4B COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL APRIL 5, 2017 © 2017 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 33, No. 17 Fritter has been saving towards a summer visit to Six Wags Amusement Park. He needs a total of $100.00. By saving and working hard, he now has $86.00! Will Fritter finally reach his big goal by earning money puppy-sitting? Fritter got a job watching his neighbor’s new puppy. It’s not always easy watching a playful pup, but Fritter earns $2.00 per hour. Look through the newspaper to find each of the following. Be sure to write down the page number where you found each one. Then write a sentence describing what you found. The clocks show Fritter’s starting and stopping time from Monday afternoon. 1. A way to make money: The clocks show Fritter’s starting and stopping time from Thursday afternoon. On Saturday, Fritter started work at 9:15 a.m. He worked two and a half hours. Draw the hands on these clocks to show his starting and stopping time. WHAT: PAGE #: SENTENCE: How long did he work? How long did he work? hour(s) and minutes hour(s) and How much did he earn? minutes How much did he earn? $ How much did he earn? $ How much did Fritter $ earn this week? $ How much longer does he need to work to reach his goal of $100.00? hrs Whoops! This pup thinks Fritter’s money is a chew toy. Help Fritter catch him before his money gets munched! 2. An ad placed by someone to sell something: WHAT: PAGE #: SENTENCE: 3. An ad placed by someone looking for work: WHAT: PAGE #: SENTENCE: Talk w i about th your pare s jobs th ome of the nts they w ey had whe n ere yo ung. Can you find the puppy that is different from all the others? How many chew bones can you find on this page? Can you yo find five y numbers in the num mb newspaper n ewsp pap that add up to exactly 100? ex Can you find 10 numbers numbe that add up to exactly 100? ex Can you find 15 numbers numbe that add up exactly 100? to ex Standards Link: Number Sense: Add sums up to 100. 4. A news story that mentions money: WHAT: PAGE #: SENTENCE: Charlotte and Olivia each brought $2.00 to their school’s spring carnival for snacks. Each of them bought one snack. Count their change to see who bought which snack. Charlotte’s change: Olivia’s change: Olivia bought: Charlotte bought: Find an article from the newspaper about a person you believe has achieved success. Write a list of things you think that person had to do to reach this moment of success. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. AMUSEMENT AFTERNOON NEIGHBOR QUARTER SUMMER CLOCKS MONEY TOTAL PUPPY CATCH GOAL WAGS CHEW DIME EARN C T H C E A R N A N L L N H Y E E R N E S G I E N G M E Y I A K N W M L M T P G This week’s word: E O C L A E U R P H The verb earn means to gain money in return for labor or services. M S P O A G S A U B I E G C L T S U P O D H C T A C O Q M R T N O O N R E T F A EARN Fritter earned a total of $14 watching the puppy. Try to use the word earn in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family. Imagine you found a money tree. What would it look like? How would you take care of it? What would you do with the money? Cottage Grove Sentinel + www.shoppelocal.biz