Cottage Grove sentinel. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1909-current, November 23, 2016, Page 1E, Image 37

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Why shopping local matters
t’s easy to forget that
shopping local helps your
community and state in
many, many ways. From
tax dollars to supporting
mom-and-pop businesses,
the benefi ts are myriad.
Spend local and more
stays local
Numerous studies have
analyzed the way money
recirculates, and most
agree that money spent
locally has a much higher
chance of staying in the
A study commissioned
by the British Columbia
division of the Canadian
Union of Public Employ-
ees found that for every
$1 million in sales, in-
dependent retail stores
generate $450,000 in local
economic activity, com-
pared to just $170,000
for chains. Among res-
taurants, the fi gures are
$650,000 for independents
and $300,000 for chains.
Across both sectors, this
translates into about 2.6
times as many local jobs
created when spending
is directed to indepen-
dent businesses instead of
chains. Th e study con-
cludes that a shift of just
10 percent of the market
from chains to indepen-
dents would produce
31,000 jobs paying $940
million in annual wages to
more stable jobs
Economists at Yale Uni-
versity and the University
of Bristol found that in
times of high unemploy-
ment, small businesses
both retain and create
more jobs than large
fi rms. During the reces-
sion of March 2008 to
March 2009, the employ-
ment growth rate of large
employers fell 1.65 percent
more than the growth rate
of small employers, com-
pared with the previous
year. In every other reces-
sion and recovery period
in the study’s sample, large
fi rms took years to recover
relative to small fi rms.
It’s better for
the community
A study by a professor at
Baylor University found
strong positive relation-
ships between local
ownership, fi rm size and
employee loyalty, which
they refer to as organiza-
tional commitment.
Using data from a nation-
ally representative public
opinion survey, the study
found that 57.2 percent of
small fi rm workers scored
in the highest commit-
ment category, compared
to 40.5 percent of large
fi rm workers. Th ey found
a similar relationship
for ownership, with 56
percent of workers at lo-
cally owned fi rms having
high commitment scores,
compared with just 38.7
percent of workers at non-
locally owned fi rms.
When the researchers
plotted the scores on a
16-point commitment
scale, the authors found
that, together, the two
civic measures accounted
for as much as a 1.7 point
increase in organizational
commitment, eff ects.
Connect Locally
It might seem like some-
thing out of a Norman
Rockwell painting, but hit-
ting downtown to do some
shopping really can help
put you in the Christmas
spirit and provide a deeper
connection with your local
Most towns decorate the
downtown streets, and
many shops do holiday-
themed window displays
to attract shoppers. Yes,
you should spend some
money while you’re out (it
helps the local economy,
aft er all), but just hitting
the streets to do some
window shopping is a
great way to bond with
your family and friends
during Christmas.
Hit the streets
When you’re ramping up
your Christmas shopping
strategy, set aside a Satur-
day, or aft ernoon, to park
(or walk, if you’re close
enough) into your clos-
est shopping district and
start exploring. You might
fi nd a store you’ve never
seen, or at least make an
eff ort to visit a store you
don’t frequent very oft en.
It’s a great chance to look
for unique gift s, while also
getting to know your own
town a little bit better.
Make it a family bonding
Even if you don’t actually
pick up any gift s while
the kids (or spouse) are
with you, hitting the local
stores to scout out gift
options is a great way to
just spend some time with
your family. Tell your kids
stories about unique fi nds
in the antique store, or let
them make a list of gift
options while perusing
the aisles at a downtown
general store.
If you’re shopping for
adults, it can also give you
a chance to glance into lo-
cal downtown boutiques.
It just feels like Christmas
Walking the streets in
downtown, with a chill in
the air in November or
December, as the Christ-
mas lights twinkle around
the street lights and in
the windows, just feels
quintessentially Christ-
mas. It evokes the visuals
and emotions from classic
holiday fi lms like Miracle
on 34th Street, and is just
a great tradition to add to
the Christmas season.
Black Friday
Small Business
Saturday Sale
10 to 30% off
your entire
Sip on warm cider and
enjoy a cookie while you
shop at Cottage Grove’s
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Florist & Gift Boutique
with so much more!
The Flower Basket
and Gift Boutique
119 South 6th Street • Cottage Grove
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Family owned since 1971 • Rob Scoggin • (541) 942-8711 • Fax (541) 942-7181
615 Main Street • Cottage Grove •