation is required to guarantee a camping spot). ODFW and partners are also hosting a number of fi shing events around the state. Volunteer angler education instructors will be loaning out fi shing gear and giving tips on how to catch and clean fi sh at most events. For more details. visit cles/2018-free-fi shing-days-and-events. he city of Cottage Grove announced last Friday that the Neigh- borhood Economic Develop- ment Corporation (NEDCO) is exploring the possibility of developing aff ordable housing communities in Cottage Grove. According to city manager Richard Meyers, the develop- ments (two in Cottage Grove and one in Florence) would consist of "cottage clusters" of Community Land Trust devel- opments. Community Trust makes homeownership aff ordable by separating the cost of the land from the structure of the house. "Unlike renting, this allows moderate income community members to build equity and begin creating long-term fi - nancial stability," Meyers said in a statement posted to the city's website. Th e land, according to the statement, would be held in a trust by NEDCO and the homes would be sold at af- fordable prices. Th e funding available for the project would require that the homes be sold at or below 80 percent the ar- ea's median income. Currently, NEDO is assessing interest in homeownership in both Cot- tage Grove and Florence. In- terested individuals can take a survey by visiting surveymon- A pub- lic meeting is also scheduled for Tuesday, June 5 at 5:30 p.m. at the community center. Th e developments would be the latest in the eff ort to cre- ate more aff ordable housing in Cottage Grove where the aver- age price for a one-bedroom apartment can reach $600. According to local real estate agents, it's not uncommon for renters to bring individuals in- terested in renting a unit along when giving their 30-day no- tice. Hayden Homes has recently begun renting cottages in the new development located on Hwy. 99. However, the homes are strictly for rent and terms and prices have yet to be made public aft er representatives for Hayden declined to comment. Other housing projects tack- ling the housing crisis include Cottage Village Coalition, a group spearheading the devel- opment of a 13-house devel- opment under the guidance of non-profi t organization, SquareOne Villages based in Eugene. Th e community is expected to be made up of tiny houses and serve as a safety net for low-income individuals and those in danger of becoming homeless. Th e group is still se- curing funding for the project and most recently said it plans to present the project, located on Madison Ave., to the city this summer. Low unemployment continued in April Oregon’s unemployment rate was 4.1 percent in March and April. For 16 consecutive months, the rate has been close to 4.1 percent, its lowest level since comparable records began in 1976. Th e U.S. unemploy- ment rate dropped to 3.9 per- cent in April, from 4.1 percent in March. In April, Oregon’s nonfarm payroll employment dropped by 2,900 jobs, following a revised gain of 5,000 jobs in March. Th is was Oregon’s fi rst monthly job decline in 16 months. Th e last decline was in December 2016. In April, three major indus- tries declined by more than 1,000 jobs. Retail trade dropped by 2,500 jobs, following a gain of 2,400 in March. Health care and social assistance cut 1,400 jobs in April following a gain of 800 during the prior two months. Professional and business ser- vices declined by 1,100 jobs and is now down 2,200 since its peak of 244,900 jobs in November 2017. Meanwhile, seven of Oregon’s major industries added jobs in April, led by leisure and hospi- tality (+600 jobs) and construc- tion (+500). Over the past few years Ore- gon’s economy gradually decel- erated, from very rapid growth a few years ago, to moderate growth over the past year. In the past 12 months 29,600 jobs were added, which is a gain of 1.6 percent. Th is rate of growth is a slowdown from the more rapid expansion during the pri- or few years when Oregon’s job gains peaked in mid-2015 at 3.7 percent. Oregon’s annual job gains have been above 1.6 percent since March 2013. Oregon had been adding jobs at a faster pace than the U.S., but now is growing jobs at the same pace as the nation, since U.S. jobs also expanded by 1.6 per- cent during the past 12 months. Armory among locations hosting Memorial Day Events Flag displays, a rifle salute, and flyovers will all be part of the 2018 Memorial Day Program, at Roseburg National Cemetery, on Monday, May 28, beginning at 11 a.m. The National Anthem will be performed by Roxana Fulton. Additional songs will also be performed by the Oakland Choir. A flyover consisting of the U.S. Air Force, 173rd Fighter Wing F-15 Eagle aircraft out of Kingsley Field will take place. The program will include all branches of the military, advancement of colors by veteran service organizations, and the District 12 Veterans of Foreign Wars Honor Team will provide the rifle salute and Taps will be played by Dave Davis. Speakers will include Roseburg VA Director Dave Whitmer, Douglas County Commissioner Tim Freeman, and Tammy Tuner of the AWVA. Attendance is expected to exceed 300. U.S. flags donated by veterans’ families will be flown along the Avenue of Flags. On Friday, May 25, at 10 a.m., students from Fir Grove will gather at the cemetery and place U.S. flags on approximately 6,000 grave sites. A Memorial Day event will be held in Cottage Grove on Saturday, beginning at 11 a.m. at the Cottage Grove Armory. The event will include the presentation of the colors and is scheduled to be followed by a 21-gun salute at the veterans' park located on Main Street next to the covered bridge. The public is invited to attend and there is no cost for the event. Cottage Theatre presents A cautionary tale of hysteria and persecution Winner of the 1953 Tony Award for Best Play From Baby to Graduate (it seemed like just a few short years) 8th Grade, High School, or College Grads name School: Birthday: Parents: T he June 8-24 rucible C by Arthur Miller - Directed by Joel Ibañez Grandparents: Coming Wednesday, June 6th “Baby to Graduate Review” Deadline is Friday, May 25th Now is the time to reserve your graduates a spot in this special section just for them. Just bring in or mail, with the coupon below, your graduate’s favorite baby picture along with a current picture to be published side by side on June 6, 2018. What a special way to show off that graduate you are so proud of! Enclose check for $25 00 and mail to “Baby to Graduate Review” Cottage Grove Sentinel P.O. Box 35, Cottage Grove, OR 97424 or stop by our office at 116 N. 6th St., CG Grad’s name: Grandparents: School: Your name: Birth Date: Address: Parents: Phone: Sponsored by: 541-942-8001 • 700 Village Drive • Cottage Grove