4 - Healthy New Year | Cottage Grove Sentinel | January 25, 2017 HEALTHY NEW YEAR | BREAKING BAD HABITS Quit Smoking E ach year more than 160 million Americans make New Year’s resolutions. The American Lung Association reports that quitting smoking is the most common resolution. And according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there are 50 million more former smokers than current smokers. Those successful quitters have uti- lized high levels of determina- tion and developed a quit plan to kick the habit. Engage in some of these helpful tips to be smoke-free for the New Year. EFFECTIVE QUIT PLAN Many smokers who decide to use the cold turkey method — giving up cigarettes all at once — often fail. Quitting cold turkey will cause nicotine withdrawal symptoms that may include insomnia, irrita- bility, poor concentration and headaches. If you think these withdraw- als are too much for you, there are still effective ways to go about quitting. According to the CDC, a quit plan should include: • Picking a quit date. Plan to cut down on your level of nico- tine so you can meet your goal. © FOTOLIA • A support group. Telling family and friends about your decision will give them reason to help keep you motivated. • A list of reasons. Make a physical list of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Put this list in places where you tend to smoke more. FREE RESOURCES A support system is crucial in a fight against nicotine with- drawal. The CDC has listed a few helpful resources to use when you’re up against a crav- ing. 1-800-QUIT-NOW is a great service to offer coaching, assist in a quit plan and pro- vide you educational materials. Smokefree TXT is a text mes- sage service that will give you advice and motivation. Get in the habit of sending this ser- craving without the dangerous chemicals that come from MEDICAL ASSISTANCE burning cigarettes. There are many different Consult with your doctor to medications available to assist determine which product will in quitting smoking. The down- work best for you. There are side to some over-the-counter other prescription medications medicines is that you will still available that you can choose. rely on nicotine. Products such Talk to your doctor about the as patches or gums will release risks and benefits of each levels of nicotine in your before you begin your journey bloodstream to relieve the to become smoke-free. vice a text when you feel a craving come on.