6A COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL JANUARY 11, 2017 Chatterbox BY BETTY KAISER For the Sentinel Birthdays, life and love A perspective on growing older I remember when I was young and always looking forward to my January 13th birthdays. Celebrating a birthday meant bringing cupcakes and Kool-Aid to my fi rst grade class. It meant a birth- day party at home with presents, games and (of course) my favorite birthday cake. It meant turning 16 years old and being allowed to date boys. It meant getting married at 19 and at 21, being legally allowed to vote and drink a cocktail in a fancy restaurant. Until recently, the only birthday that I really didn’t like was the year I turned 30 years old. For some reason, leaving my 20’s was scary. It meant that I was no longer young (little did I know how young that was). Of course, I survived turning 30 and I didn’t fear aging in my 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. Turning 70 didn’t even bother me. Each of life’s milestones was good. There was always a reason to be going forward—raising children from infancy to adulthood, welcoming their spouses and each new grandchild, establishing a business, volunteering, serving in the church, traveling the world, moving to a dream house and job in Oregon. I felt blessed. It was a fall on the ice in January of 2012 and a fractured back that brought me up short and said, “You’re getting old.” Not “older” but “old. Surgery helped repair the crushed bones but the residual effect of that hard fall was chronic pain. I had lots of time on my hands that winter to think about the ramifi cations of aging and it was sobering. I quickly came to the conclusion that it’s not looking older that bothers me. All this gray hair and wrinkles has its advantages. I never have to worry about opening a heavy door to enter a business or restaurant. People will stop; open the door and say, “After you.” I fi nd that young children in strollers will smile and wave at me as I walk by. At the same time, they look at their parent, smile and say, “Grandma.” No, the thing that bothers me the most about aging is the physical limitations. Myself, friends and family are having hips and knees replaced, heart surgeries, cancer treatments, losing spouses or downsizing houses because they can’t take care of them. Some are no longer driving because of eyesight and refl ex problems. Some of us just need help getting out of bed in the morning! Oy! My Achilles Heel is poor balance. If I fall down, I break some- thing. No matter how much physical therapy I endure, falls and breakage keep happening. It started with a compound fracture of my left arm as a teenager. Longtime readers will remember my fall- ing off an 8 ft. tall ladder and nearly cracking my skull open. Twice I slipped and broke bones in my right foot. The 70’s have included a fall that completely tore my ACL with complications from a frac- tured back. Last year was a hard year for many of us. It is diffi cult to laugh and enjoy life during pain and suffering. Suddenly I felt old. My husband had serious health issues, I lost several dear friends and the world’s suffering was hard to comprehend. The appointments on our calendar were mostly to doctors or hospitals. Something had to change. Fun needed to make a comeback. Then I read this piece of wisdom: “You don’t stop laughing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop laughing.”—Michael Pritchard Ah, ha! I don’t know who Michael Pritchard is but he’s a wise man. I looked up laughter as medicine and was reminded that while laughter can’t save us from getting old, it can make aging palatable. Although not all researchers agree, most believe that humor helps people of all ages cope with stress and keeps our immune system healthy. This quote from a cancer researcher really hit home: “Humor works like a shock absorber in a car,” he says. “You ap- preciate a good shock absorber when you go over bumps and cancer is a big bump in life.” So my goal for this birthday year is to install new shock absorb- ers. It is said that children laugh 300 times a day. We adults laugh only a few times a day— maybe 4. I think it’s time to up the ante at our house and start looking for the funny side of everyday life. We need to exchange more jokes and less bad news. Following are a few comic one-liners from readers that started me giggling. You know you’re older when: *You’re startled the fi rst time you’re asked if you’re a “senior.” *Your children begin to look middle aged. *Your back goes out more often than you do. *You sit in a rocking chair and you can’t get it going. * Your mind makes contracts your body can’t meet. *You fi nally reach the top of the ladder and it’s the wrong wall. *The little grey haired lady you help across the street is your wife. *You have a party and the neighbors don’t even know it. *My favorite: People call at 9 a.m. and ask, “Did I wake you?” So, dear readers, here’s the deal. We can’t stop the aging process but we can put it into perspective. Then we can offset and absorb some of life’s shocks and discomfort by laughing at a good joke long and often. It works for me. Try it and let me know how it works for you. And by all means, share the fun with friends, family and me. Kathryn’s Care Local & Reliable In Home Private Elder Care Giving. Simply the best, most trusted and affordable In-Home Care in the area since 1998 Call: 541-556-4470 for free consultation We beat other Elder Care companies prices! House Cleaning Services also available & more affordable than most P.S. Happy Birthday to my fellow Capricorns! Kathryn Rogers, CNA Trained, Owner/ KathrynsCare@gmail.com Betty Kaiser’s Chatterbox is about people, places, family, and other matters of the heart. Contact her at 942-1317 or via e-mail — bchatty@bettykaiser.com Visit KathrynsCare.com to see testimonials! Douglas G. Maddess, DMD 2015 e Grove Cottag ber m a h C merce of Com FAMILY AND GENERAL DENTISTRY Their first steps. Their first car. Their first day of college. Brightening Lives One Smile at a Time s Busines of the Year ฀ ฀ ฀ LOW COST ฀ ฀ ฀ Matt Bjornn ChFC RICP, Agent 1481 Gateway Blvd Cottage Grove, OR 97424 Bus: 541-942-2623 www.bjornninsurance.com ฀ ฀ Local & Metro Weekday Trips Professional Caring Staff ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ 1RPDWWHUZKDW´ÀUVWµ FRPHVQH[WLQ\RXUNLGV· OLYHV,FDQKHOS\RXEHUHDG\ $VNPHDERXWDXWRORDQV VDYLQJVDFFRXQWVFROOHJH VDYLQJVDQGPRUH &$//0(72'$< Your Regional Public Transportation Service No elgibility requirements. 541-942-0456 southlanewheels.org ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ ฀ See our new website: douglasgmaddessdmd.com 1501151 6WDWH)DUP%ORRPLQJWRQ,/ W orship D irectory DRAIN: Gateway Family Fellowship Church of the Nazarene 337 “C” St. Drain, OR Sunday School 9:30am Worship 10:45am Living Hope Free Lunch Wed. at 12:30pm 541-836-7051 www.drainnaz.org HOPE U.M.C. 131 W “A” St. Drain, OR 541-315-1617 Pastor: Lura Kidner-Miesen Bible Study: 10:45am Potluck Lunch: 11:45 Worship: 12:30pm COTTAGE GROVE: 6th & Gibbs Church of Christ 195 N. 6th St. • 541-942-3822 Pastor: Aaron Earlywine Youth & Families Pastor: Seth Bailey Services: 9am and 10:30am Christian Education Nursery for pre-k - 3rd Grade www.6thandgibbs.com Calvary Baptist Church 77873 S 6th St • 541-942-4290 Pastor: Riley Hendricks Sunday School: 9:45am Worship: 11:00am The Journey: Sunday 5:00pm Praying Thru Life: Wednesday 6:00pm Calvary Chapel Cottage Grove 1447 Hwy 99 (Village Plaza) 541-942-6842 Pastor: Jeff Smith Two Services on Sun: 9am & 10:45am Youth Group Bible Study Child Care 10:45am Service Only www.cgcalvary.org Center for Spiritual Living Cottage Grove 700 Gibbs Ave. (Community Center) Rev. Bobby Lee Meets Sunday 3:00 p.m. cslcottagegrove@gmail.com First Presbyterian Church 3rd and Adams St • 541-942-4479 Pastor: Karen Hill Worship: 10:00am Sunday School: 10:00am www.cgpresbynews.com Old Time Gospel Fellowship 103 S. 5th St. • 541-942-4999 Pastor: Jim Edwards Sunday Service: 10:00am Join us in Traditional Christian Worship Church of Christ 420 Monroe St • 541-942-8565 Sunday Service: 10:30am Grove Community Church 77820 Mosby Creek Rd. Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541-942-0123 Pastor: Bryan Parsons Worship: 10:30 a.m. Nursery: Infant - Pre-K Kidʼs Church: K to 5th grade Our Lady of Perpetual Help and St. Philip Benizi Catholic Churches 1025 N. 19th St. 541-942-3420 / 541-942-4712 Pastor: Roy L. Antunez, S.J. Euch. Liturgies; Sat. 5:30pm Sun. 10:30am St. Philip Benizi, Creswell: 552 Holbrock Lane • 541-895-8686 Sunday: 8:30am Cottage Grove Bible Church 1200 East Quincy Avenue 541-942-4771 Pastor:Bob Singer Worship 11am Sunday School:9:45am AWANA age 3-8th Grade, Wednesdays Sept-May, 6:30pm www.cgbible.org Cottage Grove Faith Center 33761 Row River Rd. • 541-942-4851 Lead Pastor: Isaac Hovet www.cg4.tv Summer Schedule: Sunday Service 10am Full Childrenʼs Ministry available Covered Bridge Nazarene Church 152 S. M St. 541-942-4422 Pastor: Cindy Slaymaker Sunday School: 9:30am Worship 10:30am Delight Valley Church of Christ 33087 Saginaw Rd. East 541-942-7711 Pastor: Bob Friend Two Services: 9am - Classic in the Chapel 10:30am - Contemporary in the Auditorium Hope Fellowship United Pentecostal Church 100 S. Gateway Blvd. • 541-942-2061 Pastor: Dave Bragg Worship: 11:00am Sunday Bible Study: 7:00pm Wednesday www.hopefellowshipupc.com “FINDING HOPE IN YOUR LIFE” Living Faith Assembly 467 S. 10th St. • 541-942-2612 Pastor Rulon Combs Worship & Childrenʼs Church 10:00 am Youth 180 Mondays 5:30-8pm Non-Denominational Church of Christ 1041 Pennoyer Ave * 541-767-0447 Preachers: Tony Martin & Robert Evans Sunday Bible Study:10:00am Sunday Worship:10:50am & 5:30pm www.pennoyeravecoc.com St. Andrews Episcopal Church 1301 W. Main • 541-767-9050 Rev. Lawrence Crumb “Church with the fl ags.” Worship: Sunday 10:30am All Welcome Seventh-day Adventist Church 820 South 10th Street 541-942-5213 Pastor: Kevin Miller Bible Study: Saturday, 9:15 am Worship Service: Saturday, 10:40 am Mid-week Service: Wednesday, 1:00 pm Trinity Lutheran Church 6th & Quincy • 541-942-2373 Pastor: James L. Markus Sunday School & Adult Education 9:15am Sundway Worship 10:30 am Comm. Kitchen Free Meal Tue & Thur 5:00pm TLC Groups tlccg.com United Methodist Church 334 Washington • 541-942-3033 Pastor:Lura Kidner-Miesen Worship: 10:30am Comm. Dinner (Adults $5, Kids Free) 2nd & 3rd Monday 5-6:00pm cottagegroveumc.org “VICTORY” Country Church 913 S. 6th Street • 541-942-5913 Pastor: Barbara Dockery Worship Service: 10:00am Message: 11:00am “WE BELIEVE IN MIRACLES” Our Worship Directory is a weekly feature in the newspaper. If your congregation would like to be a part of this directory, please contact the Cottage Grove Sentinel at 541-942-3325.