12A COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL MAY 16, 2018 © 2018 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 34, No. 23 Think about important summer safety tips for kids (bike safety, pool safety, sun safety, etc.) Select one of the tips. Then list three steps to help kids follow this safety tip. Write the tip and then illustrate it in the boxes below. OUCH! Hot fun in the summertime can be painful! Too much fun in the sun can burn your skin. SAFETY TIP: How does the sun burn skin? Normal skin cells. Cells that get too much sunlight swell and fill with blood. This turns the skin red and makes it hurt. STEP 1 Find: • banana • watermelon • moon • dolphin • car • bat • bowling ball • crocodile • ice cream • octopus To burn or not to burn? Everybody has tiny grains of color called melanin in their skin. Andy Melanin grains are like a screen. They protect the body from the burning rays of sunlight. Everybody’s skin makes melanin. Melanin grains are brown. When your skin is exposed to the sun, it makes more melanin. That is why your skin gets darker when you play in the sunshine. Melody Tanya STEP 2 Different skin types Tanya has a lot of melanin in her skin. Andy and Melody have a little. Amy has very little. Some parts of Amy’s body make more melanin than others. These dark spots are called freckles. Everybody needs to protect their skin from the sun. Even people with lots of melanin will burn. Their skin won’t burn as fast as Amy’s, but it will burn. Lifesaver Letters What should you look for when you are getting too much sun? Cross out every letter that is printed twice on the innertube. The five letters left spell your answer! Amy Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple directions; identify common sight words. STEP 3 How Hot Are You? How many words can you find in today’s newspaper that mean the same as HOT? Score yourself: 1-3: Pretty Cool 4-6: Hot Stuff! 7+: Steamin’ Hot! SUNSCREEN SPF 50 SPF 50 Using 12 toothpicks, try this puzzle. Lay out the toothpicks as shown below. Can you make four squares by moving only three toothpicks? Standards Link: Math: Problem Solving; make a model to solve e a puzzle. BURN LIFESAVER SKIN MELANIN SUNSHINE DARKER BEACH BODY COOL SPOTS HOT RAYS BROWN TINY HURT Standards Link: Language Arts: Identify synonyms in reading. Find the words by looking up, down, backwards, forwards, sideways and diagonally. L S U R A Y S C D N B I C N D B U O A R R N F O Y O U O R M This week’s word: O R B E A C H L K E The verb protect means to keep someone or something safe from harm. W S U N S H I N E L PROTECT N P S K K A I N R A H O T I U T T I N Y R E T I E V T H N I S S H U R T B U R N Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical kim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. words. Skim Trevor used sunscreen to help protect his skin at the beach. Try to use the word protect in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Sun Safety Scavenger Hunt In today’s newspaper, find pictures of: • Something to protect you from the sun. • Something to cool you on a hot day. • Something you do on a sunny day. ANSWER: When you’re asleep. Standards Link: Health: Practice safe behaviors during recreation. I Is s a free press important? W Why or why not? Tell us your opinion. Th anks to Our Loyal Readers & Advertisers Fetching you the local stories, special events and off ers that matter most is what we do best, and we couldn’t do it without your valued readership and trust. Th ank you for your support! S entinel C ottage G rove In Print & Online • Subscribe Today & Save! 541-942-3325 • www.cgsentinel.com adv Your e cou rtisem ld g e o he nt Cal to fi l us to re! nd o d ut m ay ore.