2A COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL FEBRUARY 28, 2018 M ost people would say they have goals and want to make progress in life. It’s a natural desire, and there’s noth- ing wrong with wanting promotion in various areas. But we need to realize that anytime we ask God to promote us, or use us in greater ways, we’re going to have to go through a time of testing and preparation to get there. It’s important to understand that God will never tempt us with anything evil, but He will allow—and even sometimes arrange— for things to happen in our lives that will challenge us and help us develop the character we need to successfully handle greater privi- leges and responsibilities. James 1:2-3 (AMPC) says, “Consider it wholly joyful, my breth- ren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations. Be assured and understand that the trial and proving of your faith bring out endurance and steadfast- ness and patience.” When we go through trials with a good attitude, trusting God to use them for our good, then they will work things out of us—immature behaviors and ungodly mindsets—and cause us to grow in our faith. There are different kinds of tests that get us to the point where we learn how to do things God’s way. One of the most common tests is the forgiveness test. Forgiving people who hurt you, disappoint you, do something you don’t like, or maybe even betray you is not easy. It’s one of the most challenging things we have to learn to do as Christians because it can seem so unfair to just let someone get away with the injustice they’ve done. I understand this very well because I felt that way when the Lord spoke to my heart about forgiving my father for the years of abuse that he put me through. But I came to realize that holding on to my anger was really just continuing to hurt me. I needed to be more concerned about myself and my relationship with God, rather than trying to make him sorry for what he had done. The truth is when you choose to forgive people, you’re doing yourself a favor. In Matthew 5:8, Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God” (NIV). And Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, Beverly Carlson Feb. 20, 2018 Beverly Carlson, 90, of Dore- na passed Feb. 20, 2018 of age related problems. She is sur- vived by her sons. Dana Carl- son who lived with her, Dale Carlson of Cottage Grove, and Dennis Carlson of Indiana. Rose Berggren 1946-2018 Rose Ellen Berggren, 71 of Cottage Grove, OR passed away on February 22, 2018. She was born on June 21, 1946 in Cottage Grove, OR to Er- nest E. and Adela (Miculka) Lacky. Rose graduated from Crow High School and married Charles G. Berggren in No- vember 1968, Reno, NV. She was a homemaker who enjoyed making baskets, camping, and spending time with her family. Rose and Chuck have attended Cottage Grove Bible Church for more than 20 years. Rose is survived by her husband, Chuck Berggren, Cottage Grove, OR; daughter Christine Dukes and husband Mike, Cottage Grove, OR; sister, Bobbie Strebe, Dorena, OR; sister, Jeannie Godding, Elkton, OR; brother, Mike Lacky, Veneta, OR; sister, Sandra Hesscock, Chiloquin, OR; and 2 grand- children. A Memorial service was held at 1:00 PM on Saturday, February 24, 2018 at Cottage Grove Bi- ble Church. Private interment at Taylor Lane Cemetery, Cot- tage Grove, OR. Arrangements in the care of Smith Lund Mills Funeral Chapel. Obituaries available online at cgsentinel. com Francene (Gates) Hall 1950-2018 Francene M. (Gates) Hall, 67 of Cottage Grove, OR passed away on Feb. 20, 2018. She was born on July 20, 1950 in Emmetsburg, IA to Merle E. and Suzanne (Brodigan) Gates. Fran graduated from Cottage Grove High School in 1967 and attended Lane Community Col- lege. She was the fi rst woman deputy sheriff in Oregon, a baker for South Lane School District and a realtor in Cottage Grove for many years. Fran en- joyed crabbing, fi shing, crafts, cooking and canning. She mar- ried Glenn L. Hall in July 1989, in Cottage Grove. Fran is sur- vived by step-son, Bruce Hall and wife Margie, Roseburg, OR; sister, Christine Senn and husband Ray, California; sister, Sherri Phillips, Washington; brothers, Pat and Chuck Gates, Cottage Grove, OR; brother, guard your heart, for everything you do fl ows from it.” It’s so important for us to keep our heart right with God. When we do, we can hear Him more clearly, be a lot more sensitive to His presence and enjoy close fellowship with Him. And there is nothing we need more than the presence of God in our lives! God is the source of every good thing, and Psalm 16:11 (NKJV) says, “In Your presence is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” I love Psalm 17:15, which says, “…I shall be fully satisfi ed, when I awake [to fi nd myself] beholding Your form [and having sweet communion with You]” (AMPC). If we are not pure in heart, we’re sacrifi cing an intimate rela- tionship with God because we’d rather harbor anger, bitterness and resentment toward others in our heart. Everyone experiences offenses at times, and when we do, we have to be determined to do something about it with God’s help. The Bi- ble says in Proverbs 4:23 that YOU need to guard your heart…not that He’ll send an angel to miraculously do it for you. So when you recognize that you’re offended by something, you need to quickly take action, doing what God tells you to do to overcome it. Mark 11:25 says, “Whenever you stand praying, if you have any- thing against anyone, forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your [own] failings and shortcomings and let them drop” (AMPC). This verse is saying that if we choose to hold on to unforgiveness, then God can’t forgive us of our sins, and our intimacy with Him will suffer. The best thing we can do when we need to forgive someone is pray for them, make the decision to forgive and “let it drop (leave it, let it go).” That means you stop talking about what they did, stop thinking about it and rehearsing it over and over and over in your mind. The quicker you decide to let offenses go, the easier it will be; however, if there is a hurt that has been in your heart for a long time, it may take some time for you to get totally free of it. But you can do it—by God’s grace—if you won’t give up! Jesus gave His life so we can have relationship with God, not religion. I want to encourage you to choose a pure heart, free of un- forgiveness, so you can have a personal, intimate relationship with God that will fi ll you with His joy and prepare you to fulfi ll His good plan for your life! Joyce Meyer is a New York Times bestselling author and founder of Joyce Meyer Ministries, Inc. For more information, visit www. joycemeyer.org. Mike Gates and wife Judy, Eu- gene, OR; sister, Jeanne Gates, Cottage Grove, OR; 7 grand- children and 13 great-grand- children. Fran was preceded in death by her daughter, Darla; step-daughter, Glenda; step-son, Gordon and husband, Glenn Hall and sister, Kathy. No ser- vice is planned. Arrangements in the care of Smith Lund Mills Funeral Chapel. Gary L Funk 1935-2018 A covered bridge. Lush green trees. An azalea shrub, heavy with magen- ta blossoms. Narrow trails through fragrant woods and dark mud next to the river. The creamy brown and gray hues of river stones. Images of Cot- tage Grove paint the picture of Gary Funk’s life, which began in that ver- dant town on May 11, 1935. 26 years later, two days after his birthday in 1961, he married the great love of his life, Alice. Together, they built a life full of family and friends, of camping and fi shing and hunting and gardening. Their house was full of kids, and once the kids were grown, they returned at every holiday to fi ll the house with their own children. Gary loved to watch the grandkids play, and when they weren’t climbing all over him, the children marveled at Grandpa’s ability to fall asleep in his recliner despite the noise. A talented craftsman, Gary built a thriving masonry business and taught the trade to his sons, Terry and Steve. His work was featured in Sunset magazine, and a drive through the Eugene/ Springfi eld area reveals the fruits of his labor and artistry: gor- geous edifi ces, each stone placed lovingly by hand. He excelled at the utilitarian aspect of his art as well—he invented, patent- ed, and manufactured exterior air vents for masonry. When he wasn’t working, he was in his woodshop, creating furniture and birdhouses and lawn art and anything the kids asked for. Gary was a longtime member of the Elks BPOE 2145, spending many weekends at Elks events and even serving a term as Exalt- ed Ruler in the 1990’s. The Elks’ lodge was like a second home to Gary and Alice, and their shining faces in the photos of those events attest to the great joy they found in the Elks brotherhood. Throughout his long life, Gary relished putting his rough ma- son’s hands into the rich brown earth and nurturing a dazzling garden into bloom every year. He loved sharing the bounty of his garden with his family—it was impossible to visit in the summer months and not come away with a bag full of fresh- picked vegetables and fruits. He grew magnifi cent fl owers, and his yard was worthy of the Birds & Blooms magazines he loved to read. After a long battle with prostate cancer, Gary passed away on February 12, 2018. He is survived by his wife, Alice; children Terry Toffl emoyer (Cindy), Steve Toffl emoyer (Sheri), Rhonda Jellison, Cheryl Pitkin, Kathy McBride (Bryan), Joan Trombo, and Teri Moore; 13 grandchildren, and 17 great grandchildren. A celebration of life will be held at the Springfi eld Elks Lodge, 1701 Centennial Blvd. at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, March 3 rd . The family asks that donations be made to Cascade Hospice or the Springfi eld Elks in lieu of fl owers. Gary would approve if you wanted to plant some instead. Cottage Grove Sentinel www.cgsentinel.com z å BIRTHS Kristi Reigard and Zachary Maddess of Cottage Grove wel- comed a baby girl on Feb. 13 at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Med- ical Center-RiverBend. @ cgsentinel @cgsentinel #cgsentinel Funeral & Memorial Planning e Funeral & Memorial Planning e Cremation Options e Cremation Options e Monuments & Memorials & e Memorials Cemetery Options e Monuments Cemetery Options Please Celebrate the 4th of July Safely! 123 South 7th, Cottage Grove, Oregon th 123 South 7 , Cottage Grove, Oregon 541-942-0185 •www.smithlundmills.com Cottage-Grove-Sentinel z ‡ www.smithlundmills.com Light theWay to a Cure Luminary Ceremony Saturday, 10pm, June 23rd Bohemia Park, CG Give the gift to the American Cancer Society & keep the light burning with a luminaria in memory of someone lost to cancer, in honor of someone still fi ghting, or in special recognition of someone who has beat the disease. Please complete and return this form to the address below. (Note: to order more than one Luminaria, please photocopy this form.) WHITE LUMINARIA $5 In Honor of: ___________________________________________ In Memory of: __________________________________________ In Support of: __________________________________________ We can personalize the Luminaria for you. Local•Affordable•Caring Cremation & Burial Call for an appointment, prices and packages. 541-895-2522 125 West Oregon Ave, Creswell LOCALLY OWNED BY THE MUSGROVE FAMILY List some of your loved ones likes and hobbies. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Please make checks payable to American Cancer Socitey and mail to: Luminaria-South Lane County 2350 Oakmont Way, STE 200 Eugene, OR 97401 å