Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, November 30, 2016, Image 25

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    School Zone
A mont hly newslet t er cover ing ar ea schools
N ovember 30, 2016
Spooks and Howls at
the Dorena Halloween
There were witches,
zombies, gypsies and
even a shark at the Hal-
loween Parade. The staff
joined the students in the
Hokie Pokie while the
middle school judged the
costumes. Afterwards the
preschool students got to
parade through the class-
rooms. We had so much
Preschool Openings !!!
STOP and check-out this
CAN'T MISS opportu-
nity! There are 3 FREE
Preschool Promise slots
available at the following
1 open spot
37141 Row River Rd,
Dorena, OR 97434
2 open spots
721 S R St, Cottage
Grove, OR 97424
Class times:
M,T,H,F: 9:00-2:30 &
Wed: 9:00-1:30
If you would like an ap-
plication, please contact:
Ann Salminen, Preschool
Promise Coordinator
Phone: 541-741-6000
Email: education@united-
Grocery Outlet Gives
Back to Bohemia
We received our first two
checks from the Grocery
Outlet Share Program!
The money helps sup-
port student activities.
Remember that Bohemia
earns money each time
you shop at Grocery
Outlet and use your share
card. If you need more
information about the
share program contact the
Bohemia office at 541-
ATA Martial Arts Guest
Helping Children Build
Erin Lauraine has a
passion for helping chil-
dren build confidence.
She volunteered two full
days to work with ev-
ery PE class on building
self-esteem. Every child
received a sticker good
for 1 week free at Lau-
raine’s ATA. Please call
541 942-0215. She is a
champion for children and
believes self-confidence
is the best defense against
being bullied. Thanks
Box Tops & Labels For
Each year we collect Box
Tops and Campbell’s
Soup Food labels. Our
school earns over $250
per year turning these in.
There is a Fall Collection
and a Spring Collection.
We have to turn in our
next collection in Novem-
ber. Please remember to
turn in these labels and
send them to school. We
will be sending home
sheets for students to
paste their tops on each
month. Every little bit
South Lane School
District Will Take Your
Nominations Now
Nomination Form Avail-
able for
Teacher & Classified of
the Year Awards
South Lane School Dis-
trict and the Cottage
Grove Area Chamber of
Commerce want to recog-
nize teachers and classi-
fied employees for their
outstanding work that
benefits our students. A
teacher and classified em-
ployee of the year will be
chosen in December, and
will be recognized at the
annual Chamber of Com-
merce Dinner on January
21st 2017. Last year over
30 nominations were sub-
mitted. One of the great
things about nominating
someone is that every
nominee will be notified
of their nomination and
will be given pages 2 and
3 of the nomination form.
Take a moment and recog-
nize someone in South
Lane School District for
the their great work in
helping kids succeed. The
deadline for submitting a
nomination is Thursday,
December 8th.
Cottage Grove High
The month of October
featured several events
focused on career and col-
lege readiness. Below is
a snapshot of happenings
that embody our mis-
sion to put students first
and make CGHS a place
where students want to be.
Day of Testing: There is
some testing on this day
but it is mostly about
college-and-career explo-
Perfection: Lions Varsity
football finishes 8-0 for
the first time in school
Colt Gill Visits: Chief Ed-
ucation Officer Colt Gill
visited CGHS to speak
with student and com-
munity members about
improving student oppor-
tunities and success.
Equity Lens: Staff mem-
bers are participating in
Equity Reads to learn
more about supporting all
to expand our existing
SLSD Family Resource
Center, Peggy’s Primary
Connection, was recently
awarded by the Oregon
Community Foundation.
This $100,000 Commu-
nity Wellness Grant was
awarded to one recipient
in Lane County to target
“Maternal Health”. We
are excited about the
award and will share more
information as we move
Food Service
As part of the Healthy,
Hungry-Free Kids Act,
the USDA has established
The Graduation of our
training requirements for
KITS Cohort - 4 KITS
all school nutrition em-
classes of kindergarteners ployees. The number of
and their parents will be
training hours varies for
graduating the week of
four staffing levels.
November 1st through
Director 12 hours
November 7th. We are
Manager 10 hours
beginning recruitment for All other staff 6 hours
the 2017 cohort in Janu-
Part time staff (working
less than 20 hours a week)
4 hours
Preschool Promise Update We have covered several
- We are serving 34 chil-
topics in our trainings so
dren & families between
far this year. Along with
the Bohemia & Dorena
the basic training we offer
preschool sites. We are
every year (child abuse,
learning more about serv- employee sexual conduct
ing preschoolers every
and civil rights) we have
also offered classes on
Farm to School, Active
ESL Preschool and Par-
shooter response training
enting Program - We
(ALICE) and Point of
began the year with a
Service Cashier training
full house of 17 ESL 3
which included a National
and 4 year olds and their
School Lunch requirement
parents. This amazing
overview. So far we have
program will be mirroring had good participation in
the learning targets of Pre- all of the trainings. Part of
school Promise, as well as the PD also included the
providing a rich parenting Food Service Staff vis-
iting Mike Satterstrom’s
Delight Valley Farm.
A NEW family support
grant!! - A grant proposal
Post Election Day Sharing and
Our Continued Commitment
A message from
SLSD Superintendent
Krista Parent
good of all individuals.
Kids have come to many
of us and expressed sig-
Dear South Staff, Students nificant concerns about
and Families,
their own well being. The
United States Constitution
The election on Tuesday
guarantees that we are all
has created a wide array
equal in rights and dignity,
of feelings and emotions
and have the freedom of
across the country, in Or-
worship and expression.
egon, and in South Lane
Equity and respect for all
School District. Some
individuals – even those
are happy with the results who have opinions vastly
of the election, some are
different from our own
shook and some have
- will continue to be a
mixed emotions. For some core value in South Lane
of the results it might be
School District.
easy to become cynical
and lose hope. “The worst Here are a few thoughts
thing that can happen in a that were shared with me
democracy – as well as in when talking to my col-
an individual’s life – is to leagues over the last few
become cynical about the days . . .
future and lose hope.”
“Our purpose is un-
I have spoken to many
changed . . . we must
people in South Lane and provide a safe and caring
throughout the state in the place for young people to
days since the election.
grow in knowledge and
Many of these conver-
sations re-emphasized
the need for all of us to
“I know Oregonians care
step up for our kids and
about their kids but we
the future of this coun-
just haven’t gotten the
try. Though the political
message right – YET” (in
climate feels fractured, we reference to the failure of
must come together and
BM 97).
work toward the common
“We have to do whatever
it takes to help people
come together.”
Measures 97 and 98 will
cause some significant
financial challenges for all
of us. We will learn more
in the coming days about
the details. The Governor
will release her 2017-19
budget on December 1st.
Estimates currently show
the state’s budget to be
$1.4-1.6 billion short of
current service levels.
Until then know that I am
thinking, problem solv-
ing and giving my best
every waking moment to
support our kids and all
of you. This will never
change. As always, I wel-
come your input.
In South Lane we will
continue to be guided by
and stand for our core
beliefs and values:
Kids Come First!
Decision Making is Stu-
dent Centered
Kids Learn Best When
They Want to be at School
Stand Together With Me,
Take Us Back
to College
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