Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, January 27, 2017, Image 25

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    School Zone
A monthly newsletter covering area schools
January 25, 2017
Harrison students
fi nd fun in science
Harrison Elementary was
abuzz after regular school
hours and a lot of learning
was still in progress.
The school hosted its own
“Math and Science Night”
that brought students and par-
ents together to learn.
Principal Heidi Brown
says the night was part of
Title One obligations and a
good way to promote family
“We’ve done several other
events and this one will high-
light the learning of math
and science,” Brown said.
Teachers at Harrison grouped
up according to the grade
level they teach and hosted
projects, experiments and
activities at different tables
in the Harrison gymnasium.
Some of the activities were
math-related such as geomet-
ric puzzles and other science-re-
lated activities included things
such as magnet manipulation,
fl oating boats, building cata-
pults or creating electricity with
One popular table was that
which held samples from the
school’s garden. The Branch
Road Farm educated students
on different plants and vegeta-
bles, broadening their diet hori-
zons. Andhi Reyna showed Har-
rison students what to look for
when harvesting vegetables and
also showed them soil microbes
under a microscope.
The event had two different
scheduled times (3 p.m. to 4
p.m. and 6 p.m. to 7 p.m.) as to
accommodate the schedule of
parents, who seemed to enjoy
the event just as much as the
young scholars.
SLSD's snow days
Teachers and students at Harrison Elementary welcomes parents on Jan. 19 to share
in a Math and Science night as part of the school's Title One obligations.
An update from Latham
The round-up on clubs and the winter weather
Latham School staff and stu-
dents are excited about the New
Year! We are getting back into
the swing of things and learning
in leaps and bounds! We start-
ed January with our Tuesday
Clubs: Wood Crafts (birdhous-
es), Board Games, Acting/Skits,
and Chess. If you would like to
be a part of this program, please
contact us at Latham. We thank
all of our volunteers who make
these clubs happen!
Ice and snow in December
forced us to move our Winter
Music Program to January 12.
We had a great turnout and all
of the students enjoyed shar-
ing their songs with family and
friends. We appreciate our Par-
ent Club that provides the funds
to make sure that music is a part
of the school week.
South Lane School District
had its fair share of snow days
after two winter storms blew
into the area within days of
The fi rst storm coming at
the tail end of December ex-
tended the traditional win-
ter break while South Lane
schools ranged from closed to
operating on two-hour delays
thanks to road conditions. Su-
perindentent Krista Parent was
unavailable as of press time to
discuss the effect the school
closures would have on the
remainder of the school year
Umpqua singers welcome Emerson
ROSEBURG, Ore. – The Umpqua Com-
munity College Fine and Performing Arts
Department presents AN INTIMATE EVE-
UMPQUA SINGERS on Feb. 3 at 7:30 p.m.
in the Danny Lang Event Center on the UCC
Campus. Internationally renowned composer
and arranger Roger Emerson will perform an
eclectic blend of folk, jazz and popular songs,
accompanied by Jason Heald and the Umpqua
Singers. This event is appropriate for all ages.
Wine will be available for purchase through
the Southern Oregon Wine Institute. Admis-
sion at the door is, $7.00 per person or $15.00
per family. For more information, contact 541-
Cottage Grove
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