Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, April 05, 2017, Page 7A, Image 7

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A word from the
Dogs under construction
Construction safety offi -
cer, Pearl, wears a pink hard
hat while keeping work sites
in compliance with rules. She
monitors workers safety, and
when they are injured, she ap-
plies fi rst aid or calls 911. She
is a purr-fect multi-tasker as a
fl agger doing traffi c control,
guiding pedestrians, keep-
ing cars from colliding, all the
while supervising construction
materials; steel beams being off
loaded from trucks, cranes and
zoom booms.
During coffee breaks, Pearl
walks her two Chihuahuas, Bil-
ly and Pepe.
"My boss and the crew like
dogs," said Pearl. “One advan-
tage of having dogs on sight is
that when the offi ce is empty
Billy sounds his high pitched
bark-alarm when anyone enters.
Billy was my birthday pres-
ent. I found him on a dog adop-
tion sight, used GPS, and drove
1 ½ hours into the boonies for
Pepe, born in Oregon, was
fl own into Vancouver, Cana-
da on Christmas Eve. A lady
picked him up, then for some
unexplained reason, a day later,
dumped him off in a humane
shelter's parking lot after clos-
ing time.
“My friend fostered Pepe
for a week,” said Pearl, “then I
puppy-sat him while she was on
vacation. All the little guy want-
ed to do was hide. When my
friend returned to pick him up,
Pepe was sitting beside me, and
he squished into my side. It was
obvious that he wasn't planning
on leaving and he didn't!"
One day after work, her son,
Duncan, the dogs, and Pearl
were at a “Bark Park” when they
saw a crowd of people watching
a man trying to untangle a fl ap-
ping, upside down crow entan-
gled in fi shing line, from a tree.
Always ready to respond to
an emergency, she offered to
climb the tree. Duncan said,
“No! The bird will peck you to
Pearl, raised on a farm, knew
how to handle birds, so she said,
“Give me a boost up.” And up
she went.
At fi rst the frightened crow
pecked at her, but with her
knowing touch, he relaxed,
as she helped him. The other
crows, in the nearby trees, were
cawing up a symphony, but
none interrupted their buddy’s
rescue mission.
This was no easy task. While
untangling the bird, Pearl gen-
tly talked to it. The fi shing line
was wrapped tightly around a
branch and its right foot. Using
her “on the spot” safety skills,
she bit the line, breaking it, and
released its foot. The bird would
not put any weight on his sore
leg, so Pearl gently massaged
his leg and foot.
“His leg was loose and un-
responsive to my touch,” said
Pearl. “I worried it was broken
or that the circulation had been
cut off too long and died. After
the massage, he immediately
gripped my fi nger with the right
foot. The crowd and I were ju-
bilant that
it just need-
ed rest and
good for all
of us!”
the beau-
tiful wild-
black bird
fl ew away,
Pearl kissed
it on its
head. She
then opened
her hands.
The crow
spread his
wings and
fl ew away.
“I was
said Pearl.
rescuing a bird! Undeniably,
discarded fi shing lines harms
animals. I have seen a deer
struggling entangled in a wad of
line by its horns and right foot.
I trained my children to pick up
pop cans, plastic drinking pop
can holders, and plastic bags,
because discarded garbage
starves and kills land and sea
wild life.”
Pearl has two confessions,
“Pepe does the ‘grandpa dance.
He stands up on his hind legs,
tucks in his three chins, and
does a weird wiggle reminding
me of dancing grandpas at wed-
dings. And Pepe has a thing for
Victoria’s Secret! He eats my
underwear! Life with animals
never has dull moments!”
“At work, I keep my pockets
full of a variety of dog treats.
It is a win-win situation. I’ve
learned the pet parents and dogs’
names, the crew love dogs, and
the dogs love the treats!”
Share your pet tips and tales.
“Follow” Pet Tips ‘n’ Tales
on Facebook.
Humane Society for Neuter/
Spay Assistance Program. (541)
They say the only constant in life is change. That may be
true but you all have been incredibly patient with us as we re-
vamped, renewed and readied for the next 128 years.
Over the last three and a half months we have updated the
front page to refl ect the modern times we're in but without sac-
rifi cing where we came from and the century of public ser-
vice The Sentinel has completed for Cottage Grove. We've
done away with the Friday Update and replaced it with Capi-
tol Beat; a column that hopefully keeps you up-to-date on the
happenings at the state legislature and how the laws it passes
and debates can affect us here in Cottage Grove. We've be-
gun adhering to our century's-old commitment to cover North
Douglas County as well as Lane County and we no longer use
articles that were written outside of Cottage Grove and gleaned
from a third-party news site. In fact, our story count has in-
creased substantially and we seemed to have fi nally found a
proof-reading process that eliminates those pesky typos and
errors on the front page and throughout the paper.
We've made these changes with you, our readers, in mind,
striving to bring you accurate, sourced and local news that is
worth paying for and informs you on issues important to you
and this community. We hope you've come to appreciate The
Sentinel's transformation.
But now, we ask you to bear with us as we embark on the
home stretch of our renovation: a new website.
While we are excited about this new way to spread the news,
it's important to note that the changes come from the top. All
newspapers in our company have undergone a digital face lift
and as such, only so much of the design and user interaction
is under our control. That being said, we doubt their will be
any issues going forward. The new website is faster, cleaner,
easier to navigate and allows us to provide the entire news-
paper to our digital readers, as well as keep you updated on
news throughout the week. No more waiting until Wednesday
to read breaking news. Readers who subscribe will now be able
to read stories in a timely manner, view photo galleries and
watch video of public meetings and events when included in
the story.
If you're already a subscriber and we have your email, you're
covered. You will be able to access all of the stories, photos,
videos and audio on our new website. If you're not already a
subscriber, you will be able to view up to 10 stories per month
before we ask you to subscribe. However, some stories will be
behind a blocked pay wall you will not be able to reach even
if you have yet to use your free 10 stories. I promise they will
never be stories imperative to your safety and we will never
hide information about public meetings or breaking news that
is important to you. However, 'enterprise stories' such as 'The
top 10 cold cases in Cottage Grove' may end up behind that
hard wall. It's not imperative to your safety and it isn't a matter
of public health or knowledge but it sure would be fun to read.
And we want you to read it but we'd also love for you to sub-
scribe. It helps us keep the lights on and the presses running.
So that's it, we're in the home stretch. We hope you check
out the new site. Let us know what you think and if you'd like
to subscribe, come on in or call and we'll get you taken care of.
If not, you have 10 free stories to read a month. We hope you
enjoy them and continue to read The Sentinel.
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Additional Lyrics by John Kander and Rupert Holmes
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Music Direction by Chris Holt
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S entinel
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