Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, January 18, 2017, Page 5A, Image 5

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Cottage Grove Retrospective
A look back at a Sentinel story from 30 years ago
Jan. 21, 1987
Sentinel Publisher awarded First Citizen
Sentinel Publisher Bill Huyn-
ter, applauded for his leadership
in the city’s Expo 1986 effort
and his longtime commitment to
the community, was named Cot-
tage Grove’s 1986 First Citizen
Saturday Night.
Also awarded at the Cottage
Grove Area Chamber of Com-
merce’s 38th annual awards
dinner were Fred Kent and Leah
Cyrus, Kent received the Dis-
tinguished Community Service
Award and Cyrus was selected
as 1986 Junior First Citizen.
Cottage Grove Hospital was
honored as Business of the Year.
Hunter, 39, has been active
in community activities and
business affairs since moving
to Cottage Grove in 1972. He
became publisher of the Sen-
tinel in June 1982, succeeding
longtime publisher Leroy Zim-
While Hunter has been rec-
ognized for his work with local
service clubs, the chamber of
Bill Hunter
Leah Cyrus
Fred Kent
commerce and the United Way
during the past 15 years, it was
his leadership as chairman of the
city-appointed Expo 1986 Com-
mittee that earned him the cov-
eted award, said Jim Jentzsch,
1987 chamber president.
“More than anything, it was
the enthusiasm and spirit that he
was able to bring out in the peo-
ple of Cottage Grove through
Expo” that earned him the
award, Jentzsch said.
“That and his continual sup-
port of community projects.”
The nine-month expo effort
included planning and presenta-
tion of a one-day display in the
Oregon Pavillion at Vancouver,
B.C. world’s fair. The exhibit
was displayed on July 5, desig-
nated as “Cottage Grove Day”
at the pavilion, but its effect was
longer lasting.
The League of Oregon Cities
and the Oregon Pavilion staff
judged the Cottage Grove ex-
Jan. 9
Criminal Mischief, Bohe-
mia Park
A complainant reported that
his kids just came home and
told him there was a subject tag-
ging the playground equipment
with spray paint. The kids gave
no subject description. Offi cers
responded and determined there
was dried pink paint on a door,
table and playground equipment
that appears fairly old. Offi cers
contacted CG Public Works to
review the park surveillance
Criminal Mischief, S. 15th
A caller reported that an un-
known subject slashed her rear
tiers on her vehicle while parked
in her driveway overnight. Offi -
Cottage Grove Police Department 24-Hour Anonymous Tip Line: 767-0504
cers contacted that complainant
for additional information and
determined the estimated dam-
age to the rear tires to be ap-
proximately $200.
Civil Problem, Polk Ave.
A complainant advised police
that her father has taken her ve-
hicle and began making threats
to burn it to the ground. The
complainant advised that the fa-
ther has had permission to use
the vehicle in the past.
Jan. 10
Domestic Disturbance, The
A bartender from the business
advised police of fi nding a note
left on the bar by a female that
suggested the possibility of do-
mestic violence. The bartender
We got fen
Disturbance, S. Fourth St.
A complainant advised that
there was a person yelling at
someone in a vehicle. The per-
son in the vehicle yelled at a
subject to get back in the vehi-
cle. Police determined that there
was no assault witnessed and
the confrontation was verbal
Jan. 11
Welfare Check, Bennett
Creek Rd.
A subject called South Lane
Mental Health and said he was
going to shoot himself. It was
unknown if he was intoxicated,
but he sounded very agitated. It
has been reported that he has a
gun in the household.
Property Found, E. Wash-
ington Ave.
Public Works found miscel-
laneous clothing: Adidas shoes,
khaki pants, socks, a scarf, two
sleeping bags, two plastic con-
tainers, a loaf of bread, forks
and spoons, mule tape and a
blue hoody. The property has
been bagged up and is located at
Public Works.
Cedar Fencing
Flat top $1.89ea
Dog Eared $1.99ea
Full 3/4” thick
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79149 N. River Road
also gave information concern-
ing the vehicle involved. Police
didn’t fi nd the matching vehicle
on an area check.
FRIDAY Jan. 20
49 | 42°
48° | 38°
Mostly Cloudy
SUNDAY Jan. 22
42° | 33°
45° | 33°
MONDAY Jan. 23
43° | 28°
41° | 29°
Jan. 13
Suspicious Subjects, S.
Sixth St.
A caller advised that two male
subjects were going door to door
on Goddard Ln. trying to sell
windows. However, the subjects
were being very aggressive and
looking in windows and bang-
ing on doors. Offi cers advised
that the subjects are in the coun-
ty and appear to be clear.
Property Found, E. Main
St. PD
An offi cers requested a case
number for found property. The
offi cer found one black-knit
facemask that was found in the
patrol room. The property was
fi led for evidence.
Suspicious Vehicle, E. Ad-
ams Ave.
A caller advised that a Camry
or a Corolla type of vehicle was
parked in front of the church
that has the dash lights on but
nothing else and does not ap-
pear to be occupied. The car had
been there for approximately 45
minutes. The complainant was
concerned due to recent drug
and theft activity in the area.
Jan. 14
Hit & Run, Gateway Blvd.
A manager of a local business
called police advising of a hit
and run that occurred earlier in
the morning. The victim was at
work at Safeway and the suspect
guest checked out this morning.
Offi cers located the vehicle in
the parking lot of Safeway and
took the case for a hit and run.
Property Recovered, Gresh-
am PD
Gresham police advised that a
stolen gun referenced in a local
case has been recovered in their
city. Detectives held the gun as
evidence for the time being until
it was cleared.
Death Investigation, Taylor
A caller reported that his
friend appears to be deceased.
The 54 year old male was not
conscious and not breathing.
The victim has had diabetic
problems. Medics pronounced
the subject deceased at 12:26
From the City
of Cottage
Grove Friday
Something Got a Little Hot in City Hall
On Thursday, January 12, 2017 a circuit breaker for some of the
electrical in the Public Works Department was tripped due to staff
moving equipment in the offi ce to a different outlet. While visiting
the electrical room to reset the breaker, a very strong odor of burn-
ing/melting metal was detected. Staff began exploring the wealth
of panels and brought in assistance from the City’s electrician. The
tripped breaker was quickly determined to not be the cause or even
related to the odor when the case to the transfer switch was opened
and identifi ed as the source of the odor. The electrician and staff
quickly identifi ed a major problem with the connection of the main
electrical line into the building. Using a heat sensor the connection
was shown to be at least 300 degrees.
All equipment in the City Hall was shut down and staff were sent
home. The 911 center was moved to the backup center, fi ber and IT
staff were notifi ed, Territorial Seed was contacted, currently housed
inmates were moved outside, the backup generator was disconnect-
ed and all electrical service was terminated in 15 minutes. When
the service was terminated the bolt holding the connection to the
panel was actually glowing red. Repairs were completed by 5:00
pm. No other damages occurred. The event provided an excellent
opportunity to try out some emergency procedures and equipment.
City/County Insurance Visit
The City Manager, Police Chief and Captain Gagner met with
Dunny Sorenson from City/County Insurance and Dave Nelson
the Public Safety Risk Management Offi cer from City/County In-
surance joined the discussion by phone to discuss the restrictions
established by legislation or court cases on towing or impounding
vehicles. The City will be working with CIS and others to try to de-
velop some tools to help improve public safety. Following the dis-
cussion the City Manager and Dunny met separately and reviewed
the City’s risk management practices.
Chamber of Commerce Banquet
The Cottage Grove Chamber of Commerce will be holding their
annual Awards and Installation Banquet in the Cottage Grove Ar-
mory on Saturday, January 21st. The social activities begin at 5:00
pm with the banquet and program starting at 6:00 pm. Anyone still
interested in attending should contact the Chamber of Commerce.
Howard Retirement Countdown
On January 27th at 6:00 pm in the Cottage Grove Armory, the
City will be holding a special countdown ceremony for Howard
Schesser is retiring from the City of Cottage Grove on January 31st.
The cost for dinner is $23. Anyone wishing to attend, should con-
tact the City Recorder, Trudy before Friday, January 20th.
Relay For Life
The South Lane County Relay for Life will be holding their an-
nual kick-off event at the Cottage Grove on Saturday, January 28th
beginning at 5:00 pm. Anyone wishing to attend the family friend-
ly event should register for Relay for Life at
cottagegroveor or contact southlanerfl
Legislative Preview
The Blackberry Pie Society will be hosting a discussion with for-
mer legislator Tony Corcoran about the upcoming legislative ses-
sion in the Cottage Grove Armory on Tuesday, January 17th from
6:30 to 8:00 pm.
Police Interviews
Written testing and interviews were conducted on Monday, Janu-
ary 9th for potential police offi cers. The next step in the process is
the Chief's interviews with the top four candidates going forward.
These interviews will be completed by Friday, January 20, 2017.
Brightening Lives One Smile at a Time
Cottage Grove
Incomplete 911 call, Ash
A woman was initially heard
screaming on the fi rst call. On
a callback, the female advised
that her two year old grandson
got a hold of the phone, and
it did not appear to match the
screaming on the initial call.
was a three-term board mem-
ber of the United Way of Lane
County representing the Cot-
tage Grove area. He received
a graphics award for designing
the countywide campaign bro-
chure in 1978.
He is a former member and
past president of the Cottage
Grove Lions Club, and is a pres-
ent member of the Rotary Club.
Other community involvement
projects have included the “Yes
for Schools” campaign follow-
ing the 1976 schools closure,
various efforts to pass city and
school budgets, and the current
“Buy a Brick, Build a Bridge”
fund drive for the downtown pe-
destrian covered bridge.
He was one of the founders
of the American Field Services
Crafts Fair.
Hunter also was recognized
for his newspaper editorials,
which have gained state and na-
tional recognition.
Douglas G. Maddess, DMD
Sex Offender Registration,
E. Main St. PD
A man at the police depart-
ment came in to register as a sex
offender. The information was
sent via secure website. Infor-
mation regarding sex offenders
in the area can be found online.
hibit as the best of any individu-
al city presented at the pavilion.
“That type of recogni-
tion brings people to Cottage
Grove,” Jentzsch said.
Hunter and other members
of the city committee received
certifi cates at the dinner from
Mayor Jim Gilroy. The certifi -
cates, from the state Department
of Economic Development and
signed by former Gov. Victo-
ry Atiyeh, went to Hunter, Jim
Reeves, Diane O’Renick, Diane
Higgins, Pam Baysinger, Pat
Zeller and Alan Bair.
Hunter has been a chamber
Advisory Board member since
1982 and has been on vari-
ous chamber committees and
fund-raising projects. He cur-
rently serves as vice president
of the Cottage Grove Hospital
Board of Directors, and previ-
ously served as the board’s sec-
A former United Way fund
drive chairman, Hunter also
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