Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, May 16, 2018, Page 8A, Image 8

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Quilts for a cause
Bridging Behavior
How local schools handle, and help, students with behavioral needs
By Caitlyn May
ach month, school
administrators around
the district report to
the South Lane School Board,
notifying them of changes,
progress and struggles individ-
ual schools have. Th is month, it
was Bohemia Elementary’s turn
and principal Heather Bridgens
was prepared.
She showed the board a pho-
tograph from 1992.
Th en she started picking out
the changes.
If the photo were to represent
the same grade-school class-
room in 2018, it would be miss-
ing one of two of the adults pic-
tured. Th ere would be six more
students. Four of those students
would be English Language
Learners, meaning they spoke
one of the four languages Bohe-
mia encounters in their student
population that isn’t English.
Twenty of the 27 students in the
photograph would be living in
poverty and six would have be-
havioral issues; four would need
a behavioral chart monitored
by their teachers and two would
have disruptive behavior.
And while children who were
in that photograph from 1992
are well into their 20s now,
Bridgens told the board that it
was much closer to today than
they thought.
“In the trajectory of educa-
tion, it’s not that long ago,” she
Bridgens and Bohemia aren’t
alone when it comes to an
increase in factors that make
learning more diffi cult for stu-
dents. Schools across the nation
have reported an increase in be-
havioral issues and the Centers
for Disease Control reported
that as of 2016, 6.1 million
children between the ages of
two and 17 had been diagnosed
with ADHD. Its most recent
data showed that one in 59 fell
on the autism spectrum.
However, not every behavior-
al issue found in the classroom
can be traced back to a medical
diagnosis. Children are also
facing obstacles like poverty at
increasing rates. A 2017 report
from the Oregon Commu-
nity Foundation, a nonprofi t
organization that issues grants
and scholarships throughout
the state, noted that 47 percent
of children in Oregon were
from low-income families. Put
another way, in 2017, one in
fi ve Oregon children was living
in poverty, according to the
Th e increase in the factors
that contribute to behavioral is-
sues in the classroom coincides
with shrinking budgets that
lead to fewer resources at local
schools with teachers doing
more with what they have.
And what they have at Bohe-
mia is a positive attitude.
“I know you can do it, I be-
lieve in you,” is the most com-
mon phrase heard throughout
the day, according to Bridgens
and it encompasses a district
approach to a multi-faceted
“Th is is what drives our
behavior program in the district
and not just our district but all
across Oregon. PBIS: Positive
Behavior Intervention Sup-
ports,” said Chad Hamilton,
South Lane Special Services
Th e idea was developed by
Dr. Rob Horner at the Universi-
ty of Oregon.
“It’s really well respected, well
researched and the way we look
at it is in terms of a pyramid,”
Hamilton said. “And we look
at this not just for behavior but
for also for academics and we
have something we call universal
interventions which are for all
kids. And that usually gets 80
percent to 90 percent of all kids.
And those interventions are just
enough for a variety of kids.
Some kids need a little bit more.
Five to 10 percent, that’s some
more targeted interventions.”
According to Hamilton, the
most “explosive” behaviors are
concentrated in about fi ve per-
cent of the student population.
At Bohemia, Room One
serves as a resource for students
to provide the time and atten-
tion that fi ve percent of the pop-
Nellermoe, Keith Rowling
Middlefi eld Men’s Club
Monday 5/7/2018
Game: 2M Best Ball
First Place: -29
Rock Ackerman, Jim Cun-
ningham, Don Perkins, John
Second Place (tie): -24
Darrell Lee, Pat Rickard, Jim
Lehl, Tom Lemmon
Second Place (tie): -24
Larry Emery, Rick LeBrun,
Tim Martin, Mike Stahl
Fourth Place (tie): -22
Larry Eyman, Mel Gowing,
Jerry Pennington, Larry Zuvich
Fourth Place (tie) -22
Manny Anderson, Jerry
Haugen, Frank Gates, Mike
Sixth Place: -21
Jake Cox, Al Nelson, Rudy
Low Gross:
Gary Sparks 72, Jake Cox 75,
Larry Emery 75, Tim Martin 75
Low Net
Keith Rowling 56, Darrell
ulation may need to continue
with their day.
At the May 7 school board
meeting, Bridgens told board
members that she’s oft en the one
who steps in to handle chil-
dren who need extra attention
throughout the day.
"Room One is like other
classrooms at Bohemia
Elementary and in South Lane
School District. We provide
a level of service to students,
whether academic, emotional or
social, that meets student needs.
Th ere are fewer students in the
classroom which helps students
monitor their own progress,
receive consistent feedback
from adults and build on their
successes. Room One helps
students build the skills that they
need to be successful in school,"
Bridgens said.
Lincoln Middle School utilizes
the Bridge program, a self-con-
tained program compromised
of two classrooms made up of
approximately 12 students each.
“With the name bridge
program was purposely chosen
because it’s meant as a bridge
back into the general education
curriculum. It’s not a place we
want kids to be for their whole
school careers,” Hamilton said.
Th ere’s not a Room One
or Bridge program in every
school in South Lane, but there
is South Lane Mental Health.
Each school in the district has a
counselor presence on campus
to help students and teachers
navigate mental health issues
that may occur throughout the
“Some buildings there is
someone there twice a week,
sometime once a week, some-
times three times a week based
on resources and need at that
specifi c system. So, that’s an-
other universal intervention,”
Hamilton said. “Anyone can
access that. Because sometimes
the behaviors that go unnoticed
are those internalizing. Kids that
are just wound up with anxiety
for instance. Th ey may not, you
may not see that in the class-
room but it’s eating inside them.
So, we need to address all kids,
their mental health status.”
Lee 60, Jim Cunningham 60,
John Kallbrier 61, Bill Avery
62, Jerry Pennington 62, Jim
Lehl 62, Pat Rickard 62
Closest to the Pin: #5 Jerry
Haugen, #7 Larry Emery
MAY 22, 2018
Th e City of Cottage Grove Public Works Department will be conducting the
annual Tree Limb Pickup May 22, 2018. Property owners will be responsible
for removing any branches or limbs placed in the street aft er May 22, 2018.
Residents can not place branches in the street where curbside parking does not
Th is is strictly a tree limb pickup, nothing other than loose tree limbs or branches
will be picked up.
If you have questions regarding the Tree Limb
Pickup Program, please call the Public Works
Department at (541) 942-3349 or stop in at the
Public Works offi ce located in City Hall at 400
East Main Street for a brochure.
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u Q ilts hang on pews ready to be blessed before being sent to areas contending with fl ood, wildfi res or
other natural disasters.
he room the ladies of Cottage Grove’s
Lutheran Church use every Tuesday
is a bit of a mess. Th ey had a garage sale last
week and the remnants are still scattered
around but it hasn’t stopped them from work-
ing as they have for the last 27 years. In what
they describe as a “social event,” approximate-
ly 10 women gather around the quilting table
and tie bits of fabric together for hours and
weeks at a time to be able to donate the quilts
to areas around the world facing natural
disaster and poverty. Th e group recently fi n-
ished its latest quilting push, completing 50
quilts that will be blessed and then displayed
before being shipped through Lutheran
World Relief. A group conversation trying
to pin down who exactly started the group
and when, lands on 1991 and an estimate
that hundreds of quilts have left the church
on 7th St. whether they were sent overseas or
purchased by a member of the congregation
to help fund shipping and material costs.
131 W “A” St. Drain, OR
Pastor: Lura Kidner-Miesen
Fellowship & Song: 11:30am
Potluck Lunch: 12:00pm
Worship: 12:30pm
Delight Valley
Church of Christ
33087 Saginaw Rd. East
Pastor: Bob Friend
Two Services:
9am - Classic in the Chapel
10:30am - Contemporary in the
6th & Gibbs Church of Christ
195 N. 6th St. • 541-942-3822
Pastor: Aaron Earlywine
Youth & Families Pastor: Seth Bailey
Service times: 9am & 10:30am
Sunday School: 9am for all ages
Christian Education
Nursery for pre-k - 3rd Grade
Calvary Baptist Church
77873 S 6th St • 541-942-4290
Pastor: Riley Hendricks
Sunday School: 9:45am
Worship: 11:00am
The Journey: Sunday 5:00pm
Praying Thru Life: Wednesday 6:00pm
Calvary Chapel Cottage Grove
1447 Hwy 99 (Village Plaza)
Pastor: Jeff Smith
Two Services on Sun:
9am & 10:45am
Youth Group Bible Study
Child Care 10:45am Service Only
Center for Spiritual Living
700 Gibbs Ave. (Community Center)
Rev. Bobby Lee
Meets Sunday 3:00 p.m.
Church of Christ
420 Monroe St • 541-942-8565
Sunday Service: 10:30am
Cottage Grove Bible Church
1200 East Quincy Avenue
Pastor:Bob Singer
Worship 11am
Sunday School:9:45am
AWANA age 3-8th Grade,
Wednesdays Sept-May, 6:30pm
Cottage Grove Faith Center
33761 Row River Rd.
Lead Pastor: Kevin Pruett
Full Childrenʼs Ministry available
Service: 10:00am
First Baptist Church
301 S. 6th st • 541-942-8242
Interim Pastor: Reed Webster
Sunday School 9:30am
Worship Service 11:00am
Youth Wednesday 6:30pm
First Presbyterian Church
3rd and Adams St
Pastor: Karen Hill
Worship: 10:00am
Sunday School: 10:00am
Hope In The Grove
700 E. Gibbs • 401-855-5668
Pastor: Wayne Husk
Sunday services:
Worship: 9am
Coffee Fellowship: 10:15am
Bible Study: 10:30am
Hope Fellowship
United Pentecostal Church
100 S. Gateway Blvd.
Pastor: Dave Bragg
Worship: 11:00am Sunday
Bible Study: 7:00pm Wednesday
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
and St. Philip Benizi
Catholic Churches
1025 N. 19th St.
Father: Joseph Hung Nguyen
Holy Mass:
Tue-Thu: 8:30am; Sat:5:30pm
Sun: 10:30am
Confession: After daily mass,
Sat. 4-5pm or by appointment
St. Philip Benizi, Creswell
552 Holbrock Lane
541-895-8686, Sunday: 8:30am
St. Andrews Episcopal Church
1301 W. Main • 541-767-9050
Rev. Lawrence Crumb
“Church with the fl ags.”
Worship: Sunday 10:30am
All Welcome
Seventh-day Adventist Church
820 South 10th Street
Pastor: Kevin Miller
Bible Study: Saturday, 9:15 am
Worship Service: Saturday, 10:40
Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 1:00
Trinity Lutheran Church
6th & Quincy • 541-942-2373
Pastor: James L. Markus
Sunday School & Adult Education
Sunday Worship 10:30 am
Comm. Kitchen Free Meal Tue & Thur
5:00pm TLC Groups
United Methodist Church
334 Washington • 541-942-3033
Pastor:Lura Kidner-Miesen
Worship: 10:30am
Comm. Dinner (Adults $5,
Living Faith Assembly
Kids Free)
467 S. 10th St. • 541-942-2612
Worship Services Sundays: 9a & 11a 1st & 3rd Monday 5-6:00pm
Youth Worship Sundays: 11a (all ages
“VICTORY” Country Church
Mondays: 5:30p (6th-12th grades)
913 S. 6th Street • 541-942-5913
Pastor: Barbara Dockery
Worship Service: 10:00am
Church of Christ
1041 Pennoyer Ave
Preacher: Tony Martin
Sunday Bible Study:10:00am
Sunday Worship:10:50am & 5:30pm Creswell Presbyterian Church
75 S 4th S • 541-895-3419
Rev. Seth Wheeler
Adult Sunday School 9:15am
Old Time Gospel Fellowship
Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am
103 S. 5th St. • 541-942-4999
Pastor: Jim Edwards
Sunday Service: 10:00am
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AUG. 5-11, 2018
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