Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, March 08, 2017, Page 7A, Image 7

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Library hosts Native American day
By Cassidy Haffner
For The Sentinel
On Saturday March 4, people
of all different backgrounds came
together in the Cottage Grove Public Library to celebrate Native
American culture.
The eighth annual Native American Cultural Event was held in
memory of Roy Hayes Jr., who originally started the event. From
noon to 4 p.m., people from all around the community, and from all
around the state, gathered to listen to Native American stories and
music, eat food and make crafts.
“The library is always generous enough to help us put on this
event,” event coordinator Linda Gould said. “Every year we get to
celebrate Native American culture and bring people together be-
cause of it.”
Although the event takes place every year, this year’s was spe-
cifi cally dedicated to Hayes Jr., the great-great grandson of Chief
Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe, who passed away last fall.
“Today is in memory of him,” Meenakshi Key, who drove up
from Ashland for the event, said. “He always carried the original
ceremonies and connected traditions and people. We want to con-
tinue that for him.”
For the fi rst hour, people sat in a circle and shared their stories
about Hayes, as well as telling stories regarding their own culture
and how it has affected their lives.
A Pow Wow drum group played drums and sang. The song
“Whirlwind,” which is known for bringing people together, was
also played in memory of Hayes as it was one of his favorites.
“Before he passed, I remember him telling me, ‘This has to con-
tinue,’” Key said. “We want to be able to keep on passing down the
tradition to younger generations and to anybody who wants to know
about the culture.”
The library had Native items on display, laid out books on Native
American culture, and set up a teepee for event goers. Crafts people
also gave tips on beading and leatherworking as people made key-
chains and other art.
“We’ve always worked close with tribal nations, and today we
especially wanted to honor Roy Hayes,”community services direc-
tor Pete Barrell said. “It’s a day for the gathering of good people,
singing and food.”
The library looks forward to holding more cultural events in the
future to help educate and celebrate all different traditions.
“One of the goals for the library is to add cultural diversity to
the community, and this event does that,” Barrell said. “We bring
together friends and family to celebrate a great culture.”
The City of Cottage Grove obtained two new trucks for its fl eet at the start of the new year. The trucks were replacement equipment and one is the only
type of truck on the fl eet with four-wheel drive. The city was able to pig-
gy-back on Lane County's purchasing price to score the trucks for a deal.
The trucks were in the process of being repainted before heading out for duty
on the streets of Cottage Grove.
Bring in a grocery bag filled with
non-perishable food items
Food Drive starts
March 13th - March 24th.
1133 E. Main St
Cottage Grove
"I grew up watching western
cowboy actors," said Sonja, "fi lm-
ing at Movie Flats in Lone Pine,
I rode my mustang to the loca-
tions and enjoyed watching them
galloping and chasing, or being
chased by, 'the bad guys' mounted
on plain bay horses."
Years later, as Sonja was driv-
ing her newly adopted Bull Terri-
er puppy home they stopped in the
middle of "nowhere" for a stretch.
Sonja looked up and saw "a sign",
Just like that, the pup had a name!
It is a good thing that Sonja
became a vet technician, because
life with Target was never dull!
That dog plunged her and her vet
tech friend, Gayle (and her two Labradors) into some "real fi xes" on
their Las Vegas hikes.
Fortunately the lady's motto was "Be Prepared" and their fanny
packs held emergency items; hemostats, bandages, antihistamines,
dog booties, water canteens etc.!
Bull Terriers walk with their noses to the ground, never look-
ing UP! So Sonja's sons simply "hid" from Target by climbing a
tree! When the dog zeros in on something, she snatches it up. The
"fi rst time" she crunched on a beer bottle Sonja "about had a heart
On one hike, Target encountered the wrath of a cactus. This
"breed" of cactus is called the "jumping cholla" because its stinging
"pokies" jump from the plant with the merest touch, so the ground
around it is "littered" with its spiny thorns.
Neither of the hikers saw the dead cactus, and apparently, neither
did Target who ran right through it!
Sonja held Target as Gayle pulled the thorns out with the hemo-
stat! Thank goodness they were paw-fessionals!
"While rinsing Target off with a wet bandana," said Sonja, "I no-
ticed one Lab tilting her head 'funny'. I checked her ears and discov-
ered that a cactus had attacked her too! Luckily, nothing happened
to the third dog who was smarter than the fi rst two! After that hike,
we leashed our dogs and put them in booties!
One day, after SCUBA diving, as I placed my wet gear in the
bathtub, Target jumped in after them. She loved being dressed up,
the praise, and paw-forming for the camera, so I set her up by the
tub, slipped the mask on her, handed her the snorkel and snapped
her picture!
Another time, I put a French beret on her as she sat in a toddler's
car with her front paws on the steering wheel.
One year, Target won a football game's costume contest wearing
a red clown wig, with red lipstick circling her 'plain eye', a red four
inch ribbon encircled her rib cage holding a dozen bright helium
balloons fl ying above her! The audience had a fi t laughing as Target
bounced and bit those balloons to death!
Bull Terriers are a 200 lb dog compressed into a 40 lb bowling
ball of solid muscle! Target loves to take off running, in circles,
like a mad thing. Everyone gets out of her way, even my Rottwei-
ler, Thor! Thor sat on the couch watching her zoom under the cof-
fee table, end tables, and fl y back down the hall. If anyone walked
into the room, Target made a couple of barrel racing circles around
them, and then off she'd go, charging down the hallway again.
Five-years-old twins, who lived on a sheep ranch, were no help!
The girls would get on the fl oor with Target and both 'SIT UP',
so, Target would SIT UP. Then both girls 'Rolled Over', so Target
would too! We had to put the lid on 'SPEAK' because as the girls
barked, Target joined in, then their four Border Collies joined in,
too. Before we knew it, they would start a riot as coyotes joined
them! This upset the sheep, so it was banned. I will never forget
that dog!"
South Lane County Fire & Rescue:
Creswell Fire Station Advisory Committee.
South Lane County Fire & Rescue services a 132 square mile area for
Fire/Rescue/EMS services based on voter approved taxing rates, levies,
and bonds equaling $1.80/$1000, beginning with fi scal year 2016-2017.
Th e current voter approved permanent and levied rate is $1.50/$1000 of assessed
property value, including a house and fi ve acres within the District’s boundaries.
Th e District further provides advanced life support ambulance service to an area
totaling 850 square miles. Th e area outside the District’s 132 square mile area does
not provide tax revenue.Th e District operates from four fi re stations and staff s the
Cottage Grove and Creswell stations 24/7, with a combination of career/resident
and community volunteer personnel. Th e Saginaw station is staff ed 24/7 with off
duty residents and the Camas Swale station with community volunteers.
Th e District is managed by the Fire Chief who reports directly to the fi ve
member Board of Directors. All other District personnel report to
the Fire Chief utilizing a chain of command.
Th e district is seeking individuals who have the desire to contribute to ongoing
eff orts aimed at enhancing and improving fi re and EMS services in the
South Lane County community by serving as an advisory committee member for
replacing the District’s Creswell fi re station. Interested applicants must be at least
18 years of age, be an elector, or a property owner within the district. While any
person meeting the requirements may submit a letter of interest to the Board of
Directors, preference for appointment to the advisory committee may be given to
those within the Creswell area.
Interested persons should submit a letter of interest to the
SLCFR Board of Directors by close of business
"On hikes, my dog and I wear
bandanas," said Sonja, "for their
cost, they are invaluable in an
emergency! Mine is a 36" X 36"
square of fabric which can be:
soaked in water protecting the
head from sun, worn around the
neck to control sweat, used as
a leash or belt, support a twist-
ed/broken ankle, hold splints in
place, wipe off blood, a tourni-
quet, wrapped around a dog's
head to stem bleeding, protect
an eye poked by a branch, wrap
an injured paw if the dog steps
on glass, gets a rock bruise, or
breaks a toe nail."
Share your pet tips and tales.
Cottage Grov
Th ursday March 9, 2017.
Letters of interest may be hand delivered, mailed, or faxed to:
*Monthly membership fees also required and vary by location. Offer
based on first visit enrollment for a 12-month recurring billing fitness
membership. Valid at participating locations. Cannot be combined
with any other offer. No cash value. Expires 3/31/17. Bag must consist
of a standard paper grocery sack filled with non-perishable food
items. Donated food will be given to the charity of the club’s choice.
Ask your local club for more details.
South Lane County Fire & Rescue
Attn: Advisory Committee
233 E. Harrison Ave, Cottage Grove, OR 97424
Fax: 541-942-3367
Offi ce: 541-942-4493
Deadline for submitting a letter of interest is Th ursday March 9, 2017 by 5PM