10B COTTAGE GROVE SENTINEL Nov. 30, 2016 Posting Date November 28, 2016 1. FOOD & DRINK: What is another name for the filbert nut? 2. TELEVISION: What was Chan- dler’s last name on the comedy series “Friends”? 3. ARCHITECTURE: Who designed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C.? 4. LANGUAGE: Where did the term “the blind leading the blind” originate? 5. MYTHOLOGY: In one of Hercules’ fabled labors, he had to slay a beast that kept sprouting new heads. What was its name? 6. U.S. CITIES: What city carries the nickname “Iron City”? 7. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: The direction of starboard on a boat means what? 8. LITERATURE: What famous Latin American author wrote the novel “The General in his Labyrinth”? 9. MUSIC: Where did the Rolling Stones get their name? 10. MONEY: Prior to the euro, what was the name of Greece’s currency? © 2016 King Features Synd., Inc. Trivia Test Answers 1. Hazelnut 2. Bing 3. Architect Maya Lin 4. Hindu texts, the Upanishads. The phrase also appears in the Bible. 5. Hydra 6. Pittsburgh 7. The right side of a boat when looking forward 8. Gabriel Garcia Marquez 9. From a Muddy Waters blues song 10. The drachma Cottage Grove Sentinel + www.shoppelocal.biz