10A COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL NOVEMBER 8, 2017 Early Learning Center cost soars By Caitlyn May cmay@cgsentinel.com The original bond estimate for the Early Learning Center reconstruction was $1,073,775- -to be taken out of the $35 mil- lion bond passed by voters in May. By April, the cost had risen to $1,683,073. In the fi rst week of October, it was $1,814,838. "I wanted direction from the board," South Lane Superin- tendent Krista Parent told the school board on Monday. The school district campaigned for the bond to improve facilities, technology and security, citing upgrades to the Warren Daugh- erty Aquatic Center, a new Har- rison Elementary School and improvements to early learning. "I want direction on how to proceed," Parent said, noting she was uncomfortable making the decision without imput from the school board. The Early Learning Center is currently housed in the shadows of the new Harrison Elementary School on Taylor Ave. and used to sit adjacent to Al Kennedy High School before Kennedy moved to Delight Valley at the start of the current school year. Plans for the center include an additional 5,000 square feet and two additional spaces that will serve as a covered play area un- til the school district can afford to turn them into classrooms. Head Start, a program re- moved from South Lane School District, will be utilizing the Early Learning Center. "They get their funding from the federal level," Parent ex- plained. "I'm confi dent they'll contribute something. Maybe equipping these classrooms or fi nishing one of the two emp- ty spaces for a classroom," she said. Mike Goreman of BLRB Ar- chitects came before the board Monday night to explain the jump in cost from 2015 to Oc- tober of this year. "Right now, in this bidding climate we're looking at a one percent escalation cost per month," he said. Various con- struction projects across the state of Oregon have tied up contractors and raised costs in a classic supply and demand sce- nario. Currently, the Early Learning Center is permitted and Gore- man said part of the costs come from materials that are eing matched to the new Harrison Elementary school. The new $1.8 million price tag comes after Harrison's con- struction has risen from $19 million to $23 million. "This $1.8 million, there isn't anywhere else to go with this number," Parent said. "It could go up if we wait longer." To get to the $1.8 million from the original bond esti- mate of just over $1 million, Parent suggested to the board using $300,000 in savings from technology, $200,000 in Harri- son reuse, $100,000 in deferred maintenance and money from two different funds--$75,000 from Fund 430 (a construction tax fund) and $66,063 from Fund 450 (a capitol improve- ments fund). "We use that for summer maintenance and we have a lit- tle over $400,000 in that fund," Parent said. "Most of that is go- ing to be used but we can obvi- ously take $66,000." That money, in additional to the original bond estimate would bring the district to the $1.8 mil- lion it would need to fund the Early Learning Center. The cost had board member Taylor Wilhour questioning the cer- tainty of the estimated price, asking if it could still increase if the board were to approve the $1.8 million. According to Goreman and district maintenence manager Matt Allen, the were confi dent in the estimate of $1.8 million. "We did everything under the sun to squeeze every dollar out of it," Goreman told the board in terms of stretching the district's dollar. The board approved the $1.8 million. NEW: Digital X-Rays (use less radiation) Implants •Teeth Whitening • Extractions Lumineers (no prep veneers as seen on TV) Cottage Grove Dental Dr. Brent Bitner, DDS 350 Washington, Cottage Grove (behind Better Bodies) 541.942.7934 School board meeting wrap-up By Caitlyn May The South Lane School Board met on Monday, November 6 with a packed agenda including construction projects, administrative goals and updates from stu- dents and programs. Some highlights: Construction The school board heard an update on the Early Learning Center that is scheduled for part of the $35 million bond package of projects as well as information on plans to revamp the Warren Daugherty Aquatic Cen- ter. Both projects face budgetary woes with the ELC coming in over budget by near- ly $1 million and the pool over budget by $600,00. Goals Superintendent Krista Parent gave the school board a quarterly update on her goals for the year. Parent presented her goals year- ly in the past. During Monday's meeting she touched on community and school outreach, noting that she had spoken to each school and department between August and Sep- year. "There's concern about Latham," she tember, attended a pool committee meeting said, noting it had 13 students less than last and hosted site tours of the new Harrison Current events Elementary School. In terms of her goal to District employee Diane Hicks spoke as a combat chronic absenteeism, Parent told the resident and not in her capacity as a teach- board she is closing in on forming a team to er when she addressed the board Monday address the issue which will include Chris night. Fighting back tears throughout the Wells as Dean of students, Nick Findley as three minutes she spoke, she said she'd felt a career specialist and two new hires at Cot- helpless after the shooting in Texas on Sun- tage Grove High School and Al Kennedy day that left 26 people dead. "I don't like High School. feeling helpless but the school district has to In an attempt to recognize staff, Parent do everything it can to get our children help informed the board that she has created a at an early age," she said."The whole reason schedule to recognize each department in I'm in education is a passion for children the district throughout the year as well as and social justice issues," she said. district wide events. "The whole idea is to Outdoor school get out and say 'Thank you and we appre- The board will have to create a supple- ciate you more than just once a year,'" she mental budget after submitting new num- said. bers to the state concerning a budget for Enrollment outdoor school. The school district has two students less Bohemia, Harrison, Dorena and Latham than it did at this time last year. Parent pre- are among the schools scheduled to take sented the enrollment report to the board part in outdoor school with Harrison cele- that counted students as of October 5 of this brating its 42nd year in the program. The year--part of a continuing trend. "People Measure 99 funded program gets ask about closing Latham and if those stu- kids out of the classroom and into dents will go to the new Harrison and the the outdoors to learn hands-on answer is we don't know, we'll see what math and science. Parent informed the board happens." Parent noted that the largest class is seniors at that she had requested just under 231 students. "You'll be losing $45,000 from the state including every day by exceeding in life and taking his past strug- 231 students and bringing in $18,000 for teacher stipends as gles as a motivator. Although his medical issues are not a (kindergarten) class of 180 well as $1,500 for unreimbursed completely gone, they are much less severe. Through or 190. That's going to effect transportation. The school district being in and out of the hospital for years he managed budgeted $50,000 for outdoor your budget," she said. school in June when it passed its to stay positive and look on the bright side of things. “I budget. have a lot of amazing people in my life, and a good life in cmay@cgsentinel.com Congratulations! to our Resident Employee of the Month of the Month Laurie Tosch Nettie Howard for the Month of November, 2017 1425 Daugherty Ave. • Cottage Grove • 541-942-0054 Clayton Continued from A1 total, I really am thankful.” This goes to show his positive attitude and way of thinking, even after having obstacles thrown in his path time after time again. 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