COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL NOVEMBER 1, 2017 7A BINGO COUPON COTTAGE GROVE ELKS LODGE 755 North River Road Information 942-3554 PUBLIC WELCOME Every Wednesday (except Holidays) Warm Ups 6:30pm Regular Games 7:00pm Frequent Smoke Breaks, Exciting New Game Program “Bingo Burger Menu” Available 2 PROGRESSIVE JACKPOTS Bring this coupon and receive a 2nd Warm-up Pack FREE CG South Lane Physical Therapy LLC Did you know? W. STU HOGG PT, OCS, COMT As a patient at SLPT you receive free and unlimited access to Emerald Fitness Club in Cottage Grove. Orthopedic • Sport • Spine MARIE WILLIAMSON PTA 303 Main Street, Cottage Grove OR Phone: 541.942.6482 Fax: 541.942.6483 Saturday 11/4 10 am - 2 pm. LAWN RAKES & ROOF PATCH AVAILABLE Cato arrived on artist Sujo's porch as a bedraggled, fl ea rid- den, gray, starving kitten. After a bath, the gray kitten emerged as a fl uffy white kitten! When Sujo moved her art of- fi ce/shop/home to Highway 99, she was terrifi ed for Cato's safe- ty. "I tried keeping him inside," explains Sujo, "but it didn't work! After I nearly knocked over some arriving clients in my attempt to 'save him' run- ning out the door and crossing the highway, I decided then and there that God was in charge of his safety!" Cato has had two names. As a baby, his sweet personal- ity led to his fi rst name, Sweet Pea. "When he emerged into a teenager, he became anything but sweet! When my mother brought her tiny black poodle over, Sweet Pea watched the dog from atop a counter and pounced on him!" said Sujo. "Then, they'd chase each oth- er and wrestle, in fun, having a great time. As a result, Sujo changed her cat's name to Cato after the Green Hornet's side- kick, Kato! Cato mystifi ed people as he sat in the window. Strangers walked up to the window to in- vestigate whether it was a real cat or a statue. "Once, a client burst into my offi ce with his daughter and in- troduced her to Cato, ignoring me. Then, as an afterthought, he said 'Oh. Hi, Sujo. I wanted my daughter to meet Cato.' Just as fast, they turned and left!" laughs Sujo. "Cato insisted on his food being served at 3:30 p.m. If his meal was late, he would fl ip anything he could fi nd; papers, pens, pencils, paperclips, etc. off counter tops. If that didn't work, he walked across my key- board. If there were fl owers, he'd pulled each fl ower, one at a time, out of the vase with his teeth until I got up and served him. Once, when friends were cat sitting Cato, they had a near di- saster. I had just put an herbal fl ea collar on Cato. Right after I left, he lodged one paw under the collar which he was franti- cally trying to free. My friend, also in a panic, called another friend, and they chased Cato all over the yard. He was hopping and running on three feet. Luckily, they caught and released his leg. After Cato died, I began in- corporating him in my artwork. He is included in every ceram- ic covered bridge plaque, he's painted on Main Street's fence mural, and on the Humane So- ciety's building mural." Sujo has also painted her childhood dog, Fritz, in the mural. Fritz is chasing Cato up a tree! "I've also painted two murals in the alley behind The Book- mine," adds Sujo, "because their customers were concerned for the safety of the alley cats. Cato and my present cat, Milly, and the two alley cats are all painted in the murals cautioning drivers to slow down. Look next to Dave's Cor- ner Market at the little yellow house's upper windows! Cato LAST ART WALK HELD is painted there, on the shed, and carport. One painting was shown on Animal Planet's "Must Love Cats" TV show, when they featured Angel Scribe's famous swimming cats! http://animal. love-cats-kitty-paddle.html Along with other Cottage Grove Art Guild artists, Sujo has painted fi ve of the paint- ings in the All America Park's restrooms, designed the mural on the Main Street fence, and painted the animal mural on the Humane Society's This 'n' That shop. The Guild's artists have truly "painted the town." They also volunteer and paint pet por- traits supporting the Humane Society. "Cato was a typical aloof egotist who didn't need any- thing from anyone. Mr. Aloof knew the sound of my car so it was heartwarming when he mysteriously emerged to greet me," says Sujo. Not only is Cato remem- bered around Cottage Grove, so is Sujo for her 'heartwork!' To top it all off, in her "spare" time she helps with the Humane So- ciety's newsletter. TIPS Tell us about your fun/amaz- ing/crazing pet!angelscribe@ "Follow" Pet Tips ‘n' Tales on Facebook. Humane Society for Neuter/ Spay Assistance Program. (541) 942-2789. Family owned and operated for over 47 years. LANDSCAPE AND BUILDING MATERIALS Open 7 days a week! 79149 N. River Road 541-942-4664 Top right: Steve Hermansen and his daughter Bella. Top left: Peggy Severns (l) and Beth Robinson (r). Bottom right: Oragami artist Ben Glass. The fi nal art walk of the season was held on Friday, October 27 in down- town Cottage Grove. The tradition will begin again next summer. Another dental visit? Turns out, you have better things to do with your time. Effective immediately, Cottage Grove Garbage Service will no longer accept plastics as recyclable material. If you are a residential curbside recycler or a commercial recycler using a cart, please use the new instructions. How to Recycle in Cottage Grove Step 1: All material must be clean – no food residue in glass or tin cans, no soiled paper or cardboard, no waxed coated cardboard, no lids or caps. * No plastics. Step 2: Commingle only these items together in your bin or cart: We know your time is valuable. That's why we've invested in CEREC technology that allows for a faster experience when you need crowns, fillings or veneers. With CEREC, there's usually no need for a temporary • Paper: Phone books, magazines, junk mail, newspaper & box board. • Tin & Aluminum: Cans and Foil only. • Cardboard: Flatten & place in or next to bin. and return visit. Everything is done in one visit, in about an hour - leaving more time for whatever is important to you. Implants · Teeth Whitening · New State-of-the-Art Building Dr. Brent Bitner, DDS 350 Washington, Cottage Grove (behind Better Bodies) 942-7934 CEREC® is a registered trademark of Sirona Dental Systems. Step 3: Set these items next to the bin or cart: • Glass: Food and beverage glass only. • Used engine oil: Must be in leak proof plastic container no larger than 5 quarts. No transmission luid, cooking oil or antifreeze. Contaminated commingle will be left at the curb.