12A COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL JULY 12, 2017 © 2017 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 33, No. 31 Are you a careful reader? Read the article below and see if you can circle all five errors. Then, rewrite the artice correctly on the blank lines. Mars: The Red Planet Years ago, NASA sent two little robot rovers named Spirit and Opportunity to explore the planet’s surface. NASA is currently planning a manned mission to Mars around the year 2030. – p Readers o o c S d i K Dear one of the t a h t d e c i hat ver not bit red? T a Have you e s k o o l _ _______ __________ _ e h stars at _ t s i tar, that is not a s Mars. ed star in r a e k i l a little oxidized s i e r e Mars looks h t e sky becaus l. the night of its soi h c u m n i __________ scientists t u b , _ _ _ _ . ook ___ __________ f o Mars may l t o l a nce had he think it o water at t n e z o r f s e i d. Today ther undergroun s p a h r e p and _________ Life on Mars? S ome ancient astronomers looked at Mars through their telescopes and saw lines that looked like irrigation canals. Because of this, they thought people lived on Mars. Today the question of whether there is, or ever was, life on Mars is still not answered. What we do know is that it would be impossible for Earthlings to live on Mars without special clothing and shelters. One problem for humans on Mars would be the freezing nighttime temperatures. Because of the thin atmosphere, the heat of the day escapes at night and temperatures can drop down to -110°F. At the planet’s poles, the temperature can plunge to an incredible -220°F. = = = = = = = = = 16 Use this chart to answer these questions. 1. A year on Mars is about how many Earth years? Almost two Over three 2. Mars is larger than Earth. True False 3. Mars orbits faster than Earth. True False DISTANCE FROM THE SUN TIME TO ORBIT THE SUN ORBIT SPEED LENGTH OF DAY CIRCUMFERENCE NUMBER OF MOONS How Mars Got Its Name Ancient Romans thought the color red represented blood and war, so they named the reddish planet after their god of war, Mars. Other ancient people also named the planet after their gods of war. Use the code to find out what this red planet was called in some other cultures. = A = E = G = L = N = R = S BABYLONIAN: GREEK: Scientists believe that watur once flowed on Mars and could be found in rivers, lakes, streems and even an ocean. They believe the planet once had great sees of water. Photo courtesy NASA An enormous canyon on Mars stretches a quarter of the way around the planet. The canyon is called Valles Marineris. And it is so large that it would stretch from Los Angeles, California to the city below. Unscramble it! The largest volcano in our solar system is found on Mars. It is called Olympus Mons. This volcano’s base would cover the entire state of Washington and half of Oregon. Olympus Mons rises some 17 miles (27 km) above the surrounding land. That’s three times higher than the tallest mountain on Earth. Do the math to discover its name. E M N O R S T U V Water on Mars? If Earth was the size of a baseball, Mars would be the size of a golf ball. 11 + 5 13 - 2 8 + 9 16 - 2 18 + 2 20 - 5 14 + 5 18 - 8 6 + 7 At that time, the planet most likely had a thicked atmosphere that drifted away from the planet into space. With the atmosphere, water evaporated. The water that remained is either frozened in polar ice caps or underground. T The he low air pressure on Mars causes ca liquids to boil at a low lower temperature than on Earth. Without a pressurized Eart suit this would boil on Mars! suit, Circle every third letter to reveal the answer. 11 14 10 17 19 13 16 20 16 15 RT YJSOBNUV XRQRBPML NCODROFGD 19 MARS EARTH 155 MILLION MILES 687 DAYS 55,133 MILES PER HOUR 24 hours 40 minutes 4,220 MILES 2 93 MILLION MILES 365 DAYS 70,000 MILES PER HOUR JUST A BIT OVER 24 HOURS 7,926 MILES 1 TELESCOPES IRRIGATION OXIDIZED CANALS NIGHT POLES MARS STAR IRON BOIL SUIT DRY DAY RED Mars Adjectives Look through the newspaper to find five adjectives that describe Mars. Complete the grid by using all the letters in the word MARS in each vertical and horizontal row. Each letter should only be used once in each row. Some spaces have been filled in for you. Standards Link: Language Arts: Follow simple written directions. T E M S E L O P N P Y A D E R A I O T U R R E S D E R C S A N B D E Z This week’s word: I D I X O I R R I G A T I O N R E F M R E E B Z S A C A N A L S O I U T R N G T H G I N I S E P O C S E L E T OXIDIZE The verb oxidize means to combine with oxygen. The copper pot began to oxidize and turn green. Try to use the word oxidize in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Vowel Planet That’s Strange Select ten words in today’s paper for which you know of words that rhyme. Glue each newspaper word onto a card. Then write the rhyming word on another card. Use your rhyming words cards to play “Go Fish” with a friend! What is one of the strangest things you have ever heard about? Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. The Summer Reading Program kicks off June 21st. Brought to you by the Cottage Grove Sentinel, and the Cottage Grove Public Library C ottage G rove S entinel